theredheadstory · 7 years
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Sorry, we’re closing over here...
...only to continue what we have been doing in a waaaay more beautiful and sophisticated space!
What a ride the past few months have been. I am so absolutely thrilled about where this little storytelling business has been going, and will be going in the future. 
Find us from now on on: www.theredheadstory.com. 
I cannot wait to meet you over there. :)
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theredheadstory · 7 years
MY STORY (VIII): ALMOST THERE + Services The Redhead Story Will Offer
You guys! This is my last post on here (kind of sad - but actually not), before I leave it be and The Redhead Story officially moves to the BEAUTIFUL new space. 
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I am literally so freakin’ excited; it’s been months and actually not just a branding journey, but also a real journey of growth, let me tell you. 
I don’t mean this as an offense to anyone but if you have never gone through a branding, website makeover, and small business building process, it might be difficult to understand all the behind-the-scenes work that goes into it. For me, it was not just that, but also a huge step in regards to my personal development and mindset. 
I am ready - 
- ready to present the NEW The Redhead Story to you - drumroll - tomorrow!!! Yes, I got the final word from my designer and the site will be live in less than 24 hours. 
(Please bear with me as a few blog posts will still need to get photos inserted, as those disappeared when migrating the blog.)
What can you expect from The Redhead Story?
First off, I will continue writing my story as a German expat and California resident. The blog, when I started it more than 4 years ago, has always been a creative outlet for me, to reflect on my personal journey and share (visual) memories of specifically travels and life as an expat. This, naturally, includes a lot of “thoughts” posts, also. I am not intending to change that and hope to inspire you along the way and connect - as my ultimate goal. 
Want to team up?
Passionate about sharing real, authentic stories with wanderlusters, I capture experiences. I speak to those who are open to trying new things and local culture, particularly for slow (yet active!) travel.
To help your audience travel with purpose, I create:
Travel guides for:
Working or studying abroad
Transitioning into a new culture
Articles and blogs that capture a location’s culture and vibes, from Yellowstone travel blogging to travel writing in the UK.
Pieces on specific events or experiences, that include but are not limited to:
Adventure travel
Budget travel
Cultural travel
Education travel
And more (including dogs) ;-)
Health-centric content that encourages and supports a healthy lifestyle, such as topics on:
Fitness and exercise
Wellness and nutrition
Active outdoor activities
How can we collaborate?
My ultimate goal is helping travel lovers pick destinations with purpose. To intentionally connect with more people and places around the world - via your community. We can do this through either:
Blogs or articles on your publication
Collaborations with sponsored content pushed out on the Redhead Story
Advertising/promotion of meaningful products that are in line with my values and visions
Collaborations such as press trips, product reviews, service experiences and beyond.
Some of these areas of focus have included Great Britain, Europe, California, Colorado, Arizona, New York and beyond.
I love being outdoors and experience the world, slowly yet actively, from a “natural” side. 
Are you ready to team up? Reach out at [email protected]
Since the domain will change, I will let you guys know tomorrow, right here, where to go and check out the new site!!
Stay tuned - and thank you for being on board! 
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theredheadstory · 7 years
MY STORY (VII): The Redhead Story’s Mission & Vision
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Hello friends! We are slowly approaching the end of the “My Story” website & brand pre-launch series with post number seven today (one more to go). A few things need to be tweaked on the website and my blog will be imported tomorrow (yay for having to go through 350+ posts and label them all; part of the fun). The tentative date for the launch, at this point, will be mid-March. It’s happening.
This might just be a very short post, yet very important as it relates to the message.
Today’s topic: the visions The Redhead Story is built on.
The Redhead Story has a clear mission and it goes as follows:
Inspiring others to travel, so they can find more growth, joy and balance in life.
I speak from my heart. This is what I have envisioning for such a long time.
You know, I have never had a clear mission written down and it takes time to think about: “What does my small business envision, what is its foundation?” Finally! It’s on paper.
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This is the foundation of my small business: Inspiring others, through personal stories and other writing as well as content creation projects to go out and explore, get an open heart and mind, ultimately allowing them to live life with purpose, more fulfillment. The personal growth aspect is an important component.
Traveling and living in different places in my 26 years of life has given me so much. I encourage you to be open to changing your perspective on people and the world - and allow impressions, when going through life with eyes wide open, impact you. It will lead to amazing change and help you grow in so many way. I call it “life in motion”.
To do my mission justice, my vision is the following:
Delivering quality content about travel, expat life, personal growth, and wellbeing - based on personal experiences and/or thoroughly researched and fact checked articles - on my personal blog or in collaboration with relevant brands.
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I hope The Redhead Story will be a space where you can find inspiration and realize that you don’t have to travel far in order to experience - slowly. 
I wake up every morning with a rush of excitement and eager to get to work and create. This whole vision of my own brand and stepping it up a notch is slowly coming to life. Thank you for being part of this wonderful journey.  
In my last post of this series, I will talk about the services The Redhead Story will specifically offer and envisions in the near future.
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theredheadstory · 7 years
MY STORY (VI): The Path to Branding & Taking the Leap to Pursue My Writing
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Ever since I started writing I was dreaming of this: having my own small storytelling business. It really just sounded like a dream too good to ever come true.
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Fast forward and about 4 and a half years later, here I am: building my own brand, my own storytelling business. I am not where I want to be yet but looking back on the past few years I realize how far I have come and that this might really be my path to go.
Let me start from the beginning and give you a little insight into how I came to where I am now and what obstacles and emotional roller coaster rides this involved - and still does.
It All Began With My Expat Adventure
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As many of you might know that have been following along for a while, I created The Redhead Story when I embarked on a year of living and studying abroad in London, UK. It was my creative outlet, a means to share impressions, experiences, and thoughts as I was exploring the U.K. I loved it. I changed blog and writing styles, re-defined myself, and was looking into new cameras (I still have a long way to go when it comes to photography but I have a decent camera at least - looking to upgrade it, though). My creative explorer vein was pumping.
After about 8 or 9 month of sharing impressions I knew that I wanted to make something more of it. Bring this blog further. I was constantly changing it. But was never happy. One thing, however, was clear: I wanted more exposure, connect with more like-minded people. And so I began writing for different outlets and blogs. For free. Also, to build my portfolio.
It must have been shortly before I had to fly back to Germany and my year as an expat in England came to an end, that I got my first paid writing opportunity. Ever since, my dream of making this a full time gig at some point in my life - if ever?! - lingered in my head and I couldn’t get rid of it.
I knew that writing is what truly fulfills me, combined with being on the move as often as possible.
Envisioning More for This Little Blog
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And so I continued filling the pages of my blog with words, thoughts, contemplations, impressions - basically my whole heart. I got writing gigs here and there (by that time not even actively looking for them), while beginning to enter the “actual” job world. This should bring me to San Diego in December of 2015.
