thekingofmcnsters · 6 months
spoiler-free thoughts for godzilla x kong:
needs more godzilla, it was kinda lacklustre in that department
shimo my fucking beloved.
skar king was neat, but imo wasn't the best. definitely a step down from mechag & ghidorah
movie could be just called 'kong: the new empire' and it wouldn't nag at me as much
they really gave goji a new form and had him barely do anything in it, huh?
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thekingofmcnsters · 1 year
Project Raijin remained still as Ren let its system ran a status check. It was uncanny still, hearing the voice of Subject Zero converted into an understandable language. It was as if Ren gained in part the precognition exclusive to the likes of Victivus; an unnatural ability to transcend the confines of sound. It was nothing like he expected. Project Raijin was never supposed to gain its own consciousness. The AI Ren himself implemented in its system had been overwritten, and an partially organic alien mind occupied it now. Its voice was raspy, strained and tainted with a metallic clang, but practically dripping spite. An ancient hatred that’s been hammered into its very being. Still displaying too much emotion, too… alive. Ren didn’t want loyalty; he wanted utter obedience.
Ren never liked dealing with uncertainties; he was an engineer at heart, firmly believing in the principles of physics. But this bionic monster… now contains a dangerous variation. The hologram feed before him showed an unholy combination of flesh and machine. Now a mangled vertebrae ran through the machine’s back, shards of bone protruding out. And its eyes… the mechanical one still shining a blue electric hue, the other had burst out of its metal mask, replaced by crimson iris and silted pupil, and filled to the brim with pain and contempt. Even as a half-developed husk, they have brought the Golden Devil back from its grave, and that prospect filled Ren with both excitement and fear.
They have to control it. More measures must be in order.
“Dr. Orlov,” Ren called to his chief assistant as he stepped down from his pilot seat; there’s no use trying to directly operate the mecha now.
“Inject more mental inhibitor and inform Lord Victivus. We cannot allow Raijin free movement before its will is completely subdued.”
“I am afraid you shall go no further, Gojira.” Victivus’s voice lost its pleasant politeness ever so slightly.
Project Cadaver had evolved. That project was once deemed a complete failure, unfeasible and impractical, and Victivus had shifted all his resources towards Project Raijin instead. It would seem that research branch had proceeded without his consent, and exceeded all expectations.
No matter. Gojira’s time is nigh, one way or another. Either experience cruel vengeance from his old nemesis… or serve his purpose as a host.
“True balance shouldn’t be dictated by one being. Humanity haven’t had a say in our own survival in the wake of the Titans’ might. Risk you leveling another city and countless lives in search of a presumed threat?”
“If this threat was of humanity’s own making, we will contain it and put the one responsible under our jurisdiction.”
Raijin was almost ready, Victivus could sense it. Serizawa’s concerns were unwarranted. Hatred, grief, agony. These are more powerful than any control measures. So long as Ghidorah still harbored them, Project Raijin will serve its purpose.
The facility was almost in sight.
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     Gojiras voice gained a hiss to it, his mind swimming with a sea of powerful emotion that was all-encompassing, a torrent of feeling that only came with something as old and powerful as the King of Titans. Victivus’ words rang true, but... If that thing was left to its devices, how many more Titans would die? How long before it turned towards humanity? Beyond?
     The images of Rodan, Mothra, Kamata, Biollante, Gigan, Anguirus, and so many more flashed through his mind. His hands balled into fists as he realized he was left at an impasse, a snarl rippling from his throat as he’d shake that big, mighty head of his. “Normally I would agree, but if that thing is left unchecked, it will spread further and further. I’ve lost enough. I’ll do anything it takes to kill that beast and ensure safety for the Earth, one way or another.”
      With those words being said would Gojira step further, spotting a rather strange looking facility as his nostrils flared, and a different scent wafted to his nose. One that was far, far too familiar...
     When the Kings scent reached Raijins nose would that one, visible eye of his dilate, and a metallic groan echoed from his body as an angry hiss ripped its way from his throat. However, he didn’t budge for the time being, instead keeping his gaze focused entirely on Ren, and his voice pierced like a spear through what felt like silence to the Hydra- nothing mattering to him more then the death of his arch-enemy.
“He’s here! I smell him. Gojira, GOJIRA, GOJIRA! Let me fly, let me kill him!”
