theredbeggar · 2 months
Unravel my heart and wrap it in yours
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theredbeggar · 2 months
Oh my god it's slugs. It's been slugs. The signs were all there what the fuck.
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theredbeggar · 3 months
Sometimes growth requires acknowledging deeply uncomfortable truths. It is hard work. It is not always calm or pleasant.
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theredbeggar · 3 months
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nature artwork by Andy Goldsworthy
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theredbeggar · 3 months
He wipes the sweat of my face
Morning dew
Sweet cherry
Mist on a polished rock
And smiles, like he'd touched ambrosia
I sit stuttering, in my mundane way, wondering how the divine before me could be so kind, such a thing
I forget that we are all moss, all stone, all structure left behind our battles
Waiting to be discovered on the edge of a cliff
Only to be awed and wondered at as we are more
He touches my cheek like
Gentle caresses
And I sit and wonder, what I did to earn such a rite of delicate dance
He smiles
He kisses me
And speaks in hushed tones, "You are my monument and I am yours."
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theredbeggar · 3 months
q not meant to be disrespectful, I was not raised xtian and this has been confusing me, figured you might know some kind of answer?
If Jesus died for all sins, past and present, and all you have to do for them to be forgiven is accept him, why does it matter if you sin after that/at all? He's already died to take care of all of them?
What you've done here is recapitulate one of the most salient criticisms of christianity. If christ died for our sins, what is to stop us from further sinning? I'll be damned if I have a better answer for this question, because in my humble occultist opinion, Christendom has not produced a satisfactory answer yet.
However, don't take this as an endorsement to for against Christendom. Take this as an appeal to your own further understanding of Christ, or lack thereof. I firmly believe that your relationship to Divinity is you own, no matter your dogma.
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theredbeggar · 3 months
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X-ray of a statue of the Virgin Mary.
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theredbeggar · 4 months
I don't cough when I smoke anymore.
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theredbeggar · 4 months
would a beheaded saint wear their halo like this
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or like this
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theredbeggar · 4 months
Things have been... hard.
I can feel the pills in my throat. All the apologies I never sent. The aching and begging.
Why must I beg?
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theredbeggar · 7 months
Hey tumblr we need to have a talk about something I noticed.
Specifically going by tags attached to images I’ve blogged or reblogged, there seems to be a misconception that marginalia means “any quirky medieval art”.
It’s not.
Marginalia is anything in the margins of a text.
The ones that will get posted on tumblr will more often than not be quirky drawings, but they also include notes, annotations, scribbles, and whatever else. The quirky drawings just happen to get a lot of press on here because, well. They’re quirky drawings.
For instance, see this image here of a platanista (river dolphin) chomping down on an elephant’s trunk?
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This is not marginalia! This is a full-fledged illustration. It’s within the text (Liber natura rerum, Thomas de Cantimpré, Librairie de Valenciennes Ms 0320). It illustrates the entry on Platanista.
This is what it looks like in context.
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But you know what are marginalia? Let me circle them for convenience.
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Know the difference. It won’t save your life but it will make you more popular at a medievalist conference.
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theredbeggar · 7 months
its out! its here! if you are not subscribed to my substack i would love to see you there!
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theredbeggar · 7 months
I know it's been a very long time since I've posted but ah, as life tends to go, I'm short on funds and will be offering paid tarot readings once more to those interested. Message me privately for more details, I'd be more than happy to discuss the details with you properly then.
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theredbeggar · 8 months
finding out there's a frankenstein ballet and that it was in october of last year…DEVASTATING
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look at this. look at these. im foaming at the mouth
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theredbeggar · 11 months
November, slaughter month, the month of blood.
Rebecca Perry, Beauty/Beauty; from 'The Year I Was Born: the day by day chronicle of events in the year of your birth'
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theredbeggar · 11 months
„There are some beekeepers, who on All Saint’s Day don’t swallow their communion and instead place it inside the beehive so that the bees wouldn’t die or leave, but grow in numbers. As a punishment after death they have to wander around at night, headless, with a thunder candle in hand. Those spirits are called candle carriers.”
- Mythical Creatures of the Sorbs by Adolf Černy 
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theredbeggar · 11 months
If you are slaves on earth and it is said to you: Renounce the freedom of earth, then in heaven an indescribable freedom awaits you. Answer him: Whoever has not tasted freedom on earth will not know its taste in heaven.
Mikhail Naimy
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