It was the beginning of a new chapter, not just for myself, but also for my blog - and ultimately paved the path toward my desire to step it up a notch and pursue the branding process.
I began to create and write my very own story in Southern California and The Redhead Story changed designs throughout the past two years of living in San Diego. The blog grew organically and new travel writing opportunities came up.
But I was not really happy with the little corner of the internet I had; I tweaked it here and there but couldn’t get very far as I chose the wrong host from the beginning. A friend of mine from London, who studied web design, helped me out every once in a while but it never really was what I envisioned - and I was lacking the skills to bring the site further.
Telling My Story As an Expat in San Diego - A Growing Desire
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Exploring new places, building my life stateside, meeting the man of my dreams, and reflecting upon expat life while developing a desire for slower travel and seeing the world while being close to nature were all things that drove me to be even more passionate to tell my story and share my thoughts with you.
The thought of needing expert help to develop my own brand and site into something more appealing, something that speaks more to my readers - and myself as the writer and creative behind - got more prominent.  
I wanted more out of this little blog. I knew this was the way to go and writing is what truly fulfills me. But I realized that I needed to invest - to get my return of investment and, first and foremost, create a space that is me, has my personality shine through in design, and is being enjoyed but my audience.
There were many obstacles, disappointments, hopes, and seemingly shattered dreams I had to experience in my 4 and a half years of blogging - and do so even now.
Taking the Leap and Following My Heart
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Fast forward, at the end of 2017 it was time: I took the leap to seek expert help, begin the branding process of The Redhead Story, and step towards registering a writing business here in SoCal.
And my next adventure began. The adventure of doing something that is scary yet feels so right. The adventure of stepping outside of my comfort zone and making myself pretty vulnerable. The adventure of simply following my dreams even though I knew it would not be easy.
I quit my full-time job (probably scariest thing I have ever done to date) beginning of this year. I invested a bunch of savings. I reflected a lot and did a great amount of internal work since I started the branding process a few months ago. It’s been a roller coaster of emotions but I know this was the right way to go.
Pursuing your dreams in the writing industry is hard (you yourself might maybe be at that point right now, realizing exactly this). But it’s the passion that matters, what can I say. It’s my love for sharing my story, connecting with others, and highlighting the growth traveling and living abroad can bring you that drives me.
Going for It - Branding Process in Full Swing
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And here I am. Only a couple weeks shy of launching my beautifully branded new website. I cannot wait for this new chapter of my life; to build my base of clients spread the word about travel; encourage others to start and keep exploring which begins locally.
I am all in. I am excited. Yes, I am very scared because it is a big step and the future is unknown but I wake up every morning knowing that it was the right thing to do. To just go for it. For that voice from within I am thankful. I know there will be more ups and downs as I continue building my little writing business, but I also know that I would forever be disappointed in myself if I hadn’t at least tried to go this path.
Stay tuned for post 7 of my pre-launch series coming shortly, in which I am sharing more about what The Redhead Story will be doing and offering in the near future.
Read all My Story posts here. 
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theredheadstory · 7 years
MY STORY (V): German by Nature, Home in SoCal & Traveling as Education
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Welcome back to my current website pre-launch series “MY STORY”. If you have not kept up with the past 4 posts, you can read them all here. :)
Let’s jump right into today’s topic: Being an expat.
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Constantly Comparing
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You might know by now that I am originally from Germany and have lived both in the UK and U.S. east coast - currently in San Diego, CA.
Having been born and raised in another country is a blessing and a curse both at the same time.
Because I constantly find myself having a “comparative” perspective. Now, I am not one to constantly say out loud: “Oh, this reminds me of home!” or “I don’t like this, because back in Germany…”.
No. I am not here to straight call out the good and bad, in my opinion. Of course, there are certain things in different places I like and personally agree with more than others.
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But, I am not comparing to point out the good or the bad, if this is what I should call it here. After all, I am choosing to live in a place away from home (or rather: my roots). For a reason. I am “comparing” in the sense of noticing differences because of the fact that I am from another country with different cultural habits. Sometimes more, sometimes less. But fact is, that comparing different places and their cultures in my head allows me to get somewhat of a third person perspective. It helps me tolerate, respect, and reflect upon the different customs.
And all too often, this “naturally comparative” perspective enables me to change my personal view on things.
Exploring as Education
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This brings me to the next point: The educational component of exploring.
I have been lucky to live in and travel to many parts of this beautiful world, yet there are so many places I have yet to see. I have noticed that the more I travel, the more I learn about myself. Not just that: I learn about the places I go to and even live in. This ties in with what I mentioned before: the ability to change perspectives that comes with comparing different habits, cultures, and places at large.
I consider this a good thing as I believe the greatest, most valuable things are taught while going out and venture around with an open mind - or being open to having your perspective changed, for that matter.
Traveling is educational and if you want it or not, the more you explore, the more you will learn, because things stick with you.
The more I see of this world, the more my desire to explore is growing.
A Base for Future Trips
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As I mentioned in a previous post of this series, I have been very restless before. I was always seeking a base for future travels and I finally found it stateside. Now, we don’t know if Southern California will always be our home base or if we end up moving to another city in the U.S. (because our life is constantly in motion and that’s a very good thing in my opinion). Fact is, San Diego is home for now and it’s a wonderful place to plan trips, short getaways or even just go out and venture around, as there is yet so much to discover.
This itchy feet feeling and excitement about going or even moving somewhere will most likely always remain. I just cannot imagine spending life in just one place.
And so I continue to take my notebook and camera with me as I venture around, near or far, deeply enjoying sharing my thoughts. :)
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theredheadstory · 7 years
MY STORY (IV): Adventures Come in Many Forms
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Not only have my approach and meaning of traveling changed ever since I set foot on California soil more than two years ago. I went from “traveling solo or with friends” to “traveling with my like minded husband”.
Defining Adventure for Myself
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And the latter is today’s topic: Adventures come in various forms, and that includes marriage.
This word “adventure” is thrown around almost mindlessly these days. I use it all too often myself. But what does it really mean?
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In my opinion, “adventure” isn’t always this super sick trip, camping somewhere in the wilderness, backpacking around remote areas and sleeping at houses of locals in a place that’s far from being a typical tourist destination.
Adventure to me is, what I define for myself. It’s what gets me excited - and that can be going on a day trip to a nearby place I hadn’t been to yet. It’s all about your own understanding.
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So, why am I boring you with this intro? Well, because my marriage, to me, is a real adventure. And it’s special for many reasons. But there is one major reason why I consider it an adventure (and yes, based on my abovementioned personal definition of adventure: It does get me pretty excited):
Two different passports. Two different nationalities.
The German and the American
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Rickey is my biggest adventure. I am fortunate to live daily with my adventure pal, with someone who can be as spontaneous and excited about going somewhere - no matter how near and far - and has an open mind and heart. That was one of the main reasons why I felt drawn to him immediately (see last post) when we met. This shared adventure makes all other adventures even greater and more meaningful.
