I’m back!
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you all know I’m back, if anyone has any imagine requests that they want to send that’d be great! Thanks! :)
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endless movie list | nerve (2016)
Welcome to Nerve, a game like truth or dare, minus the truth. Watchers pay to watch. Players play to win. Cash or glory, are you a watcher or a player?
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franco brothers
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Nerve (2016)
‘Welcome to Nerve, a game like truth or dare, minus the truth. Watchers pay to watch. Players play to win cash and glory. Are you a watcher or a player? Are you a watcher or a player? Are you a watcher or a player? Watch? Play?’
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Choose who you are.
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The Final Show
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Daniel Atlas x Reader
Prompt: The reader is Daniel’s long time girlfriend, not a Horsemen, but still very close with the magicians. When she is captured by Walter and Arthur, beaten, and brought onto the plane along with the Horsemen, it was never part of their plan. Is it really the end for the Horsemen? Or do they have one last trick up their sleeve?
Warnings: Swearing
Waking up, I knew immediately that I was not in my apartment back in New York.
It was pitch black, but I felt like something was covering my head, so maybe it wasn’t actually pitch black.
I knew two things for sure though, I was sitting in a chair, and, I could not move my arms or legs, they seemed to be tied down by something, rope, maybe duct tape.
I swear to God if this was Danny playing a joke on me he was going to get it. My boyfriend, Daniel Atlas, was a world-renowned magician, part of the famous Four Horsemen.
Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this was his doing, he liked playing tricks, he was a world class trickster, after all.
“Danny?!” I called out. Suddenly whatever was covering my head was whipped off and I blinked at the bright light.
When my vision came into focus I immediately recognized the man in front of me, Arthur Tressler. The man who was once the Horsemen’s sponsor, and the man the humiliated in front of thousands. They even robbed him of his fortune, shit, this was definitely not good.
Standing next to him was Walter Tressler, his son, strange, considering he was supposed to be dead.
“Aren’t you dead?” I scoffed, Walter smirked.
“Isn’t your little friend Jack supposed to be dead as well?” he retorted, making me roll my eyes.
“Enough!” Arthur said, silencing us both. “Now, you, Ms. (Y/L/N), are going to tell us where Atlas and the rest of those thieves are, or there will be consequences”.
I let out a laugh, “You really think I know where they are?” I asked sourly, “Danny hardly tells me anything about that part of his life, he most certainly would make sure he and his friends stay hidden”.
“I know you know where they are, we’ve already gotten rid of the detective of yours, don’t make us get rid of another” Arthur threatened.
My eyes widened, tears brimming, “You killed Dylan? You fucking monster!” I spat. I was suddenly met with a slap across the face, it stung but I stood my ground, looking to meet Arthur’s eyes.
“You will never fucking get them, they’re smarter than you’ll ever be and you know it” I said smugly, earning another hard slap.
It was worth it though, I was not about to give up what my boyfriend and his friends were planning. All I really knew was that it involved a few shows across London and a big reveal on the Thames.
“Very well then, suppose we’ll just beat it out of you” Arthur said, motioning for two men guarding the door to come over.  
“Ta-ta” Walter said as he and his father left the room, leaving me with the two men. Honestly, I was scared, fighting was never my strong suit, but I had to be strong, for Danny.
“So, boys, we’re going to have some fun, aren’t we?” I asked, giving them a cheeky grin, but secretly praying Danny would find me soon,
Daniel’s POV
“Fucking pick up babe, come on (Y/N)” I whispered, bouncing up and down in the cold. The phone went to voicemail once again.
“Fuck!” I shouted, having to keep myself from shattering the phone on the crowd. I knew telling (Y/N) our plan was a mistake. Someone had taken her, we’d just pulled Dylan from the river and I’d finished my act, now, we just had to wait for them to catch us.
Hopefully, who ever caught us had caught her too, and better yet, maybe her phone was just dead.
Suddenly a hand was placed over my mouth and my arm twisted painfully behind my back.
Well, at least the plan was going perfectly.
(Y/N)’s POV
I was lying on the ground, blood trickling from my mouth, my ribs more than likely bruised and my right eye blackened.
One of the men was just about to throw another punch when the door swung open, “We’ve got them” Arthur spoke, “bring her with us, now”.
