Summary: Camilo has a crush on Victoria, the girl that works at her family’s general store. Would she like him for him or does she want someone else?
This was his third trip to the Lopezs’ general store in the last 48 hours, of course, you wouldn’t be able to tell because Camilo was careful to change his form each time. Right now, he was posing as Señora Garcia, the old widow whom he made sure was taking her daily nap before arriving. There wasn’t anything of particular interest at the general store unless you counted the cinnamon mints he had been spending all his allowance on. There was however the Lopez's youngest daughter, Victoria who ran the counter. That was what he was really here for, the mints just came as a bonus.
Camilo had known Victoria Lopez just as long as he had known everyone else in the town, but recently it was getting harder to talk to her. Isabela would probably blame it on hormones and Mirabel might call it love. Whatever it was, all Camilo knew was that he wanted to be around her as much as possible. He could just talk to her normally like he talked with everyone else, but there was something about Victoria that took away his ability to speak.
“Can I help you, Señora Garcia?” she stood in front of him wide-eyed and eager to help. This was bad, he knew that he probably shouldn’t have come during quiet hours. He had gotten better at using his gift for voice manipulation, but it wasn’t perfect yet.
“No,” it came out more like a squeak. He covered his mouth, smiled politely, and shook his head.
“You don’t sound so good.” she looked him in the eyes, causing him to turn around to hide his blush.
“I’m fine,” he tried again. It was better, but the voice was still too hoarse.
“Wait here, I got a tonic just for you.” She ran to the back and after 15 minutes emerged with a green liquid in a small glass vial. “I’ve talked to Papa about opening a pharmacy in the shop, but he keeps saying there’s no need because of Señora Julieta. It’s a shame because I’ve been interested in making medicines lately. The way the different plants and different ingredients come together is magical don’t you think. I’m no Madrigal, but I’d like to think I’m good at it. Señora take this tonight and it should clear your throat all up. It also helps with cold symptoms if you ever feel any. Let me know how it works for you.” She handed him the vial and assumed her position by the counter. He followed her, bought a pack of mints, and waved her goodbye.
“Come again,” she smiled as he headed out the door. Oh, he knew he would, he couldn’t stop himself.
“What’s going on with you?” Mirabel found him sighing audibly as chomped down on his cinnamon mints.
“Nothing,” he sighed again.
“Doesn’t seem like nothing. How can you even eat those,” she pointed to his mints, “they are way too strong. I don’t even know why the Lopezs keep them in stock, no one ever buys them.’’
“Well, I like them.” He chomped down on another one.
“Well, he sure likes them a lot considering he’s been down to the general store a dozen times this week.” Dolores came in and joined them at the table. Camilo glared at her. “What? You should know that I’m going to be your nosy older sister. Especially when it comes to your first crush.”
“Why don’t you just go and make out with your boyfriend?” he shifted into Mariano and made kissy faces at his sister.
“Why don’t you just ask Victoria out like a normal person instead of stalking her at her family’s store.”
“I’m not stalking her, I just happen to be in there often.” he grabbed two more mints out of the tin and popped them into his mouth. “It’s all for these mints.” Dolores and Mirabel both winced.
“Ooo Camilo has his first crush, and he’s shy about it.” Mirabel giggled. “I’m just saying, I’ve never met a person you couldn’t talk to casually and you getting shy around Victoria of all people. Come on it’s a little funny, the girls a sweetheart.”
“You don’t think I know that.” Camilo got up from his chair. “She’s also really funny, and smart and the way part of her hair falls out of her ponytail and onto her face. It’s just…”
“We get it, lover boy,” Dolores interrupted. “If you like her so much why don’t you ask her to the spring Festival de Flores dance next week.”
“That’s next week?” Camilo said.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t seen Isabela prepping by growing the weirdest flowers known to mankind,” said Dolores. “I’ve been attacked twice by plants this week.”
“Guess I’ve been a little busy,” he shrugged.
“Thinking about Victorriaaa,” Mirabel teased causing Camilo to glare at her. “What I can’t help it. Look she’s a good friend of mine and I’m sure she’ll say yes if you straight up ask her.”
“Who are we talking about?” Pepa came in sounding worse for wear, a small storm cloud formed over her head, following her wherever she went. When she sneezed, it would release little lighting bolts.
“No one Mami,” Camilo smiled sheepishly, “You don’t look so good.”
