thelibraryofdeez · 2 hours
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"11,078 and counting have died in Palestine. Never stop talking.
Also this is just the surface, do further research to fully understand the situation.
Also this is just the surface, do further research to fully understand the situation."
Art credit: @flyingkikii
Reposted from @frxchix
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thelibraryofdeez · 3 days
I wanted to make one of my own so wheel of shitty guys
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thelibraryofdeez · 6 days
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thelibraryofdeez · 9 days
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thelibraryofdeez · 19 days
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btw the thing she couldn’t ignore was someone calling her out for saying anti-depressants/hormone therapy are only perscribed by lazy doctors
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thelibraryofdeez · 1 month
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thelibraryofdeez · 2 months
Happy Halloween! I'm trick or treating for medical bills. Being an adult SUCKS.
But I'm not just a cancer patient! I'm an ~*artiste*~
Here are some of my pieces that Tumblr seems to like. First is Bucky:
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And then last year's Halloween piece, Eddie Munson:
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And finally, Geralt. Or the Highlander. Whatever it is Henry Cavill is doing now:
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Anyway, Happy Halloween! And share this if you don't mind. Thanks!
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thelibraryofdeez · 3 months
Just Another Class Trip :) Part 5
If you don’t get to fight Batman on your class trips I feel sorry for you because Marinette did and she had a great time. Besides from the fact the miracle box went missing that was kind of a downer.
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“Marinette Dupain-Cheng!” Chloe yells at her, Marinette pops her head up through the trash, “Just what do you think you’re doing?!”
“I’m looking for something Chlo,” Marinette tries not to betray the panic in her voice.
“You did not ditch us today to search the trash!” Chloe practically screeches, stomping her foot.
“Chloe! I just really, really need to find this ok?!” Chloe actually recoils at Marinette snapping at her, guilt claws at her, adding more scratches to her conscience, “Sorry, I’m just stressed,”
“You need to relax Mari,” Chloe sighs, she cant, she cant! She cant! “I will only forgive you if you come upstairs and have a shower right now ,”
Marinette glances to Tikki, who nods. They’ve searched the trash here three times over, the Miracle box isn’t here. She lets Chloe lead her upstairs, the ground feels like it’s swaying under her feet. The pressure like she’s about to vomit has persisted for hours.
“I will be standing right here, so don’t even think about leaving before you are rid of that smell,” Chloe pushes her into the bathroom.
“Tikki what am I supposed to do,” Marinette curls into herself, as soon as the door closes “I looked everywhere, it-it’s gone ,”
“It’s alright Marinette I’m sure you’ll find it, you just need to think things through,” Tikki pats her arm, not blaming her even once, making everything so much worse.
“Exactly, so chin up,” Kaalki commands, Marinette listens looking at the hovering Kwami with swimming vision, “Now make a theory and we’ll work from there,”
“Only Adrien was in the apartment but he didn’t take it,” Marinette works through her thoughts, “I know he wouldn’t have,”
“He was gone for two hours talking with Chloe and Kagami,”
“So someone stole it during that time,” Marinette had already concluded that but it was nice to lay it all out, “I thought it was Lila, but she would have just thrown it out,”
“Or kept it,” Marinette gets the picture, formulating a plan, “I have to search her room, as Starling they can get away with it,”
“Good I’ll transport you in there,” Kaalki nods, dipping into her bag to get a sugar cube, “Now change,”
Marinette listens and within minutes they are in Lila’s room. The shower running back in Chloe’s room. Starling pokes around the room, searching under the bed and in the closet. She spreads out to the whole apartment since Lila isn’t sharing with anyone.
She is opening the oven when the door opens. She freezes, coming eye to eye with Lila. In a split second Starling darts into the bathroom.
“Come out of there!” Lila bangs on the door, “Who are you! I’m calling the police!”
Marinette doesn’t give her the chance, teleporting out of the bathroom.
Chloe fights to make her come to dinner that night. Marinette doesn’t have the strength to argue and so is dragged along, glaring at Lila from across the table. Lila just looks smugly back, she has to know where the Miracle box is, she just has to.
“Is that the new Wayne?” Marinette hears someone across the restaurant whisper.
Wonder who they’re talking about
“The one with the pink scarf?”
“Take a picture!”
