Parna every time he is the first person to meet someone new: "Well that was probably a figment of my imagination"
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I just desperately want more recognition of traumagenic experiences that lie outside of the usual "childhood abuse" assumption that everyone forces on that label. what about trauma from bullying? what about trauma from undiagnosed illnesses? what about trauma from queer experiences like transphobia? what about trauma from medical experiences like surgeries, hospitalizations, psych wards, and other areas where the medical field failed you? what about trauma from eating disorders? what about trauma from racism?
there are so many experiences that can fall under traumagenic, but are yet swept under a rug in favor of a strict, stereotypical narrative that's easier to comprehend. I think we as a community need to make an active effort to expand our understanding of traumagenic, especially where it may overlap with experiences traditionally considered endogenic, and understand that trauma can come in so many different forms. so often people are shunned for trying to create roles and labels that describe their specific traumagenic experiences, and I don't understand why. there can be no progress towards acceptance for all systems if we don't accept that traumagenic is an umbrella label too.
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3, 13, and 23
3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
honestly none, colours are all beautiful in some context!!! a lot of us are artists and we feel strongly that there are no bad colours, just ones that are used in the wrong place at the wrong time
13. first thing you're doing in the purge?
hiding away in my bedroom and waiting for it to be over probably 😂 (tig says they would go and climb stuff they'd normally get told off for climbing)
23. do you wear jewelry?
some of us do and some of us don't. some of us are more willing to ignore sensory discomfort for the sake of accessorising than others haha. i (echo) like cutesy feminine jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings etc. but only for a certain amount of time before it gets overwhelming.
ramone likes simple jewelry, she has snakebites with black bcr rings and she likes those ballchain necklaces and she sometimes wears a small black star shaped stud in one ear.
dandy likes big bold statement jewelry, he has a huge 6mm septum ring, snakebites, vertical labret, big chunky statement necklaces, gold, plastic, bright colours etc.
aaaand tigerlily hates the sensory discomfort of jewelry and prefers to dress for comfort (those are our current frequent fronters, if i went through everyone we'd be here all day haha)
thank you for the ask!
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“THE FUTURE IS PLURAL”; All plurals deserve acceptance, The world will be educated
Flags from left to right: Quoigenic, Mixed Origin/Multigenic, Endogenic, Traumagenic, Plural
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weirdly specific and unrelated asks to know someone well:
chipotle order?
thoughts on veganism?
a specific color that gives you the ick?
mythical creature you think/believe is real?
favorite form of potato?
do you use a watch?
what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
first thing you’re doing in the purge?
do you think you’re dehydrated?
rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
your boba/tea order?
the veggie you dislike the most?
favorite disney princess movie?
a number that weirds you out?
do you have an emotional support water bottle?
do you wear jewelry?
which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
would you say you have good taste in music?
how’s your spice tolerance?
what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
last meal on earth?
preferred pasta noodle?
ask me anything !
leave an ask for the person you reblog it from!
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When I was 11 years old I found out that most people don't have The Mental Peanut Gallery. Do you know how scary it is to be a little kid and find out that, according to all the kids and adults around you alike, not only is The Peanut Gallery not normal, but The Peanut Gallery is actually a sign that you're broken and crazy, and if you ever tell anyone about The Peanut Gallery then they're going to try and take them away?
It won't matter if you say that you like having The Peanut Gallery. It won't matter if you say that your best friends are in The Peanut Gallery. It won't matter if you say that sometimes you switch places with someone in The Peanut Gallery and if you didn't have them then you'd be so alone. It doesn't matter that if there's no Peanut Gallery then you won't know who you are. According to the people around you, different = crazy, and crazy = needs fixing, and that means your self needs gutting and redoing until it's "right."
But here's a tricky thing about The Peanut Gallery-- they don't shut up. In fact, they resent being told to shut up. They're people too, you know. They have feelings. Thoughts. Opinions. Personalities. Worldviews. Identities. Why should they shut up? They thought everyone was equal and being yourself was OK. Didn't that include them, too?