“I think I caught a-a-achoo” she sneezed loudly causing lightning bold to attack the floor a foot from where Camilo was standing. “I would ask Tia Julieta to help, but Tio Augustin and her are going on their first trip in years and I suppose I’ll just have to suffer through it.
“Try this Mami,” Camillo tossed the glass to his mother. “It’s from the Lopez shop, Victoria said it would help with some of your symptoms.” He ignored the kissy faces Mirabel was making behind his mother’s back.
“I’ll try anything to stop this.” she sneezed again and this time the lightning bolt came in an inch away from his head. They’d all be safer once his mother got better.
The next day Camilo stood outside the Lopez general store again, but this time he was on a mission. He was going to ask Victoria to the dance, no matter what, but first, he needed to do some recon. Luckily for him, he had his Mirabel impression down pat.
“Hey Mirabel,” she greeted him as he entered.
“High-ya Victoria?” he pointed two finger guns at her before checking himself and putting them away.
“You good Mirabel? Delirious? I think I have something for that.”
“No, no-’’ he waved his arms to stop her from leaving, “not delirious, just wondering what you’ve been up to.” he dropped an octave on the last syllable causing Victoria to eye him strangely.
“Are you sure you’re not sick? I could help you know, your mom’s out of town and a lot of people have been coming in for medicine today.” she reached out and put the back of her palm against Camilo’s cheeks causing him to blush.
“Better than ever” he accidentally said in his own voice. “You know the festival of Flores is coming up.” he corrected himself to sound like Mirabel again.
“Is it now? Your sister must be pretty busy planning things?”
“My sister? Oh right, my sister. Isabela definitely has her hands full. How about you?”
“Why would I have my hands full?” she looked at him confused.
“Not about the planning, I was just wondering if you had anyone to go with?” She paused to think. He didn’t do well with nerves, he couldn’t control his gift when he was nervous.
“Well, not exactly. There was someone I was interested in, but he hasn’t asked me yet. I guess I got the wrong impression.” she frowned.
“Oh really?” Mirabel's nose changed into his own and Camilo turned around before Victoria could notice. “Don’t mind me, I’m just admiring these sunglasses.”
“Mirabel, you’ve been acting strange?” she said. Camilo shook his head to reset his face to Mirabel’s.
“You know it’s just… the wedding planning.”
“Oh right, you’re cousin Delores is getting married to Mariano next month. She’s so lucky.” Camilo felt a pang of jealousy. What was so great about Mariano anyway. “I can imagine you’ve been very involved, typical Mirabel. It’s why we love you” she hummed and looked down into what looked like a book on herbal medicine. Camilo watched as her stray strand of hair bobbed up and down as she read.
“You’re beautiful.” he accidentally said out loud.
“Nothing.” he placed a pack of cinnamon mints on the counter. He looked back up to find Vicotria blushing.
As soon as she was done ringing him up, Camilo rushed for the door, but Victoria stopped him. “If anyone were to ask me to the dance, I’d say yes you know.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Camilo said to her on his way out.
After an hour of grooming himself and stealing some flowers Isabela had grown, Camilo was ready, or at least he thought he was. That was until Victoria caught him off guard sitting by the fountain in the town square. He was going to do this no matter what, but if he had the option, he would rather avoid the audience.
“Hey,” she perked up when she saw him. She motioned for him to take a seat next to her. He took a deep breath and marched forward.
“Haven’t seen you in a while.” she smiled at him causing him to blush.
“Yeah, missed seeing you around.” he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Listen Victoria,” she looked at him so intensely that he had to turn away. It’s okay Camilo, you got this he told himself. “Victoria, would you be my date to the Festival of Flores this Saturday.” he handed her the flowers and closed his eyes to brace for impact.
“Of course.” he felt her lips graze his cheek. Camilo wanted to say something else to her, but he was pretty sure anything that came out of his mouth at the moment wouldn't make any sense. He placed his hand on the spot where she kissed him.
“Victoria!” Señor Lopez yelled from a distance.
“I have to get going, but see you Saturday” she waved him goodbye, and Camilo felt like he could jump up to the moon.
When he came back home, Casita greeted him with a high five.
“Whoohoo,” he shouted as he practically bounced up to his room.