      He trembled with anticipation, the bloodlust, fury, and hatred that burned through his veins driving him to restlessness. Yet he wouldn’t move, he wouldn’t dare without their permission as his entire being trembled with excitement.
“Gojira... Gojira... Gojira... He shall pay...”
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thekingofmcnsters · 1 year
When Gojira continued his march, a darker mind set its eyes on the King of Monsters. Having communed with the Titan’s enormous mind before, Victivus approached with more finesse and caution. Without a doubt, Gojira had sensed Serizawa’s pet project when it gasped its first breath in this new live it was granted.
He was not physically there, not yet; a drone projected his hologram just before the advancing Titan while he made haste to Ren’s facility. This can wait no longer. If Serizawa’s contingencies do not work, he will use… less natural ways to ensure Project Raijin’s complete obedience.
But before that, to buy sometime for both creator and creation. “Temperance, King. I sense great fear and rage in you. What seems to be in your mind to warrant another rampage? Was San Francisco, Vegas and Boston still not enough?”
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Ren let out an involuntary sigh as the bionic abomination gradually ceased its blind struggle. Good. The more it complies to their command, the sooner this farce can end. Ren suppressed the subtle apprehension in his mind; both his benefactor and his team - a team as brilliant as anything Monarch has to offer, consisting of psychics as well - have made every precaution conceivable to ensure the Project operates perfectly. They are blasphemers, defiling God and Devil alike.
Ren recited the manuscript once again. First, imprint basic commands. Second, status check and arsenal survey. Third, set objective. In this case, where the mind he was working with is organic instead of synthetic - verbally. Were it to recall, even partially, who and what it once was - Ren will then attempt to harness and direct the hatred that seemed to be part of this creature’s very being, just as Lord Victivus taught him.
“You are Project Raijin. Advanced anti-Titan combat platform. You serve the will of Director Ren Serizawa, and by extension, the collective will of humanity. You will make exterminating the Alpha Titan named Gojira your sole objective. You will not disobey or harm your masters, and you will not waiver until your duty is done. IS THAT CLEAR?”
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     The appearance of that old face and that familiar voice caused Gojira to halt in his tracks entirely. His nostrils flared as that voice resounded in his head, and a low warbling noise escaped the Kings throat as he’d stop to think for a long minute. Then eventually would he reach back over the connection, sending images to accompany his words.
“A great menace.” Those words were followed by images of a twisted, bastardized version of Godzilla. Its limbs were bent at unnatural angles, its mouth filled with human teeth, and its eyes far too small for its own head, and even carrying a human look to them. “A few Titans have been... Infected by this thing. Next thing I know, I hear word that it’s been making landfall around here.”
     Gojira would think that last part as he resumed his careful examination of the area, his nostrils flaring again as he tried to scent for anything unusual. So far there was nothing, but the King knew better then to let his guard down for even a moment. At the very least, it didn’t seem like Gojira knew anything of the secret Project that was brewing underneath his very feet.
     Thankfully for Ren, Ghidorah seemed extremely receptive to his words and commands. Its eyes suddenly widened though at one word, and a low rattling his coiled up from its throat as it almost seemed to speak back into the humans mind with that low drone.
“Gojira... Exterminate Gojira.” The way it said the Kings name was filled with venom, but it would soon bow its one sole head low again as its entire body brimmed with anticipation. Lightning crackled over its form, but never once did any of it jolt off of its scales, or threaten anyone around him. “Exterminate Gojira... Nobody else. Exterminate Gojira...”
      Its ‘voice’ was still low, fixating around that single word as its eyes narrowed, but it would keep its anticipation and excitement in check. First to follow the command, then... Then whatever came next.
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thekingofmcnsters · 1 year
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Victivus’s eyes shone with yellow gleam as his own power responded to Gojira’s call. A declaration of war, on an unknown enemy. Serizawa’s project is compromised, it would seem; by the man’s own negligence or something else he could not tell.
The Alpha Titan sounded his war trumpet, but an anxious silence fell afterwards. It had made landfall somewhere, yet they still had the element of surprise, for Gojira did not seem to discover where and what the threat was.
“Serizawa.” His voice resonated through the younger man’s mind, “There has been an awakening. The Titan is on its way. Rectify it.”
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Ren could never get used to the way the Sith issued a command; but he knew what must be done. Now they have two glaring problems at hand; one is the King, hellbent on defending his Order; the other a false king, although its resurrection was entirely unintentional.
