thenerdnest · 6 years
Size comparison of Y’gathok, the Ceaseless Hunger and Bjorn, our level 20 Goliath Barbarian.
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thenerdnest · 7 years
I feel attacked right now.
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Any time @pazzojinn opens his mouth. It tends to sound like this.
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thenerdnest · 7 years
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the sheer amount of artistic talent put into these panels to portray the right feeling on clark’s face is amazing
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thenerdnest · 7 years
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thenerdnest · 7 years
Class Rebuild-Arcane Hint Spell Lists
Touch Injection Detective
1 -  Read Magic,  Detect Magic,  Detect Poison,  Prestidigitation,  Alarm,  Rite of Centered Mind,  Secluded Grimoire,  Unseen Servant,  Comprehend Languages,  Cultural Adaptation,  Detect Metal,  Detect Secret Doors,  Detect Charm,  Heightened Awareness,  Identify,  See Alignment,  Memorize Page,  Floating Disk,  Disguise Self,  Interrogation,  Restore Corpse,  Alchemical Tinkering,  Crafter’s Fortune, 
2 -  Blood Biography,  Arcane Sight,  Open Book,  Secret Page, 
3 -  Scrying,  Arcane Eye,  Remove Curse,  Earsend, 
4 -  Discern Location,  Analyze Dweomer,   Legend Lore,  Break Enchantment,  Secret Chest,  Telepathic Bond, 
1 - Read Magic,  Detect Magic,  Detect Poison,  Prestidigitation,  Alarm,  Rite of Centered Mind,  Abundant Ammunition,  Guardian Armor,  Mount,  Secluded Grimoire,  Unseen Servant,  Comprehend Languages,  See Alignment,  True Strike,  Memorize Page,  Floating Disk,  Magic Missile,  Moment of Greatness,  Clarion Call,  Alchemical Tinkering,  Ant Haul,  Crafter’s Fortune,  Emblazon Crest,  Enlarge Person,  Expeditious Retreat,  Jury-Rig,  Magic Weapon, 
2 -  Protection from Arrows, Communal,  Protection from Energy,  Pack Empathy,  Perfect Placement, 
3 - Protection from Energy, Communal,  Secure Shelter,  Revenant Armor,  Ward Shield, 
4 - Magic Army, Battlemind Link,  Guards and Wards,  Wall of Stone,  Telepathic Bond,  Life Bubble, 
1 - Detect Magic,  Detect Poison,  Prestidigitation,  Endure Elements,  Abundant Ammunition,  Icicle Dagger,  Unseen Servant,  Comprehend Languages,  Cultural Adaptation,  Anticipate Peril,  Heightened Awareness,  True Strike,  Charm Person,  Memorize Page,  Memory Lapse,  Burning Hands,  Dancing Darkness,  Magic Missile,  Shocking Grasp,  Touch of Combustion,  Blend,  Blurred Movement,  Disguise Self,  Shadow Trap,  Sculpt Corpse,  Touch of Blindness,  Expeditious Retreat,  Feather Fall,  Mirror Strike,  Monkey Fish,  Poisoned Egg, 
2 -  Gaseous Form,  Water Breathing,  Touch Injection,  Countless Eyes, 
3 - Invisibility, Greater,  Dimension Door,  Solid Fog,  Conjure Deadfall, 
4 - Dance of a Thousand Cuts, Shadow Walk,  Mislead,  Wreath of Blades,  Absorb Toxicity,  Echolocation
1 - Detect Magic,  Endure Elements,  Icicle Dagger,  Mount,  See Alignment,  True Strike,  Charm Person,  Memory Lapse,  Sleep,  Unprepared Combatant,  Bungle,  Ear-Piercing Scream,  Blurred Movement,  Color Spray,  Dazzling Blade,  Disguise Self,  Shadow Trap,  Shadow Weapon,  Interrogation,  Itching Curse,  Ray of Enfeeblement,  Ray of Sickening,  Touch of Blindness,  Reduce Person
2 -  Armor Lock,  Heatstroke,  Pain Strike,  Barrow Haze, 
3 - Bestow Curse,  Contagion,  Ward Shield,  Named Bullet, 
4 - Prediction of Failure,  Contagion, Greater,  Eyebite,  Black Spot,  Feeblemind,  Rune of Ruin, 
1 - Detect Magic,  Endure Elements,  Desperate Weapon,  Guardian Armor,  True Strike,  Burning Hands,  Dancing Darkness,  Ear-Piercing Scream,  Magic Missile,  Shocking Grasp,  Touch of Combustion,  Clarion Call,  Color Spray,  Dazzling Blade,  Shadow Weapon,  Ant Haul,  Enlarge Person,  Expeditious Retreat,  Mirror Strike, 
2 - Fire Trail,  Fractions of Heal and Harm,  Diamond Spray,  Firestream, 
3 -  Warp Metal,  Spellcrash, Lesser,  Ward Shield,  Black Tentacles, 
4 -  Spellscar,  Dispel Magic, Greater,  Transformation,  Pain Strike, Mass,  Lightning Arc,  Caustic Blood, 
