therealajayny · 2 months
Malcolm X is still relevant.  Progress is an illusion. This video was removed from TT but I already downloaded to share. @arguablysomaya speaks nothing but the truth
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therealajayny · 5 months
If you sit and watch these Genosides without remarking…. publicly,  you’re complicit.  No one will save the world except the #people.  We are the people.  they are watching for our collective response.  To sit in silence is to let them know that when it’s your turn,  you won’t fight and no one will fight for you. What’s going on in the DRC, Sudan and Palestine are all related. The continued…
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therealajayny · 9 months
Happy New Year
Wishing you all a clear mind, full heart, nurtured soul and well body in the year of 2024 and beyond. I hope you receive the love and positive energy you need. I wish you a continuous flow of reciprocity in all things good. Happy New Year From AJ
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therealajayny · 9 months
I have a saying “Don’t let loneliness and desperation get you into a situation you can’t get out of.”  Too many times, we choose to seek comfort in others instead of working on ourselves. And what follows often leads to less than desirable circumstances. Because those people are often vampires that suck your energy. Draining whatever they can out of you. So, while you seek comfort and…
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therealajayny · 2 years
World War III
We’re in the middle of World War III and most of America isn’t batting an eye because that’s not the label, Trump’s not in office and most Americans aren’t affected. Americans are horrible human beings who only see tragedy on their shores or atrocities caused by others across seas. They never seem to see what America does even tho America is the most aggressive military force in the world. Once…
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therealajayny · 2 years
On Religion and God
If it ain’t love, it ain’t God
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therealajayny · 2 years
What Does Cardiac Arrest Look Like?
I fear that we have been watching too much TV, reading too many books and too many magazines. Because when people are having heart attacks, there’s a sharp pain that goes up their arm, nausea, fatigue…. and they may grab their arm or chest. What’s happening now is that people are just falling to their deaths or into a critical state. There’s something really weird going on.
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therealajayny · 2 years
What Defines a Karen?
Karens are not merely “annoying customers of  ‘any race’ demanding to speak to managers.” A “Karen” is a hateful, racist, white woman who is aware her white privilege.  And while she won’t acknowledge it publicly, she will use it every opportunity she gets.  Her targets are usually Black or Hispanic people. Although no non-white is safe from her violence. These are white women lying about…
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therealajayny · 2 years
Math Is Important 😩
I read an article yesterday which states that POTS is a rare side effect of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Less than 5 in one million people will be effected. Compared to the unvaccinated. Who are 5X more likely to suffer from POTS than the vaccinated. That’s approximately 25 people (unvaccinated) in one million vs 5 people (vaccinated) in one million. A statistically insignificant amount. 😩 If 5 in…
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therealajayny · 2 years
Long COVID Should Be Lingering, Not Spontaneous
After a person recovers from COVID, there should be no spontaneous reoccurrence of symptoms unless they are reinfected. Incidents of people experiencing long COVID, months after having an asymptomatic infection or recovery, should be studied. There may be something amiss.
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therealajayny · 2 years
"Let's Euthanize The Poor " - Canada
“Let’s Euthanize The Poor ” – Canada
It’s startling to think in 2022 that killing people rather than feeding and providing housing for them is the better option. But that’s what is happening in Canada. Society has always loathed poor people. But wait until some people find out that they’re actually poor. One paycheck away from homelessness. How will they feel about this option? Or that this is capitalism. “Capitalism’s answer to…
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therealajayny · 2 years
Turns Out That Europeans Did Not Bring Homosexuality To Africa; Instead Christianity Brought Homophobia To Africa
I’ve heard so many times that white people brought homosexuality to Africa. These are the ways in which Black people justify their homophobia. By insisting that white people forced “their way of life” on Black people. As if the entire continent of Africa didn’t have any Homosexuality prior to colonialism. But it turns out that what Europeans brought to Africa was intolerance and hate justified…
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therealajayny · 2 years
I wonder how many Christians don’t remember Jesus was Jewish.  Specifically Black Christians. Because many believe that Jesus was Black. But at the same time, that find it has to believe that Black people are Jewish. Not converts…. Just Jewish.  Some Black people believe that are descendents of Jewish people.
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therealajayny · 2 years
Billary and Haiti
Biliary pretended they were going to rebuild Haiti but instead, let their friends build factories for designer clothes and exploit Haitian labor, interjected in a min wage negotiations and installed puppets as leaders.Where’s the libs? chilling? wearing those designer clothes?
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therealajayny · 2 years
Class and War
I bet Americans would quickly become antiwar if the people with the most money had to go to war while the poorest stayed home tweeting “people have to die in a war.” Or “Our military is bringing democracy to the world.” And hashtagging #SupportOurTroops #BootsOnTheGround
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therealajayny · 2 years
Me and You
I like you But I like me more I’ll love you But I’ll love me more I want to adore you But I need you to see me I don’t know you But I can’t help but wonder and see I want to know if you are real But everything in me says you’re not The doubt is killing me slowly But not slow enough. It’s torture I need to be free of this obsession But I tremble at the thought of our end
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therealajayny · 2 years
I Quit You
I quit you like I quit cigarettes. Each day that I awake, I remind myself that I don’t need you. With every breath that I take, I remember that you are not the air that I breathe.  You will not be the cancer in my heart.  My growth will not be stunted by someone who’s stagnant. The flame that we burned together has been rubbed out of existence on the sole of my boot. There’s only ash.
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