“Hmm..” Delores eyed him suspiciously, Mariano by her side. Camilo knew his sister well enough to know she had already heard everything, but he was too happy to be annoyed by her nosiness.
“Our Camilo is going on his first date, they grow up so fast.” Mariano wiped a tear from his eye and pulled Camilo in for a hug. One Camilo could not reciprocate easily due to the strength of his grip.
“You told him?” Camilo said, still in Mariano’s grip.
“He was with me when I heard.” she shrugged, then she let out a sharp exhale. “Abluea needs me, I’ll be right back. I swear if I need to make one more decision regarding tablecloths I’ll elope.”
“Whatever you wish my dear.” Mariano released Camilo and kissed Delores goodbye. Once she left Mariano looked to Camilo, sizing him up and down.
“What are you doing?” he shifted awkwardly.
"How are you going to wow her?”
“Who? Victoria?”
“At the dance, I mean you weren’t planning on just winging it were you.”
“No,” Camilo blinked twice, “I have a plan.” He had no such thing, but he wasn’t going to let Mariano know that. “What did you and Delores do on your first date.” Camilo stuck his tongue out in disgust at the last two words, he didn’t really care for the details of his sister’s romantic life.
“I wrote her a song and performed it under the moonlight. At the end of the night, I held her close and-”
“Okay-okay, that’s enough information. I get it, I’ll figure out a way to woo Victoria.”
“But I thought you already had a plan?”
“Yeah, exactly.” He walked past Mariano and into his room.
Camilo’s room wasn’t like any of the others in the house, it had no set look to it. It was large and spacious, but whatever it contained morphed and changed depending on Camilo’s mood. It’s only fitting for a shapeshifter to have a shifting room. Sometimes he liked this, like the times when he was feeling overwhelmed and his room calmed him down by greeting him with a quiet space without too many sounds or colors. Or when he was in a good mood and his room would welcome him with music all around. Then, of course, there were times like now where he was feeling a little self-conscious and his room decided it was a good idea to stick a million mirrors in his face. He thought back to his conversation with Victoria, what had she said about Delores. Right, that she was lucky. Mariano, the strong, sensitive Mariano. He flexed in the mirror, using his gift to give him muscle and then let them deflate before falling back onto his bed. He was never going to be like Mariano, he wasn’t buff, couldn’t play the guitar or write poetry. He was Camilo, he liked to joke and dance, but he wasn’t sure that’s what Victoria would like. He got up, looked at himself in the mirror again. This time he morphed to look somewhere between himself and what he thought Vicotria wanted. Someone taller and stronger and less… well less Camilo.
Camilo couldn’t decide if he wanted Saturday to come quickly or not, but no Madrigal could slow down time and so in a few days, he was dressed in his best ruana helping Isabela set up. He also performed some alterations on himself, which did not go unnoticed.
“Camilo Madrigal, what did you do to yourself?” Abuela commented. None of his changes were that noticeable, he just added an inch or two and some muscle mass. Okay, maybe more than an inch and maybe a little too much muscle. He could probably bring it down a notch or two.
“Would you believe I’ve been working out?” he flexed towards Abuela.
“Ay Dios Mio,” Abuela rubbed her temples. “Now niñito, you know you don’t need to change who you are for a party.”
“Abuela it’s not for a party, it's for a girl.” Isabela teased. “What, you know Delores is a gossip.”
“A girl?” Abuela lit up, “Wow, you all are growing up so fast. I remember falling in love with your Abuelo. There’s nothing better than first love, every moment is just magical.” she mused. Camilo did not want to have this conversation with her or anyone at all. “Niñito, what’s important is that you be yourself. That’s the only way true love can blossom.”
“This isn’t about love, it’s just a dance!” he snapped. “Who cares if I want to embellish myself a bit, I’m still me. Besides what’s the use of this gift if I can’t use it when I need it.” he walked away and finished setting up on the other side of the house. Casita opened a door behind him causing him to fall forward. “Oye, Casita, what I said was true. She’ll be happy with the changes, just you wait.”
Camilo was on welcome duty as per usual, and while he tried to do his job the best he could, he kept looking for Victoria to come in. Then, he saw her. She was wearing an off-shoulder red dress that came down just past her knees. In her hair was a rose, and that same stray strand stuck out of her bun. Camilo had no words to describe how her entrance made him feel. She waved and headed his way before she was intercepted by his mother. This was the rare moment where he wished he could switch gifts with Delores. Fortunately, judging by Victoria’s face, it wasn’t anything too embarrassing, but he couldn’t be too sure.
