thesinhastory · 2 years
The New Visions in Web Design
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1. Responsive web design - Responsive web design (RWD) is a method of designing websites that adjusts its layout based on the device being used to view it. RWD is becoming increasingly popular among website designers due to its flexibility and ease-of-use.
2. Mobile first approach - Mobile first approach is a methodology where mobile devices are prioritized over desktop computers. In other words, mobile users should experience a website's content first before they use their desktop computer.
3. Single page application - A single page application (SPA) is a web application that uses JavaScript techniques to create a user interface. SPA is often used to build applications that require a lot of data to be displayed at once.
4. Progressive enhancement - Progressive enhancement is a technique that helps to make sure that older browsers do not have any problems viewing a website. It does this by making sure that basic functionality is provided to these browsers while newer ones get enhanced features.
5. Content strategy - Content strategy is a way of organizing information on a website. A good content strategy ensures that the site provides useful information to visitors.
6. User testing - User testing is a technique that involves having real people test out a website. This gives developers insight into how well a website works and what improvements need to be made.
7. UX design - UX design is a type of graphic design that focuses on usability and user experience. It aims to improve the user's interaction with a product or service.
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thesinhastory · 2 years
How to Build a Business That Will Last a Lifetime.
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1. Create a business plan - A business plan is a document that outlines your goals, vision, mission, and strategies for achieving those goals. A good business plan should have a clear objective and a timeline for reaching that goal. You need to know what you want out of your business before you start building it. If you don't know where you're going, how do you expect to get there?
2. Start small - When starting a business, it's best to start small. Don't try to build something big right off the bat. Instead, focus on getting started first. Once you've got your feet wet, you'll be able to expand your business as time goes on.
3. Be patient - Building a successful business takes time. There will be ups and downs along the way, but if you stick to your plan, you'll eventually reach your destination. Patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to building a business.
4. Have fun- If you love what you're doing, then you won't mind spending countless hours working on your business. When you enjoy what you're doing, you'll find yourself wanting to work harder and smarter.
5. Network - Networking is a great way to meet people who can help you succeed. Whether it's at a networking event or online, make sure you network!
6. Stay focused - You may not always feel like you're making progress, but you are. Even though things may seem slow now, they will pick up once you start putting in the effort.
7. Follow trends - There are certain industries that are constantly changing. By staying current with these changes, you'll be able catch onto them early and capitalize on them.
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