#bmj bomber shitennou
whataboutfractions · 10 months
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infinite public restaurant bickering
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thepurplefalcons · 1 year
Purple Falcon character sheet: Paple
Real name: Abigail Stopstick
Occupation: thief and vigilante
Goal: still as many powerful and magical artifacts She can find before Sirius does.
Bio:Abigail used to be an ordinary girl who used to work at a fast food restaurant. However, she got fired for putting a little prank on one of the workers. As she was searching for a new job a voice call to her saying that she has been chosen to be one of the Omi-Shard holders and was asked if she wanted to join. Not having this excitement before in her life she enthusiastically replied with yes. The voice then told her his name: Altair. they both do introductions and went off to their journey to find these shards. But first, she needs a group. Hearing this, Altair leads her to the jetterz Museum where the bomberman creation machine and the two other selected Shard Holders are. They both exchange their names including their team names: The Orange Boars and The Green Spiders. Altair then explains the groups that they have right now were dead bomber men who have been revived thanks to their ghostly Pals or acquaintances as he calls them. He then asked who Abby wants to revive? After thinking for a little while Abigail finally chooses to revive the bomber shitennou since they haven't lived long enough to appreciate life. The reason why she knows about these bombers is because she actually watched all the encounters white(jetter) had with them. After finding the Charaboms transferring back to who used to be these bombermen she finally has her group and decides to call her group The Purple Falcons since she's a really fan of the Majestic Falcons call and she also likes the color purple. After they have found all of the Omi-shards and applied them to each group member/ leader they work as thieves and vigilantes feeling from the rich and giving to the poor while also stealing some powerful and magical artifacts first before the wrong person steals it.
1 when she is not stealing or going on missions she is performing on stage as Strawbeat or living her own life as a regular human.
2 Abigail likes sukuyaki
3 Abigail loves the ocean and likes to go swimming with mermaid bomber at the beach in order to see the fishes .
4 Abigail it's also pretty skeptical when it comes to working with other thieves. in fact, it was this one time where she left a thief alone during a cave-in because she didn't trust that said Thief. After that day she still regrets it.
5 she keeps a log book about her daily missions inside of one of the vehicles the Shitennou and/or Paple have.
6 Paple is so afraid of Max that whenever she sees a Max unit she won't immediately lead the others to the opposite direction. You see, she actually saw the final battle between white and Max during their confrontation. And she realized how ruthless Max can be when he's out of control. She is still terrified of him til this day.
7 Paple also has the secret pet cat called Skiddles. She is a gray cat with darker gray stripes.
8 the falcons can fly with their capes(kinda similar to the sky children in sky children lf light)
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whataboutfractions · 9 months
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merry christmas and happy birthday to these little fucks
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whataboutfractions · 9 months
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while a long while ago i made a post about the similarities in their bomb throws, the shitennou also share a very similar bomb-summoning gesture with an open palm (or arm cannon) raised above their head!
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whataboutfractions · 10 months
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whataboutfractions · 1 year
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sworn fealty from the skittle squad
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whataboutfractions · 1 year
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whataboutfractions · 1 year
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the whole sibling squad all just sorta lookin
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whataboutfractions · 1 year
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gets on his tiptoes and everything...this is an exceptionally little guy
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whataboutfractions · 2 years
overthinking of the day: "given their usual living space of the schumulvault - an exoplanetary manmade satellite - and the short duration of their standard missions, would the shitennou have seen a sunrise or sunset within their time alive?"
thunder - yes. between ep 22-24 he spent a significant amount of time with mujoe doing postal service work on gamukuccha planet, which has a clearly visible sky in all shots set there, so there’s no reason he wouldn’t have seen the sun rise or set in that time
mermaid - yes. it’s a bit of a closer call this time, but her stalling during ep 17-18 explicitly prolonged her mission an extra night and subsequent day, with her being shown to have stayed up stargazing during the same night white bomber developed what’s outright called the “sunrise thunder bomb”. extremely likely that she saw the sun rise, set, or both in that time, the name of the bomb that killed her notwithstanding
grand - yes. it wasn’t as deliberate, but he had a similar situation with mermaid where he remained on tagaya planet for much longer than the regular duration of a mission over the course of hanging out with and ultimately battling white bomber, and while he may not have lasted to the second sunset he’s directly shown calling thunder with the sunset of the first day in the background
flame - no. given white bomber’s absence at the time and the lack of any other capable resistance to him in the jetters, his missions are shown to have the shortest duration of any of the shitennou’s, and there were no circumstantial events that could have given him the opportunity to remain planetside longer. in all likelihood he had not seen a sunset or sunrise before his death in ep 16
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whataboutfractions · 2 years
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while i’ve always enjoyed how much fun bmj’s animators had with the various eyecatches, the second one of ep 21 has to be my favorite for its loving rendition of grand struggling to cook on his own for the first time and thunder watching poorly-hidden from afar struggling to cheer him on rather than stepping in and just doing it for grand himself
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whataboutfractions · 1 year
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beloved creatures
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whataboutfractions · 2 years
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exhibit #335 in the “mujoe and the shitennou deserved better as a family” collection
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whataboutfractions · 2 years
What if we give one of the shitennou a hug?
depends on which one!
flame would probably be a bit weirded out at first, since he hasn't interacted very closely with anyone outside of his immediate family, but i feel like he wouldn't mind it overall and would probably enjoy it as a gesture of friendly affection for as long as his attention span lasts before he's wriggling away to get back to whatever he was doing before
if you're thinking about mermaid in particular, you should probably plan on more than one hug, because if how she acted when birdy just helped her up is any indication she's very easily attached to people and even if she's not outright smitten by the gesture she's definitely going to be dragging you around to chatter at you for the rest of the day
grand i'd guess would have probably the most normal reaction out of any of them - just pleasant surprise and then a hug back, which is convenient because it'd likely be tough to put in all the legwork in trying to hug a guy built that much like a boulder. even if you can't reach your arms all the way around him, he can definitely reach all the way around you!
thunder would probably be leery of the whole thing initially, and honestly if it was later in his arc once he'd gotten more high-strung and volatile he might not let you at all, but if you just demonstrate that you don't intend to be a threat to him or the people he loves he might finally get comfortable enough to let himself be comforted a bit from the constant pressure of responsibility and obligation he's under
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whataboutfractions · 2 years
sometimes i think about the potential overlap between the shitennou's nature as innately elemental beings and the basic mundane details of their lives. like did they take for granted the room would get warmer if their little brother got too riled up playing video games? did dishwashing duty always fall to the one sister who would neither have an adverse reaction to water nor get the dishes muddy on top of greasy, and as a result the dishes were barely ever done because she always put it off? did ambient static electricity and the smell of ozone feel like security - like being home?
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whataboutfractions · 2 years
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