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There has been a lot of baby mewtwo’s on my dash and reading the comics on some of the blogs I follow gave me this babytwo fever and
I caved. I drew a babytwo.
I named her and everything.
Don’t. Go too crazy though, I dunno yet if I’m gonna be adding her to the blog.
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Commissions Open
Commissions are back! Prices have gone up, yes, but I was yelled at by my friend and am making an effort not to undersell myself. So! On to the rules!
Final price is non-negotiable. Once I give you the final price it’s take it or leave it.
Any bullying over pricing or rules will be responded with a report, block, and possible sass.
I reserve the right to refuse a commision if I am uncomfortable.
I will not draw sexual NSFW of any kind(this includes full AND partial nudity)
I will not draw minors in sexual situations, nor will I draw aged up minors for sexual purposes. Any who ask for these kinds of drawings will be immediately blocked and reported.
I will draw fursonas.
I will not draw beastiality.
Rules are non-negotiable! As an important note, I do work a full time job and because of this it may take time for me to finish your commission! Please be patient with me!
Next up are examples, and a link to a growing portfolio!
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Portfolio: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-hWblDUtC54av4ERwxKY4F7kOJWX9zfz
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Finished product~! Super proud of this one!
Characters: Fang( reddish-brown hair, purple scales ), Cerin( darker brown hair, human )
Fang belongs to @batteredmettle
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Entry #2 - The Slumbering Weald
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The gate was closed when we went to Hop’s house the day before.
Hop and I were determined to get an endorsement for the gym challenge. Originally I’d agreed only because Hop thought I’d have fun with it, but after that first battle I found myself wanting to participate more and more.
Before that, though, Leon wanted us to see the professor in Wedgehurst. I needed to let mom know of course, so Hop and I headed to my house to ask her.
We heard the crash somewhere on the road there.
Hurrying down the path, we saw the gate into the Slumbering Weald. A dark and dangerous forest that sat not far from my house and the rescue. Growing up, mom had always drilled one thing into my head— never, ever, enter the Slumbering Weald. And to her credit, it was a dangerous place. The mayor of Postwick had it closed off after numerous disappearances— including my father’s.
The temptation was difficult to ignore. There was always some pull to the forest that I couldn’t explain. The mist that constantly ran through the place and flowed out of the entrance was creepy, yet enticing. Sometimes I felt like I needed to go in there. But, considering I barely went anywhere outside mine or Hop’s house, I was always... Too terrified. Fear overwhelmed curiosity. The locked gate was always reminding me to stay away.
But now it was unlocked. More than that, it was swung wide open.
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The day before, Hop and I had scolded a Wooloo from the farm for trying to open the gate into the forest. We’d assumed it had gotten the message and lead it back to Hop’s.
We were silently berating ourselves for not making sure, or not mentioning the occurence to Hop’s mother. The crash was a dead give away to what had happened— the Wooloo had returned and bashed it’s way through. It had likely wandered in, and we could only assume it could be in danger from there. I didn’t know what to do, but Hop insisted we go after it.
I hesitated. I’d been afraid of that place since I was a little kid— had been told hundreds of times to not even think of heading inside. My house was right around the corner, we could’ve gone and gotten mom... But then again, it could’ve been to late at that point. The poor thing could’ve been snatched up by whatever had caused the disappearances in the past.
By whatever had caused my dad’s disappearance.
Suddenly the open gate felt like an invitation. The lock was broken and the temptation was too much to be drowned out now. I summoned all my courage, and we made the trek inside.
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It was darker thanI expected. The dense forest created a thick canopy of leaves above that allowed little to no light through. I had to wonder how the foliage was so abundant. Perhaps the plants here thrived better in the darkness.
Hop and I traveled a long way, and at one point I looked back. I couldn’t see the entrance anymore, nor the light that came from it. I felt a shiver go down my spine, and I was suddenly glad I wasn’t in here alone. Bubble clung to my shoulder, and we gave one another comfort as Hop lead us further into the fog filled woods.
Over a bridge, past patches of tall grass, until we noticed the fog growing thicker as we walked. Still no sign of Wooloo. The path brought us to a small open clearing, and I nearly ran into Hop as he halted suddenly.
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Standing there was a Pokémon we’d never seen before. It had a wolfish build, and long blue fur that appeared draped on it’s tan under-fur like a blanket. Long ginger hair that resembled braids flowed from under it’s ears, and it watched us with bright glowing golden eyes. It was difficult to see in full, it almost appeared one with the fog.