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I was born and raised in Germany. I am thoroughly German. This makes the “being married to an American” even more interesting because as a matter of fact Rickey grew up in a different cultural environment. It may not be so extremely different from the German one but it still is a different culture and people have different values, opinions, viewpoints - you name it. And so does Rickey.
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Especially when we go somewhere together, adventure is a thing, as we ultimately we are two different people with different backgrounds. Makes it all the more fun.
An Open Heart and Mind
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My marriage also allows me to be more open towards different cultures. I myself live in a country now that is home, but that’s not my origin. So I am mindful of the people and their cultural habits here.
Spending life with my forever adventure pal makes going places - because of the different perspectives we sometimes have by nature - even more rewarding. It also greatly helps with personal growth, how I see the world, as I learn about myself.
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Being a German expat and married to not just the love of my life but also best travel buddy is just so ironic. It certainly is the cherry on top.
I encourage you to define adventure for yourself. Whatever it is. Adventure is out there for all of us - and it’s ultimately something that gets us very excited to live life, learn and grow.
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In whatever form this may be.
Read the previous posts of the “My Story” website & brand pre-launch series? You find them all here.
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theredheadstory · 7 years
MY STORY (III): My Approach to Traveling (Currently)
Thank you for stopping by again and being part of my pre-launch series “My Story”.
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A New Chapter - A New Base?
I arrived in San Diego on December 2, 2015. It should be a new chapter; a blank piece of paper. A chapter that still needed to be written.
One suitcase, a carry on - and I was an expat again. This time for 18 months - so the plan. I squeezed all that I needed (and that was not really much) into my luggage and found myself in a new city. A completely new environment I should call “home” the next one and a half years.
I settled in immediately and felt so much at ease from the minute I arrived.
The first few months were spent exploring San Diego, waking up every morning and thinking: WOW! This is where I am living for a while now?
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Before I owned a car stateside; renting a Mustang for the day and heading up to the mountains - Julian.
For the first time in my life I felt - pretty quickly - as if this could really be a place where I wanted to stay put. Really? I couldn’t believe it, for I was so restless (in an unhappy way) when I was back in Germany that I thought I would never really find this one place that would allow me to really calm down. A base, so to speak.
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San Diego, Downtown
From here I started exploring not just San Diego but the surrounding areas and even the west coast at large. I fell in love, deeper and stronger, with this place. Every time I came back to San Diego I felt happiness, a true home-sy feeling.
Slowing Down in Pace, Yet Seeing More
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Sunset Cliffs, San Diego
All of a sudden, I didn’t just want to squeeze in as many trips as I possibly could anymore, but go slow, soak it all in, wander through my new neighborhood, explore the nearby park, go on a little day trip up to the mountains. But slow. More mindful. I was beginning to see more by going slower. I was beginning to realize that I will always have itchy feet but that, apparently, there is a place for me allowing me to slow down - and then actually start embracing the real beauty of traveling.
I learned for myself that traveling is not just about seeing as many places as I possibly can. It’s about experiencing them. Immersing myself in the culture, possibly even living in a specific place for a little while.
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Sunset Cliffs
My approach completely changed. I began to redefine traveling for myself.
As I did slow down my pace, I also developed the strong urge to be more out in nature and spent time hiking, wandering along the coast (and, granted, there’s beautiful spots here that allow the mind and soul to just break free).
No more crazy fast-city-hopping-ticking-places-off-the-bucket-list type of travel.
Slow Traveling and Its Effects
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Carmel-by-the-sea, CA
I was going through a real “travel approach” transformation. From “go, go, go” to “exploring slower, deeper, more mindfully”. I was beginning to reflect upon what traveling really means and does to me as a person.
I realized traveling and the desire to see more in this life will always be part of me. Maybe it’s even part of who I truly am. 
I talked to a friend the other day and she said that once you’ve been an expat, you’ll always see the world with different eyes. And I think she is very right with that.
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There is so much to see in one’s own backyard that I developed the desire to start local before moving on. To process impressions and appreciate this beautiful world of ours, being out in nature has become a great interest of mine.
The American Love Story Continues
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Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
My American love story should reach its peak in summer of 2016 when I met my now husband. (Funny how life goes, right?) That is a topic for one of the next posts.
When we started talking and quickly got to the topic of traveling, my initial reaction was: Wow, an American that travels.
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Estes Park, Colorado
Now, this is not meant as an offense. I just liked that he had been abroad and is super open to exploring new places. There are many people that - apart from the financial situation - just don’t want to see more of this world. They choose to stay where they are. And I have met many Americans that have this mindset. And it’s cool if that’s what makes them happy and fulfills them. 
So, that’s why that thought of “hey, he travels!” initially popped into my head.
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Mt. Laguna, San Diego County
We began going places in San Diego, California, Arizona, and Colorado and shared a mutual love for the outdoors. It gave me so much fulfillment and helped me grow so much, with every step.
(Two years later and I am still here…now as a lawful permanent resident.)
A Transformed “Meaning” of Traveling
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At some point, I could not even imagine choosing to travel to a big city as opposed to exploring a more remote place.
And so my travel approach, about 2 years ago, had completely changed.
I went from from rushing through cities and seeing as much as possible to going slow, embracing the process of exploring a new place as part of my personal growth process.
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Mt. Laguna
I began asking myself questions whenever going somewhere new: What am I taking away? What can I learn about myself - and how to I see the world?
It helps give my life more purpose and meaning - and ultimately allows me to develop an even more open mindset towards the world and its people.
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Santa Barbara, CA
Stay tuned for the next post in this series, talking about adventures coming in various forms. ;-) 
Find the previous posts here: My Story
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theredheadstory · 7 years
Bell Wedding ‘18: Getting Ready At Church (First Sneak Peaks)
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Her it is! As requested: First professional impressions of our wedding. I spent quite some time going through the wonderful photos our photographer and friend Will (Will Leu Photography) has already put together for us to choose from for post-editing. 
We have so many other photos that we got from our friends and family, but I decided (in this very first post) to share a few professional sneak peaks of the final stages of the getting ready procedure, which took place at the church. 
Brace yourself! There are more wedding posts to follow (ceremony, the fun part of getting ready at the house in the morning, photos in Balboa Park...and, and, and.) It gets me excited as it allows me to relive the memories. I get goosebumps and happy feels every time I look at these photos. 
Without further ado - 
We’ll start with the handsome groom and continue with the bride further down. ;-) 
The Groom and His Squad
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It was specifically great to look at those photos that were taken when we were in different rooms. It put me back into the moment of excitement and pure joy - to see what happened on Rickey’s end, how he reacted, what photos they were shooting. 
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Just look at this stud. And I can call him mine. Adventure pal for life, lover, best friend, my rock. 