The men picked me up off the ground, placing my hands behind my back and shoving that bag over my head again.
I was shoved down a few hallways before I was pushed outside into the cool air, maybe I was in London, I mean, that’s where Danny told me they were.
After being pulled into a car we were off, obviously I had no fucking idea where we were going but I only hoped Danny would be there. I’m sure he’s tried to call me and is probably freaking out. He’s always been protective, although it could be annoying, it was really rather sweet.
The car screeched to a stop maybe ten or fifteen minutes after we had started driving, after being pulled from the car I could hear voices all around me and an engine? A really fucking loud engine, oh fuck, maybe this was the plane.
Let me tell you one thing, walking upstairs without being able to see is fucking hard, especially when you are being held against your will and forcibly shoved up the stairs.
“Ah, the Horsemen, I believe I have something that belongs to one of you” came Arthur’s voice and the bag was ripped of my head again, making me blink at the light before my eyes settled on the Horsemen, specifically Danny. And shit, Dylan was alive.
Danny’s eyes filled with rage as he took in my roughed appearance. “What the hell did you do to her?!” he shouted, standing, only to be shoved back into his seat roughly.
“Leave him alone!” I yelled as I was shoved into a seat across from Jack.
“Shut up, all of you! Get off the ground, now!” Arthur instructed one of his men.
Jack leaned forward slightly, “You alright?” he asked worriedly. I nodded, giving him a small smile.
“Nothing I can’t handle” I told him, he nodded and I turned in my seat to look at Danny, he met my eyes, giving me a look that said, “Don’t worry, we’ll be alright”.
I nodded slightly, giving Danny a soft smile before turning back around in my seat.
“You know, you make it almost, too easy” Walter spoke, looking at us all, a bewildered look covering his features, “I mean even your hilarious attempts to make yourselves unpredictable just to follow the same pattern each time? Set up, set up, set up, big reveal” he finished, coming over to stand by Danny. “Which tonight was going to be stroke of midnight, middle of the Thames, tell me if I’m warm…” Walter trailed off, Danny kept his smirk on but looked down, somewhat in defeat.
“Well there will be a big reveal” Walter added, “and it will come now” he finished, looking over at Dylan, who looked away.
“The stick” Arthur told Dylan, “give it here boy”.
“No” Dylan muttered, not looking either Tressler in the eye.
“Fine” Walter said, clapping his hands together, “start with her” he said, motioning to me.
Two men sprung up, one holding me down while the other whipped out a huge knife. I couldn’t help the scream that escaped, was I really going to be murdered on this fucking plane?
“Hey, don’t fucking touch her!” Danny, springing from his seat, the other guys tried to get up but they all, including Danny, were shoved back into their seats. I was fucking terrified.
Danny’s eyes were wide, “Danny, give it to ‘em” Dylan instructed.
“Danny, do it! Or they’ll be cleaning your girlfriend’s blood of out the carpet!” Jack shouted.
At least they all cared about whether I fucking got shanked or not.
Danny sighed, pulling a thin black rectangle out of thin air, closing his eyes in defeat as he handed it to Walter.
Walter waved his hands dismissively, making the two men holding me down release me, going back to their seats.
I sat back, letting out a breath of relief, Jack leaned forward, patting my knee, I smiled at him, though tears were ready to fall.
Walter took a computer chip looking thing out of the black holder, walking over to a microscope, placing it under the lens. “Shall we have a closer look?” he asked to no one in particular.
Turning in my seat I tried to catch Danny’s eye, but he only looked down, his fingers spread on his knees, his knuckles turning white, he was pissed.
The Horsemen looked at each other nervously, what was wrong? Was it a fake?
“Alright, okay, I owe you an apology” Dylan started, looking over to Danny, who was shaking his head in disbelief.
“What? Leader?” Danny said, “You should’ve planned an escape okay?” Danny was obviously angry, probably scared.
The two started arguing back and forth before Jack spoke up, “Come on guys, stop, stop” he said, holding his hands up, closing his eyes, so fucking done with this.
“Oh you?!” Danny asked, “You just wanna save your own ass” Danny spoke.
My eyes widened, “Daniel?!” I scolded, making his eyes widen as well, he knew not to make me mad.