If Marinette could summon the energy she would go over and ask what they meant. Or tell them they had the wrong person. Instead she just hides her face in her arms, lying on the table.
“Head off the table,” Madame Bustier chides, Marinette listens, but doesnt bother answering.
“Oh Marinette,” Lila’s voice is so grating she is ready to send her head through the table, “You look just terrible, what happened?”
“Are you ok Marinette,” Rose asks, she was actually nice to Marinette either unaware of the divide or not caring, “Do you want to go back?”
Marinette supposes Lila never had to lie about her to Rose. As she was already running around after Lila trying to make sure she was comfortable, Marinette just fell by the wayside. Either way Marinette can see that changing in the near future with how livid Lila looks that Marinette got the slightest bit of positive attention.
“I know jetlag can be bad, with all my travels,” Could you get to the part where you antagonise me already? “But don’t you think you’re being a bit dramatic?
“Sure Lila,” Marinette sighs, actually getting a few shocked gasps from the class.
They all probably thought that if Lila said the sky was blue Marinette would disagree. Well she would probably double check. Plus the sky is black at night. And multicoloured during sunrise and sunset. You know what? Screw it, Marinette would not trust Lila if she said the sky is blue.
“So Lila,” Alya speaks up, “ What’s the worst jet lag you’ve ever had?”
Marinette doesn’t bother listening. She does get the side eye from Alya.
This doesn’t mean I like you
Feelings mutual buddy
However it does allow her to lean against Kagami for the rest of the night and doze off. Marinette doesn’t pay anymore attention to Lila’s lies the rest of the night until it comes to getting back to the hotel. They are all piling into taxis when Lila weasels her way into getting her own. Covertly Marinette slides a hundred to the driver and sends them to a less than savoury part of town. Now it’s just up to Starling to keep up.
Luckily for her Lila decides to be an idiot, and actually gets out of the car. So Starling drops in front of her when the taxi drives off.
“You!” Lila backs up into the alley, really ?
“You stole something,” Starling stalks forward, appearing every bit of threatening as a sleep deprived guardian of the miraculous can be, which is pretty fucken scary when the Miracle box is on the line, “Where is it!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Lila tears up.
“Do not lie to me ,” Starling punctuates the threat by bending a discarded metal pipe in half.
Lila squeaks, as she backs up against the wall, Starling cages her in.
The absolute terror on Lila’s face is so gratifying for a moment. Then a cold terror runs down Marinette as Lila smiles. The same smile that promises to ruin her life every day.
“Help!” Lila cries, her voice quavering in a poor imitation of the actual fear she just saw, “Please anyone!”
Anyone turns out to be the hand on her shoulder that rips Starling back. They go to grab her arm but she flips out of their grasp, getting enough distance to come face to face with The Batman!
Before she can even think about formulating a response Batman lashes out, going straight for her gut. Starling side steps, twisting around to stand in Batman’s blind spot, making him turn to see her.
“Why are you attacking a civilian?” He demands, a knife she dodges barely grazing her cheek.
“She stole something,” Marinette drops down as he swings a punch at her head.
“That’s not true!” Lila cries, huddled up against the wall, “They broke into my hotel room today! And then they attacked me! They’re trying to kidnap me!”
“She’s lying!” Apparently that’s not convincing enough as she dodges a kick, having to roll away, thankfully towards the exit.
She tries to make a run for it, getting halfway up the fire escape of the next building when a Batarang pins her cape down. She tears it out, throwing it back at the shadow who hangs in midair.
Wow that is not aerodynamic at all
She watches as it tapers off to the side, falling to the ground. Batman swings onto the staircase of the fire escape. She dodges, she slips on a stair, losing her balance. Batman aims a punch for her sternum she has no choice but to block. It hurts getting an armoured glove full impact onto her relatively light arm guards. In her defense she never prepared to fight The Batman.
He seems to be taken aback that she is able to block his punch, or is re-planning. She takes the opportunity to use her bit of super strength to push him off the fire escape, double checking he still has his grappling hook. He falls down as she bolts up the stairs. By the time she reaches the top he is already on the roof
She has no weapons to defend herself against another Batarang. She can’t slip away like she did last time so has no choice but to dodge.
“I don’t want to fight you!” She yells, rolling out of the way of another Batarang.
“I’m sure you don’t,”
“Not like that!” There’s no reasoning with him then, he made up his mind and is going to beat her before asking any questions, “You know what never mind!”