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^ This is one of my favorites from the guys. 
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^ Swooning!
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My brother took a minute to go over to the guys’ room and bring Rickey my special present - so he would not forget the time. 
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These photos are just so precious. 
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^ Ha! There you have it. A little bit of an emotional side shining through. I have to say that secretly (really not that secretly), I made it my goal to see Rickey being moved - if only once in my life. It apparently even happened before my dad walked me down the aisle. ;-)
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The groom made it to the altar in time. Phew. Lucky me. 
The Bride Side of Things
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I have to admit that I am seeing myself in a completely different light when looking at those pictures. 
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You know, I’ve been seeing all those photos of beautiful brides all over social media and the internet for months, years (!) and always wondered: How will I look on my wedding day? (And you have to know that I tend to be very self-conscious about myself.)
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But then I am seeing the photos of myself and cannot help but think: Wow! (Scroll further down.)
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But on another note: My man of honor, my younger brother, looked pretty handsome, too. 
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And so did daddio!
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They both cleaned up very nicely. And they are, besides Rickey, undoubtedly the most important men in my life. 
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And then there’s my mom. Mommy - I would not be here without her (and that might sound cliché but I absolutely mean it). She raised me to be the woman I am today. I am pursuing my dreams and she has been nothing but supportive throughout the years. And so is my dad. 
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And of course, there are “my ladies”.The ones who have been part of my life for a very long time (we are missing my oldest friend here) and each of them play a very special role. 
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I just love the photos Will took. He captured the moments before the ceremony so perfectly. 
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My brother came back from the guys’ room with a note for me. 
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Rickey usually forgets the card with every gift, so it was a pretty sweet moment - special, I am telling ya! - to get a card from him with a few personal words. ;-)
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He got the engraved bracelet when we were in Germany back in November. It’s such a meaningful gift. 
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And here we are now. So many more photos to come. I cannot wait to share those with you soon.
Meanwhile, the new website is in the making and I continue to work on my pre-launch series “My Story. In case you missed it, here you find post I and post II.
The third one is toasting. Stay tuned!
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theredheadstory · 7 years
MY STORY (II): My Approach to Traveling (The Beginning)
Howdy and happy Friday, everyone!
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Did you learn a thing or two about me in the previous (and first) pre-launch post of my series “My Story”? I sure hope so, as my goal is for you to understand who the redhead behind the soon-to-be-released new website, blog, and ultimately the brand The Redhead Story is. It’s always my goal to be true, honest, and have my personality shine through. I want you to be able to connect with me as the voice behind all the (written) content and things coming from this - soon the new - space.
Now, back to today’s topic.
Since The Redhead Story is all about travel, personal growth through exploring the world - or really even just your backyard -, as well as striving for living a more fulfilled, joyous life because of seeing different things and reflecting upon them, I thought it was only natural to write a post about what my personal approach to travel looks like. And ultimately, how and why it has changed throughout the past few years. 
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Visiting my best and oldest friend Rena in Bordeaux, France. 
I am splitting this up in two posts; this is the first one, talking about what my approach to traveling used to look like, before then talking about the way I see travel now in the next post.
Alrighty, let me sit back here, take a deep breath, one more sip of my coffee (today with a splash of French vanilla creamer for the sweeter tooth) and start typing away.
Expat Life As Reason for My Wanderlust
Let me tell you a story - or so it goes.
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Before leaving Syracuse - with my former host family and to date still good friends.  
It all started when I was 16, having been born and raised in Germany, and then got the opportunity - or took the leap, or was fortunate enough … whatever you would like to call it - to spend 6 months in New York state. I was abroad alone for the very first time in my life. I have never been more homesick the first few days; but I would never have wanted to miss this experience as this was the beginning of my growing wanderlust, which has ultimately brought me to where I am today.
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During one of my visits to New York; visiting my friend Aly at her college, SUNY Geneseo. 
When I returned home I had two years of high school left. I went on ski trips with my family, on vacation up by the North Sea, and a couple other German cities. Most importantly, I returned to central New York a couple times as the relationship I had developed with my host family and a handful of friends on the other side of the big pond drew me back. 
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Those were the days. SUNY Geneseo with Aly and Steph. Prepping for my first college party. Haha. It was pretty wild. 
Each time I returned, I left a bigger piece of my heart stateside. 
My American love story was unfolding.
A Growing Desire to See More
When I started college - first time living on my own - I went on little trips here and there, on the weekends, with friends, or with my boyfriend at that time.
My thirst to be more independent, to see more of this world and even live abroad again, grew. I hopped back on a plane to the States whenever possible.
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With Kathy and Bob; I can’t recall where this was exactly but I think it was Lake Placid.
I think the travel bug really bit me hard shortly before graduating from my bachelors. I had to make a decision: continue my studies or start the working life. I didn’t feel ready for the real world but I also didn’t really want to continue studying. The struggle.
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Hiking in beautiful NY with my friend Aly - Letchworth State Park. 
But then, didn’t have to think for long; it just made sense.
Doing my master’s abroad. What a win-win situation this would be.  
I got down to business, got accepted at Goldsmiths College in London (this city, ever since I first visited, has always fascinated me because of its liveliness, multiculturalism, and history).
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My Lithuanian friend Gabi in London; London Bridge. Good memories we made. 
The next year was meant to be spent in England’s capital, as a postgraduate student and, again, German expat.
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Exploring Cambridge, England, by boat. 
Here, my adventure really started and wanderlust went through the roof.
City Hopping - More in Less Time
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Goldsmiths - where I should pursue my Master’s degree. 
During my time in London, I rented a room at an English family’s house. It had its pros and cons but a big pro was definitely the fact that I got to immerse myself in the culture more. 
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Celebrating the Queen’s birthday with my London girls. 
Granted, it’s not too different from Germany. Yet, it is a different culture after all.
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On the path of history at Stonehenge, England. 
Since my MA included a lot of self-study and thus only a few hours on campus for seminars and lectures during the week, I had quite a bit of time to go explore.
This is when it hit me: I had so many amazing places in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland at my fingertips. I could just GO.
Out of a love for writing and sharing stories in general, The Redhead Story was born to document a year of student and expat life in England and travels in the UK.
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I call Scotland my spiritual home (the hair color...) - and I love Edinburgh!
I didn’t have a lot of money, obviously, and so my approach to traveling was this:
Public transport (well, everyone takes it in Britain, basically), short overnight trips, as many cities and places in as short of a time frame as possible. Hostel dorms played an integral part.
My mindset basically was to tick things off the list, specifically cities, as I saw those as culture hubs - and then move on.
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Exploring sleepy, Scottish Stirling with my bestie Rena. 
It was awesome doing this for a while but it made me feel even more restless. As if I was getting into a real rush of having to go quicker, seeing even more in a shorter period of time. I know now that I was missing the actual ability to reflect upon what seeing all those places did to me. (But that is a story for the next post.)
