As a neurodivergent person I always loved the often, and  all the obligatory weird and wonderfulness which is a perfect cover for my own brand of socially unacceptable quirkiness.
The only thing that gets me is us all doing the UUMN at the end of circle and being reminded of the apparent Oneness of all. 
Given that so many of us avoid so many other Ones that make up the Oneness in our village I feel that maybe there might be an unspoken consensus that some Ones are perhaps less part of Oneness than others. 
Judging by recent conversations it is probably all those that reside in Babylon, the cow rapists( I was given a leaflet  describing this) the dude who stole this one guys weed, the royal family (as everybody know they are lizards) and in all likelihood the vaccinated(far too late for them, they’ve got the chip now).
My own feeling on this that I think there should be a bit  more honesty in the circle regarding Oneness. 
Either it should just be acknowledged that some should not be admitted in the blissful fold of what constitutes as Oneness, or we should make room for the blighted ones as well: the Royal family with their lizard tails should be found a place next to the genetically modified vaccinated. 
Personally I favor the latter since admittedly I’m always worried that I’m going to be found out and thrown out of the Oneness club.  
I have often wondered if my neurodivergency is maybe  a bit more lizard DNA rather than  being a Star child, and in the right circumstances it could quite possibly mutate into being a little reptilian, so I’m definitely hoping for a bit of hippie compassion. 
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