Ren once saw Ghidorah’s rampage on top-secret documents. The enemy his father gave his life to defeat. The way it manipulated apocalyptic storms, casually devastating humans and Titans alike just because it can, and the regal way it carried itself - quite a sharp contrary to the agonizing creature before him, sealed by heavy blast door. It was flailing in a fit of pain and panic, smashing the containment chamber into shambles as it clawed at its own suit in a desperate attempt to escape its torment. This stirred in Ren a twisted satisfaction, for they’ve seemingly conquered the Devil itself; but not yet, not yet. Time is of the essence.
​"Engage the neural inhibitors and sedatives,“ He called into his comm device. When dealing with Ghidorah, it is best to not risk its multiple personalities awaking at once. ”And ready the Orca. I’m handling this myself.“
​Ren’s words would be translated into telepathic signal, conveyed directly into the Mecha’s neural interface. It would work in theory with unaware machine, but now that a mind is already occupying that network… Well, maximum output should hammer home his points.
​”Specimen Zero. Call sign ‘Raijin’. Prostrate yourself and heed our orders.“
      In its blind fury, pain, and fear, Ghidorah would be the most susceptible to the systems put into place. Its shattered mind was very easily subdued and brought under control, and those eyes of its eventually dilated sharply as some part of him demanded he fought back, but it was of no use. In its current state, Ghidorah would go rigid before eventually straightening itself out, before turning its gaze towards Ren Serizawa.
     Then its head dipped low, and a low warble escaped its throat, strained as it was as droplets of blood and saliva dripped from its maw, only to quickly disappear as the Hydras regeneration finished repairing what damage it could repair. Now that the Hydra wasn’t struggling or thrashing about, Ren might be able to notice some differences, normally in how Ghidorahs eyes were colored more towards red, it seemed almost larger then before, and tints of silver dotted alongst its normally golden scales.
     Now though, it sat and waited for its orders as the machinery and systems ensured that it would be under the humans complete control; at least for the time being.
     Meanwhile, Gojira was getting closer to where he sensed the disturbance, the King having a burning dread that was getting worse in his heart. He knew the humans had already evacuated judging from how overwhelmingly quiet everything had gotten; those mighty golden eyes travelling over the surroundings and searching for anything out of place.
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     He had a terrible, horrible feeling, yet he could not see anything that could trigger it... Could it be underground? Hidden away from him? He didn’t know, but his gut drove him forward on this warpath as he kept on the lookout for any signs of what gave him this bizarre feeling.
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thekingofmcnsters · 1 year
hi i almost had a heart attack while being forced to do my manual labor chores, so i’m going to take things really easily for the forseeable future. if you need me, i’ll be on disc, so feel free to ask for it if we’re mutuals through dms, otherwise i’ll see you when i return
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thekingofmcnsters · 1 year
      Agony was the first thing it knew, and a fragmented mind was brought back from a long slumber that the poor soul had wished it stayed in. It was aware of so many things come back, touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. Then it was aware of what came back with those senses as pure, nerve destroying pain engulfed every cell of its body as it tried to scream with a mouth that it did not have.
      Then it could taste the blood that pooled in its mouth and clogged the back of its throat as its head fully reformed, and a loud agonized scream of pure, visceral torment ripped from its mouth. It was aware of the damage it caused to the humans as it regenerated over time, but it did not care in its state of perpetual suffering. Smell came back next, and it could smell the fetid state of its own body brought back from the abyss, and the lifeblood that oozed from golden scales.
     Then sight returned, and at first all it could see was red, but when it fully regained its sight and looked down, terror engulfed its being. For the first time, Ghidorahs central head felt true, unadulterated fear as it even looked over to the sides, expecting to find its brothers- nothing. There was nothing there. Then another scream came as it flailed around madly, and it would even destroy its own ears several times over with every loud, piercing wail that came from its throat as its eyes dilated and it smashed into anything nearby in a violent mix of terror and fury.
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     The Kings eyes snapped open suddenly as he was struck by a familiar terror and fear that clenched at his heart, squeezing it as it threatened to leave him breathless. This was just like when his mechanical doppleganger had been created, and Gojira knew better then to make as many mistakes in allowing its creation like he had last time.
     Gojira would make landfall then, his steps terrible and rumbling as golden eyes scoured the land, careful to avoid any panicking humans that were now evacuating as his scales rippled, hands clenched into fists, and his presence was made crystal clear by the cry of anger that ripped from his throat.
