thelightofthecenter · 3 years
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I am possibility. What I hate is ignorance, smallness of imagination, the eye that sees no farther than its own lashes. All things are possible. When we speak in anger, anger will be our truth. When we speak in love and live by love, truth in love will be our comfort. Who you are is limited only by who you think you are. I am the word before its utterance. I am thought and desire. I am a child in the throat of god. Things are possible— joy and sorrow, men and women, children. Someday I’ll imagine myself a different man, build bone and make flesh around him. I am with you but a moment for an eternity. I am the name of everything.
Normandi Ellis: Awakening Osiris: A New Translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
A more correct translation would be The Book of Coming into the Light
Image credit: Metamorphosis by Optiknerve-gr
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thelightofthecenter · 3 years
“Generation after generation, I create myself. It is never easy. Long nights I waited, lost in myself, considering the stars. I wage a battle against darkness, against my own ignorance, my resistance to change, my sentimental love for my own folly.”
— Egyptian Book of the Dead (via thelightofthecenter)
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thelightofthecenter · 5 years
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The Priest/Magician
In the twenty-first century magic, science, religion, and mythology could not be more separate entities. Each is a distinct specialty. Each offers its own experts and practitioners who jealously guard the gates to their individual secrets. In contrast, in ancient Egypt the priest and the magician received the same education. They studied the same myths and called upon the same gods and goddesses in their magic. Priest and magician were, in fact, the same person. When they performed ceremonies and cast spells, they assumed both roles simultaneously.
Source- The Murder of Moses by Rand and Rose Flem-Ath
Image Credit - Light Mage by Trevor Smith Art
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thelightofthecenter · 5 years
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The Seven Sermons of the Dead - Carl Jung
I begin with nothingness. Nothingness is the same as fullness. In infinity full is no better than empty. Nothingness is both empty and full. As well might ye say anything else of nothingness, as for instance, white is it, or black, or again, it is not, or it is. A thing that is infinite and eternal hath no qualities, since it hath all qualities.
Image Credit - Carl Jung's painting titled, "Septem Sermones ad Mortuous" - completed around 1918 while working on Liber Novus
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thelightofthecenter · 5 years
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The Seven Sermons of the Dead - Carl Jung
I begin with nothingness. Nothingness is the same as fullness. In infinity full is no better than empty. Nothingness is both empty and full. As well might ye say anything else of nothingness, as for instance, white is it, or black, or again, it is not, or it is. A thing that is infinite and eternal hath no qualities, since it hath all qualities.
Image Credit - Carl Jung's painting titled, "Septem Sermones ad Mortuous" - completed around 1918 while working on Liber Novus
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thelightofthecenter · 5 years
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What happened around 3,000 BC? A lot.
3500 BC: Mesopotamia;
Rain storms, climatic oscillation. Millennial-scale warming terminates with a period of climatic disturbance and flooding in the lower latitudes (Nile, Arizona, Morocco, Israel, Mesopotamia), followed by a drought; general, worldwide, climate-driven shock to early societies living in “edenic” geography of plenty with “fertile crescent” survivors organizing into more centrally administered culture based on irrigation.
3250 BC: Global; Stormy weather
Beginning of 1000 yrs wet, stormy weather. A neoglacial period characterized by wetter, stormier conditions; starting between 5000 and 4000 years BP and extending to about 3500 yrs BP (Enzel, Quat R 1992)
3199 BC: Europe; Irish oaks
Tree rings in Northern Ireland are narrow in 1153 B,c 1628 B,c 3199 B,c and 4377 BC. The 3199 BC value is associated with an acidity peak in Camp Century ice cores dated at 3150 B,c demonstrating unquestionably that adverse weather conditions, probably due either to volcanic eruption or meteoric impact, occurred at this time. Other narrow years are associated with frost rings observed in California bristlecone pines and with eruptions of Icelandic (Hekla 3 in 1159 BC) and Aegean (Santorini in 1628 BC) volcanoes. Baillie,Nature, 3/24/88
3150 BC: Mesopotamia; The Flood
The Flood 3150 BC(?). Abrupt cooling at higher latitudes, possibly related to oceanic effects, especially in Northern Europe, corresponding to peak of megalith cultures. Probable oscillation in sea level shortly before 3000 BC followed by 10-15 ft. alluvial deposition in river valleys.