An Unbearable Feeling of Restlessness
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A trip to Helsinki, Finland. 
Upon return to Germany, I fell into this deep hole. This time, it was not a reverse culture shock, like I experienced when I came back to Germany after having lived in New York. It was rather this daunting feeling of uncertainty mixed with a whole lot of wanderlust and painful restlessness. I hit rock bottom.
I didn’t know what would come next; I only knew one thing: I didn’t want to stay in Germany but wanted to live abroad - again.
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This gem is from Tallinn, Estonia. 
I started working in a marketing firm but wanted more. I don’t think I have ever felt so lost. This sounds so dramatic when I re-read this but it’s exactly what it felt like for me. I. was. not. happy. with where I was in life because at that point, being at the young age of 23 and having lived abroad for a significant amount of time twice really had a great impact on me.
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Not sure why I am making this face here, but this shot was taken in Djerba, Tunisia. 
I ended up moving to Leipzig at the beginning of 2015 to start working with an international organization. It’s a nice city, but I never clicked with it and had a lot of moments where I really just wanted to quit. 
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I love Prague (Czech Republic). Even in the rain. 
During that time, I continued city hopping. Destinations included Spain, Czech Republic, Finland, Helsinki, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.
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It was freeeezing in Riga, Latvia. 
I was restless. Unhappily restless. I just wanted to bounce from one place to the next, just for the purpose of seeing - but I was lacking a deeper understanding of what travel can do to me.
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Nothing but smiles in Barcelona. 
And then, out of the blue, I had the opportunity to come to San Diego (I had to check on a map where this was, but soon realized I hit the jackpot); initially for 18 months. It should be my third and, at that point, longest expat experience.
And ever since I set foot on American soil - again - on December 2, 2015, my approach to life and thus ultimately traveling has rapidly changed.
Stay tuned for part II - where I am in life and what traveling means to me now.
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theredheadstory · 7 years
MY STORY (I): The Redhead behind The Redhead Story
Hi. Hallo. Ciao. Salut. Julia Bell here, founder and writer of The Redhead Story.
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It’s wonderful to have you with me; thank you for tagging along as I am on my way to step it up a notch, pushing The Redhead Story to an actual brand level and launching my new, beautiful corner of the internet in just a few weeks’ time. (It’s anything but boring; no, not like this space here, I promise! It will be completely revamped! Eeek, I cannot wait to show you guys.)
Who’s so excited with me?
It’s such a big step with a lot of scary moments, but I am still here.
Now, I know that some of you have been tagging along for quite some time, having seen this blog space changed, tweaked, filled with my personal stories mostly. And I know that there are new faces following, too. That’s why I want to give you more; create more valuable insights and content for you, my readers. Ultimately, you are the engine of what I do.
This is the first entry of an 8-post website/brand pre-launch series called “MY STORY”.
I thought those few weeks before the actual website will be launched and The Redhead Story be presented in a new light would be the perfect time to reflect back on where I have started - just to see how far I have come. Also, since integrity is one of my main values and I always want to stay true to myself, with my personality shining through in everything I do (for the personal touch and approachability, which is super important to me), it might be just the perfect moment to share a little bit about myself. A good starting point for all of us.
Ready? Grab a cup of coffee (I have mine right next to me, with a splash of whole milk), light a candle if you want (I am smelling pumpkin spice right now, my leftover candle from fall, but never gets old), and sit back.
This is why I am who I am.  
A Lesson Learned
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A German native, I grew up in a small town north of Hannover, where it’s flat, there are a lot of forests, and also wide open spaces with a lot of horses. Oh, and it’s super close to the North Sea. Going skiing in Austria and vacationing on Föhr (a dreamy North Frisian Island I love) have been my family's favorite annual things to do. And I didn’t complain.
When I was 16, I, for the very first time, felt this desire to go abroad.
It was this time when a handful of people from my high school went abroad for an exchange semester or year.
Combined with my love for languages - especially English -, and my parents’ support, I took the leap and jetted off to America for the very first time in my life, to stay with a host family I had never seen before; to go to a school I had never been to; and to experience a culture I had never immersed myself in. It.was.hard. 
But, spoiler alert: I had the time of my life.
My friends and host family (they are still part of my life and just recently flew out to attend my wedding here in San Diego, for which I am so absolutely thankful) were an integral part in my developing American love story.
Funny, how, now that I am married (expect more posts about how all that happened), the term “American love story” gets such a different meaning.
Then, upon my return home to Germany, I experienced an intense, reverse culture shock. I learned that people moved on without me, that I changed, and that some relationships are not meant to last forever. This living abroad experience should leave its mark on me forever. And I will forever be grateful for that opportunity that literally changed my outlook on life and brought me to where I am today.
As sad and intimidating as it was to see that some people were not who I thought they were, there was a greater lesson to be learned for me:
I’d learned how much more there was to this world. It sparked my fire for travel and new experiences, which has continued ever since.
From a Small Town Girl to a German Expat in London
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Education furthered my travel bug. I finished high school. While working towards my Bachelor’s Degree in Germany for Political Science and American Studies, I continually hopped back to my previous host family in New York.
Then, London drew me in for my Masters.
I initially didn’t want to pursue my Masters degree but thinking of combining it with another study abroad experience just made so much sense. I saw this as an immense opportunity, both personally and professionally.
And so I started sending out applications. Goldsmiths College, University of London, is where I should be going; Political Communications it should be.
Fast forward, equipped with one suitcase and a carry on, I began a new adventure back in summer of 2013
While in the heart of the UK, I traversed Scotland, England and Ireland. I was over the moon with all these places I could explore so easily, as they were right at my fingertips.
With these red locks, I fit right in. (I always call specifically Scotland my spiritual home.)
It was my UK travels that launched this blog : The Redhead Story.
Fueled by a love of writing and need for a creative outlet, I began travel blogging to share my experiences. (I am a chatty little ginger, as my mom would say; this hasn’t changed throughout the years.)
As I poured in more energy, my skills and tools improved - like upgrading camera types and image styles (still a lot to learn in that realm, but already looking into a new camera now that a new website will be launching and high quality content is important to me). But that’s the beauty of life; both then and now, there’s always still so much room to grow.
This is also when I began writing for other blogs or even smaller travel brands.
By that time I already knew that this is something I want to do full-time at some point in life. But it seemed unreal. (And here I am now, just having wrapped up my full time job to focus on this little business, so near and dear to my heart.)
After graduation from my Masters, the next chapter was a mystery.  
How an Opportunity Landed Me as a Travel Blogger in California
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I returned to Germany in late summer of 2014, deeply unhappy. I wasn’t sure where my life was going but one thing I knew for sure: I needed to be somewhere abroad. I started a job in a marketing firm but day-dreamed of packing my back and jetting off to the U.S. in hopes I would figure life out, or simply back to London. But we all know: both would have been quite costly in the long run.