“Hey Camilo,” she waved.
“Hi Victoria,” he said puffing out his chest a little as he spoke. “Why don’t I meet you inside when I’m done.”
“Actually Camilo, Abuela suggested I take over the entrance.” Mirabel came in and started shaking people’s hands. “Now, go and dance with her,” she whispered to him.
Camilo lead Victoria inside. “Did I tell you, you look like a rose, so red and…uh…radiant,” he said. He could hear Delores laughing from the top floor and he was pretty sure it was directed at him. He was not good at this whole poetic delivery thing.
“Um thank you.”
“Let’s dance.” this was the part Camilo was familiar with. They danced and laughed and had a good time. Then, he saw Mariano and decided it couldn’t hurt to grow another inch taller and add a little bit more muscle onto his frame. This was the right time for him to say something romantic, but he couldn't think of anything. “You shine as the sun shines, constant and bright,” he said to her. She must have been unimpressed because Victoria let go of him.
“Camilo are you alright?” she asked as she touched the back of her hand to his cheek which felt warm against his skin.
“I’m sorry I can’t be someone like Mariano.” he shrunk back down to his regular self.
“Mariano?” she said, “what about Mariano?” Then her eyes lit up, '"why don’t we take this outside," she suggested. They left the crowds and music of the Madrigal house and sat outside behind Casita.
“I’m sorry for being a letdown.” Camilo slumped down onto the grass.
“Who's a letdown?” Victoria sat next to him. “Camilo trust me I don’t want to be with anyone like Mariano. I said yes to going to the dance with you because of you. You’re funny and kind and your eyes sparkle whenever you see someone smile.” her words made Camilo’s heart fly a little.
“You told me-Mirable that you thought Delores was really lucky.”
“Right,” she nodded. “I told Mirabel that. What I meant was, Delores was lucky because she spilled her heart out to the guy she loved and everything worked out. I was too scared to do the same. I wanted to tell you about my feelings sooner, but I was terrified you didn't feel the same way. I like you Camilo, whatever package you come in.” she kissed him. After a few seconds of shock, he reciprocated and reached out to cup her face.
“I knew it!” she shouted. Camilo looked around, luckily no one seemed to have heard.
“Knew what?”
“You taste like cinnamon." she smiled brightly at him. At that moment, she really was like the sun. "You’ve been disguising yourself to come into our store.”
“You’ve known this whole time?”
“Well, I had my suspicions. You’re the only one in this whole town that likes those mints and yet I’ve had customers coming in to get them all the time this past month. I figured it was you, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up.”
“Whose to say I didn’t just eat a cinnamon roll before this?”
“Well, I’ll have you know your Mamá thanked me for my cold medication, the one I gave to Señora Garcia last week.
“Busted.” Camilo put his hands up and smiled sheepishly.
“It either meant you returned my feelings or had an unhealthy obsession with those mints.”
“Definitely, the latter.”
“Shut up and kiss me again Camilo Madrigal, I’m rather fond of cinnamon.” He was happy to oblige.
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Sometimes I enjoy physical comedy
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For Those We Have Lost
Summary:  Annie has 1 more year left until her time is up, that was the price of being a Titan. She doesn't want to leave her life. Armin doesn't want to lose her, how will he live when she is gone?
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 It was her last year to live. Twelve years ago, she inherited the female titan and accepted the power at the cost of her life. Thirteen years seemed like plenty of time back then, but now she found herself begging for more. A lot had happened these past few years, and she was frozen in her titan skin for four of them. 
“What are you thinking about?” her husband whispered into her hair as he pulled her closer in their shared bed. Despite all the death, all the time lost, the shortened lifespan, she didn’t find herself regretting any of it. She knew what she did hurt people, she knew their mission is what caused so many people to die, but she also knew if it wasn’t her it would have been someone else. That’s the thing about violence, it doesn’t occur at only one person's hand. Marley would have found someone else to inherit the female titan and the war would have happened anyway.
“Nothing,” she turned to kiss him on the forehead. She couldn’t regret anything, not when all her decisions led her to here, in bed with the man she loved. She didn’t even know she could love, not anyone aside from her father anyway, but Armin was different.
