Profile photo change! My profile photo is now a drawing I made of the WindClan cat Lilystem (🌻 @l1llyst3m) from the warrior cats dashboard simulator.
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Pinned Post!
Hello there! I'm the person behind this blog. My main is @andiv3r, and here I mostly make dashboard simulators (so, fake posts which in some way resemble taking a chunk out of the tumblr dashboard of another universe and slapping it into your own), but I will also occasionally also talk about the worlds and OCs that have stemmed from making these posts. If you take an interest in the story of Through the Desert Vast, I would suggest joining the discord server!
Although there is no real chronological order, the table of contents contains all dashboard simulators I've made (so far) in the order they were posted in, and sorted by type.
If you need help with navigating my posts, I also have a guide to my tagging system.
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Tagging System Guide!
#notreal posts - any post made by this blog (reference to the blog name)
#not a dash sim - any post which is not a dashboard simulator (for example, an ask response or a regular post)
#this reply is real - any post where i am responding to something sent in through my ask-box
#clanblr - any post which is part of the warrior cats dashboard simulator series
#prideblr - any post which is part of the lion pride dashboard simulator series
#ttdv lore - any post which discusses through the desert vast, a fictional world i originally made for the clanblr posts but am now actually creating
any other tags added beneath my posts are either for engagement (like "warrior cats" or "dash sim") or as a warning (like "unreality")
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A new pinned post is in progress... the old one will be transformed into a table of contents for all of the posts I've made.
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Not trying to be rude but you might want to start tagging your posts with unreality just in case.
I do tag my posts with unreality! I can't control whether people who reblog from me keep that tag or not, unfortunately, so if you notice a post of mine out in the wild without that tag, that's probably why ^^'
But if you've seen one of my posts on this blog (specifically not reblogged) without the unreality tag, please let me know which one! I may have missed one while I was posting and I'd rather know so that I can fix it.
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Woah... something different?
What if. And hear me out. Lions had Tumblr...
#do you see the vision.?? #got a bit tired of clanblr #shall return to it shortly once I get this out of my system #also #i really just feel like i need to remind myself that i'm allowed to make shorter dash sims #y'know?? #ive been pushing myself to use all available space when like... #i don't have to do that. lmao #forgot i was doing this for fun
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🔥 lesbian-lioness Follow
I love my big lesbian pride... we are 7 lionesses and we are happy <3
🔥 lesbian-lioness Follow
Everyone who said "wait aren't you technically just a big polycule since you aren't an official pride without a male and aren't having cubs" stfu we call ourselves a pride.
🔥 lesbian-lioness Follow
Also yes we are a big polycule but we are ALSO a pride. We reeeally need to change everyone's opinion on what "technically" constitutes a pride. Yes 1 male, 3+ females and their cubs is the typical pride structure, but it isn't the only valid one (and the idea that it is can be very harmful to gay & trans lions).
There are endless ways to have a pride and thinking the typical structure is the only "correct" one is trying to label others' relationships for them.
☀️ sunnfire Follow
Yeah! As long as you have more than 3 lions (gender neutral) total and at least one lioness it's a pride!
🔥 lesbian-lioness Follow
Did you even read my post 😐
It's a pride because the lions in it say it's a pride... not because they checked some imaginary boxes such as "correct number of lionesses" or "having cubs" or "having at least one male" (all examples of things I have been told are required for a pride). Prides don't even have to have romance or sex at all, and I feel like lions forget that...
#relationship anarchy #pride anarchy #all prides are valid #prides ≠ romance #queerplatonic prides are valid
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💛 0trad-lioness0 Follow
The bond of sisterhood I feel with the other lionesses in my pride is unmatched. It truly disturbs me that there are some lionesses who are attracted to the others in their pride...
#a pride is a male and his lionesses #trad lioness #traditional pride #traditional beliefs #anti-woke
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☁️ clouu-maned Follow
I think we need to be normal about trans lionesses who like their manes please.
If you're a trans lioness you are allowed to love having a mane. You are allowed to love the way it makes you feel. You do not have to go through the process of removing your mane to make others more comfortable with your existence.
Sincerely, a maned trans lioness <3
#trans #transgender #trans lioness #transfem #maned lioness #maned trans lioness
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🔆 these-posts-arent-real
Hope you enjoy the slight change from usual content. Warriors sim will be back shortly!
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I'm ✨️completely fucking exhausted✨️ but decided I needed to do something for pride month anyway, so... take it. Take it and feast.
#:,) #im.so tired
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🐍 xviper-the-fagx
#pride #pride moon
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🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
Since it's that time of year (pride moon <3 the second moon of greenleaf is my favorite for a reason...) my brother and I decided to make a bisexual colors flower chain... which reminded me, I've never officially come out, have I?
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Well, there you have it. My brother (left) and I (right) found out we were bisexual at about the same time. I'm glad I live in a safe environment where I get to share that part of myself with all of my friends and my family.
#pride #pride moon #bisexual #queer #bi pride
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🌠 nightshade-tast3s-yummy Follow
>:3 so excited for pride moon, aka the one time I get to make all of my friends and family be extra nice to me because i'm intersex and therefore deserving of much love and appreciation for being queer.