A new year, and I joined the team at the German American Chamber of Commerce California. Working in their Cultural Exchange program was the melding of my life thus far : bilingual language skills, international collaborations and, specifically, working with the United States, a place so dear to my heart.
I still found myself in Germany but hey, at least I communicated with people from the U.S.
But life is a beautiful thing and even though I am a planner, not knowing what comes next can be quite thrilling.
Then, THE opportunity came : The chance to continue as a part of the organization in sunny San Diego.
It was an immediate YES.
How San Diego Travel Writing Has Empowered a Balanced, Healthy Lifestyle
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It was a matter of about what - 3 weeks? And off I was, California bound. This was all so very unreal.
I arrived in San Diego. I had my a room lined up. I knew the office address. The rest was a blank piece of paper. I needed to write my story. More so: I had the opportunity to write it in a place I have never been but dreamed of going for so long.
Being here has fueled my desire to see more of this diverse country. It has given me so many other new opportunities I am so thankful for. It’s not all roses and butterflies, but since I set foot on California’s southernmost city’s soil, I found a base, a home. Certainly, meeting my adventure pal over here who I will be sharing life with from now on (a separate post about that is to follow) plays a huge role in that.
Ever since, I have relished my work, America’s Finest City and pursuing my travel writing.
Throughout my time in the UK, Germany and the States since, I’ve written for a variety of outlets, collaborating with various publications to create content that helps readers to truly experience a place.
Because traveling isn’t just about seeing a site. Traveling :
Expands your mind.
Is a process of personal growth.
Is my favorite way to achieve a balanced life.
With slow travel that is : Diving into one city or area for longer periods of time. Even if very active, it lets us slow down and gain appreciation for our surroundings.
Whether exploring the Arizona desert, hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park, or walking small towns in England, I also believe travel is the best way to internal reflection. Especially the more we can get outdoors. The chance to walk. To hike. To ride through a city by bicycle.
I’m passionate about seeing the world up close. Not from a car window. I love going slow, soaking it all in - reflecting.
As I continue life as a German expat in the U.S., I will continue writing, sharing stories of exploring my backyard, going on day and weekend trips, shorter and longer getaways in the U.S. and across borders.
A Journey of Traveling & Personal Growth
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I invite you to join me on my very personal journey and see the world through my eyes. It is about personal growth - because that’s what exploring does to you: It changes your perspective on things, in a good way. It allows you to see a broader picture, interact with people, understand more.
By no means am I a travel expert, but I have one thing: passion. A passion for sharing personal experiences, creating my story and ultimately inspiring yours.
I hope the new The Redhead Story corner will be an inspiration for you and I am excited to hopefully hear more about your stories, about how exploring and “going out there - doesn’t matter where - has impacted your life and perspective on life and furthered personal growth.
Thank you for being part of this (life) adventure.
Because adventure is what you define for yourself.
I hope you got to know me a little better and understand where I am coming from. If you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you.
The next post of my 8-post website & brand pre-launch series will be highlighting my approach to travel and how this has changed. Stay tuned!
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theredheadstory · 7 years
Disney Adventure: Convenient Transport for the Traveler Who Plans Ahead
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Who else gets excited when thinking about traveling to Paris and going to Disneyland? I know I do. Paris is one of the well-known European capitals so rich in history, things to do, and of course, to see. Museums, beautiful architecture, boutique shops, dreamy hidden cafés and the - oui, oui - French way of life.
Paris is a top destination drawing in a great number of visitors per year. Now, many of you might know that the public transport system in most European cities is exceptional and rental cars are not needed. That means, however, that you would want to arrange for transportation to and from the airport, at least. Especially after a long flight (coming from the states, for instance), you don’t want to try to navigate the bus schedule or try to find the right metro connection to get to your hotel. Ideally, you would want someone to pick you up, wait for you, and drop you off right where you need to go - and take you back to the airport terminal after you have made wonderful memories in the city with the Tour Eiffel and, of course, the Land of Disney Characters.
Well, look no further. Convenient airport transfer in style is just what you (we all) need.
Airport Transfer in Style
Established in 2013, T2 Transfer is the leading airport taxi and shuttle transfer in Paris. They have a diverse fleet with contemporary and luxury vehicles. The company prides itself with top drivers ensuring your safety and security as their top priority.
T2 Transfer offers taxi and shuttle services from and to Parisian airports, keeping the environment in mind and their standards high, at a competitive price-service ratio.
From Charles de Gaulles Airport to Disney Land - T2 Transfer Services
The following routes are being offered by T2 Transfer:
Charles de Gaulle Airport Transfers to/from Paris
Beauvais Airport transfers to/from Paris
Orly Airport transfers to/from Paris
Paris Transfers to/from all train Station in Paris City
Eurodisney Land transfers to/from Paris (Airports)
If you are traveling with an infant or child, car seats will be provided at no extra cost.
Thinking Ahead - For Your Peace of Mind
We know the situation: Flights are significantly delayed; however, you have arranged for pick up at your destination. Now, stress levels go up as there is no way that you will be making it in time. And now? No one is probably going to wait for you. Maybe?
T2 Transfer think ahead and frequently check the status of your flight, so you can be relaxed even if your flight is delayed. If that is the case, they will arrange for a shuttle service at no extra cost.
Rates from/to Disneyland and Charles de Gaulles Airport - Overview
Rates are competitive given the fact that the transport from Charles de Gaulles Airport to Disneyland Paris takes a good 45 minutes without traffic. Private transportation can be arranged for up to 8 travelers. On this route, rates vary between 60 and 80 Euros per person depending on the number of passengers.
Book Conveniently, Whenever You Like
You can conveniently make your reservation online. A few clicks, and done. T2 encourages you to book your transfer no later than 48 hours before the departure, to make sure you are being accommodated.
To book, simply click the Book Now button on the website, then, you will be guided through the booking process step by step. One way or both ways? How many adults, children, and infants? Select your pick up and drop off place, provide your name, email, address and phone number. And, before you submit your request, make sure you provide the departure and/or arrival time of your plane and/or train, so T2 Transfer can calculate the best time for you to be picked up. You will then receive an email confirmation, which you should print, ideally, or show on your phone if requested.
Reservations can be changed or cancelled 24 hours before flight without an additional fee.
Are you ready for your Paris adventure? Don’t stress about your arrival and departure or possible delays and how to get to and from the airport. Make it easy on yourself and arrange for transportation that is convenient, hassle-free and allows you to only worry about one thing: your meet and greet with all the Disney characters.
This post was sponsored by T2 Transfer. 
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theredheadstory · 7 years
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Hello everyone!
I am so thrilled to show you the new face, the first ever real logo of The Redhead Story and ultimately my brand’s identity. 
I hope that you feel this wanderlust-y, dreamy, storytelling + cozy, close-to-nature theme shine through - as much as I do. 
