There's a ttrpg based on this.
In Come Home (2-0000-00FA), three players take the roles of an astronaut, ground control, and the voice which calls the astronaut from space. Start a conversation, discover more about the astronaut, and learn together where they finally come to rest.
Just going home...
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2-0000-00DA - Dragonhearts
by Alex Roscura Guerrero
An intense, emotional one-shot set in a high fantasy setting. Called to an Eclipse Ceremony on a floating mountain, play as shapeshifting dragons, representing many factions and managing both political and romantic tension.
Dragonhearts is available on itchcio for $12.
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2-0000-0019 - Rosette Diceless
by Future Proof Games
A genre-neutral system built for equal use at the tabletop or for use with Live Action Roleplay. It is built to be GM-less and focused on improvisation, emphasis on story, and consensus between players.
Rosette Diceless is available on itch.io for $9.99, or in a bundle with Rosette Diceless Companion for $11.98.
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2-0000-00CA - Feathers
by Thursday Garreau
Take on the role of angels fallen to earth, finding comfort in whatever places, people, and objects you can. Feathers is, according to its author, a "pretty transparent metaphor for being transgender," focusing on living in strange, fragile bodies, discoverung who you are in an unfamiliar world.
Feathers is available on itch.io for $7.
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2-0000-00BA - Far From Home
by ehronlime
A collaborative storytelling game which explores the experience of living among strangers far from your home. Far From Home uses the Belonging Outside Belonging system to guide players through creating a community which exists inside of, but not in harmony with, a larger cultural hegemony.
Far From Home is available on itch.io for $10
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2-0000-000F - Dream Aflame
by Quintessential Gaming
Inspired by Buried Without Ceremony's Dream Askew / Dream Apart and SuperGiant Games' Pyre, Dream Aflame is a game built in the Belonging Outside Belonging system which follows its players doing their best to survive and build a community in a harsh place called the Wick, in exile from the more fertile Wax.
Dream Aflame is available on itch.io for $15.
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2-0000-000E - BALIKBAYAN: Returning Home
by Rae Nedjadi of Sword Queen Games
Inspired by Filipino folklore, BALIKBAYAN takes place in a distant cyberpunk future. Players take the role of Elementals, enslaved beings whose power is harnessed to power the luxurious lives of human colonists, on the run from the corporations who would have them contained again.
BALIKBAYAN is available on itch.io for $10.
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2-0000-009A - Chess: Two Kingdoms
by Takuma Okada
In Chess: Two Kingdoms, you will use a game of chess as the framework to tell a story about two opposing sides in a conflict, whether it be two empires in a grand war, or two lone warriors on a field.
Chess: Two Kingdoms is abailable on itch.io for $5.
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2-0000-0025 - Atomic Robo: The Roleplaying Game
by Evil Hat
Inspired by the atomic age, this is a game about mad science and giant robots. Built in the FATE Core system, Atomic Robo is about rousing adventure in a world of conspiracy, alternate history, and even aliens.
Atomic Robo is available on itch.io or evilhat.com for $15.
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2-0000-00jA - Camp Flying Moose for Girls of All Kinds
by Alicia Furness
A game inspired by childhood experiences like Girl Scouts of America and Girl Guides, Camp Flying Moose is about arts, crafts, and monsters.
Camp Flying Moose aims to capture the experiences of girlhood in the summer, with the explicit aim of including queer and trans girls in that experience.
Camp Flying Moose is available on itch.io for $9.
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2-0000-0001 - Catch the Devil
by Sage Latorra
"This is the late Anthropocene - the current geological age where human activity is the dominant influence on the world around us."
In Catch the Devil, players explore concrete manifestations of their fears and anxieties surrounding climate change and societal collapse. Characters will go about their lives, attempting to handle the strange and horrific rot that is seeping into the world around them.
Catch the Devil is available on itch.io for $10.
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2-0000-00iA - #birdsecrets
by Kurt Potts
Developed for the Short and Easy Jam on itch.io, #birdsecrets is a game of bird crime and the ensuing investigations. Most will take the rolls of avian detectives -- while some play as the criminals they're hunting down.
Bird secrets is available on itch.io for $2.99.
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2-0000-00hA - Beast Dream
by Zargo Games
Forged in the Dark with a heavy dose of SWORDDREAM, this retro game has players befriending fantastical monsters and embarking on adventures with their new companions.
The game is incomplete, but still offers a colorful experience definitely worth checking out. It can be bought here for $10.
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2-0000-00gA - A Touch of Glamour
by Mahar Abrerra Mangahas
A Touch of Glamour is an urban fantasy game, Powered by the Apocalypse. In it, you play as fairies, trying to fit into the real world while being hunted by those who would seek to exploit your magic.
Glamour offers a fascinating impression of the nature of fairies and their magic, and encourages players to infuse their characters and spellwork with color and mystery. It also focuses on Masques; the many and varied faces that fey choose to present to each other, mortals, and themselves, and how those faces alter their magic.
A Touch of Glamour can be purchased here for $12.
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Welcome to the tumblr blog of the Pen & Paper Archive, a project seeking to record, store, and preserve tabletop roleplaying games, with a particular focus on obscure titles and authors.
Right now, the archive is a hard-drive, a spreadsheet, and a tumblr blog. In time, the goal is to grow into a resource for authors, historians, and anyone looking for games they of which they may not have heard.
The purpose of this blog is two-fold. Firstly, to promote the archive itself and seek donations from supporters. Secondly, to highlight the kinds of games general audiences may not have heard of before.
I hope you enjoy what the Archive has to offer, and greatly appreciate your support.
If you'd like to donate a game or have your game highlighted here, email me at [email protected].
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