thekingdomofcarolina · 6 months
Taubestadt Herald-Zeitung
National Arts and Culture Ministry Established to Promote Blue Ridge Heritage
Taubestadt, NCA, April 13th, 2024.
In a move aimed at preserving and promoting the rich cultural heritage of the Blue Ridge Republic, the government has announced the establishment of a National Arts and Culture Ministry. This ministry will focus on celebrating and nurturing traditional Blue Ridge culture and art forms, ranging from foodways and folk songs to quilting and storytelling.
The newly appointed Deputy Minister for Public Arts and Enrichment, Tetiana Haldekova, expressed her enthusiasm for the ministry's mission. "Our cultural heritage is a treasure trove of traditions, stories, and artistry that deserve to be cherished and celebrated," she remarked. "Through this ministry, we aim to ensure that all citizens of the country have the opportunity to learn about and appreciate their heritage, as well as the diverse cultures of the world."
Among the initiatives planned by the ministry are cultural workshops, educational programs, and artistic collaborations designed to engage citizens of all ages and backgrounds. These activities will not only showcase traditional Blue Ridge arts but also foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity.
One of the long-term goals of the ministry is the establishment of an Arts and Humanities Centre in Haven, the new capital of the Blue Ridge Republic. While no concrete plans have been finalized yet, Deputy Minister Haldekova expressed optimism about the potential of such a center to serve as a hub for artistic and cultural exchange.
The establishment of the National Arts and Culture Ministry marks a significant step forward in the preservation and promotion of Blue Ridge heritage. As the ministry begins its work, citizens can look forward to a renewed focus on the arts and culture that make our country unique.
For further updates and information on the ministry's initiatives, stay tuned to the Taubestadt Herald-Zeitung.
Written by Junior Staff Contributor Alexia Jones
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TAUBESTADT, 31. August, 2019 - Bells rang across Carolina today as it was announced that due to public support and the relative inadequacy of the current Assembly, it would be decided to reinstate the former ruling house of Carolina, the Most Serene House of Saxen, back into the position of Royal Family. This move comes after several weeks of public disgruntlement with the way the Lord's Assembly has been running the military and economic affairs of the  Divine Republic. For days, as public petition poured in, and the resignation of Supreme Commander Evan Wyndham was announced on Tuesday, the Lord's Assembly finally agreed to meet this morning in Taubestadt, where, to a vote of 6-3, it was announced shortly after 14.30 that the Christian Republic of Carolina would cease to exist no later than 22 September, 2019. "The delay," said Lord's Councilor Franklin Smith, "is necessary to facilitate the peaceful transfer of power and authority to the right proponents of the new government." While necessary indeed, the question must be asked - who will our new sovereign be? The former King, Nicholas, is not expected to retake the throne, as public support for His Highness was measured by public poll last winter at only 17%. His brother, Alexander, the Prince of Taube, is a possible contender at this time. Other factions on the monarchist front include support of the Duchess of Dandridge, HSH Savannah, the Lord of Payneshire, Jasper Atticus. While it is unknown at this moment who will become our new Sovereign, many Carolinians, fed up with the inadequacy of the Christian Republic, have breathed a sigh of relief. In this reporter's opinion, optimism and hope now fills the rapidly changing air. As the troubled and scarred Summer of Discontent closes, one can almost feel the future becoming brighter and hopefully, better . God Save Carolina.
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Rundfunk der Königreich Carolina, Fernsehsendung von Carolina to go on air.
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National Assembly repeals controversial act, demands for “openness” remain
TAUBESTADT- The National Assembly convened in the capital today to discuss and decide the fate of the “Unionisation and Dissention Act,” which limited political and economic rights to certain parties of people who’s passage on 21. December led to, almost immediately following, protests in major cities such as Taubestadt, Aylesbury and Shullhügel which overran the streets and public squares, with many calling for liberal reforms within the government.
Arguements by the National Front/Royalist Party coalition were strongly for the keeping of the act, but it was the words of Minister of the Interior, the Honourable Lord Edward Scotten of Bruncken, that truly moved the floor to repeal the act, by a margin of 18-6.
“Look at the past! Look at the German Democratic Republic, to Ceaușescu’s Rumania, to the French monarchy! The people demanded change! Freedom to speak, to move about, to vote for whoever the pleased, all of these; basic political rights afforded to all people by the Lord,” said Lord Scotten this afternoon. “If we don’t move on change now, to allow those who demand the opportunity to be free people, who are we to make the mistakes of the past?”