     The challenge was made, and now it was time for him to wait.
The Bottomless Pit
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Ren Serizawa trekked through the dimly-lit corridors of the facility, brows furrowed deeply. To have his greatest prize delivered practically to his doorstep, and for everything to still fall into turmoil so spectacularly.
The benefactor called Victivus had been resourceful, more so than he ever imagined. Always a step ahead of both Gojira and its devout Monarch, the shameful bunch it is. When the dust had only began to settle after the Mass Awakening, when humanity struggled to regroup and the Titans strove to navigate a brave new era, his eyes were already set on his own prize. His arcane powers and mysterious identity was an enigma to Ren; but it mattered not, for Victivus claimed to hold the answer. To how humanity would once again ascend to a higher plane.
So splattered before a dumbfounded Ren was a skull. Charred almost beyond recognition, it’s former golden hide sheered off to reveal bones beneath. The usurper’s remains would still serve its purpose in life. Victivus had high hopes in him, placed high stakes in his project. And Ren was eager to deliver.
Ren inherited in full his father’s ingenuity, yet scarcely any of the older Serizawa’s consciousness. Working with tireless abandon he did, combining Ghidorah’s remains with the most advanced technology mankind had to offer. This creature was dangerous, he knew, but dismissed his coworkers concerns. It no longer had a body, merely left over by Gojira, its fate a testimony of when one’s arrogance clouds their better judgement. Not that humanity wasn’t thankful it did, though.
Then the phenomenons happened. More than one scientist reported hearing ghostly cries, as if in agony, when working on Specimen Zero’s neural interface. They are welded into the new mecha’s system, and shouldn’t be anything more than unconscious wetware. Then… during the first test run, when a dose of hollow earth energy was pumped into its system, the skull experienced explosive regeneration. The process took hours, if not days; the creature writhing and spasming the entire time as flesh and bones were forcefully merged with jagged machinery, its horrifying howls unnerving all even from surveillance feed.
So now Ren stood before the half-ruined platform, staring up at the creature - not entirely Monster Zero but unmistakable in its shape, as it slowly recovered from the trauma, black blood leaking from between its armor. He will have one chance to salvage this project, before retribution is delivered upon him.
Even though the past days have shed new insight as to just how potent Ghidorah’s regeneration is, Victivus will not be pleased with this…
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thekingofmcnsters · 1 year
     After saying his goodbyes with Titano, Anguirus had managed to find a new place to curl up and rest right on the shores. The sight of the ocean before him was beautiful, and as the sun set would Anguirus let loose a loud, thankful sigh as the cool air of the night started to wash over his scales and he’d soon go to lay down on the shore, curling up slightly as he’d feel his eyes starting to drift shut before eventually lidding entirely. He kept a reminder to not sleep for too long, as he didn’t want to risk sleeping for another fifty-odd years... After all, that batch of juice Titano made for him wouldn’t drink itself!
      Soon enough the Ankylosaurus found himself drifting off completely to sleep, comforted by the sound of the waves crashing against the sands while the smell of the sea wafted into his nose.
      His sleep wouldn’t last for long however, as a rather pungent odor hit his nose, something that stung his nostrils and brought tears to his eyes. It smelt of rotting, fowl meat, and he opened his eyes to find that... Something was far out in the ocean. It stared at him from far away, and a squint of Anguirus’ eyes allowed him to make out a faint shape.
     It almost looked like Godzilla from that far away, but soon the Earth Titan would dismiss it as just him seeing things from being too tired, closing his eyes again and shaking his head as he mumbled to himself and tried to get more shut eye as he’d once again pass into slumber.
     This time around he’d find himself shooting awake as that odor practically slammed into his nose, and a shout escaped him as he’d suddenly scramble away from what he beheld. A rotted, decrepit looking Godzilla was climbing out of the seas before him, with empty, glassy eyes, and a smile that looked far too human on its features.
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“G-Gojira!? Is that you? What the hell happened to you?”
     He’d ask, cautiously approaching what he thought was his friend as his nostrils flared to try and scent the other. He’d turn his head though with a slight gag as that putrid odor hit his nose, and a thin, papery voice whispered through the air as ‘Godzilla’ pulled itself onto shore and stood itself up at its full height.
