therealrossford · 8 years
I have to write some short reviews for various films (a couple of paragraphs each), and I'm having problems with the films I like the most from the list. I think the problem is that even though I like them I recognise that they may not be for everyone. Any advice?
Repeat this with me, anon:
Good criticism is not about objectivity.
In fact, there’s no such thing as objective criticism. A lot of criticism–especially short-form criticism–is couched in the language of objectivity, but that’s just smoke and mirrors.
So: Good criticism is about being able to break down your own, subjective reactions to a film–and to predict an audience’s, or part of an audience’s–and connect those things to craft. It’s about a trained eye, but it’s also about the personal, referential, and aesthetic perspective you bring as a critic.
It sounds like you’re already a lot of the way there. The last bit you wrote–”even though I like them I recognise that they may not be for everyone”–isn’t a problem, anon: it’s the crux of your content. Why do you like them? Why do you think they may not be for everybody? BOOM. There’s your review.
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therealrossford · 8 years
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A few key frames of the Kamui transformation sequences. There are around 320 key animations for each scene, really one of the most elaborate shots.
Taken from the KlK Key Art Collection Vol 2. Click on the images to view them in all their beauty!
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therealrossford · 8 years
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Part 1 of Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
Part 2 http://macaroon22.tumblr.com/post/135836723736/part-2-of-who-lives-who-dies-who-tells-your#notes
Part 3 http://macaroon22.tumblr.com/post/135837223866/part-3-of-who-lives-who-dies-who-tells-your#notes
A link to listen along to the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jyg3Lo_-Ep8
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therealrossford · 8 years
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Pokémon: Teaching valuable life lessons for 20 years.
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therealrossford · 8 years
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Calvin and Hobbes: The Force Awakens #2 Brian Kesinger
Story artist at Walt Disney animation studios / Artist for Marvel Comics. Check out his etsy store for books and prints www.etsy.com/shop/BrianKesinger
This is the photoset #2, check out photoset #1 here!
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therealrossford · 8 years
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The Legend of Zelda - 30th Anniversary February 21, 2016
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therealrossford · 8 years
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da:i + text posts // solas
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therealrossford · 8 years
person: whats ur favorite tongue twister
me: im in the cabinet i am complicit in watching him grabbin at power and kissin it if washington isnt gon listen to disciplined dissidents this is the difference this kid is out
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therealrossford · 8 years
when you fail a persuasion attempt in an rpg:
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therealrossford · 8 years
“The measure, which amends the state’s Vital Records Act, would prevent the child from receiving a birth certificate or financial assistance if the father was not identified.
The bill states:
“Provides that if the unmarried mother cannot or refuses to name the child’s father, either a father must be conclusively established by DNA evidence or, within 30 days after birth, another family member who will financially provide for the child must be named, in court, on the birth certificate. Provides that absent DNA evidence or a family member’s name, a birth certificate will not be issued and the mother will be ineligible for financial aid from the State for support of the child.”
Ed Yohnka of the Illinois American Civil Liberties Union told the Chicagoist that the bill was troubling even though it was not expected to pass the Democratic supermajority in the state House.”
Read the full piece here
Also: Illinois Bill Would Make Life Even More Difficult For Single Moms
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therealrossford · 8 years
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Criminal Defense attorney, Greg Doucette has had quite enough of your non-sense.
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therealrossford · 8 years
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therealrossford · 8 years
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It was anti-bullying day yesterday 
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therealrossford · 8 years
the absolute strangest part of Straight Culture™ is the widespread idea that men and women can’t be friends and it’s so offensive to me?? like this idea that a man can’t possibly enjoy a woman’s company unless they’re Banging and Romancing is not only grossly heteronormative, it’s also quite frankly misogynist and i for one am extremely tired
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therealrossford · 8 years
Dear punk show attendees,
“It’s a punk show, what do you expect” or “Comes with the territory [of punk shows]” is not a fucking acceptable excuse for being a shitty person. 
“Punk” isn’t about being a narcissitic piece of shit, so stop blaming or using the music or the scene to justify disgusting behavior. 
If you think unprovoked violence, stealing, discriminating, and disrespecting your peers is punk, GET THE FUCK OUT. 
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therealrossford · 8 years
talking about Doctor Who with someone before you know their Opinions
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therealrossford · 8 years
how are the dad bird and son bird?
oh they’re alright
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