themanta · 7 months
It was an honour to work with Maz for this. Their concept was super cute, and it was easy to brainstorm (and write) something fluffy. (With a hint of spice).
“You’re an utter madman”
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a wonderful piece of art I was able to develop with @themanta for the GhostSoap sever’s reverse bang exchange for Valentines Day!!
I’ll link their paired fic here, this was a lot of fun and I absolutely adore how lovely the boys ended up being
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themanta · 9 months
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The GhostSoap Server is hosting a Valentine's Day Reverse Bang! If you'd like to participate, follow the link below to join the server! Sign ups close December 30th so get in while you can!
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themanta · 11 months
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themanta · 1 year
Oh. My. God.
Hugh... Hugh, you are awesome...
I was watching an interview they made with Hugh, Cassie and Graham where they asked Hugh "Does music play a part in you developing your characters?"
He answered that it was a conversation that he and Cassie had actually had, because they'd both made a bit of a playlist for theirs, and he'd been listening to Jobriath to help get himself in the mood.
And when he said that, I went "Wait, hold on..." because I remembered there was another interview - where they'd asked him if the actors had any say when it came to choosing the wig their character would wear - where Hugh mentioned that yeah, they did, and that he'd wanted his looks to be a bit inspired by '70s Glam Rock...
Jobriath was the 1st openly gay Glam Rock artist, whose career suffered a major backlash from homophobic audiences (from what I understand, the way his publicist chose to exploit his sexuality as a marketing tool didn't help), that sadly died of AIDS back in 1983 (at age 36).
He played in the musical "Hair", and here is how he looked back then...
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But the picture that fucking killed me, however, is this one...
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Because, I mean...
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Another interesting fact: His birth name was actually Bruce Wayne Campbell.
He changed it to Jobriath Salisbury after deserting from the US Army.
They eventually did find him and arrest him, though, and he spent about 6 months in a military psychiatric hospital after suffering a breakdown.
Just thinking about poor Radovid attempting to run away from the Redanian court, only to be pulled right back in, and definitely looking right in the verge of a breakdown here...
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(I'm hoping Radovid's story get a happier ending than what happened to Jobriath IRL, though...)
One of his songs is actually called "Take Me I'm Yours"...
And it's totally worth a listen!
Baby, you just amaze me and daze me
You're the blind spot in my consciousness
C'mon and forsake me and break me
And drink the blood of my obsessiveness
Make me cry out and die out
Of love for this world's fallacy
Refuse me diffuse me
To the corners of the galaxy
Take me I'm yours
Take me take me I'm yours
Take me I'm yours
Take me I'm yours
I can't say if this particular song was a part of Hugh's playlist when developing the character, but...
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... suddenly feels like an even more inspired line to me.
There are other songs and lyrics from Jobriath that do give me some solid Radskier feels...
I've always wanted a movie queen
To call my very own
That bright and shining star
I've worshipped from afar
Came to earth to be with me tonight
I've always wanted a superstar
To cherish as my own
But so high in the sky
I never dared to try
To take the steps that I can take with you tonight
So basically, Hugh Skinner was offered to play a gay Prince/King on a major fantasy show...
And apparently, thought that he'd take the opportunity to draw inspiration from, and subtly pay homage to, a near-forgotten gay cultural icon.
And it's perfect!
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themanta · 1 year
If you follow me and you don't have any content, I will be blocking you.
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themanta · 1 year
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Hello ghouls and horrors! The GhostSoap server is hosting a fanwork exchange leading up to the spookiest month of the year! Test yourself as we dive into the very depths of creativity and get paired with an unknown entity who'll be lucky enough to receive a gift from the lovely you! Fret not my dear darkness, you will also be bestowed upon a sacrifice crafted specifically for yourself! Place your offerings to the GhostSoap gods (not you Nick) and revel in the moonlight! The crypt doors aren't open for long, sign up now to get your ticket to Hell and don't forget to wear sunscreen!
Join the server and sign up for the event here!
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themanta · 1 year
Have some extreme crack.
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themanta · 1 year
This is somewhere between crack and serious.
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themanta · 1 year
I cried so much watching this. Oh my heart...
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The Witcher s03e03: “[Your mother] loved you the best she could. To save you, she had to let you go.”—“This can’t have been the only choice.”
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themanta · 1 year
So this is crack. Enjoy!
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themanta · 1 year
It's my first witcher fic!
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themanta · 1 year
On the note of being silly, have another short fic!
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themanta · 1 year
You gotta write for funsies sometimes. Everything doesn’t have to be groundbreaking. Like. Who cares if it’s a little silly it is made out of love
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themanta · 1 year
So this is utter crack. And a bit filthy too...
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themanta · 1 year
More silly short fics. This time inspired by Julian's spy fantasies.
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themanta · 1 year
Another flashfic from ds9, where I try to emulate some creepy vibes.
Also, have some music.
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themanta · 1 year
This one is a much heavier short fiction.
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