thereisonlydrdoom · 11 months
                                      Blasphemy? Before what God?            A God repulsed by the miserable humanity He created in His own image? 
                          I will not be shackled by the failures of your God. 
                            The only blasphemy is to wallow in insignificance.                 I have taken refuse of your God’s failures and I have triumphed.
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thereisonlydrdoom · 11 months
Victor eyed his company with a guarded curiosity, head tilting as he considered the other mans words for only a moment before deciding them inconsequential enough to waste weighing their validity. Though he was in a prodding mood of sorts. 
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“You enjoy our talks but lament them as though they are tedious. . . Are you a liar, a poor comedian, or simply fussing because your looking for some comfort. You know you wont find a tender hand for you here, Storm. . . I'm not your Mommy. Or your source of erotic entertainment. . .They have websites for that. ” 
He groaned, flopping back dramatically and speaking to the ceiling. "The guy can monologue for two hours about the hopeless abyss of the universe, but you ask one question… Such a tease, Doom. You know I love our little talks."
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thereisonlydrdoom · 11 months
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“ Ooo- Now See. . . I may have been inclined to divulge as to what my mind thought to do to finally shut that gapping maw of yours and at least muffle your incessant braying. . .But then you went and told me you don't treasure our little talks like I do. You've gone and hurt my feelings, Storm.”  
“in my dreams”
"Alright, listen, the one time I want you to go on one of your little rants, and that's all you have to say? Details, buddy. Don't leave me hanging."
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thereisonlydrdoom · 11 months
“The Universe has a sense of humor and I can respect the commitment to the bit but, girl, please.” (Karolina, please! @rainbowbriite)
Victors eye flicked briefly to the small blond that sat perched atop the counter in his personal lab before moving back to the analogue data reply that filled his large projected monitor with lines upon lines of numbers, sequences, and equations. All of them resulting in an error that made it seem as though the instance could be nigh impossible to replicate. Like lightning striking twice against the same molecule. A dimension hopping molecule.
It was truly a strange wonder that out of all the centuries, timelines, and beings he could have opened a door to it just so happened to be her. He hadn't even had the pleasure of entering his newly cultivated dimensional rift. And by entering of course he meant allowing a Doom Bot to move through as the doorways he'd been testing were not yet stable enough to keep from collapsing in on themselves once any measure of matter had passed through.
And so here she was. . .and here he was- Forced to accommodate such a brazen intruder. In that moment he would have heaved a great sigh if the open gesture wouldn't be taken a a show of defeat in some some form. And so , he decided- The sighing would have to wait till he returned to his quarters. "Indeed. . .Though I don't know how much respect it will earn from me after this . . .affront. And do not call me girl ,girl. I don't care how nicely you ask."
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@rainbowbriite @grimmusings
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thereisonlydrdoom · 1 year
what did you do? (Victor/Johnny, could go either way tbh 😂)
"I've put a large dog in a hyper realistic, missile proof, arachnid suit. . . and set him loose in a shopping mall."
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"Some times you simply have to enjoy the small things. . .otherwise the vastness of existence will crush you. I've seen whole realities blinked from existence whilst I tore my still enduring consciousness from them. . . Let me have one moment to collect a little humorous security footage. "
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thereisonlydrdoom · 1 year
"be honest…" FMK: Reed Richards, Johnny Storm, Ben Grimm
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“I’ve been told that’s not an adequate answer. . . Fine. I’ll oblige JUST this once. Fornicate with Storm, Make Richard Miserable till death do we part, and put grim out of his misery. There . Are we satisfied?”
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thereisonlydrdoom · 1 year
50% Intellectual
The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.
33% Royal
When the Royal walks into a room, they command attention. They are the one in charge, and they enjoy reaping the rewards of their hard work.
17% Visionary
Leave it to others to live by the status quo. The Visionary is interested in new ways of seeing, solutions not yet imagined, products not yet built.
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thereisonlydrdoom · 1 year
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thereisonlydrdoom · 1 year
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thereisonlydrdoom · 1 year
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thereisonlydrdoom · 1 year
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thereisonlydrdoom · 1 year
I don't know much about the Fantastic Four, but Doctor Doom is their greatest enemy, right? But also, he babysits for Reed and Sue?
Reed: ooh, ah, well, this might be inconvenient, but can you move the evil plan to tomorrow? we need you to babysit tonight.
Doom: sure lol. Love those kids
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thereisonlydrdoom · 1 year
Dr.DOOM 2019 #3
Normal Day:
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-Doom letting Satan know, he’s just passing through.
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