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Consistency and long term thinking pay off! Even small actions repeated day in day out add up.
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Professional Protocol Basics
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Interpersonal Communications
Introducing people: How to introduce different-range officers:
Keep visual contact with both parts
Highest ranked authority is mentioned first
Business cards
It represents you and your business
Must only include the basic contact data: name, position, phone, email and the business logo/name
Present the card with your left hand, so you can greet the person with your right hand
You should present it when introduced to the other person
Present it at the beginning of a business meeting, unless it is a business lunch
Try not to write any additional information on it
Personal quality standards we voluntarily follow
Urgency and hurry may act against it
Basic professional element
Always plan ahead, so you don’t show up too early or too late
Try to stand up or stand tall when you talk, so your voice is clearer
Always greet and identify yourself
Smile as if you were meeting the other speaker face to face
Always leave a message if the answering machine goes on. Don’t just hang up.
Be succint and straighforward, but also kind
Try not to avoid other people’s calls
Answer your messages within 24 hours
Be careful with your grammar and spelling in any language
Do not use CAPITALS (netiquette)
Mention the name of the person at the beginning of the message
Be concise and succint
Describe the exact matter of the message in its title
Add your professional signature, with the basic information of your business card
Answer messages within 24 hours
Do not mix personal and job email accounts
Body language
Create empathy through eye contact
Be a good observer: you can know if someone is lying through eye contact
Do not avoid eye contact with someone you dislike or feel overwhelmed.
The best and fastest way to create empathy and relaxation
We smile less and less as we grow older
It can automatically improve your image
Sitting down
Try not to sit like a robot (symetrically)
Try not to cross your arms and legs
Approach your counterpart
Show the palms of your hands
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Productivity: The 3 Minute Rule
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How do you manage your schedules and productivity?
Often we let tasks overwhelm us and pile up throughout the day. The 3-minute rule in productivity is a great tool for meeting our goals. This rule says that if a task can be done in 3 minutes or less, no matter what you are doing, the new task must be done immediately. For example, if you are arranging inventory in your online store and you have to reply to an email that takes less than 3 minutes, do it! Stop and answer it immediately.
The rule says that even if you have a to-do list, everything that comes in you should question it: can I do it in 3 minutes or less? If the answer is yes, evacuate it immediately, so the dopamine that will give you having already done that work, will help you finish what you were doing faster. Plus, you'll have fewer things to do at the end of the day. The rule explains that putting off these "simple" day-to-day tasks by sticking to a to-do list (which is the best way to stay productive) would result in frustrations at the end of the day.
If new tasks take more than three minutes, schedule them for later. This rule is a breath of fresh air in this season where, without a doubt, small tasks will not wait. Socialize this with your team and let's learn together to be more and more productive and happy. The accomplishment of the missions generates mental well-being.
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13 principles of public image
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1.- Having an Image is unavoidable Everything around us has an image, it is their visual representation and character. It can be good or bar, right or wrong depending on the approach, but no one escapes from having an image.
2.- 83% of our decisions are taken through sight Love comes from sight…. During the debate between Nixon and Kennedy for the US presidency, people that followed the event on the radio favored Nixon, while the ones that saw it on TV favored Kennedy with a wide margin. Nixon was on camera looking shaggy, tired and untidy, while Kennedy, having rested before the debate, had a healthy suntan and looked relaxed and confident. After the debate, surveys determined that Kennedy, having started slightly behind Nixon, had already surpassed him in voting preferences. For the 80 million viewers that followed the TV broadcasting, it was Kennedy's kindness and good appearance that made the whole difference.
3.- The decodifying process of the perceived stimuli takes only a few seconds “First impressions count the most”
4.- People decide mostly based on feelings Most people decide based on perceptions, "hunches" and visual attractiveness for a great amount of issues.
5.- Public image is dynamic This happens to most artist and long trajectory public figures. As time goes by, they transform their image, for better or for worse. Most of them try to adapt to the trends and fashion.
6.- Image creation must respect the essence of the communicator Whenever you are about to create a public image, it must always fit the person's essence and his/her physical and psychological traits.
7.- Image is always relative There is no absolute good or bad image. It depends on the context and communication efforts.
8.-The image creation process is rational, and therefore needs a method No personal tastes or preferences of the consultant must be involved. The process requires a methodology for the working team, based on the needs of the publics that will perceive the image.
9.-The efficiency of an image depends directly of the coherence of its conforming stimuli Image creation must incorporate several elements, based on the essential traits of the client.
10.-It will always be harder and take longer to rebuild an image than to creat one from the beginning How easy is it to fix a broken image? 
11.-A better image has stronger influence A client will always get added value from a good, clean, well planned and structured public image. This will maintain the publics trust and will project confidence.
12.The leader's image permeates within the institution The image of the people that work in the institution will affect its image directly. Therefore, you must work with the leader's image first in order to influence the whole company.