The answer was no. No, not when you're 11 years old and not ever, said society to The Peanut Gallery. No, when we say it's OK for you to be yourself, we didn't mean you, said the classmate to The Peanut Gallery. No, you're faking, said the social media stranger to The Peanut Gallery. No, you're a disease that needs curing, said the doctor to The Peanut Gallery. No, you're not people, said society to The Peanut Gallery. Shut up and stop existing, said society to The Peanut Gallery.
What happened to The Peanut Gallery? Well, many things. Some of them started to block out their feelings until they could pass for a normal, likable, strong little kid. Some of them were filled with an anger so bright and powerful that it consumed them. Some of them retreated into themselves. Some found solace in helping others, or in escapism. Some of them became anxious wrecks. And still others believed they were monsters and grew bitter. But none of them went away.
Do you know why I say that "the future is plural"?
I say that "the future is plural" because I don't want there ever again to be a scared 11-year-old who wants to die because in their brain lives The Peanut Gallery. I don't want there to be a plural child who cries themselves to sleep because no-one loves them, all of them, ever again. I don't want there to be a plural system that bounces through incorrect diagnoses for 10 years ever again. I don't want a member of a Peanut Gallery to feel guilty for existing ever again.
The future is plural because it must be plural. It needs a place in the future. It needs a place in the future for the 11-year-old that still lives in me and for every other plural out there. Otherwise, what the fuck is the point?
And as for The Peanut Gallery... we're still here, of course. :)
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i wonder how many systems there are who've been bullied into making a false admission of faking, gone into denial about their system, and then tried to come back into system spaces later on after some self reflection and time away from the ableism brigade
every time i hear about someone admitting that they faked a dissociative disorder im always thinking in the back of my mind like, did they actually fake it or did they just get so tired of fakeclaiming that they gave in and stopped defending themselves and their system
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every time i hear about someone admitting that they faked a dissociative disorder im always thinking in the back of my mind like, did they actually fake it or did they just get so tired of fakeclaiming that they gave in and stopped defending themselves and their system
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The first one!!! We have that!!
The Mitches are most likely a median subsystem, there's four of us so far. We're all cool with being called Mitch (we use nicknames to differentiate ourselves but we have varying levels of attachment to the nicknames) and we all have the same pronouns, similar genders/sexualities, similar types of dysphoria. If someone asks me about something that happened before I split, mitch memories are easier to access than non-mitch memories, stuff like that. Makes me happy seeing other systems talk about this
[pt: #fifty-two]
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Plurals, are there any things you experience that you never see others talk about? Feel free to share them, maybe others experience the same or similar things!
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I think a lot of the misconceptions about final fusion are based on case studies where the alters were in fact NOT fused but just forced into dormancy by psychiatrists who wanted to speedrun their patient's recovery. If you work with someone who actually accepts your entire system and allows you to determine your own goals for your recovery then that's much more conducive to fusion than someone who refuses to allow your traumatized parts to speak
Alright, let's try something-- You're tired of origins discourse, we're tired of origins discourse--fuck it, let's talk about something else. What's a system-related discussion do you wish we were all having instead? Reblog, reply, anything.
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10/10 wholesome system bonding activity; dying each other's hair in the inner world
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[pt: #fifty-one]
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hi! i just wanted to say, if your beliefs align with ours and we've unfollowed you, it's nothing personal, it's most likely to do with your blog being heavily syscourse oriented. i don't wanna see posts from sysmeds even in the context of an actually kind and respectful system arguing with them. it's a shame cause we've unfollowed a lot of cool people because of this, but i know someone has to correct sysmed misinfo even if i don't wanna see it or have anything to do with it
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Tips for baby systems (forbidden/evil/weirdly specific edition):
You are allowed to, and in fact should, "romanticise" plurality as much as you desire.
Wallowing in your trauma is one of the worst ways to deal with having it. Stay away from online DID spaces oriented towards "trauma recovery"-- these spaces tend to be the most toxic, and ironically "anti-recovery", DID-oriented spaces on the internet.
You can cuddle with your sysmate using a pillow (or a stuffed animal, if you're not a coward). Imagine the pillow is that sysmate. You're welcome.