3113 BC: Mexico; Mayan recreation
Last Mayan date of recreation of the world following The Flood , Aug 12, 3114 BC.
3100 BC: Egypt; Egypt, Unification
Egypt, Unification
3100 BC: Greenland; GISP ice core
rapid climatic change shown on GISP ice core Science 12/22/95.
Images- Mayan Calendar Stela.  East side of stela C, Quirigua with the mythical creation date of 13 baktuns, 0 katuns, 0 tuns, 0 uinals, 0 kins, 4 Ahau 8 Cumku - August 11, 3114 BC.
The Mayan Calender begins at a specific date of August 11, 3114 BC, around a period of time in which there were tremendous global upheavals geologically and meteorologically
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thelightofthecenter · 6 years
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Tlaltecuhtli - Earth and Sky Goddess
Tlaltecuhtli has both feminine and masculine attributes, although she is most often represented as a female deity. Her name means “The one who gives and devours life”, and she represents the earth and the sky, and was one of the gods in the Aztec pantheon most hungry for human sacrifice.
According to Aztec mythology, at the origin of time (the “First Sun”), the gods Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca began to create the world. But the monster Tlaltecuhtli destroyed everything they were creating. The gods turned themselves into giant serpents and wrapped their bodies around the goddess until they tore Tlaltecuhtli’s body into two pieces.
One piece of Tlaltecuhtli’s body became the earth, mountains and rivers; her hair became trees and flowers; her eyes the caves and wells. The other piece became the vault of the sky, although in this early time no sun or stars were embedded in it yet.
Image Credit - Earth Goddess Tlaltecuhtli by jaggudada
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thelightofthecenter · 6 years
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Mayan Goddess of Mind and Thought- Alaghom Naom Tzentel
Alaghom’s themes are time, destiny, cycles and magic. Her symbol is the calendar.  In Mayan tradition, Alaghom created the human ability to think, reason and mark time using those skills. She also designed the intangible parts of nature, which take us beyond concrete realities into the world of the Goddess and Her magic. She is considered to be the goddess of conscious awareness, creative inspiration and logical thought.
Image Credit- Muerte Azteca by breakthrough designs
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thelightofthecenter · 6 years
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Aztec Tree of Life. Right: Egyptian Ankh cross of Life. Both depict tau crosses.
In both images there are twin deities facing inward, toward the cross. The positions of their arms, hands, feet and legs are almost perfectly parallel.
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thelightofthecenter · 6 years
As I reread this I notice one phrase that now sticks out...relinquishment of destiny. Have you forgotten who you really are?
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Image Credit-Metternich Stela
The child Horus holds in each hand both a serpent and a scorpion.  To symbolize his magic powers, Horus holds snakes and scorpions as well as an antelope (by its horns) and a lion (by its tail) in his closed fists.  The magical and religious texts of the Egyptians of all periods contain spells intended to be used against serpents, scorpions, and noxious reptiles of all kinds
Source 1
Source 2
Now that you’ve read that brief description, read this portion of text from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the title which you know by now is more correctly translated as the Book of Coming into the Light.
I know the names of the scorpions and they are these: anger, bitterness and doubt. And I know the names of the serpents: ego, concern for the self of the body; relinquishment of destiny, the attribution of suffering to god; false pity that stifles another man’s becoming; mediocre virtues and the denial of passion; sentimentality wherein passion is artifice; satisfaction wherein he fails to attain the great; common thought wherein a man seeks not to push himself beyond the limits of his own imagination.
Normandi Ellis-Awakening Osiris. The Egyptian Book of the Dead.