(Last two posts on the website + brand makeover update here (I) + here (II))
This brand building process has been quite the journey and - I can only stress it again - seeing The Redhead Story come alive as a brand is something I get so utterly excited (and sometimes even emotional) about. This has been something I have been dreaming of for years and it just so naturally happened that I decided to step it up a notch (or two), take the leap, and dedicate more time to this little business. 
Granted, I have said before that being “more out there” makes me more vulnerable, but this vulnerability is the starting point of all great things that are yet to come. It allows my for my true passion to shine through, and that is: telling stories, inspiring you to be active, to go out, explore, no matter how far you go or if you stay in your backyard, but go outside and actively experience this world. It changes you to the better, it allows you to grow, it helps seeing things you would not have seen before - and ultimately bring you so much more fulfillment. 
I am thrilled to be moving this space to a way more beautiful part of this virtual world and invite you to tag along on this journey. Get your cameras and adventure spirits ready. Then grab a good book or your journal, a hot mug of tea or coffee (hot chocolate accepted, too, or course), light a few candles and snuggle up. Re-live the memories. Reflect upon this world. Turn inward. What do those experiences do to you?
Thank you for being part of this wonderful, exciting journey. 
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theredheadstory · 7 years
UPDATE II: Website + Brand Makeover (SNEAK PEAKS!!!)
The more this little blog came to life, was filled with my own stories, impressions, bigger and smaller (not so wild or wilder) adventures, a love for all things cozy, mindful venturing, and a thirst to learn more about the world - while ultimately growing myself -, I had the desire to turn this into something bigger. 
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And here I am now. (See UPDATE I from a few days ago here.)
How It All Started
The Redhead Story came to life about four years ago, when I was dreaming of moving abroad, to England’s capital London, to begin my postgraduate degree in Political Communications. Out of a love for words and my enthusiasm to share personal travel, outdoors, and mindful living related stories (and, granted, the fact that writing has always been a means to channel my emotions), blank pages were filled with documentations, pictures, and a lot of self-reflection. Fast forward, I began working with blogs and brands and had the pleasure to create content beyond The Redhead Story. Now, it is becoming a brand in itself, a small business, fueled by the drive to tell stories, ultimately evoke emotions, and from a very personal basis inspiring you to live and travel mindfully, appreciate the little things in life - and see the beauty in this world. Because what are words if they don’t mean or do anything? Stories need to be told. They need to be alive - and so I venture around, take you with me, and hope to spark a little wanderlust inside you. 
It Was Time to Follow My Heart
Now, at the end of last year I decided it was time to invest: invest in the courage to follow my heart, take the leap, and do what truly fulfills me - even though I knew the road to making writing a business would be bumpy and not without obstacles. I needed to make a decision - and yes, I will be quitting my full-time job end of February to focus on this little storytelling business of mine. Because what I was always lacking was that: time. 
It’s so scary, yet so exciting. I feel that I am at a point in my life where I just can (no: have to) take the leap - and follow my dreams.
But I am certain that my passion, integrity, and love to share will play an essential part in reaching my goals.  
It won’t be just a little blog anymore - The Redhead Story will be a brand. (Getting all the feels here!)
Website Style Tiles
Now, without further ado, I am presenting to you a few website style tiles, as I am about two thirds through this branding process. SO excited. 
My mission; to the point.
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Customized icons and fonts.
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YES! There will be a monthly newsletter!
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The exact date of the launch will be discussed soon with my branding team, so I can officially share it with you (and do my happy dance, and throw confetti around). 
Thank you for being part of this great adventure. 
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What do you think of the face lift? Do you like the sneak peaks?
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theredheadstory · 7 years
UPDATE: Website + Brand Makeover!
IT’S HAPPENING! The Redhead Story is undergoing a complete WEBSITE + BRAND makeover. Very soon, we will be “re-locating” to a WAY MORE beautiful corner, having our own brand space - and the blog will just be an important part of it. I am SO THRILLED to be taking the leap. 
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One (cell phone) shot and sneak peak from my brand photoshoot yesterday morning. The photos are amazing and I cannot wait to share them with you so soon. The team from The Better Business Babe have been doing such wonderful work the past couple months. 
A quick overview of what you can expect, as of now: 
1) A Warm, Cozy, Wanderlust-y Place
A beautiful, cozy and warm corner of the internet, inviting you to grab a hot beverage, snuggle up, wanderlust, dream, and live a fulfilled, balanced life. I want to inspire you and others to follow your dreams - just as I am giving in to mine - and bring more meaning and joy to your life by exploring new places (in your backyard or beyond). 
2) Newsletter
I will be offering a monthly newsletter, keeping you in the loop about planned trips, inspiring you to take steps to follow your heart, and live an active life, for instance (and more exclusive perks for subscribers).
3) Inspiration to Explore & Live a More Fulfilled Life
This will be my area of focus: Travel, Culture + Outdoors, Active Living related posts (with a lot of personal stories of balance and growth as a German expat currently living in beautiful San Diego with my husband Rickey and two furry friends Pancho + Rocco). Because I strongly believe that spending time in the beautiful outdoors, travel to different places on earth and experience different ways of life is so enriching. But also having the ability to spend cozy quality time alone to reflect is equally important - to understand the meaning of all the experiences, and how those can impact us. 
4) New Partnership Opportunities 
The Redhead Story will be open to new partnerships with brands whose cause I personally support and my readers can relate to. You can reach me at [email protected]. Let’s talk!
As the writer, Julia Bell: I will be accepting new projects/clients from mid February on. Shoot me an email at [email protected]. Let’s tell your story together!
I am over the moon and so happy that I am taking the leap to build this business - and that I have taken the necessary steps to focus on building my brand and writing business. It’s where my heart is at. 
I hope you will be part of this new journey, as The Redhead Story will be stepping it up (more than) a noch. Just wait for it. ;) A few more weeks!!
!!! Stay tuned as I will share website sneak peaks shortly!!! I promise - it’s so beautiful and a whole different level. It makes me so absolutely excited. !!!
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theredheadstory · 7 years
Hello 2018 (and all the EXCITING things happening)
Wow, hi there, 2018. Not even a full week into this new year and I can already say: full force and quite some big changes. 
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I was meaning to write my 2017 recap but since I ended up being knocked out by the flu starting mid last week, I considered sleep and chicken noodle soup essential for recovery (granted, I wasn’t myself at all, so I wouldn't have wanted to read a blog post by myself written during this “sick” time). 
So, instead of reminiscing about the past year, I am looking ahead on 2018 and wanted to give you a quick update on what’s to come, what you can expect. 
Here’s a quick overview. 
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Here I am, (almost) back to normal (health) and literally having butterflies in my stomach because we’re only 10 days out until the church bells ring! Yay, yay, and YAY!! The moment girls dream of: walking down the aisle in the most special of dresses. It’s almost here and it hit me today. 