Spell Thief
1 - Read Magic,  Detect Magic,  Abundant Ammunition,  Icicle Dagger,  Unseen Servant,  Cultural Adaptation,  Anticipate Peril,  Heightened Awareness,  Identify,  See Alignment,  True Strike,  Charm Person,  Memorize Page,  Memory Lapse,  Bungle,  Floating Disk,  Shocking Grasp,  Blend,  Blurred Movement,  Dazzling Blade,  Disguise Self,  Touch of Blindness,  Alchemical Tinkering,  Ant Haul,  Crafter’s Fortune,  Expeditious Retreat,  Feather Fall,  Mirror Strike, 
2 - Fractions of Heal and Harm, Battering Blast, Adjustable Disguise,  Displacement, 
3 -  Spellcrash, Lesser,  Invisibility, Greater,  Dimension Door,  Detect Scrying
4 - Spellcrash, Greater,  Mislead,  Elemental Assessor,  Secret Chest,  Treasure Stitching,  Persistent Image, 
1 - 
2 - 
3 - 
4 -  Normal - 14, Under Level - 8, Double Under - 5, Total 27
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thenerdnest · 7 years
Class Rebuild-Arcane Spell List
Base List
0 -  Resistance,  Drench,  Detect Magic,  Daze,  Breeze,  Flare,  Light,  Penumbra,  Ray of Frost,  Spark,  Ghost Sound,  Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue,  Mage Hand,  Mending,  Open/Close,  Root,  Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation,  
1 -  Adjuring Step,  Alarm,  Endure Elements,  Hold Portal,  Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law,  Shield,  Stunning Barrier,  Wave Shield,  Air Bubble,  Expeditious Construction,  Glue Seal,  Grease,  Icicle Dagger,  Mage Armor,  Mount,  Mudball,  Obscuring Mist,  Snowball,  Stone Shield,  Summon Monster I,  Unseen Servant,  Anticipate Peril,  Detect Metal,  Detect Undead,  Heightened Awareness,  Bungle,  Charm Person,  Hypnotism,  Keep Watch,  Lock Gaze,  Memory Lapse,  Sleep, 
0 -  Detect Poison,  Read Magic,  Scoop,  Message,  Know Direction,  Sift,  Create Water
1 - Invisibility Alarm,  Obscure Poison,  Rite of Centered Mind,  Sunder Breaker, Winter Feathers,  Abundant Ammunition,  Linked Legacy,  Secluded Grimoire, Comprehend Languages, Cultural Adaptation, Detect Secret Doors,  Discern Next of Kin,  Identify,  Technomancy,  Aphasia, Memorize Page, 
0 -  Detect Poison,  Read Magic,  Scoop,  Bleed,  Lullaby,  Sift,  Stabilize, 
1 - Obscure Poison,  Rite of Centered Mind,  Sunder Breaker,  Abundant Ammunition,  Corrosive Touch,  Guardian Armor,  Infernal Healing,  Linked Legacy,  Secluded Grimoire,  Summon Minor Monster,  Comprehend Languages,  Detect Charm,  Identify,  Technomancy,  Memorize Page, 
0 -  Acid Splash,  Read Magic,  Haunted Fey Aspect,  Bleed,  Jolt,  Unwitting Ally,  Stabilize, 
1 - Line in the Sand,  Shock Shield,  Sunder Breaker,  Abundant Ammunition,  Corrosive Touch,  Desperate Weapon,  Guardian Armor,  Secluded Grimoire, Stumble Gap,  True Strike,  Memorize Page,  Moment of Greatness, 
0 -  Detect Poison,  Read Magic,  Message,  Know Direction,  Sift
1 - Invisibility Alarm,  Obscure Poison,  Rite of Centered Mind,  Desperate Weapon,  Infernal Healing,  Linked Legacy,  Secluded Grimoire,  Comprehend Languages,  Cultural Adaptation,  Detect Charm,  Detect Secret Doors,  Discern Next of Kin,  Identify,  See Alignment,  Technomancy,  True Strike,  Memorize Page, 
0 -   Acid Splash,  Dancing Lights,  Scoop,  Haunted Fey Aspect,  Bleed,  Jolt,  Lullaby,
1 - Peacebond,  Shock Shield,  Winter Feathers,  Adhesive Spittle,  Celestial Healing,  Corrosive Touch,  Desperate Weapon,  Infernal Healing,  Ki Arrow,  Stumble Gap,  Summon Minor Monster,  Cultural Adaptation,  Discern Next of Kin,  See Alignment,  True Strike,  Aphasia,  Delusional Pride,  Moment of Greatness,  Unprepared Combatant, 
0 -  Read Magic,  Dancing Lights,  Haunted Fey Aspect,  Bleed,  Message,  Know Direction,  Summon Instrument,  Lullaby,  Sift,  Unwitting Ally,  Stabilize
1 - Obscure Poison,  Peacebond,  Rite of Centered Mind,  Abundant Ammunition,  Celestial Healing, Desperate Weapon,  Guardian Armor,  Linked Legacy,  Summon Minor Monster,  Comprehend Languages,  Cultural Adaptation,  Detect Charm,  Discern Next of Kin,  Identify,  See Alignment,  Delusional Pride,  Moment of Greatness,  Unprepared Combatant, 
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