Unionize with ur fellow pedestrians. They can’t run us all over
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my toxic xennial trait is that i believe something should either be software (in which case after i download it i shouldn't need to be connected to use it) or a web page (which shouldn't require me to download anything to use it, however badly, in a browser). fuck your mandatory single function constant connection apps
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The sheer amount of property damage the Gaang cause in the first five episodes of Atla is remarkable. Absolute menaces to public infrastructure.
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“i don’t need a list, i'll remember what i need. it’s four things. no need to write it down” thats the DEVIL SPEAKING!!!!!
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my favorite scene in LotR as a kid was when Sam started miserably freestyling in the tower of Cirith Ungol and the only reason he ever found Frodo was because he deliriously tried to join in
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my favorite scene in LotR as a kid was when Sam started miserably freestyling in the tower of Cirith Ungol and the only reason he ever found Frodo was because he deliriously tried to join in
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i want all my friends and followers and mutuals and acquaintances to know from the bottom of my heart: i don’t respond to your messages because i’m an insane person, i am insane medieval hermit software running inappropriately on modern queer hardware and social media scares me. it is not your fault
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watching a movie at home circa like, 2001 was like
put your TV on channel 2 so the VCR will work
open up the clamp shell case that held the VHS that has that satisfying crrlikkkkkk
put in the movie
gdi it has to be rewound
press STOP and then rewind because its so much faster that way
start the movie and it takes a few seconds for the movie to actually start cause you rewound to the VERY beginning
FBI will get you if you illegally distribute or exhibit this movie
and then. because you forgot that movies are always so much louder than TV
Okay crisis averted.
although. these ads are kind of quiet. a little hard to hear.....
better turn up the volume...
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Last of the Summer Wine Fumihiro Kato
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i am neither breaking the cycle nor continuing the loop but a secret third thing
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they’re the same movie your honour
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Well well well if it isn't the consequences (dishes) of my own actions (baking)
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The talk I gave tonight was primarily about how babies, as well as young children, experience hyperconsciousness, something that is often considered one of the main reasons why children at these stages are ‘difficult’ to handle.
Kids man, they encompass some of the most phenomenal thought processes and it is all driven by the fact that this whole world is completely new to them. If you want to see abstract ideas constructed in a matter of seconds, talk to a child. Their grasp is unbelievable.
Even if you feel that children whine, cry, and scream too much… in considering how they’re in a world they had no prior concept of, and are subject to an uncontrollable amount of stimuli every waking moment…. I still believe they’re handling it all fairly well.
This conference made me realize how much of a passion I have for destigmatizing childhood behaviors. There’s a sort of ‘Ahh..’ moment that people come to when they see that children actually have reasons for everything they do, that they shouldn’t be viewed as underdeveloped ‘functioning’ adults but should instead be recognized as humans in a separate yet equally important stage of life.
I’ve also been doing some work in researching and writing about children as an oppressed class, I’m finding ways to incorporate my previous sentiments into that.
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cars are so strange in a historical context. like we discovered crude oil but didn't know what to do with it, then we invent the combustion engine and realise its an insanely energy dense fuel source and that it can move 1 ton of metal faster than almost any living thing has ever moved in the history of the entire planet, and now there are so many of these things around that there's like. almost 1 for every single person on the planet, and also there are far more people on the planet right now at a single time than there ever has been at any other point in history. also they spew a miasma into the atmosphere that destroys the air we breathe and we spend so much time in them that they are built with dedicated cupholders. its actually cataclysmically fucking insane to think about.
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in an interesting case of linguistic convergent evolution, the english words scale, scale, and scale are all false cognates of each other
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My plan for the public transit system is to make bus drivers into a sort of holyman whose role is cherished in society. Then we give them access to all the ecstasy they want and they're expected to take it on the job.
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