thepurplefalcons 1 year
Purple Falcon character sheet: Paple
Real name: Abigail Stopstick
Occupation: thief and vigilante
Goal: still as many powerful and magical artifacts She can find before Sirius does.
Bio:Abigail used to be an ordinary girl who used to work at a fast food restaurant. However, she got fired for putting a little prank on one of the workers. As she was searching for a new job a voice call to her saying that she has been chosen to be one of the Omi-Shard holders and was asked if she wanted to join. Not having this excitement before in her life she enthusiastically replied with yes. The voice then told her his name: Altair. they both do introductions and went off to their journey to find these shards. But first, she needs a group. Hearing this, Altair leads her to the jetterz Museum where the bomberman creation machine and the two other selected Shard Holders are. They both exchange their names including their team names: The Orange Boars and The Green Spiders. Altair then explains the groups that they have right now were dead bomber men who have been revived thanks to their ghostly Pals or acquaintances as he calls them. He then asked who Abby wants to revive? After thinking for a little while Abigail finally chooses to revive the bomber shitennou since they haven't lived long enough to appreciate life. The reason why she knows about these bombers is because she actually watched all the encounters white(jetter) had with them. After finding the Charaboms transferring back to who used to be these bombermen she finally has her group and decides to call her group The Purple Falcons since she's a really fan of the Majestic Falcons call and she also likes the color purple. After they have found all of the Omi-shards and applied them to each group member/ leader they work as thieves and vigilantes feeling from the rich and giving to the poor while also stealing some powerful and magical artifacts first before the wrong person steals it.
1 when she is not stealing or going on missions she is performing on stage as Strawbeat or living her own life as a regular human.
2 Abigail likes sukuyaki
3 Abigail loves the ocean and likes to go swimming with mermaid bomber at the beach in order to see the fishes .
4 Abigail it's also pretty skeptical when it comes to working with other thieves. in fact, it was this one time where she left a thief alone during a cave-in because she didn't trust that said Thief. After that day she still regrets it.
5 she keeps a log book about her daily missions inside of one of the vehicles the Shitennou and/or Paple have.
6 Paple is so afraid of Max that whenever she sees a Max unit she won't immediately lead the others to the opposite direction. You see, she actually saw the final battle between white and Max during their confrontation. And she realized how ruthless Max can be when he's out of control. She is still terrified of him til this day.
7 Paple also has the secret pet cat called Skiddles. She is a gray cat with darker gray stripes.
8 the falcons can fly with their capes(kinda similar to the sky children in sky children lf light)
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thepurplefalcons 1 year
???: now all we have to do is head back to our base!
The four thieves skirt read onto the nearest unattended vehicle and drive it. A bomber by the name flame bomber was driving the vehicle like mad. He was zigzagging around the roads to avoid cars, pedestrians and even animals.
Everyone was used to the bomber driving like this since all of them are so calm and are being used to being yeeted from carwall to carwall... that is until Flame bomber goes over to a ramp and takes it to the sky before crashing into the very building blue was in hitting blue in the process.
Explosion can be hard far away and 5 theives come running with some sort of object in one of their hands
???:Ha Ha! We got the Power Ruby in our grasp!
馃挙 } "H-huh?"
The explosion caused him to wake up.
馃挙 } "Oh come on! Right now isn't the time for this! I'm trying to sleep! WHITE YOU HANDLE THIS."
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thepurplefalcons 1 year
(Guess who cant stop themselves from making blogs? If you wanna interact with my bomberman oc Pluto Bomber just like or reblog this!)
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thepurplefalcons 2 years
Hello my dudes! this is a roleplay blog about Bomberman jetters, Super Bomberman r, and Bomberman 64. If you're familiar with any of these tags, feel free to role play with me! But first let me address the rules
I'm fine with dirty jokes but but don't mention anything TOO nasty
Fetishes are a no-go
I'm cool with dark themes like blood and gore and some sad themes too.
All three of these Bomberman media have spoilers in them so if you want to check these guys out for yourself, go right ahead.
If you're not into any dark themes then I won't mind doing clean rps
Sometimes I might get too carried away so if I start going too far just let me know.
I'm okay with overpowered characters as long as they have weaknesses. After all, nobody is invincible.
The Purple Falcons explained:
The Purple Falcons are a group of Thieves consisting of Thunder, Flame, Mermaid and Grand bomber(AKA the Bomber Shitennou with their leader being named Paple( not her real name by the way). Together they search around the world finding and/or stealing powerful artifacts across the Galaxy. They don't really do this for themselves really, it's more like they are trying to get these artifacts before somebody else does. Wonder who they are?
Anyways that's all I have for now. Seeya!
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