“Come on, I’ve told you what I’ve been thinking for four years without a response back, you could at least give me one now," he grumbled, his voice hoarse and eyes still closed. Those four years were the strangest for Annie and Armin was what got her through it. Of course, Hitch came in at times to talk to her too, but it was different with Armin. Hitch treated her like a diary, Armin would pause as if he was waiting for her to answer her back. So many times she wanted to, but she knew what was going on outside and didn’t want to leave. She didn’t want to take part in these matters between Marley and Paradis. But oh so many times she wanted to hug him, to come out and feel the warmth of another human. 
“It’s really nothing,” Annie whispered and paused. She had grown very good at hiding her inner thoughts, sometimes she forgot she didn’t have to with Armin. “It’s just that I love you.”
“I love you too,” he opened his eyes to look at her. She focused her attention on them, they were a lot different from the eyes she once knew. Before she got in her shell, they glowed with innocence and hope. She hated that he didn’t know the true reality of the world, how much everyone on Paradis was hated. Then, she woke up and discovered his eyes didn’t shine so bright anymore. He was jaded and depressed and she found herself longing to see the glint of hope that he once wore. His eyes had changed again now, not quite as hopeful, but not quite as solemn either. There was something else as well, something she couldn't quite place. She liked his blue eyes, she loved all of him.
“That’s not it, it’s just that you know what today is.” Armin tensed at her comment.
“I know,” he pulled her in closer, “12 years ago, you inherited the female titan, didn’t you? That means-”
“I have only one year left.” she cut him off. She hadn’t meant to start crying, she never cried, but tears were streaming down her face now and she didn’t know how to tell them to stop.
“Annie,” he whispered.
“For the first time in my life I don’t want to leave, I don’t want to die. I wish everything could be normal.” She didn’t know what normal entailed and had never experienced it for herself, but it had to be better than this. She wanted what she read in books. She wanted to grow old, have kids, and live a peaceful life. She wanted to do it all with Armin, but their time together was coming to an end.
“I’ll be right here, we’ll be together. I promise.” His shirt was soaked with her tears, but he still held her close. She knew she was going to lose this one day, but for now, it felt good to be surrounded by his warmth.
1 year and a few months later 
Armin sat next to his late wife’s gravestone and talked to it like he once talked to her frozen body suspended in titan skin. It didn’t feel the same though, she hadn't been dead last time. Last time he could reach out and almost touch her, and some part of him knew that she would come out. Now she felt lost to him, permanently. 
“Jean apparently has been getting close to Pieck. I’m not sure why, but they seem like they’d work well together. Hitch also is pregnant, she and her partner seem happy. I’m glad she was able to find someone after Marlow.” He continued to update her as pulled the grass next to her gravestone for the next two hours. He had things to do, he was tasked with helping smooth over relations between Eldians and Marley. It was good work and it kept him distracted, but his heart wasn't in it. Annie and he spent most of last year traveling together before her time was up, it was quite possibly the best year of his life, but it was over now and she was dead and he was struggling to move on.
“I miss you, I know I say this whenever I visit, but I really do. I miss the way you smiled when no one was looking, I miss your death glare when I did something stupid, I miss the warmth of our bodies together in bed. I miss you Annie more than you can imagine.” Armin was crying now, he had been doing quite a lot of that lately. He avoided it when Annie was still here, he didn’t want to upset her more. He made her believe that he’d be okay when she was gone, but he wasn’t.
It was strange, Armin was no stranger to loss, he had experienced so much of it these past few years. First, it was his parents, then his grandfather, his comrades, Eren, and now Annie. He thought he would get used to it at some point, but he never did. Each loss still managed to wound him in ways he never thought possible. Annie was the first woman he ever loved in that way, and probably the only woman he would love in that way. He knew that his time would come to an end eventually as well. He had less than 5 years left at this point, but even that seemed pointless. 
He wasn’t suicidal, and he appreciated being alive, but sometimes he wished his clock aligned with Annie’s. He wished that they could have left this world together because living without her was too painful for him to handle. Of course, there was a lot of good he could do with his remaining time. Historia needed his help and he was happy to offer it, but he found his will to live slip ever so slightly.