She sprints to the edge of the building. He doesn’t particularly try to stop her, after all he thinks she has no escape route. Which means he was not expecting her to jump right off the building.
“Kaalki, Full gallop,” She says quietly to her Kwami, putting on her glasses.
She transforms, opening a portal inches from the ground, she lands in her hotel bedroom. Dropping the transformation, she collapses onto the bed. She pants lungs burning, soon she realises she hasn’t been taking any air.
What does she have to be stressed about? So she lost the Miracle box, an ancient treasure able to harness the gods? So it was all her fault for shirking off her duties for fun. So it was all her fault that she technically attacked a civilian without any proof. So it was her fault Batman attacked her and she’s probably a criminal now. So what?
She chokes around words, apologies to her Kwamis, to Master Fu, to everyone she has failed today. Instead her vision blurs and she has to take gasping breaths, shuddering in the warm room. She curls up on top of the blankets tucked in too tight to provide her with comfort. Too perfect, too well done, everything she isn’t.
Tikki nuzzles into her cheek, Marinette shudders out a breath, curling more into herself. Kaalki comes to rest near her heart. The magical thrum of the Kwami calming her heart beat. There are no words. There don’t need to be. There’s no one here to send Akuma after them. For once Marinette can cry, let her emotions run rampant. Then she’ll harness everything she has into protecting the Miracle box.
@smolplantmum @flufflepuffle296 @dawnwave16  @caffeinetheory   @g-arya   @Maribat-2k20   @ladybug-182    @Actual-disaster-human    @fusser90   @messrs-weasley   @soap-lady  @paintedhope7   @zeneralla    @mochegato     @random-nerd-3 @clumsy-owl-4178  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen   @too0bsessedformyowngood @certifiedbidisaster  @Purplegeekypanda @awkward0ghostfan @theymakeupfairies @tikki-marinette @insane-fangirl-of-everything @elmokingkong @inarachi02 @slytherinhquinn @moongoddesskiana @dast218 @buginetye @redscarlet95 @biodad-bruce-month @hansa-12 @waiting247 @toodaloo-kangaroo @how-to-fuction-properly @trippingovermyfeet @greekmythgal @whatthefox22 @the-alice-of-hearts @bigpicklebananatree
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thelibraryofdeez · 3 months
Just Another Class Trip :) Part 4
Marinette has a nice peaceful night, besides from having to outrun Batman, but come on thats just normal field trip stuff, and after that absolutely nothing remarkable happens.
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“It wasn’t just me right?” Marinette asks her Kwamis, “Aunt Selina was acting really strange,”
“She dragged you through secret tunnels in one of the most prevalent companies in the world,” Kaalki deadpans, as she hangs something up in the wardrobe, “Everything was strange,”
“Yeah, I’m not really one to judge,” Marinette says, to the god that can fit in her pocket, “Done,”
She straightens out the portable house she had made for Tikki and Kaalki. It was made out of fabric with just a few pieces of cardboard for better support. It had bedrooms, living rooms, even a little kitchen. It was quite like the ‘doll house’ she has for them back home. She had made a replica of that one for Tikki to bring into the miracle box as a gift for the other Kwamis.
“Oh the others would love this!” Tikki squeaks, flying around inside, Marinette can see her through the little cut out windows.
“Well I can’t hold all of you,” Marinette laughs, falling back on her bed, “I guess I should get some sleep,”
“You aren’t going out for patrol?”
“I thought that was a one time thing?”
“But you had so much fun,” Tikki looks at her with thos big round eyes, “You should go again Marinette,”
“You know Tikki I was actually about to make a responsible decision and go to bed early,” Marinette sighs, getting back up, “But you ruined it,”
“It’s midnight and we both know that you would just keep designing dresses,” Kaalki pushes away one of the many wads of paper littering her bed and room.
“Touche,” Marinette pulls over her mask, “What about the miracle box?”
“It’s your choice Marinette,” Tikki assures, her smile telling Marinette there would be no hard feelings either way.
“Well it was safe last night, Hawk Moth isn’t around to try and steal it,” She puts on her cape, “And it would be pretty bad if it got damaged during a fight,”
“So you’ve made your choice?”