“To save my own ass are you fucking serious?” Jack asked, wondering if he heard Danny correctly. This was getting bad, fast. “You’re the one who gave him the stick to save your little girlfriend?!”.
“He had a knife to my head Jack!” I shouted.
“Alright, this is not the time” Danny said, finished with this conversation.
“Okay, okay guys” Merritt spoke, “they’re not gonna get blood all over the carpets, they’ll probably just throw us off the plane”.
I gulped, looking over to Danny, he looked just as scared as I was, until Walter spoke up.
“I’m sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to congratulate you and say thank you, it’s real” Walter told us all, holding up the chip.
“It’s real?” Jack whispered, they were all incredibly shocked. Fuck, they were probably going to give him a fake one, that’d make this even better.
“Bring them through” Walter said as the men grabbed us all, forcing us over to a mini bar thing that was a few feet away from the seats. Danny stood next to me and I leaned into him, just wanting to be with him, who knows how long we had left.
I won’t even talk about the guy who looked exactly like Merritt, clapping happily on the sofa behind us, the day was just getting fucking weirder and weirder.
“Cote Du Marisule champagne” Arthur said, holding up a large liquor bottle, “it is the most expensive bottle on Earth” he said, showing it too us, “1.2 million dollars, and I saved it, just for this occasion”.
“Honestly, same bottle, Liquor Shack, 700K” Merritt said, I smiled a bit, Merritt was always such a dork. The rest weren’t as amused though, shaking their heads, giving him a look that said, “What the fuck man?”.
“Alright” Dylan said suddenly, “you got what you wanted, so, does that mean you’re letting us go?”.
“You don’t really know us, do you?” Walter asked.
“You sure?” Dylan retorted, Walter rolled his eyes slightly before turning.
“Chase” Walter said to the man identical to Merritt, “what should we do?” he asked.
Chase though for a moment before smiling, “Toss em out” he said, pushing a button and the door to outside started to slide open, bring in cold wind and rain.
“Get your last words in quickly everybody!” Walter said happily as we were all shoved towards the front of the plane.
That’s when all hell broke loose, Danny grabbed my head, then gripped onto Jack, we all held onto each other, not daring to let the other go.
We were screaming, shoving, pushing, even crying, in my case, anyway.
“I just wanna say!” Merritt yelled, “I came into the world with the wrong family but I’m leaving with the right one! I love you guys!” was the last thing he said before the men began tossing him out.
“NO!” we chorused, reaching for him. But it was too late, he was gone. Holy shit, holy fucking shit they were not kidding.
I gripped onto Danny for dear life, “Danny!” I yelled over the sound of the wind and engines, he turned to me, his eyes red, “Danny I love you, you know that, right?” I asked.
Danny smiled, leaning down and pressing a quick kiss to my lips, “We’ll be okay baby, I promise” he told me as we were shoved forward once more. Danny, always trying to make everything better, but nothing could help us now.
Dylan tried to fight back, punching and kicking as we pled for them to not hurt him, but they did, tossing him out the plane like a bag of flour.
Jack gripped the side of the door, having to be lifted and pulled harshly to let go, a sob escaped my lips as he was easily tossed out. His scream soon echoing into nothing.
Oh my god, Danny, no.
The men ripped our hands apart but I gripped Danny’s jacket for dear life, not daring to let go.
“No! Please don’t hurt him! No! Please! Danny!” I screamed as the men held me back and Danny was shoved towards the open door.
Danny fought back as best he could, but in the end, they were too strong, “I love you!” he screamed to me before finally be shoved out the door.
I screamed, tears streaming down my face as they shoved me towards the door. “NO! PLEASE!” I yelled at the men.
“Aw, don’t worry sweetheart, you can be with your little boy toy now” Chase told me as the men grabbed my arms and legs, swinging me once, twice, I closed my eyes, on the third swing I was released.
I let out an ear-piercing scream, falling through the air as wind hit my face, but suddenly, I was hit with an impact.
Fuck, was I dead already?
Rain was still rushing around me and whatever I’d hit was warm, like, a person?
My eyes snapped open to meet Danny’s bright blue eyes, “Am I dead?” I asked, Danny laughed, leaning down to kiss my forehead.
