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Drawings inspired by @taako-waititi ‘s post (thank you so much for bringing youtuber Ango into my life it’s amazing and so are you)
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im crying
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BEHOLD! Every Balance arc (plus one Lunar Interlude)!! I’m so proud of these i wanna print them out and have them tattooed on my ass
[Here There Be Gerblins: x] [Murder on the Rockport Limited: x] [Petals to the Metal: x] [The Crystal Kingdom: x] [The Eleventh Hour: x] [The Suffering Game: x] [Lunar Interlude V: x] [The Stolen Century: x] [Story and Song: x]
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Words Begin to Return
Words Begin to Return
“…You are like a heavy hand upon a typewriter.” Huh.
Someone who I barely know told me that. Those words meaning many things. That I am a writer, with words that carry weight and intensity. With the ability to convey thoughts of depth and meaning into words that make powerful emotion and thought understandable and palatable. (though hopefully palatable in only appropriate degrees.
She did not…
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More expresso, less depresso.
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On: Existing, Earth and Purgatory, the Beauty of Sanity, and (of course) Some Apologies.
On: Existing, Earth and Purgatory, the Beauty of Sanity, and (of course) Some Apologies.
Its funny how this is the only life on this earth we will ever live, and I do not even feel as though I am alive. 
I am just a figment, a ghost watching as days pass meaninglessly – pointlessly – watching as every second fades into oblivion and I remain consumed by the future, and tomorrow and just.. never existing. 
Its not just dissociation, its stronger then that. It is knowing that I spend a…
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A Beginning
What am I to say?
It has been a good while since I have last written on here. It was a mixture of things that caused my disappearance from here. Really it all comes down to being utterly, astoundingly overwhelmed by all of the words in my head. All of the thoughts that I need to express.
Writing things down? It isn’t easy. It requires dedication, and steadfastness on the part of the author, and…
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Lost Beyond Writers Block
Lost Beyond Writers Block
“Write! The words are within you!” 
So much of my life has been spent writing. clinging to the wisps of words as they drifted past me. It was a tug of war for them, and I dug my feet into the sand and wrapped the rope around my hands, willing to be injured rather then give them up, willing to loose myself before I lost them.
They have been missing for months now.
“You need to write. You…
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My favorite thing is that Europe is spooky because it’s old and America is spooky because it’s big
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literally my first thought when we found out the new colors were yellow 
I didn’t even think about this
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i made this while i was sick and bored yesterday
also rip i forgot the tape on tyler’s arm i’m sad
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I think we can all agree that Garrow and Marian and Brom met in the afterlife with Selena (post- scary) and the others who died and they all just watched Roran, Eragon and Murtagh during the series and collectively face-palmed whenever they did something stupid-- or cheered
Lol sorry but I had to do this.
After the events in Eldest
Selena: Okay, let’s see who has won the “Reckless award” this week. On one side we have Murtagh, who defied Galby again by not taking Eragon to Urû'Baen after the Burning Plains’ battle… he’s not gonna please the King with that, he should have known better
Garrow: that’s nothing. Our Roran tried to cross the biggest maelstrom in the world while he was being chased by an Imperial fleet. And succeded!! I think we have to give him extra points for not dying!
Marian: Yeah our son is awesome. *claps her hand with Garrow’s*
Garrow: so Brom, anything to add?
Brom: *slowly looks at them while smoking his pipe*
Brom: My son
Brom: Jumped from a flying dragon
Brom: While she was a 100 feet up in the sky
Brom: To damage another dragon
Brom: And landed on Saphira again by some fate’s gift
Brom: With all the force of a long free fall
Brom: On his groin
Brom: *drops pipe and leaves the room*
Yes, we can all agree
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Saphira sassing Eragon from the moment she can talk.
Saphire: Eragon
Eragon: is that all you can say?
Saphira: yes
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Galbatorix: Look, I made a tragic antihero!