I find it very interesting that the Book of Coming into the Light, makes it clear that scorpions or snakes etc. represented various qualities within us or issues about ourselves that we had to deal with.  The spells to address these were not necessarily always about dealing with a “flesh and blood” creature, but dealt instead with addressing those things that we struggle with. Those things that hinder us on our path towards manifesting the divine.
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thelightofthecenter · 6 years
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On Your Journey, You are not Alone.
Even in the dark, a fire burns in the distance. Long years the hearth-keeper keeps his silence, lightening the dark, leading children home. There is food for the hungry, rest for the weary. Warm and light is the fire. Along the road, life’s children sing. Voices join in the darkness.
I have known terrors in the night, eaters of flesh, the teeth of evil. I have known anger and hatred, more terrible even by day because they were unexpected. And I learned to relax in the jaws of death, to relax my grasp on ruby life and let the world go on. I find joy in the advent of stars, in the song rising out of darkness. My heart fills with the spirit of wind..
Lift your heads, throw down your hands and weep no more. The eye of creation looks upon you. Look back. You are crystal reflecting fire. In your own becoming there is light— enough to lead you home.
Egyptian Book of the Dead. More correctly translated as the Book of Coming into the Light.
Image Credit- Sekhmet by Alector Fencer
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thelightofthecenter · 6 years
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Hymn to Asar/Osiris
The doors of perception open; what was hidden has been revealed. It is myself I see and a thousand colors swirling in liquid light. I am where the sun sets below the mountains. I am in this body. I am that star rising above the clouds hung by a thread from its ocean moon. Hail myself traversing eternity walking among gods, a shuttle flying across the loom through the threads of time. This is all one place, one cloth: a man’s life endures. On earth flowers grow, snakes crawl and wisdom lies in the palm of a hand. All that is will be - hawks and sparrows, the thousand lives within.
I have come home. I have entered humanhood, bound to rocks and plants, men and woman, rivers and sky. I shall be with you in this and other worlds. 
-The Egyptian Book of the Dead. More correctly translated as the Book of Coming into the Light. Translated by Normandi Ellis.
Image Credit- Osiris by chevsy
This about what is being said for a minute….this is an extremely powerful description of what a person understands and “sees” when they begin to understand the Oneness of all things, the connection between all things, the true reality. This is a person that understand the illusion or the dream that we are currently in, yet also understand the truth of a reality that exists outside of this illusion. 
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thelightofthecenter · 6 years
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Answers to the Questioner
Forget “elites” and recognize the true Elite. It is formed of individuals who have already gone beyond Nature. To be of the Elite is to want to give and to be able to give; it is to know how to draw on the inexhaustible source and to give this food to those who are hungry and thirsty in the form which is suited to them. Altruism is the criterion by which to recognize the man who goes beyond humanity.
R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz - Nature Word
Image Credit-Johfra Bosschart, Aquarius
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thelightofthecenter · 6 years
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Bless the Darkness
I know the terrible truth of darkness, and I say, bless the darkness, for in darkness I stumbled and fell on the crystal road. After years of doubt, the dark mind turns again to light.
The Egyptian Book of the Dead. More correctly titled the Book of Coming into the Light
Image Credit-Exileden, The Alchemy of Life and Death
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thelightofthecenter · 6 years
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Bless the Darkness…
I know the terrible truth of darkness, and I say, bless the darkness, for in darkness I stumbled and fell upon the crystal road. After years of doubt, the dark mind turns again to light. In the black mountain of the heart, I found my way home again. I am that light in the darkness. I am a diamond, a bright secret veiled in black cloth. The light beyond heaven is the light within.
Egyptian Book of the Dead (Awakening Osiris by Normandi Ellis)
Image Credit- Darkness by ChrisCold
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thelightofthecenter · 6 years
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I Am Possibility
Egyptian Book of the Dead - Awakening Osiris by Normandi Ellis
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thelightofthecenter · 6 years
“As long as we are not ourselves, we will try to be what other people are. If these people are also not themselves, the result is terrible.”
— Malidoma Patrice Some - Of Water and the Spirit: ritual, magic, and Initiation in the life of an African shaman.
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