“are you alone?” It would ask, those glassy eyes staring directly at Anguirus as the Ankylosaurus looked back into those dead eyes, a shudder escaping him as he found himself feeling like he was getting stared through. “you look uneasy. why is that?”
     Anguirus would take a step or two back now, and as he looked over ‘Godzilla’ would he notice several large, gaping wounds in the kaijus body. All of them were not bleeding, and even those scales were discolored and pale; like the titan had been drained completely of blood.
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“Y-You... You’re not Gojira, a-are you? What are you!?”
     Anguirus would ask in a slight tone of terror, taking a few steps backwards as  a look up towards that thing would reveal that mouth of ‘Godzillas’ opened impossibly wide, bottom jaw hanging limply as it lunged for Anguirus, and the Ankylosaurus would barely manage to dodge out of the way as he’d fling his tail to the side, hitting ‘Godzilla’ on the neck as a sickening crack would be heard, and the Titan stumbled with a visible twist in its neck rendering its head tilted at a ninety degree angle.
     Thinking it was dead from that simple blow, Anguirus loosed a sigh of relief as he’d turn away, only to feel something grab at him suddenly as he’d whip his head around to see ‘Godzilla’ digging claws into him, its head loosely flopping around before it sunk teeth into his hide. A roar that almost resembled a scream of agony ripped its way from the Ankylosaurus’ mouth, and he ended up knocking it back with a strong kick of his hind legs.
     Soon enough the false Titan would step back, a chunk of the Earth Titans flesh in its maw as it’d drop from its teeth. Then it would smile at Anguirus, who watched with terror as it’d take a few steps back, sinking into the ocean behind it quickly enough as its neck fixed itself with another sickening crack... Anguirus could’ve almost sworn it was laughing as its voice left it with a little coo.
“see you soon.”
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thekingofmcnsters · 1 year
Titanosaurus fell uncomfortably silent after the whole thing passed over, looking sheepish and meek as he felt like just shriveling up and vanishing. But thankfully, Anguirus knew just what was needed to comfort him, and as he felt the nuzzle against his side, he’d smile and let out a soft chuff of his own, reaching a hand down to pat along Anguirus’ head.
“H-Heh… y'really know how to make me feel better, you know that? I guess that’s why you’re my best pal and all that!” he chuckles softly and lets the Ankylo keep nuzzling him for a bit, before he heard the yawn.
“Oh! Heheh, someone still feeling a bit drowsy even after all those years napping, eh?” he’d tease Anguirus with a gentle smack of his tail against the other’s armored back, but he’d nod firmly. “Sure, knock yourself out! And if you need anything, just call for me! Alright?”
     Some part of Anguirus’ heart swelled with pride as he was told that, and the Ankylo had to put a stopper on it before he actually ended up puffing his chest out. He was happy to be Titanos best friend, just as he was with Goji- after all, he had been around when he heard that the poor guy had been brainwashed and used as nothing more then a mindless beast, and he’d be damned if he didn’t try to help out. To think that they’d have grown so close... Well, it made Anguirus happy.
     Of course that thought was derailed again as he felt another yawn escape him, and he’d give a sluggish nod only to jump slightly at the thunk of the bigger monsters tail against his shell.
“Hey, I’ve gone through a lot today, I’ll have y’know!” He’d try to protest, stifling another show of tiredness as he’d shake his head and gave a faux chuff, “...I’ll keep that in mind, Titano. I’ll see ya in a bit, just lemme get a bit more rest. Think ya can have some more of that amazing juice ya made up by then?”
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thekingofmcnsters · 1 year
“… O-Oh, right, ahahaha… probably oughta realize you’ve actually been asleep all this time! Sorry, my bad Angi!” Titanosaurus apologizes sheepishly, rubbing his neck a bit with his cheeks gaining an ever-so gentle rose tint of embarrassment. “But, I mean… ‘least she’s being helpful now, and Goji’s actually more or less considered her his half-sister, sorta! So! That’s good! Right?!”
But, about that metal doppelganger… “Well I’ll be, I didn’t hear of that! They got around to makin’ a robot or something?! That’s insane!” the last bit was spoken with a bit of genuine fear, and if Anguirus was still able to read the other kaiju’s body language, he could tell that Titano was starting to grow REAL anxious now. The whole topic of humans making super-monsters left and right was getting to him.