Starling finishes zip tying the crooks hands when she feels eyes fall to her. She doesn’t directly look around, instead stretching and yawning to survey her surroundings. Above. A flash of color, yellow, Robin.
Instead of going back up to the roof as planned she turns and walks out the alley into the street. The victim of the mugging is there waiting and she smiles brightly, letting them relax. When the police arrive she slips away, having no illusions of Robin, or whoever else is watching, actually losing sight of her.
Obviously they wanted her alone for whatever reason. That just means she has to stick to populated areas. Luckily she is in a seedier part of town but not enough that people are too cautious of roaming the streets. There’s a few drunk people around, she’d have to find denser crowds if she wants to give them the slip.
She sees an older woman struggling with her bags, full of fresh produce.
“Hello,” She steps out of the shadows, “Would you-whoa!”
She backs up from the gun that is pointed right at her head.
“Tell your boss to fuck off,” The woman scowls
“Sorry, but I don’t have a boss, Milady,” She smiles kindly, “But I can leave if you want, just thought I’d offer to help with the bags,”
“You a bat?” She raises and eyebrow looking over Starling.
“No Milady,” She can dodge a bullet right?
“Good guy?” The gun inches closer.
“Good enough to not get shot, I hope,” Starling smiles a crooked grin.
“Eh, you would have tried to disarm me if you were a threat,” She puts the gun into her cardigan pocket decorated with embroidered cats.
“Try?” Starling picks up the dropped bags.
“And fail,” She nods, taking the bags from her.
“I’m starting to think I need your help more than you need mine,” Starling chuckles, rubbing her neck.
“Well you can still carry all of this,” She passes the bags back.
“Is there a market at this hour or something?” Starling asks, following after her leaving enough distance.
“Well you see dear late at night is actually when it’s safest,”
“Oh I see,” Starling nods along, scanning the rooftops, “Bats,”
“And you can sell nasty looking fruit in bad lighting,” The older woman cracks a grin, Starling mirroring her.
“I guess that’s true,”
“Plus also works as a front for drugs,” Starling chokes out a laugh.
“And you would know,”
“Of course, your now an accessory to crime my dear,” There’s a sparkle in her eye and Starling can’t help but laugh.
“I never seem to be able to stay out of trouble,” Starling sighs dramatically, sagging to the side.
“That’s because you wander Gotham’s streets in a costume my dear,” She says kindly, then turns a shrewd eye to her, “Just who are you?”
“Starling, nice to meet your acquaintance,” Starling bows, easily managing even with the bags.
“You’re not from around here are you dear?” The lady raises her brow.
“Am I that obvious,” Starling chuckles, a skip in her step.
“Cheerfulness is a dead give away,” Starling nods along to the advice? “You’re either from out of town or crazy,”
“I’ll pick out of town then,” Starling tilts her head to the side, “Tho I can’t guarantee the second one,”
“Batman is not hospitable to rouges my dear,” She ignores Starlings hopefully-a-joke.
“No kidding,” Starling mutters, glancing back up to the rooftops, she was definitely still being watched.
“… Well if you wanted to help more old ladies with their groceries tonight just head back the way we came go straight and take the first right,” She stops in front of a door holding her hand out to take the bags back.
“Thank you,” Starling smiles, giving another bow, “I think I will,”
“Stay out of trouble my dear,” The woman calls as Starling heads down the street.
“Sorry!” Starling calls over her shoulder, “I’m a really bad listener! Have a good night!”
She sees the older lady shake her head before disappearing into the building. Taking her advice Starling walks towards the markets. Those watching don’t approach her on the way to the market. Either they don’t know she’s aware of them or are confident enough that they can keep track of her. She’ll have to check for bugs regardless.
She reaches the market, weaving in between people. She waits for the perfect moment where she’s sure she’ll be in a blind spot. The people milling around watch her curiously and cautiously, a high chance she’s a villain a higher chance she’s a vigilante. This unfortunately means people give her some personal space, not ideal for hiding.
It’s when a group of tall built men walk past her she sees her opportunity. She darts behind them, none backing off from her, a brief glance or two then just ignore her, part of some gang or rather. In a fluid motion Marinette pulls off her cape and scarf with one hand, flipping the skirt inside out to hide the distinct patterning. With her other hand she brings her bun down into a ponytail, being able to just pull it out.