13.-The institution's image permeates through its members Once the institutional image is established, each member must be coherent with it so it reflects one single effort. 
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"My client is not on the internet"
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Are you sure of this? "Since 2019 there are more people in the world connected to the Internet, than those who are not connected," said Mark Zuckerberg in January 2020, by January 2021, the figure grew more than 11%. The Internet is not just social networks, "the Internet" is currently almost 90% of our communication channels. Is your client not on the internet? We'll see.
WhatsApp is the Internet, email is the Internet, social networks, advertising, even indirectly; their friends, their children, their acquaintances, their grandchildren, the fact that all of them are connected to the Internet, means that in addition or by association this person is also connected. "There are more people connected to the Internet than those who are not connected." Always remember it.
If you have a really articulated strategy and "attack" at least 3 factors or channels of the aforementioned, you have up to an 80% probability of reaching your customer by some means. If he is not in your networks, perhaps he reads the emails you send him, or he receives emails that you send him, does he read the press? Are you in the press? Find solutions!
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5 business lessons you should apply
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1. The right people make the right team: It is impossible to build a company without people. If you do not have employees, you will still have mentors, advisors or colleagues that you will find over time and even if you do not have anyone on your team, there are the clients. There are always people, and they must always be the right ones.
2. Perfection is not an option: Perfection does not exist, we will never be sufficiently prepared for something, there is always room for imperfection and that gives us room to improve, but if we focus on perfection, we become paralyzed. Perfection is the greatest enemy of entrepreneurship.
3. Time is really worth more than gold: The day has a limited number of hours, what do you do with them? The better use we make of time, the better quality of life we ​​will have and the better prospecting our businesses will have (and the sooner you start, the sooner you will have a business)
4. If you don't try, you can't: Trial and error is the best formula for business. If you don't try it, you will never know if it works. So everyone tells you that something is not going to work, if you think it will (and you have backup data or documents) do it!
5. Never stop learning: No matter how much you know, or how much you have studied, the world never stops changing. Have you heard that success is built every day? It is built with experience and learning. If you stop you stay. You have to be fond of education!
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Let’s talk about image
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First impressions are crucial. They can make or break an opportunity. It’s human nature to make a judgement about someone when you first meet them. But why is it vital that your first impression is always your best one? Here are some reasons why:
1. You never forget a first impression.
2. It takes from 5 to 30 seconds to create it.
3. It is the starting Point of any relationship.
4. There is no second chance for a good first impression.
But what is image? It is a mental impression that ignites a criticar judgement, which is expressed through an opinion and becomes the reality of the perceiver, it is the result of what is perceived through senses. It is perception. 
Non-verbal communication says much more than verbal communication:
- Non verbal: 93%
- Verbal: 7%
So what is the best image? The best image anyone can adopt is coherent, and it should always respect the person/product essential traits, their objective, their target’s needs. 
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Always think about the customers and you will know how to serve them
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The first thing you should know is that communication is the basis of success. Answering customer emails, calls and complaints reduces by 90% the possibility of public measures (such as advertisements on networks) that affect the reputation of the brand.
Second, you should always take into account that customer service must reflect the DNA of the brand. The more level and positioning the brand has, the greater and better the attention should be.
"The greatest source of knowledge is your dissatisfied customers" - Bill Gates
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How to stop being lazy
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I think it is important to talk about this topic, because being lazy is not a necessarily bad thing. One question that you have to ask yourself when you’e sitting down to do something and suddenly you feel this laziness coming in, and you are like ‘I don’t want to do this’, ask yourself, do you really have to do that? Laziness often comes in when we have to do things that can be delegad or things that are useless. So you really have to start asking yourself ‘do I really like what I’m doing?’ Because again, laziness is just protecting you from doing unnecessary things, or things that could be done better by someone else.
Second, you really need those lazy days. It is okay if you don’t have the Energy to keep working on weekends. Don’t punish yourself for this! The worst thing is to start punishing yourself on a weekend that you are not doing anything. Just give yourself some time to rest and enjoy yourself, your family and friends.
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Marketing basics you need to know for your business
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The basics of marketing can be summarized in the  4 Ps of marketing. But you must be wondering what are the 4 Ps. They are key factors involved in the marketing of a good or service. They are the product, price, place, and promotion of a good or service. Often referred to as the marketing mix, the 4 Ps are constrained by internal and external factors in the overall business environment, and they interact significantly with one another.
The 4 Ps are used by companies to identify some key factors for their business, including what consumers want from them, how their product or service meets or fails to meet those needs, how their product or service is perceived in the world, how they stand out from their competitors, and how they interact with their customers.
Product: What you sell. Could be a physical good, services, consulting, etc.
Price: How much do you charge and how does that impact how your customers view your brand?