“I-I don’t know if they’ve been makin’ more, I swear!” he blurts out, a bit more panicky than he would’ve liked. “I-I… I’m sorry, Angi, I shouldn’t have brought it up… I uh… I-I hope the drink was to your liking?! E-Ehe…”
     Anguirus fell silent, the Ankylosaurus uncharacteristically quiet as he pondered over everything that he had heard today. He considered warning Goji, but he figured that Gojira probably already knew all of this, and it was enough to get him to grumble to himself. He wasn’t sure at this point if he should be thankful for the fact he had slept so long, or if he should’ve been awake for all of it... Maybe he owed Gojira a bigger apology then he initially thought.
     However, his head perked up when he heard that apologetic and flustered tone enter Titanos voice. Already he shook his head, stumbling over his words a bit as he’d muster a reply, “N-No, it’s fine, Titano! I’m glad ya told me, just cause things have gotten a bit... Weird don’t mean nothin’ to me!”
     He felt a bit bad for making Titanosaurus feel bad, and Anguirus would stand himself up entirely before moving over and gently nuzzling into his friend in an attempt to try and reassure him.
“Let’s try to put this behind us, yeah? We both ain’t gotta worry about it, and I mean it ain’t like anything of the humans could come here, right?” He’d offer before feeling a bit of drowsiness hit him, and a yawn soon came from the Ankylo as he’d shake his head afterwards. “Ugh, man though... Long day, mind if I take five here, Titano?”
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thekingofmcnsters · 1 year
Gigan kept being amazed by the signs of battle around them, before hearing the Alpha grunting loudly as he watched his stance slump a little. “Ey, Big G’, y'holding up?” he asked cautiously, before he’d explain that he needed rest… and then was offered to follow him ‘home’.
It’s been a while since he heard that word. And it got him rather caught off-guard before he’d respond. “H-Home, huh? Heh… nev'r really 'ad one since Ghids came 'long and decided t'conquer my planet, heh…”
“B-But uh… s-sure, G! I’d love to come with'cha!”
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     Those words sparked a bit of dull anger in Gojiras heart, knowing that Gigan had suffered at the heads of that golden menace... With any hope however, Ghidorah was gone for good. The King nodded his head once more then at Gigans resolve to follow him, allowing a smile to cross his features before he turned and walked his way back over to the ocean, deciding to leave Gigan with a few words,
“I’ll swim back there, but I’ll make sure to stay just above the water so you follow me if you can. It’s thankfully an island not too far from here, and is protected by Mosura, so you won’t find any conflict there.”
     Then he’d start to submerge himself in the water, making sure that, at the very least, his scutes still stuck out over the waves as he’d start to swim off, already starting to feel a bit exhausted.
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thekingofmcnsters · 1 year
❝ it's funny you think i'll behave ... but, cross my crystals, i'll try.~ ❞ - spaceg to godzilla!
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"Most of my children don't behave. I just don't want you to end up dead."
That last word left the Kings mouth in a low hiss, those golden eyes of his lidding softly as pain resonated in Gojiras chest. He didn't want to lose another, and even the thought was enough to greatly upset Goji before he'd eventually chuff.
"I've lost plenty of children- is it so bad I don't want to lose another?"
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thekingofmcnsters · 2 years
The Titan, surprisingly, heeded his words and delicately retreated back into the depths, although the man harbored no illusion that its gaze had been taken off him. Rather, its thunderous will rumbled in the air, not in any tangible human language, but merely intentions. Gojira was apologetic, laid-back, and curious. A thread of force remained, linking the two vastly different minds together. It’s only temporary, he would theorize, for Mosura’s species-transcending psychic power should be one of a kind.
Good. He prefer a bit of distance, lest it detects the very distinct stench of another Titan on him, which would swiftly incur its ire. That one was his prize alone; by honing the Devil’s power, humanity will once again take their rightful place as the pinnacle of earth.
“We are a numerous race, your Majesty,” the words were uttered with slight contempt, but Victivus feigned seamless politeness. “For countless generations, the Force bloomed in rare souls, and not all of them are bestowed upon by the Titans.”
“But I am beside myself. My name is Victivus, mighty one. And allow me to express my gratitude, for getting rid of a most… satanic foe. I have watched from afar, and it was a marvelous battle.” And, for delivering me an asset I could not have dreamt of, Victivus silently added with a quirk on his mouth.