My parents fly in tomorrow and I am stinking excited. Also, some of my best German friends will be stateside for a while and celebrating with us. It’s going to be a crazy few weeks but SO much fun. Celebrating our love and beginning of a lifetime together with our best people from near and far will be priceless. 
(At some point, I will dedicate a whole post to Rickey and I’s unconventional international couple love story.)
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Hopefully, our first trip this year will be no later than mid-February, out to Arizona. Ever since I went to Phoenix for the very first time (don’t even get me started on Sedona - gorgeous) I, for some reason, got super hooked on this state. I just love the vibes and honestly, I could totally imagine living there. You never know. Rickey and I, more or less seriously, talk about buying a condo out there. Who knows. Maybe this is the year.
Also, I would love to finally make it to the Grand Canyon and hit a couple more National Parks. 
Germany, of course, needs to be squeezed in this year also. We kind of promised my granny that we were going to come visit this summer. 
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One big change is that I have decided to go full force for this blog business here and put a lot more time into both this, and into growing as a (semi-)professional writer. I have realized throughout the past years - with writing gigs here and there -, that there is a great potential for me but I need to have more time that I can invest in growing this travel and lifestyle writing business of mine, that is so near and dear to my heart. I have grown a lot when it comes to writing technique, clients, and the type of writing I like to do. I realized, that this is what fulfills me the most; it’s not just my creative outlet, it’s an actual passion. 
In that process, I have been doing a lot of reflection work, thinking about where I personally and professionally want to be in life, what fulfills me, what drives me, what I really need to live the happiest of lives. This was a total game changer and might manifest in 2018 and help me build this life I truly am excited to live to the fullest. 
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With that being said...
I know, I know, this little pathetic and outdated blog space doesn’t really cut it when striving for actual business growth, I am well aware of that. But, as I have mentioned here and there, The Redhead Story is currently undergoing a major brand and website makeover. I am working with a coach, a designer and developer to make this space professional, beautiful - simply a cozy, feel-good hideaway for all those wanderlusters and coziness freaks out there (just like myself). 
Trust me, this is a huge project and has been going on for a while now, in the invisible background. But I have seen sneak peaks of design, logos and illustrations before and I cannot tell you just HOW FREAKING AWESOME this space will be. Forget this blog; The Redhead Story by Julia Bell will simply be wonderful - and I have to thank the amazing people of the Better Business Babe at that point, for getting me in the right mindset and making my dream of taking this blog a great step further reality. 
I am kind of taking the leap here, but I have always been one to say that change  is good, even though I don’t necessarily know what the outcome is. With faith and dedication, something good, one way or another, will happen. I just never want to ask myself “What if?”. 
I cannot wait for the launch of The Redhead Story (currently planned for mid- February ish) and sharing the results with you. Stay tuned as we are getting closer! Literally everything will change. 
So, short but sweet and a quick overview of what to expect. I just want to do a happy dance right now because I just have all the endorphins throwing a party. 
Thank you for being a part of this wonderful journey!
What are your big plans for 2018?
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theredheadstory · 7 years
Christmas Cheer (Under Palm Trees)
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“It’s the mooost wonderful tiiime ooof the yeeeaaar” - so the song goes. 
This is my third Christmas in the U.S. (crazy, but true) and each year, I have managed to get in the Christmas spirit a little more. I used to struggle because it’s, first off, not really cold here and, secondly, I am surrounded by palm trees. It just isn’t my ideal, romantic vision of Christmas. But you know what? I have learned that you can create the holiday spirit for yourself, no matter where you are. 
A few days ago, I met my former landlady Annelie and our friend Lesli to continue the little tradition we started last year: Walking around Garrison St. looking at all the elaborate Christmas lights. 
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That really put me in the mood. 
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All merry and bright. 
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I specifically liked this house. ^
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Garrison St. is a popular spot for young and old to come to after dark to gaze at the fun Christmas lights. 
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Every time I wonder how much time goes into setting all this up. Chapeau!
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We strolled up and down the street 
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This is one of my favorite views on the city - from Garrison St. Two years ago, December 2015, is when I stood here for the very first time and it hit me that I am really in San Diego. And I love coming back to this vista point. 
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Back home, these two rug rats were eagerly waiting for me. 
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The little one being such a curious little fella. I am so happy we can give him a  new home; it will be his first Christmas with us. I think Panchito feels the spirit - at least that something is different (or so I’d like to think). 
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Our tree is all set up and there are now a few more presents under it. 
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I love this season and try to provide the coziest of homes for the both of us. 
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Candles are absolutely essential. 
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And certainly the Christmas lights. 
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But also Christmas sweaters. This one’s not even ugly. ;-)
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Since Rickey had to work, I finished the night off in good (sassy) company, with cookies in the oven, making the house smell so good, while jamming out to some Christmas classics. 
‘Tis the season. 
This is the first year that Rickey and I are celebrating as a family, in our home. I am so thankful. It hits me every once in a while and then, with a huge grin on my face, I feel this rush of happiness coming over me. 
Funny how life plays out. 
I wish you all a wonderful, blessed, and peaceful Christmas. Hug the ones you love a little tighter as this year is about to come to a close. 
Exciting things are happening in 2018. 
Happy holidays!!
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theredheadstory · 7 years
Christmas Time at Liberty Station
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A couple weeks ago - it was the beginning of the Christmas season -, Rickey and I went to Liberty Station. It used to be part of the Navy base; it has been converted to a wonderful public space with lots of breweries, restaurants, coffee shops, and green spaces. 
Rickey and I like coming here, for date night, brunch, or to take the dogs for a nice long walk. 
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Since Rickey is working evenings, we only have the weekends together - night time wise. So, whenever he does work day shift or has off and we get an evening together during the week, I am one happy camper. 
We headed over to Liberty Station awhile ago, when they had their Christmas tree lighting ceremony. 
It made me feel the spirit of the season. 
You know, sometimes, it’s still a little odd that I am celebrating the holidays under palm trees with mild temperatures (well, milder than anywhere else). But I guess Christmas is what you make of it and so my third Christmas - coming up - in the U.S. actually does feel festive. 
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Back to Liberty Station. 
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We decided to leave the dogs at home as we knew there would be a lot of people and, granted, wanted to spend some good quality time with each other (we get a little distracted when having Pancho and Rocco with us; they are literally like kids - good preparation I would say). 
Liberty Station looked pretty as ever, exuding the glow of the season. They even set up an ice rink (let’s not talk about waste of energy here but it was neat). 
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Walking hand in hand among happy families and couples, we gazed at the Christmas lights and watched the large tree being lit. 
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A couple drinks and some good food later, we headed back home to the boys. Happy, content and in the mood for Christmas, I went ahead lighting some candles (my favorite!) and we snuggled up on the couch for the remainder of the night. 
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Perfect, I would say. 
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