Every single reader: Fucked up a perfectly good sidekick\charming rogue is what you did. Look at him he has anxiety
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I don’t get why Eragon doesn’t have a bigger fanbase. Like the leader of the largest and most EPIC rebellion against Mr. Fucktwat Galbatorix is literally a woman of color and ISNT USED AS A ROMANTIC INTEREST FOR THE MAIN CHARACTER. OR ANY CHARACTER. I mean that whole thing with Murtagh happened but it didn’t really go anywhere and it wasn’t the main focus soo. Plus, we got this KICKASS FEMALE ELF NAMED ARYA WHO. KICKS. ASS. ERAGON TRIES TO GO AFTER THAT BOOTY BUT SHES LIKE NAAAAW SON and he still has those romantic feelings but HE RESPECTS THAT SHE DOESNT FEEL THE SAME SO HE PUSHES HIS DICK FEELINGS ASIDE. Another great example of kickass females is the litERAL MAIN CHARACTER well one of the two main characters SAPHIRA WHO IS A FUCKN DRAGON WHO IS SO SELF CONFIDENT AND KICKS. FUCKING. ASS. BECAUSE SHE IS A L I T E R A L D R A G O N AND ALSO THE LAST FEMALE DRAGON IN EXISTENCE. Then the motherfuckin queen of ELVES - elves, who are like 10 times stronger than humans and are immortal and SHE KICKS ASS AS QUEEN WITH A MOTHA FUCKIN ALBINO RAVEN. Then we got Bridget who ain’t having none of Roran’s shit. Katrina’s a bit of a damsel-type, but not to the point of total helplessness - she’s still rad af. And tbh, it’s okay to have a few damsel types - just look at our boy Eragon in the beginning of the series. Total damsel. Murtagh is also in serious need of rescuing. He’s like the Bucky in this series. And don’t even get me started on Orrin…. And let’s not forget the fact that one of the two original bad guys that got our main characters involved in everything is actually female. Like seriously - I had no idea that the Ra'zac weren’t both male until Brisingr. Also, the leader of Du Vrangr Gata - Trianna - is a kickass girl and a SORCERESS. And that kickass leader of the Varden actually becomes motherfucking QUEEN ALSO that dumbfuck Eragon fucks up when using magic to bless a kid so that kid ends up being able to feel EVERYONE’S PAIN so she grows up real quick and IS FORCED TO FEEL EVERYONE’S DISCOMFORT BECAUSE SOMEBODY FUCKED UP but then it gets sorted out and she’s bitter af because after all that suffering of an ENTIRE WAR she kinda has a right to be a lil upset. But then she ends up helping out n stuff even tho she is LITERALLY a child. And I don’t even know what Angela is, but she’s like my favorite character aND SO FUKCIN RAD N KICKASS so honestly I think you should just read these books like right now because of all the KICKASS FEMALES but stay tf away from the movie. Also, in case I didn’t mention, Mother Fucking DRAGONS
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Reasons to read Inheritance Cycle
Ok children lemme tell you a story About an underrated children series Ok first: -The author began writing this when he was 15 years old, FREAKING 15 YEARS OLD (AT FIFTEEN I WAS READING 200 PGS BOOKS THIS GUY WROTE A 500 PAGE BOOK) -the narration is so well written, it’s not as straightforward as other books, but it’s also not as tedious to read as literature by Tolkien or Victor Hugo - it describes magic SO WELL, not even Harry Potter or Beautiful Creatures or any other magic-centered book series I have read has such a detailed explanation about the nature of magic itself Second -Eragon is a cinnamon roll you won’t be able to contradict this -the characters are AMAZING, their flaws and qualities are depicted in such a realistic way Third FEMINISM -Eragon’s dragon is a female, Saphira is his true counterpart and her role is crucial to the survival of the dragon race -although the main character is a male (c'mon it was published 11 years ago, we didn’t have katniss everdeen or rey back then) women play extremely important roles -none of them are used just to give Eragon a love interest -Eragon’s ‘love interest’ serves more as a reference to his level of maturity than as an actual love interest -Two of the five most powerful people in the series are women (one of them is a human black female, also she has no magic which puts her with the greatest disadvantage but she still kicks ass) COME ON IDK WHY PEOPLE HAVEN’T READ THIS ALSO IT DESERVES SO MUCH MORE THAN THE MEDIOCRE MOVIE IT GOT
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talking dragons
complicated magic that takes a toll on your body when you use it
badass poc (seriously the best characters are all poc and even murtagh can be headcanoned as such)
the hero isn’t any less of an idiot than the average teenager. he grows out of it though
NASUADA, one of the real queens of my heart
the bad guys are so cool you’ll ask yourself why you hate them again? (but hey’re like, really awful people)
arya, badass elven princess, being 10000% aware of the fact that most of the world is beneath her
eragon is the personification of the “hoe dont do it” meme
eragon’s attempts at flirting… good god….let’s say..uhm….realistic? cringeworthy?
murtagh’s life, like..all of it
there is a pronunciation guide at the end of each book, so you know how the author intended each name to be pronounced
murtagh’s back scar
the ra’zac
the main character actually faces real consequences when he makes stupid decisions
world building worthy of lord of the rings tbh
every race has its distinctive culture, even the supposed “bad” races eg. urgals
disabled representation
Saphira the dragon is sassy as hell and is 10000% aware that Eragon is, in fact, mostly wrong about everthing ever
people call murtagh an “antagonist” wtf????????what hte fuck what the ????
unfortunately no movie adaptation was made. none. in fact, I don’t think I even remember 2006 all that well tbh. not that there’s anything to remember. EVERYTHING IS FINE
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