I felt like it’s gaze bore right into me. Maybe like it was calling me. I was used to Pokémon being drawn to me— They were drawn to me, and I to them. It was almost like I could learn to understand what they were saying, thoughI could never quite figure it out. It had been like this since I was a toddler, but I’d never felt so... Afraid. There was something this Pokémon wanted from me. Something it was trying to tell me, but I couldn’t figure out what.
The best sense I could think of was ‘you are not ready yet’.
I found myself nearly hiding behind Hop, and our own Pokémon jumped forward to protect us from this strange being. They attacked.
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However, the attacks wouldn’t go through. The Pokémon didn’t even seemed fazed— as if the moved passed right through it. With each attack, the fog grew thicker, and eventually Bubble and Scorbunny scrambled back to us in fear.
The Pokémon huffed, then let out a piercing howl. Whatever it had done, fog and wind swirled from it and began battering the four of us. It wasn’t long before I had trouble seeing my own hands, and I lost visual of Hop completely. The only thing I could see were those two glowing eyes, piercing the fog and staring me down.
My heart was racing. All I could think of was the possibility that we were going to disappear too. That whatever this Pokémon was was the culprit behind every incident in the Slumbering Weald.
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The next thing I remember, I was waking up to Leon’s panicked voice. The fog had died down considerably, and the forest itself appeared a bit brighter somehow. Hop was waking up not far from me, and Bubble was sitting beside me in worry.
According to Leon, he’d been waiting for us at the professor’s lab, and when we never showed he came looking. He’d found us passed out with our Pokémon and the missing Wooloo.
He gave us an earful for sure, scolding us about wandering into the forest and telling us how worried he was. We explained why we had gone in and what we saw on our way back out, but Leon had no explanation for the mad Pokémon. Even mom didn’t have a clue— after she’d gotten done giving us another scolding.
The gym challenge doesn’t start for a week or two yet, so we decided to put off our trip to the lab to recover from our little adventure. Even then, I found myself unable to really rest. I couldn’t stop thinking about that Pokémon. What was it? What did it want?
And why did I feel the need to find it again?
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So I guess I should explain xD
Odd is what’s known as a channeller in Pokémon D&D rules, it’s a class where the person has an aura that’s super in tune with Pokémon. Think N from black/white.
Technically I don’t think it’s ‘getting kidnapped by Pokémon every five minutes’ but my friend and I had fun with it and it’s easy to catch a ridiculous amount of legendaries in sword/shield with the crown tundra dlc so here’s my take on that xD
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aw yeee commission sheet with updated prices and tos
(hmu if you wanna get in on this artistreh, more examples and my drawing schedule can be sent over pm)
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Entry #1 - Odd’s Starting Line
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I met Hop’s older brother today. Well. Officially met him. He’s been around here and there before he became champion, and mum says I met him when I was really little, but I was too young to remember him.
He’s a little loud, little dramatic, but respectful of boundaries— lots like Hop. He’s a good guy. Rubbish at directions, though. We walked with him back to Hop’s house, and he ended up having a surprise for us. Well, for me, Hop seemed to be anticipating this. He brought us Pokémon.
I grew up around the reacues that mum takes care of, but knowing that I could choose a Pokémon of my own had me getting butterfrees in my stomach. I’d always wanted to travel like mum and dad had when they were my age, but I’m not exactly... Anything special. I’m not strong, I’m afraid of too many things, I have trouble finding the right words... I guess I’m afraid of messing up. Of disappearing like dad did.
Maybe that’s why I chose Bubble.
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She’s a lot like me, shy, quiet, cautious... I felt myself relating to her.
I named her Bubble because of the little spots just behind her cheeks. She was a little afraid of me at first, but we’ve grown into fairly fast friends.
Hop chose Scorbunny, and unsurprisingly he immediately asked to battle me. He’s been teaching me the ins and outs of battle since Leon became champion. If Leon hadn’t brought Pokémon for us, I’m certain Hop would’ve gone out of his way to catch one for me himself.
The battle was... Exhilarating. I was outnumbered and had less experience, but I managed to beat Wooloo and ended up with the type advantage over Scorbunny. I didn’t expect to feel so much of a rush during the battle. I found myself wanting to surpass Hop, found myself loving every moment of it. It... Kinda confused me.
The gym challenge was never my goal when I became a trainer. My ultimate goal was always to become a trainer so I could journey to find my dad. But now... I don’t know. I still want to find him, but it feels like there’s something more I want now. I just... Don’t know what it is yet.