She must of lost them for a second so she quickly but discreetly leaves the spot, not letting them connect her build to Starling. Now that she’s out of costume she is able to hide in crowds. She dips behind some people pulling on her skirt quickly and zipping it up, she then unzips the hood to make it look like a pattern against her skirt. With the scarf in place around her neck turned to the pink side and a pair of glasses, she is sure she looks to the world like a different person.
The next hurtle are the bugs. They probably can’t track her in the market if she stays close to others. There’s one on her skirt, shoe, elbow, and belt. She drops them off in any crates that are full of white powder that is certainly not flower. Might as well send them after something useful.
When she’s sure that she’s untraceable she heads back to the hotel a spring in her step. She does indeed run into someone on her way home that needs help with some groceries. If Marinette does indeed notice something suspicious in their bag no one needs to see her slip in the number of some people that can help out.
“Tikki! That was so great!” “My costume worked perfectly! They didn’t even see it coming!”
“Great job Marinette!” Tikki cheers, flying out of her pockets as they enter her room.
“I wonder what they wanted,” Kaalki asks, as she settles on the bed.
“They were probably going to be like,” Marinette brings her fingers up to make ‘bat ears’, “Get out of the city Starling’ or 'don’t stand on that gargoyle its my brooding gargoyle,”
“Probably shouldn’t have wrote ‘Starling was here’ on it,” Tikki sighs, more of a piece of advice than a lecture.
“Well I wanted to write ‘dibs’ on it, sooo,” Marinette falls back on her bed, lowering her voice so Adrien sleeping next door wont wake up.
“At least you’re having fun,” Tikki giggles.
“I did, but I need a sleep in,”  Marinette snuggles further into the bed.
Tikki flys off over the edge of the bed. Probably to get her little sleeping bag or something.
“What?!” She darts to Tikki’s side, to see an empty backpack. An empty backpack where the Miracle box should be.
“Where’s the Miracle box!”
@smolplantmum @flufflepuffle296 @dawnwave16  @caffeinetheory   @g-arya   @Maribat-2k20   @ladybug-182    @Actual-disaster-human    @fusser90   @messrs-weasley   @soap-lady  @paintedhope7   @zeneralla    @mochegato     @random-nerd-3 @clumsy-owl-4178  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen   @too0bsessedformyowngood @certifiedbidisaster  @Purplegeekypanda @awkward0ghostfan @theymakeupfairies @tikki-marinette @insane-fangirl-of-everything @elmokingkong @inarachi02 @slytherinhquinn @moongoddesskiana @dast218 @buginetye @redscarlet95 @biodad-bruce-month @hansa-12 @waiting247 @toodaloo-kangaroo @how-to-fuction-properly
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thelibraryofdeez · 3 months
Birds of a Feather previous / next
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thelibraryofdeez · 3 months
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thelibraryofdeez · 3 months
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thelibraryofdeez · 3 months
Birds of a Feather previous / next
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thelibraryofdeez · 3 months
No one:
Tumblr users at 00:00 on March 15th:
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thelibraryofdeez · 4 months
*lemony snicket voice* police cars say ‘protect and serve’ for the same reason a box of dry, unflavoured rice cakes might say ‘delicious treat’. rice cakes are not a delicious treat, nor are the police there to protect and serve, but if you are unfamiliar with either you’re likely to believe what you’re told.
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thelibraryofdeez · 5 months
I'm so fucking tired of how my parents are treating me. I spend most of my day taking care of their baby. But that's not enough, I have to do their children's laundry and clean the entire upstairs and do the dishwasher and clean off the table and walk their daughter to her friends house and clean the litter box and clean up their dogs messes and feed the cats and dogs and make sure the dogs go outside during the day and get the mail and make sure their daughter gets a bath every other day and make sure she has a lunch and make sure she's actually getting dressed and I can't talk with an "attitude" or god fobid a "tone" even if the baby just burned his mouth (an instance where I would certainly get screamed at) and I have the constant threat of getting kicked out hanging over my head and oh I'll totally believe them when they say they don't want me overwhelmed.
I just want to leave this house. I was hoping to be out of here by the time I was out of high school but I'm stuck here. They won't let me be employed until I can drive a car to and from work. The same thing applies to college. And the only time I leave the house is to help them with something. This feels like purgatory.
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thelibraryofdeez · 5 months
Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender
let’s see how many transphobics we can weed out
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