     Although Gojira picked up on what felt like slight enmity, the King wouldn’t comment on it. He knew many of the smaller kin dreaded and even loathed his presence, but the words ‘Your Majesty’ sat wrong with him, causing him to stir underneath the waves even as he dived deeper to make sure he wouldn’t leave a silhouette on the waters above to prevent any others from freaking out, as if trying to make it seemed like he had completely left.
‘Just call me Gojira. Please, do not refer to me with those sorts of monikers, they do not fit me.’ He’d respond, although the curious statement of there being other users like Victivus amused him greatly, something that shined through the link. ‘Others blessed with the same type of power? How intriguing... You must count yourself very lucky.’
     Then was mentioned his battle with Ghidorah, and a bit of pain stung at Gojiras chest, unlike the pride that most would assume he would associate with it as he’d rumble lowly.
‘Yes, I defeated Ghidorah, but... At a great cost. Many things have been damaged, many people hurt, and I have prompted the creation of a terrible, awful weapon.’
     The Oxygen Destroyer... Images of it flashed through the Kings mind, and his eyes closed underneath the waves as he recalled the excruciating, horrible pain, and would shake his great head as he swam off, but made sure to stay close enough to keep the link going.
‘Forgive my rambling, it is not often I can indulge myself in the base desires of communicating with one who can understand and respond. You are a plenty entertaining guest, Victivus.’
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thekingofmcnsters · 2 years
“Glad ya like it, buddy! Haven’t had a lot of other Titans try it out, so I’m glad this is to your likin’!”
Titano grins widely as Anguirus enjoys his drink, clapping his hands together a bit happily as his tail gently swishes behind him. Very gently, so he does not whip up any storms. He was a bit surprised that Anguirus has not heard of Biollante, but then again, he had been asleep for a LONG time!
“Oh yea’, so she’s a weird one, but she’s real nice too! See, she was originally human, according to Goji! Can you believe it?! But, when she died, her dad wanted to keep her alive by mixin’ her DNA with a rose, and some of Goji’s DNA. And, well… she became a giant plant-kaiju-thing! She was outta control until Goji fought her, but for now she’s just struck up a home in the Amazons, and she’s making the whole forest thrive!”
      Anguirus nodded his head, licking his chops to get what little of the drink remained off his lips. However, he was given pause at what Titano said, and the look he had said everything as the most incredulous tone entered his voice at what the other Kaiju had said.
“The humans’ve done what? You’re tellin’ me they’ve, in essence, created a plant-gojira-human hybrid AND a metal doppelganger?” He’d look away then, a slight tone of terror entering his voice then as he’d muse aloud, “Remind me to scrape up any spare clippings or spines I leave behind. I ain’t having them make some kinda Anguirus clone. No sir, not on my watch.”
     Already the thought put a fear into Anguirus’ heart that not even Ghidorah was able to provoke in him. The ingenuity of humans was something to both be admired, and to be absolutely terrified of.
“Next thing you’re gonna tell me is they made some kinda super organism of some sort.” A pause. “That was a joke. Please don’t tell me if they did, I’d think I’d have a stroke.”
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thekingofmcnsters · 2 years
Gigan seemed to be genuinely growing more and more happy by each passing minute, the more Goji spoke of his son and how he’d love to set up a meeting of the two. His grin just grew wider, and his visor blinked with excitement.
“Aw hell yea’, that’ll be awesome! Ah promise t'be on my best behavior, ‘G! I mean, I might look menacin’ as all hell, but I’m truly a real nice guy.”
Gigan would then look around themselves, a bit of an impressed whistle leaving him as he saw the destruction from Goji’s nuclear pulses.
“Geeeeez, tho! At leas’ Ghid’s wasn’ kiddin’ when he said y'were a real menace in terms o’ power! You really gave me a run fer my money!”
“You don’t have to convince me, I can tell.”
     Goji would reply a bit cheekily, a throaty chuckle escaping him as his eyes followed Gigans gaze, admitting to himself that he had been a bit more destructive then what he had intended on being... Thankfully his natural radiation would heal things before too much longer, but he noted that he had indeed grown stronger again.
“Well, I’ve earned the title of ‘Alpha’ for a reason. If I couldn’t stand up to Ghidorah, we wouldn’t have fought to begin with.” He’d admit before grunting, exhaustion starting to settle in from how he depleted his energy, “Hhmmh. I need to get back home and rest, though. If you wish to accompany me, I can show you to my home.”
