thenizu · 5 years
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but mom how will other people know that you, a white Texan, are a Christian
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thenizu · 5 years
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Aykut Aydogdu, Recent Work.
Recent illustrations by artist Aykut Aydogdu (Previously on Supersonic Art).
Be sure to follow Supersonic Art on Instagram!
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thenizu · 5 years
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Matthew Cornell’s “Roadside Attractions” at Arcadia Contemporary.
New paintings by artist Matthew Cornell on view in his exhibition, “Roadside Attractions,” currently on view at Arcadia Contemporary in Pasadena, California.
Be sure to follow Supersonic Art on Instagram!
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thenizu · 5 years
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Featured New Art by Casey Weldon 
Casey Weldon is an American illustrator and fine artist known for his brightly-colored surrealist paintings. For more check out his website.  
Keep up with all your favorite artists on our Facebook page.
posted by Margaret from tu recepcja
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thenizu · 5 years
The next time I see one of those “millenials will be photographing the end of the world” posts I’m gonna scream because let me tell you, I just went through a natural disaster and Snapchat literally saved people’s lives. Thanks to snapchat I knew exactly what roads were flooded, what stores were open, what my HOUSE looked like (since I wasn’t there), and which shelters I could go to. People were snapping/tweeting asking to be rescued and THEY WERE. I didn’t get my news from the tv, I saw it in real time on social media and I will never not be grateful for that.
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thenizu · 5 years
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The Fall (2006) dir. Tarsem Singh
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thenizu · 5 years
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at least they’re stuck together. 
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thenizu · 5 years
adult politicians: teenagers shouldn’t vote because the part of their brain that deals with prioritizing long-term goals over immediate satisfaction isn’t fully developed
teenagers: please stop destroying the planet
adult politicians: but the planet won’t be unlivable for decades and I want oil money now
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thenizu · 5 years
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1. The Lovers of Valdaro are a 6,000 year old Neolithic skeleton couple who were found buried together in Mantua, Italy. 
 They were both around 20, both 5′2, and had no physical trauma evident in their bones. They were buried with flint tools. Their limbs are entwined in an endless embrace.
2. The Hasanlu Lovers are 2,800 year skeletons found locked in an eternal kiss in Solduz Valley, Iran. 
 The body on its back was around 20 years old, and the other skeleton was around 30 and showed signs of injury on the right side of their body. They were found in a plaster grain bin, most likely hiding from soldiers in a raid, and asphyxiated during this time.
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thenizu · 5 years
Thanos destroyed an entire race for a gauntlet that Tony Stark could make in his basement while a build-a-bear rabbit mocked him from the sidelines.
Think about that.
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thenizu · 5 years
The more you think about it the more laughably absurd it gets and lmao at everyone saying disappointment at Steve's ending is just coming from Stucky fans, even Marvel fans on reddit think it sucks that he left Bucky and Vanity Fair has an article about Steve and Bucky behind sidelined
Oh yeah, when the spoilers were originally posted on reddit the top comment flat out said “Cap’s ending sucks ass.”
There’s not really an angle to enjoy from if you enjoy good story telling. Liked him with Sharon? Well, that’s his niece and he’s old now. Liked him as a man who stands up for what he believes in? Nah, he let his wife employ nazis and probably did jackshit about political issues considering none of that was mentioned in the museum that said he was actually assumed dead when that was happening. Liked him for his bonds with Sam and Bucky and his commitment to his found family? Nah, he had like one like about Natasha dying and barely cared about Bucky and Sam. Maybe you’ve lost your first love and can relate to his story of moving on and finding life beyond romantic pursuits? SIKE MOTHERFUCKER.
Not even exaggerating, this movie made him an incel obsessed with reuniting with a woman he kissed once and knew was happily married. Makes him a coward who ran away from rebuilding the world after the apocalypse who let awful shit happen to his loved ones and let his wife employ nazis who tortured his loved ones. He’s a dick friend who didn’t even say goodbye to anyone else including the ppl he spent five years with post snap?? Didn’t even rly say goodbye to Sam and Bucky. He abandoned the support group he was running—you don’t think the dude with the dead husband who you encouraged to move on who was trying to date again is without mental turmoil now that he has a boyfriend and his husband is back from the dead?? SOUNDS LIKE HE NEEDS SUPPORT (and like you could actually help with that sort of thing).
I don’t know what audience this was for besides people who have an extremely shallow understanding of his character and will coo at anything they’re told is a happy ending.
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thenizu · 5 years
Everyone thank the Russos for letting steve be funny and have an actual personality in endgame
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thenizu · 5 years
endgame spoilers below folks.
you’ve been warned.
Keep reading
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thenizu · 5 years
so like. are we supposed to accept. that steve went back and lived happily ever after. knowing that while he was doing that. bucky was being tortured. for seventy years. are we r ea lly s u ppos ed to a ccept t h at
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thenizu · 5 years
lets take a moment of silence for thor. he isnt dead but his whole character development was destroyed simply to play him off as a joke.
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thenizu · 5 years
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I love this so much
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thenizu · 5 years
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