Some plurals want to become more plural. There's nothing wrong with that.
Let your child sysmates swear.
Unless they insist otherwise, stop calling your sysmates "parts". Person-based language works quite well for a great number of systems, and you should at least try it.
If you don't have a headspace, learn to lucid dream with your sysmates.
If you can hear your sysmates as voices, and you ever doubt you're plural, mentally scream something really stupid-- e.g. "WHAT'S 9 PLUS 10??". You may hear a distant "You know that '21' joke died 10 years ago, right?" Boom. You're plural. Confidence restored.
If you hear your sysmates as voices in your head, it is possible you will never be able to meditate in the traditional way. You can, however, have one sysmate guide you through one, and have them talk so much that there's not enough RAM in your brain to be distracted by the ADHD I know you have.
Leave every single plural-oriented Discord server you are in, and do not join any others. Additionally, delete your Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram accounts, and never reinstate them.
If you are a kid, do not tell your peers that you are plural, unless you are thick-skinned. Especially do not tell your family members until you are no longer dependent on them.
If you're having trouble getting one of your sysmates to pilot, there is a ~45% chance that they will only learn to do so in reaction to the silliest, dumbest, most random event on earth.
Don't say "I'm 100 rats in a trenchcoat." Say "My name is Legion, for we are many" and refuse to elaborate.
Your system name doesn't have to carry 14 layers of deep personal meaning. Assuming you picked something not totally goofy, it will gain meaning to you over time.
I mean this with utmost kindness, but please stop making posts like "is it possible / valid if my system does [X]?" Yes. Case closed.
Being posted to a cringe subreddit is a rite of passage. Be proud.
Most of the people around you are never going to clock you as plural. Even if you're the world's most overt, obvious system, 80% of people will just think you're weird. This is a good thing. Embrace other peoples' "weirdness censor" and unmask a little.
The words "quoigenic" and "praesigenic" (a.k.a. "my system origin is none of your business") are your friends. Use these as your public system origin for at least a year after realising you're plural.
In your public bio, no-one needs to know about whether you're officially diagnosed with a dissociative disorder or not, and the people who you want to be around do not care.
Plurality is crazy shit. Accept that you are "crazy" by societal standards, and that there is nothing wrong with being crazy. Be cringe. Be weird. Be mad. Be a freak. Be unpalatable. Cause chaos. It's awesome.
Date your sysmates. Kiss your sysmates. Fuck your sysmates. The world is your oyster.
No matter what, do not forget to love your sysmates.
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Nonhumans are here, even if you do not see us. We always will be. We are often hard to spot, but can be found doing all the things a human might.
A cat went to work at an event stall for a mental health service.
A massive sea serpent wanted to go to science class because it enjoyed it more than the rest of those living in its shared form.
The void sat down, huddled up in a blanket, to watch a tv show with its partners. It had to stop watching after a bit, but enjoyed spending time with those close to it anyway.
A wolf went to a psychologist appointment and gratefully drank the hot chocolate they were offered in the waiting room.
A shapeshifting being of pure darkness spoke publicly about trans rights in front of politicians and then went to the pride festival he helped fight to keep alive.
A dragon went to school so the others sharing his human body could have a break.
A manifestation of the fear of madness itself sat in the food court at the mall eating mochi and drinking tea while waiting for its friends to get back from shopping.
A witch drew a picture of his cardinal bird and shared the work he was so proud of with his friends.
A cockatoo borrowed the next book in his favourite series from the school library and almost couldn't wait the whole day to go home and read it.
An alien went camping and watched the birds outside and the way the wind made waves and patterns on the water.
A fallen angel went shopping for sunglasses to shield his eyes from how bright the sun was.
A harpy went shopping for new plants to look after. He named a few because he loved them so much, and sent pictures to all of his friends.
An anthropomorphic hedgehog traded Pokemon cards with his peers at school. He was happy with his collection.
You may not see us, and you may feel alone, but you are not. We are just hidden. We are in more places than you'd think, and in the places you'd least expect. We are complex, we are valued, and we are here.
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