thesecretravenblu · 26 days
Tired and unedited: I don't know how much of this is well developed thought right now, lol.
Bro, you guys know that calling out a mischaracterization is not hate right?
Like, if you are choosing to use a non-OC, why are you upset when you get called out for not fully representing or miswriting the character and their traits?
Sure, you are using a form of expression and there is nothing wrong with that, but you are able to use a character that fits the situation better (probably within that original media or, again, an OC) or who already has the traits you are either adding or removing.
It feels like the idea isn't fully developed and allows for misinterpretation. You can 100% manipulate a character to fit a new/different scenario without changing their core self - especially if the scenario is completely removed to the events of the media. (Like adapting a character into an AU: yandere, supernatural, or animal, etc.)
As writers, we will only get better when learning to write within different types of limitations. It provides the challenge we desire while still providing the space for our expression.
If someone mischaracterizes, misrepresents, or just has an underdeveloped view of a non-OC and gets corrected (by immediate lore, creator references, etc.), we shouldn't take it as an insult or hate. Sure, it may be upsetting (especially if you aren't expecting it), but we should use it as a tool of introspection; look where our writing skills are lacking and work on that; criticism, even if it feels like an insult, may have a reasonable source and automatically dismissing it as mindless hate will harm your own writing over time.
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thesecretravenblu · 2 months
Leaving a community..
I fear I have to leave an online commentary community I have been apart of for a while and it sucks.
At first, I thought the community was pretty open-minded and open, even after there was one incident where a mole brought up a lot of panic with anti-queer comments. Unfortunately, we were reviewing a rather controversial person who has identified as trans and people misgendered them.
I am of the belief that misgendering someone just because you don’t like them/they’re a bad person/they’re a criminal doesn’t mean you can be transphobic (ignoring someone’s identity) or practicing trans infantilization (as you may be implying that a trans person cannot be a bad person/criminal).
Add on top of that, there were a mix of comments that surrounded the “lack of masculinity” in Asian men implying that they were unmanly, beautiful people - a person straight out said that they prefer “a man’s man.”
I felt like I belonged there for a bit, but I don’t want to keep seeing bigotry. :(
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thesecretravenblu · 2 months
"My word is prefect, you can trust me," he says as he hides his first, less agreeable version.
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thesecretravenblu · 5 months
So, as you know, or don't, an employee got fired from Starbucks and they posted all the recipes online =)
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part 1
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thesecretravenblu · 8 months
Why not just make a new character?
I love fandoms and I love the work they can produce, but it has always left me confused when people would change so many traits that it no longer feels like the same character (sometimes it is just clearly someone stealing the popularity of the character to increase their own popularity). Connecting to a character and projecting some of your traits onto them is one thing, but reforming all the characteristics except the hair or an interest or some other small but general trait makes no sense to me.
For example, I know putting non-humans/non-human-looking-characters into Human AUs is popular and also allows for a lot of personal liberties. However, I've seen people just slap the name and relationships on completely knew characters with different personalities and designs.
For me, a good example of this is Mina from BNHA. I've seen artists draw her as a black girl with afro-styled hair. Mina doesn't present as typically human in the series so her design is up to your imagination in a (typical) Human AU. Plus, in BNHA, she has a mutation quirk, which we are shown can lead to discrimination in that world. For many people who are minority races within their own communities, they may see that correlation and build a bond with her character. Adding these traits don't take away from her character, they add without deleting other characteristics.
Unfortunately, I've seen this perspective be corrupted, for a lack of a better word. Instead of making a small adjustment to the original character or a completely new character that barrows traits from the original character, people just make a new character and slap the name on them.
Why not make a new OC and state that you were influenced/inspired? Why do some people feel the need to add traits that would realistically change the character fundamentally? If you want representation from a character, why slap it on an old character instead of making a fresh, organic character?
Like I love imagining, for instance, Cater from Twisted Wonderland just using queer slang. There is nothing funnier to me imaging him grimacing, scolding you gently but directly, and ending it by calling you girly-pop. It fits his characteristic of being chronically online as well as his canon laid-back-but-fun personality.
Honestly, I don't really have any bad examples in mind right now, but I do remember them popping-up here and there. As a whole, I definitely know the difference between a headcanon, canon, AU, and just a whole new character using a popular name/body.
Please, if you feel like you are missing representation, make a character with that in mind. That character you are projecting onto will never fully be able to give the needed representation the justice its deserves if the original character never had that trait in the first place.
Heck, pull a Spider-verse (or, well, Comic Books in general) and make a new AU where your whole new character is in place of the original character. Remember the main concept of that whole series: Miles Morales is NOT Peter Parker. Miles Morales is Spiderman.
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thesecretravenblu · 9 months
I saw this once it made it mine (to share, lol):
Small Trigger Warning: Mention of the word p3doph!l3 but not any description of the act/behaviors.
If you want to call someone a pedophile but you cannot use the word for what ever reason (demonetization, chronically online, etc. etc.), replace it with PDF File.
If used in context with other people who know the English word of pedophile and who has been exposed to internet culture, people will probably come to understand it.
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thesecretravenblu · 9 months
Just found out about Pauline Park, might make an informational post about her soon.
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thesecretravenblu · 9 months
The next Disney movie is gonna be hype with a new, somewhat familiar villain, guys.
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thesecretravenblu · 9 months
Have you heard of Gertrude the Duck? She's a model.
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thesecretravenblu · 9 months
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thesecretravenblu · 9 months
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This thread is incredibly important to read.
It is also extremely difficult to read. I don't know if I need to point this out, but the document itself is obviously full of bigotry so please take care of yourself if you choose to read it. Antisemitic phrases like "cultural marxism" and "global elites" appear before the document even really gets rolling, and are mixed in with transphobia, racism, and more.
If you want a taste of how this document starts in the first main section about "The Family", here is a taste:
"This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists."
It is all bad. ALL of this document is bad, and dangerous, and threatens the lives and the safety of everyone living in this country.
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thesecretravenblu · 9 months
What does feeling like a person feel like to you?
I do not think I understand what it is like to feel like a person. I know I am a person, but I feel like a void more than anything. I do not even feel like I can make a concept of what it feels like to be a person.
Is it a feeling or is it a state of being that does not really have a feeling along with it?
I am so confused and lost.
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thesecretravenblu · 10 months
Ai art is trending again I need to murder someone
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thesecretravenblu · 10 months
The fact that YouTube puts clips from Coraline into the "YouTube Kids" category just proves that YouTube has no idea what they are doing.
Go home, YouTube, you're drunk.
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thesecretravenblu · 10 months
I want all of them.
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thesecretravenblu · 10 months
some dude is telling people ur calling this ao3 blog a pedo jsyk
I am incredibly confused. Perhaps you have the wrong person?
If not, I am afraid I do not know what you are talking about - I have no memory of mentioning anything nor anyone surrounding any AO3 blog.
Please do provide further context if you can.
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thesecretravenblu · 10 months
My favorite concept is that the hottest person in the room is some sort of aro/ace.
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