Maybe the gym challenge wouldn’t be a bad idea.
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Don’t be deceived by his size and intimidating looks, Chomps is just a big ol’ jolly doofus.
He loves cuddles.
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So I finally got a computer, and now that I do I’m gonna be moving my multimuse rp blog to a main blog and archiving these blogs. It might take a while so I might still be active here for a little bit but just know that that’s what’s gonna be happening!
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Y’all out there have got that neat Soranort art, and that’s cool, but for a *really* long time I’ve had a whole host of Theories and Thoughts on just where Nomura is going with Sora at the end of KH3…
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Entry #60 - Briar
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About a month ago, Hop Leon and Marnie assissted me in rescuing Pokémon from an underground battle ring. Amoung the Pokémon there was an Eevee we called Briar.
From what we could tell, the poor girl was going through excruciating training in an effort to force and evolution. When we found her she was wounded badly, particularly on her hind-right leg, which appeared to have suffered major acid burns. Unfortunately, we couldn’t save the leg, but we did manage to save her and her unborn kit, who we named Spirit after she was born. It was a difficult rescue. Briar had lost complete trust in humans, and before she felt she could trust me enough to help her, she gave me a nast scar on my right arm. After bringing her back to the rescue and performing the surgery on her leg, she wouldn’t let anyone but myself close for several weeks. Because of this, her care was left to me until others could earn her trust.
At first, it wasn’t easy. There were moments she would scratch or bite at me, not that I could blame her. I would quietly bring her berries and meat, then sit next to her nest and simply allow her to get used to me being around. Eventually she allowed me to touch her, and soon after she allowed more than just myself to come close. After Spirit was born, she grew protective again, but soon enough she relaxed once more. She’s even let me hold her baby more than once.
Not long after that, she ended up surprising me. We received a number of newborn Eevee kits that were found to be abandoned, and I was placed in charge of caring for them. Maybe a few hours after I brought them to the nursery, Briar was on my tail yelling at me to let her see them. After some discussion with my mother, we concluded to allow her to adopt the kits into her litter— making her the pround mother of eight healthy kits.
Since then, Briar has become something of an aid in the nursery. Since we’re unable to release her because of her leg, she instead assists in caring for the lone baby Pokémon. She even helps me with Snaps.
Her story didn’t start a happy one, but I’m glad I could help her rise up from those ashes.
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“This can’t be real-I can still see their messages..why-Nonononono..please no-no-IM RIGHT HERE!! Please- I’m real, I’m right here!” -KBN Sora Gotta love some feels?? Angst?? Riku and Kairi be missing him. So close, yet so far. Ofc Vanitas goes in for the kill- welp. Sora belongs with him now I guess- forever in the darkness. -PLEASE DO NOT STEAL/REPOST/EDIT MY ART OR REMOVE ANY WATERMARKS FROM IT Please consider supporting/commissioning me on my [ KO-FI ]
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I made this drawing last year and decided to take it to the digital world
The lineart is really rough bc it’s just my traditional drawing scanned, but I think it looks better this way
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There’s a reason I named him Snaps
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Entry #57
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Documenting on my new Bulbasaur, Snaps...
When I received the egg from Ms. Honey at the dojo, I was a bit shocked when it hatched into a rather different Bulbasaur than I was used too. At first, before the seed began growing, the only variation from the common Bulbasaur appeared to be a more yellowed green, rather than the common blueish color. Once the seed grew as he did, I understood that Snaps took more after his second parent, but I couldn’t identify what Pokémon that parent was.
I took him to mum, who recognized the stem slowly growing on Snaps’ back as that from a Carnivine. Carnivine are not a Pokémon allowed in Galar, so mum and I don’t have any experience taking care of one. I’ve done general research on the variant so far, and from this research have drawn what he could look like down the evolutionary line.
I’m not yet sure if the stem on his back will produce flowers, but it has grown a small bud that I believe to be the start of the carnivorous plant. I’m interested on how raising Snaps will go, and while I am curious to know if my prediction for the evolutionary line is true, I’m not going to force evolution if he doesn’t want that. For now, I will continue to do research and ask around for advice in properly caring for the little one. He gets along well with my team thus far, and Zacian appears to have taken a liking to him as well.
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tumblr is kicking people out of their blogs, making them reset their passwords and wiping their blog themes stating it had "suspicious code"
go into your blog themes HTML code RIGHT NOW and copy & paste EVERYTHING into a new google docs or whatever you use so you can save it and not have it wiped from tumblrs fucking incompetence at running a website
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