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
Intersex isn't lgbt... intersex is a physical deformity. I hate when cats say things like this and just completely ignore the real implications... like, you don't get to be lgbt just because your body is fucked up
🌠 nightshade-tast3s-yummy Follow
Anyway, intersex is queer no matter what exclusionists say !! What do you think the "i" in "lgbtqia+" standa for?
To my intersex followers, I <3 you and we are all sharing tongues in a queer little circle.
#i just blocked her fyi #i advise my followers to do the same #idiots get blocked #intersex
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🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
In honor of pride, I took some selfies with the trans flag painted on with crushed flowers and herbs! ^^
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🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
Since posting this, I have recieved multiple asks stating that they would have known I was trans even if I didn't say because I don't pass very well/my face shape is too tom-like? I have also recieved several asks accusing me of faking being trans because I look too feminine and "calicos can't be amab" (I'm a chimera, fucking mouse-brains).
So yeah. Transphobes really will just say anything.
#trans #transfem #trans she-cat #trans issues #transgender
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🥬 rxttencatmint
So, it's pride moon... and I'm unable to be out to almost anyone irl except my mentor. And. It sucks. I hate not being able to be loud and proud like I feel like I'm supposed to be... but I'm looking forward to a time when I'll be able to. Someday.
#transgender #trans #pride moon #queer pride #pride
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🍲 ex-thunderclan-kipper Follow
My housefolk are setting up for pride moon... so here's a photo of my mate and I sitting underneath their decor :3
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#gay #gay pride #kittypet life #lgbt #queer pride #collar tw #collars #queer #id in alt text
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🔆 the-post-maker
Hope you enjoyed this post :)) likes/reblogs appreciated, and here's the discord server to talk about this world and the world within this world if you find it interesting enough.
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Today's post is gonna take longer because I'm doing lots of art to go with it :)
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Update 😌 I have all of them in art form now
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cough um do any ttdv cats have official appearances (with the intent of drawing them)
in my head seafowl is a russian blue, jerboa and armadillo are both tan-ish cats (armadillo having some darker spots) and pit viper being a mackerel tabby or something similar (tempted to make her a salted licorice because I think they look cool)
EHEHEHE okay so! They have WIP designs, Seafowl was originally meant to be cream with white spots and blue eyes,,
Pit Viper looks like this
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Jerboa is tan with a gray muzzle, pale golden eyes and vitiligo, I'll be doing his design soon, and Armadillo is a dusty tannish-brown cat with some white marks along their snout and brown eyes. I'll be drawing all of their designs soon since I have a discord server for them and need images to go with their descriptions if that will help :)
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cough um do any ttdv cats have official appearances (with the intent of drawing them)
in my head seafowl is a russian blue, jerboa and armadillo are both tan-ish cats (armadillo having some darker spots) and pit viper being a mackerel tabby or something similar (tempted to make her a salted licorice because I think they look cool)
EHEHEHE okay so! They have WIP designs, Seafowl was originally meant to be cream with white spots and blue eyes,,
Pit Viper looks like this
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Jerboa is tan with a gray muzzle, pale golden eyes and vitiligo, I'll be doing his design soon, and Armadillo is a dusty tannish-brown cat with some white marks along their snout and brown eyes. I'll be drawing all of their designs soon since I have a discord server for them and need images to go with their descriptions if that will help :)
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Pspsps discord link to a server discussing TtDV, anyone?
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>:DDD YAAAYYY okaysososo uhhhtm i hage named 4/5 of the sets inbthe series (number 2 doesnt have a name YET) and come up with little bits of plot for several of them so let me run through that.
Im just gonna talk about False Oasis for now (the first set) but if you wanna discuss more feel free to dm me here or on discord (my discord is andiv_r)
False Oasis is where you first meet the series' characters (ones who have already been mentioned include Seafowl and Pit Viper, but there are others I've come up with, so far I'm thinking Jerboa and Armadillo for names).
They live in an oasis. But the oasis has started to dry out, and bad things start to happen. The strongest/quickest cats are given priority access to the water the others (cats who are small/weak, disabled, old, or minorities that the cats now controlling the water just dont like) are denied water access. So they start leaving the oasis in groups.
One such group is comprised of
Seafowl (a healer, not useful for hunting or fighting)
Armadillo (small & physically disabled/has chronic pain)
Jerboa (older cat, has poor eyesight)
and Pit Viper (physically fit young she-cat, but she's trans and thus denied water access on the basis of being a disliked minority)
They set out together not really knowing where they're going, only that they need to find a safe place with food and water.
They encounter Problems while trying to exit the oasis (family members who can't/won't leave)
If this interests you PLEEEASE dm me OR... i could start like. A discord server. To store this info in as I make it... if anyones interested.
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Ooooooooo. Through the Desert Vast lore...
What was the '#wait till op reads rattlesnakes path' tag about?
HHEHEHEHEGE that one is because Rattlesnake Path, aka the 5th set (set = book equivalent) in the series is almost entirely based around the life and family and connections of Pit Viper, the canonically trans character that Lilystem (the op) was freaking out about. :)
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Now i want more ttdv lore urrghh... It sounds so cool
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Y'all good? You aint even touched your pt.6 to the warrior cats dashboard sim yet....
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Y'all good? You aint even touched your pt.6 to the warrior cats dashboard sim yet....
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Y'all good? You aint even touched your pt.6 to the warrior cats dashboard sim yet....
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