At first, he was living to see the sea, and eventually, he found it. Next, it was to help Paradis in its war against Marley. Finally, it was for Annie and the home they created together. He couldn’t believe that they decided to elope two months into their relationship, but he hadn't regretted that decision once. He loved being able to call her his wife and she seemed to like calling him her husband. It was comforting to belong to someone in that way and now with her gone, he felt untethered. He floated through his days not sure what to do. Sometimes he wished they had children so he could have been left with a piece of her after she was gone. Although he knew that would have been irresponsible. With both of them marked by their expiration dates, they knew it was unfair to bring a child into the world. Hange, in her discussions with Hizuru, found a way to prevent pregnancy and although it broke his heart, they decided it was the best course of action.
“Talking to Annie again?” Mikasa snuck up behind him, wearing the traditional clothes of Hizuru. They suited her and she seemed to have taken to the ambassador role well.
“Just updating her on what was going on,” his voice was shaky, a sign he was crying just a few minutes ago.
“She’d probably tell you to move on.”
“I know, it’s just that I don’t want to." his tears started again. "I wish I was the one to go first, it would have been so much easier than living without her.”
“Don’t talk like that Armin!” Mikasa's voice came out more hostile than he was expecting.
“Mikasa-” he started.
“No, please listen," she softened her tone, "we’ve all lost people, but we need to keep on living okay? I miss my parents, I miss our comrades, I miss Eren.” she paused at his name and he knew not to push. Armin was devastated by Eren’s death, but he knew it hit Mikasa differently.
“Mikasa-I didn’t mean-”
“What I mean is we have both lost people Armin, we have both lost so much, but I know the people we lost would want us to keep living even when it is difficult.” she sounded broken, this was a side of Mikasa that rarely revealed itself.
“Mikasa,” Armin stood up and pulled her into a hug.
“Armin,” she cried into his shoulder, “We have lost so many people and soon I’ll lose you too. You and I, we’ve been together since the beginning, so I can’t have you talking about dying like that. You’re the last person alive that I love. Armin, I don’t want to hear you talking about dying.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anytime soon,” he felt her sink into the hug. Mikasa was more than a friend to him, she was more like a sister or a mother. They’d followed Eren to hell, but now it was just the two of them. She was the only person left that he loved, and having her next to him reminded him of why he had to live. They had been together since the beginning and he’d be by her side until it was his time to leave. That’s what Eren would have wanted, that’s what Annie would have wanted. It was easy to get caught up on those that they’d lost. It was easier to forget who was still here, but he wouldn’t forget. She’d lose him eventually, but for right now he was here. He would continue living for his parents, his grandfather, his comrades, Eren and Annie. He knew that once he left, she'd continue living for him as well.
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gotta get up,
gotta get out,
gotta get home before the morning comes
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I just got this crazy idea XD and it suits my pairing just well for comedy I think XD
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Hey there, I finished My Hero and now I’m dead inside 🙃 I need season 5 two weeks ago
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Todoroki needs a hug.
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Why I like Izuocha
i’m not hating on any other pairing. i am just expressing my appreciation for a ship.
It’s not just because they have chemistry (which they do of course). Chemistry makes not the ship, at least as far as I am concerned.
it’s about how they interact with each-other.
Many people say “They’re not in love, they’re just friends”, but that misses the point. They ARE friends. They clearly like each-other in a way which is more encompassing than a simple mutual crush: they liking hanging out and HAVING FUN with each-other (and Iida).
But the mutual crush helps. too often characters end up together due to the persistence of one party to win over the other. it feels like one step away from a predator-prey relationship. But here, their feelings are clearly mutual, and indeed their flustered expressions are almost identical (except not entirely. Izuku kinda locks up and has difficulty moving when he’s flustered, and Ochako movements become more exaggerated, which is a nice touch). AND THEY HAPPEN SIMULTANEOUSLY, WHICH IS SOOOO GREAT.
so yeah, that’s why i love the pairing.
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“so what did your boyfriend do this week?” ❤️
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I read this as Eggos and started planning a story about an alternate universe that is involved in a waffle war.
“Egos start most wars.”
“I’m surprised yours hasn’t yet.”
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this is so upsetting, PLEASE rb to spread awareness
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Returning home after a trip🚙
I've wanted to draw bakusquad with Izuku for a long time, so yeah..
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Aww this is adorable.
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Kataang 💙🧡
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every writing tip article and their mother: dont ever use adverbs ever!
me, shoveling more adverbs onto the page because i do what i want: just you fucking try and stop me
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I need some good news.
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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