Place: Where do you promote your product or service? Where do your ideal customers go to find information about your industry?
Promotion: How do your customers find out about you? What strategies do you use, and are they effective?
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Top 3 money mistakes to avoid in your 20s
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1. Not caring about personal finance
 Many people thinks that personal finance is for rich people. But the truth is, it doesn’t matter if you have 20, 50, 500, 1,000 or 10,000 dollars in your wallet, you can always save a porcentage of your income, and even invest some money. Of course, there are some basic things you must know in order to start doing this, but as you educate yourself on this matter, you will notice there is nothing to be afraid of. Just remember, even if you don’t have a lot of money, you are still forming habits, and those habits will help you a lot once you start making more money. 
2. Invest in yourself
The best advice if your are young, is to whatever you can invest in yourself, invest it in yourself! What do I mean by this? Your education, courses, trips, whatever broadens your horizons, whatever helps you make more money in the future.
3. Take risks
When you are in your twenties you don’t have a family, so something you have to remember is that right now is the best time to risk, you don’t have a better time for this. You can start a business, try something new!
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How to price your product or service
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Are you considering starting a new business but don’t know how to price your product or service? In this post, I will show the main pricing strategies used by companies nowadays.
The first thing you need to take into account are costs. There are two types of costs:
1. Fixed costs: The company has to pay for them even if they don’t sell a single unit. For example: rent, salaries and pages, general services, etc.
2. Variable costs: They depend on the amount of units produced. For example: raw materials.
Now, I will share the main market-based pricing strategies:
•       Price penetration: Where a business sells its products at a low price to try to break into a market and gain market share quickly. The aim of this policy is to gain enough market share to be able to raise prices in the future once the business has become established.
•       Price skimming: Most commonly seen with new and innovative products. The price is set high initially to gain those customers who will pay almost any price.
•       Price discrimination: Ideally, the business would like to sell its product at different prices in the various segments, to take advantage by charging higher prices to customers who are prepared to pay more.
•       Loss leaders: Products sold at very low prices to tempt customers into a store. Can be used as a promotional activity as well.
•       Psychological pricing: Taking account of the fact that the price also gives a customer information about the characteristics of a product. Also refers to the practice of setting prices at just under the currency unit.
•       Promotional pricing: Used to clear excess stock quickly or try to gain market share.
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3 Profitable Business ideas for 2021
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Have you thought about having a new business but don’t  have any idea? In this post I will share 3 ideas that can be quite profitable for you to try:
1. Organic vending machines
Vending machines usually have products such as Coca-Cola, some unhealthy snack, and products with a lot of sugar. And I usually ask myself like, should I just skip this meal and wait for something that is healthy? An organic vending machine would be a great business for places where People tend to care more about their health and where they watch what they eat.
In 2019, the vending machine market in the US was over 6,000 miliion dollars, and is projected to be over 7,000 million dollars by 2026, so this Industry is definitely growing.
2. Start a Youtube Channel in your area of expertise
This is something that makes a great income. First of all, you get paid by Youtube, by Adsense. Second, you can have partnerships where companies pay you to advertiste their products. Third, you can have afiliase links or you produce your own products like courses or manuals, or you can even créate your phisical product. The opportunity here is amazing!
3. Drone videographer
If you are into drones, you should definitely explore this idea! The market for this Industry is 4.4 billion right now and is expected to be 63 billion by 2025. I you know how to operate and how to create a footage for a dron you can be a filemaker, you can create movies, you can create footage for ads, you can even work with bloggers. Second, you can film different events, like weddings or business events. And last but not least, there are many industries that rely on images from drones, like agriculture, civil engineering and need small business specialists with these matters.
What do you Think about these ideas? I am looking forward to your comments.
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Without a doubt - social media marketing is a GAME CHANGER for any new business!
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How to sell your proposal
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How many times have you had an idea that you think could be very successful but you don't know how to communicate it or sell it? For that, I am going to share three different methods that can help you attract the attention of your clients and potential clients:
Motivational sequence:
AIDA method:
SPIN method:
Need pay-off
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What you need to know about consulting
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If you are thinking about starting to offer consulting services about something you are really good at or have great knowledge about, the first thing you need to do is to define your services according not only to your niche’s needs, but also to your capabilities and skills, in order for your clients to know what to expect from your services. For this, it is also important that you select your clients based on the ten following criteria:
Once you've selected your clients and have signed a contract to start working with them, it can be hard to know where and how to start. But there is no need to worry,   I will share a methodology that will be usefull so that your projects are successful:
Evaluation / Feedback
And last but not least, always remember to take into account the Problem Map of each of your clients, for which you will have to consider three fundamental aspects:
What we know: The facts you know for sure, without opinions.
Assumptions: The things we think we know, what we suppose about the company's problem.
Limitations: Restrictions that limit our acces to information, the company or the problem itsetlf.
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