“No baby, you’re not” he said, releasing my legs and I was surprised to hit solid ground.
I looked around, we were still in the tarmac, we’d never taken off, rain whipped around us, produced by machines, huge fans blew around the water and the plane moved on a joystick looking thing, like some carnival ride.
“You motherfucker” I muttered, Danny only smiled, pulling me closer to him.
“Love you” he told me softly as the plane stopped moving, I shook my head but smiled, leaning up and pressing my lips to his, “Love you too” I told him, making him smile again, that fucking smile could rule the world.
Danny pulled me closer, “Now come on, time for the big reveal”.
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Go watch @NetflixEasy my bb is in it!
Photo: @DFrancoOnline
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sunshine ☀︎
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Up Your Sleeve
Pairing: Jack x magician!reader Characters: Jack, the reader, a few unnamed civilians Warnings: swearing, magician!reader, the Eye  Taglist: @183amk183@transparentpeacenightmare@crazyfangirlinabluebox@bonniebird@futuremrsgoode@gogirl123fan@thatwinchesterchick@isamar1005@imagines-galoreee @my-fandoms-will-never-die @multifandom-fangirl-14 @pinkrockstar19 @scoobydooluver97 @hedghog-a @baeisdavefranco @obscure-imagines @urmaingurl @fandom-over-blood @teensrouge @sara-13s-world@guesswithjess94 @joyismycenter@nicolemkaz @thesecretsocietyoftheeye @t-adash-i @spgayberry @prob8850 @tvshowturtle @fandomnerdhq @magic-and-mysteries @imaginativefandom @the-fifth-horseman @best-imagines @imaginesnthings @fandom-imaginees @daughterofeternaldarkness @joulvia @cosmicupoftea @void-imagines @stallingdemons @imagineempire @lotsofimagines @happyimagines @wildfranco @crydavy @atlasandrhodes @j-ackwilder  @aaron-kennedy78  @casualtrainwreck @thetrashiestfandomtrash @imaginingmanyfandoms  @imaginesandoneshotsandothershit @harleysarchive @nowyou-seeme @nysm-incorrectquotes @fuck-yeah-jackdaniels @james-franco-source @fantasmiclanterns @justbelieveinmagicx @harleypond  Summary: The reader is a magician working the same pier as Jack when they run into each other for the first time. There’s an undeniable spark, but will it catch and turn into a flame? The two are almost an identical pair, but flame added to flame just makes a bigger fire- so what will the reader end up doing about the mysterious boy she meets at the pier? When will fate bring them back together again, and for this time for how long? 
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Magic had always been easy, and deceiving people even easier, so naturally the pier was the perfect place for your line of work. At best you were a street magician with sticky fingers, and at worse you were a common thief- but you’d never apologize for it. 
You’d realized a long, long time ago that the world was too messed up to do anything other than rebel against it, so that’s what you decided to do. A productive member to a flawed society wasn’t something you wanted to be, so instead you lied. And cheated. And stole.
There were spots all over New York where you could trick and cheat your way into a good 200 bucks if you were careful. All it took were a few card tricks, a little slight of hand, and you’d made off with the poor sucker’s wallet who’d chosen to believe in magic in the first place. 
Your favorite place, the one that was the most lucrative, was definitely the pier on 54th street. The boats that sailed in and out of the harbor were always filled to the brim with tourists, most of which jumping at the chance to see a “magic show”. So you gave the people what they wanted, and with a few well placed mistakes in your routine, you made off with their wallets. 
Boats were definitely your favorite spots, because once they left the harbor you were gone, and nobody could chase after you. Disappearing into the crowd had become an art form after so many times doing it, and so few times being caught. 
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“This guy is a trained killer! We made him! He’s a security risk!” Movies Watched in 2016 | American Ultra (2015)
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a place where it's always autumn the leaves are always changing but they never die, there’s a pumpkin patch on every corner, and Halloween is every weekend.
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y'all I can guarantee you 9/10 times cashiers do not give a flyin’ flip what you buy listen I have seen people buy laxatives and adult diapers you think I’m gonna give a damn if you’re buying tampons for your wife like bitch I probably didn’t even look at the package I’m just concerned with getting it scanned beep beep motherfucker and we’re done
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nysm characters as animals 
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