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thekingofmcnsters · 2 years
Note: New data on an unknown Titan has been recently acquired! Exercise extreme caution around the last known area this Titan was spotted until proper data has been released.
don’t let it see you. don’t let it hear you. if you do, it’s already too late.
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thekingofmcnsters · 2 years
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Victivus suppressed boiling rage at the sight of the colossal creature, making itself right at home on the beaches near the Apex facility, paying no heed to the evacuating humans whatsoever. Confident and self-assured, like any rightful King should be after a recent victory against usurper.
That is, should Victivus abide by these monsters’ idea of an Order. But today is not the day to make a manifesto. Powerful he may be, he had not transcended the confinement of human flesh; not yet, at least. Before that comes true, Serizawa Junior’s projects must not be tempered with.
“I must ask you to leave these waters, Gojira. For your sake, and the others.” He pressed on, without the aid of external devices. It could come as a nasty surprise - In case the Titan does not react well to his rather courageous probing. But if reports on the Chinese bloodline of twins serving Mothra was anything to go by, Titans may not be entirely unfamiliar with the likes of him.
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     Eyes snapped open as the other responded, and Goji took in the notice of where he was at. He had washed up on a beach that had a lot of panicking humans, and the King of Monsters knew that he had accidentally managed to wash up on the shore nearby human civilization. His next movements were careful and elaborate as he’d gently push himself up off the sands before, and slowly started to retreat backwards into the waters he had emerged from.
‘Amusing, another psychic... Forgive me for my sudden intrusion. I had thought that I slumbered in a safe location, but I must have accidentally washed up on shore.’
      As the King drew back into the waters would he disappear completely underneath them, and if it wasn’t for the massive amount of disturbed sand and the imprint of Gojiras body still in the sand, it would almost seem like the Titan hadn’t been there to begin with. However, he still maintained a psychic connection with Victivus, his curiosity getting the better of him.
‘Who are you? Not many humans boast the power to respond to me... Many humans to my knowledge call themselves “psychics”, but not many have spoken with us in the way my darling Skies Shobijin have.’
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thekingofmcnsters · 2 years
“Well, I keep offering you to learn, y'know! It’s super-easy, it’s all in the tail movements!” Titano would insist as he’d give a playful sway of his finned tail in front of Anguirus, causing a small, but powerful gust to blow at him, bending trees and making them whistle like reeds. Though, he’d look back just in time to see him grow flustered, and looking backwards. He’d just let out a soft, nervous laugh, as he’d backpedal a few steps to reach out and give Anguirus a firm, but affectionate pat and rub along his shell.
“Ey, ey! Relax, Angi old pal! I was just joking! I’m not mad at all!” he assures the quadruped kaiju, before he’d wander off ahead of him again, reaching a small clearing with a large, hand-carved ‘bowl’ made out of stone. He’d reach out to some nearby canopies and grabbed a handful of something, revealing it to be a mixed variety of fruits, before he’d squish them between his hands, draining their juices into the bowl as it’d fill up nicely, and he’d motion for Anguirus to have the first sip.
“There! This should at least get some of your energy back. You wouldn’t believe the types of fruits growing here and on the mainland! All of 'em juicy and fulfilling! I think it’s 'cause of Biollante’s work in the Amazon forests!”
     Oh, Anguirus knew that Titano wasn’t angry- he had seen the large Kaiju angry before, and he wanted to be on the others bad side as much as he wanted to be on Gojiras. Seriously, the two of them terrified him when they were angry, and he’d muster a low chuff as he’d exaggeratedly puff out his chest before letting it all out in one big puff, enough to disturb some loose bits of earth and send them flying before turning his gaze backwards.
     He was just in time to watch Titanosaurus get to work, his eyes following the taller Kaijus movements as he’d find himself amused by just how well Titano flowed into his work before suddenly the drink was finished and Anguirus would indeed tilt the bowl a bit into his mouth, letting some of the sweet liquid within flow in before pulling back and swallowing.
“Mmnfh, yeah, no kidding... That has to be one of the sweetest things I’ve tasted in a long minute!” Anguirus would admit after a second of deliberation, already feeling a bit of a spring in his step as he’d bounce between his legs for a moment, “Thanks for the drink, Tano... Whose this ‘Biollante’, though? Haven’t heard of ‘em, before I don’t think.”
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