wds-dreaming · 6 years
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
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So it’s become kind of a tradition of mine to redraw this one picture of Feferi every year or so to see how much better I’ve gotten since the last time I drew this particular picture. I used to post them on Deviantart but uhhhhhhhhhhh I haven’t used my account in like a year?? So I figured I’d post this years on here instead Every year, I grow closer to drawing Feferi with actual muscles. And uh. Hands.
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
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I was drawing to destress and then suddenly this happened.
So Halloween isn’t really a big thing where I live, and looking at all this Halloween-themed AHIT art ended up inspiring this.
Admittedly, this may also just end up being an excuse to draw Poncho Conductor and Blues Brother DJ Grooves in detail. (Plus the two Moon Penguins. They were supposed to be a detective and a witch, but like, just made out of whatever a Moon Penguin might find around the house.)
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
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[Hello, fellow Mafia. My associate and I have created a Mafia-themed blog, for all your Mafia needs. I hope to see all my fellow mafia, interacting with this blog.
We will be happy to answer any of your Mafia-related asks, or create Mafia-related content for all our fellow Mafia.]
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
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So since it’s ahit’s anniversary, I wanted to draw some more art to celebrate, and decided to make some fanart of @ahitworldshift ‘s au Hat Kid, The Chronomancer! The au was made by @pastelplaguedoctors and it’s really cool, you should totally check it out!
I wasn’t sure if Mafia Town (Or rather, Lazy Paw Isle) looked different in this au, so I just went with the town’s canon appearance. I hope you like it!
Bonus: A closeup of just The Chronomancer: 
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
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Inktober Day 3-4 (Knives)
(if you’re on mobile- please click for better resolution)
Gawd damn how much do I have to love this peck neck?? Anyway- perfect for the prompt I dare to say, even more because of the DLC’s cover art for the boss rush (also question- why is he the only one with the wire around his neck instead of the wrist?? Does he need a leash? That’s ma theory-).
Also I’ll be posting the drawings two by two, so sorry if the dates aren’t always the same.
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
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It’s the 5th of October where I am, and that means it’s A Hat In Time’s one year anniversary! I wanted to make something special for this game I’ve come to love so much, so here it is! Funnily enough, this is actually the first time I’ve ever drawn Hat Kid! I was going to include the Conductor as well, but it’s almost 2AM and I wasn’t game to try drawing him for the first time as well.
Bonus: A textless version of the image!
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
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It’s Halloween Month so I decided to draw Snatcher in a Halloween costume to celebrate. 
Hat Kid and Bow Kid probably convinced him to wear the hat. I like to think Hat Kid’s wearing the witch outfit, so they match.
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
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spiritual successor to the jason one
tiny damian is so important
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
ask meme
if you had to describe me as 
Lawful Good | Neutral Good | Chaotic Good Lawful Neutral | True Neutral | Chaotic Neutral Lawful Evil | Neutral Evil | Chaotic Evil
how would you describe me?
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
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I was thinking about the possibility of yellow sun giving jon and clark lil freckles and this happened
do they lose their freckles under a red sun? who knows 
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
QUEEN/KING OF _____???
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
darigan shingle!
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Darigan Shingle, more like Daringle am I rightOkay so I had two ideas for this, one is sweet and blessed and one is Edgy. here is the sweet boy
Shingle belongs to @tiredtuff // @3beansalad
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
Leave a brush and a character in my ask
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You know the neopet brushes? Well, I made an art challenge for it.
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wds-dreaming · 6 years
Reblog if you want your followers to tell you what villain you remind them of
As a fan of villains I am VERY curious!! 
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