Cheers erupted all over the city of Taubestadt and Shullhügel by those who protested the act upon the announcement that the act would be repealed before the election on 20. January. However, protestors continue to march and form riot groups in the capital, demanding furher reform of Basic Law and the Constitution to allow for a more open and representative parliament. Despite the changes and calls for openness it is expected that the National Front will continue to lead the government, unless the Social Unity Party of Carolina or any second margin political party makes headway in two weeks.
Sam Payne - National Gazette Government Correspondent
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Protests overtake capital, Government in crisis
(Via the National Gazette, Friday, 21 December 2018)
Schullhugel- Protestors took to the streets of the capital today, in response to the passage of the “Unionisation and Dissention Act,” passed Thursday evening in the National Assembly. The controversial policy, which limits the types of political and trade organisations that can be legally formed in Carolina, was contested by the working and dissenting classes before its passage last night by a margin of 21-9.
In response, protests began with marches and demonstrations in front of the Aula and along the Stadtmarschërien, with many calling for the end of National Front domination in the National Assembly, and the legalisation of leftist and republican organisations within Carolina’s political structure. While the demonstrators have not yet began any tactics of violence, the Royal Carolinan Mounted Police were called in by the Prime Minister to maintain control of the situation. The Government has not made any statement on the demonstrations in any official capacity. Calls by the National Gazette to the offices of His Majesty, the Prime Minister, and members of parliament have gone unreturned as of 22:00 on Friday.
Those of us at the National Gazette urge protestors and citizens to remain calm during this time, and to be patient with the political processes going on in our nation, in fear of the collapse of stability and order.
- Daniel Yeargin, National Gazette Correspondent
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Pictured here: This outfit is a prime example of the middle classes living within the towns and cities across our nation. Inspired by the 1940s, the schleier here is much more ornate, but still a synthetic polyester blend from the Republic of Korea, and not the chiffon’s and silks favoured by the aristocracy. The yellow bumblebee patterned dress is a simple and easy gown for the Carolinian woman to move about it.
(Courtesy of the Royal Carolinan Museum of History)
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Pictured here: This ensemble is a common depiction of rural provincial wear among the lower classes. The under garments are made of white cotton, while the outer dress is made of refined rayon/polyester imported from the United States. The use of the cotton schleier is one of modesty for the wearer, as well as keeping the hair out of the face while working.
(Courtesy of the Royal Carolinian Museum of History)
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Prime Minister Norris to seek fourth term
(Article via the National Gazette, Thursday, 20 December, 2018)
Taubestadt - The incumbent Prime Minister, the Honourable Sir Benjamin Norris, has announced today that he will seek re-election as the Carolinian prime minister during the forthcoming January General Election to reconvene a civilly elected National Assembly following the suspected coup against His Majesty and the democratically formed government some months ago by Carolinian Socialist Brotherhood, which has been legally banned under Article 57 of the Basic Law since the Civil War. He made his official reelection bid on behalf of the entire National Front party, which has held power as majority for the past two years.
“Citizens of Carolina!
I know this has been a difficult uncertain time. With communist gaining a foothold in our government last election. When HM asked me to be Prime Minister again. I said yes, because I care about our Glorious Kingdom! To ensure that Carolina would not be destroyed by another Marxist government, I set up a council to veto candidates.
When HM told me Balsam would like to join the Kingdom, I took needed precautions to stop communist infiltration and tried to minimize debt we would take on. While at the same time extended our Christian duty to help God’s people.
I understand that some have called me a Nazi or a fascist. I am not perfect, I don’t proclaim myself to be a saint. However to call me a National Socialist, or fascist, is both factually inaccurate, and morally dubious. Those accusing me of being a Nazi are violating a core principle “Thou shall not bare false witness against thy neighbor.” And as I have said, I don’t care what the color of your skin is! If you believe in God, and dislike the vile tenets of Marxism, I will gladly welcome you.
Vote for the Stability, vote for experience, vote for faith, vote for the National Front!”
Popularity of the Norris government has remains strong even as the People’s Republic of Balsam has been integrated into our nation. Surely, for the foreseeable future, the tenets of our beloved PM will come to hold in the face of the new year, and new destiny of our Kingdom
- Annie St. James, National Gazette Senior Staff Writer
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The official website of the Kingdom of Carolina is now live! Now updated with the National Gazette too!
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