theskedaddling · 45 minutes
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this is too real I fear
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theskedaddling · 46 minutes
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eow class doodles because we're so close... done without reference so no one is allowed to yell at me for the designs being wrong
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theskedaddling · 2 hours
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theskedaddling · 2 hours
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theskedaddling · 4 hours
ive found that when i say “save me [x character] save me” im usually saying it about a character that has gone through something similar to what im currently going through (ie saying Save me arthur morgan when i’m coughing horribly) and it dawned on me recently that it’s essentially the same as praying to saints for intercession
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theskedaddling · 6 hours
Shrek 2, while a cinematic masterpiece, is also an interesting look at queerness and comp het.
Fiona is married so it's time to reunite with her parents. But instead of marrying a prince, she's married to an ogre. Not just that, but she's also an ogre. (Yes everyone knew she would sometimes be an ogre but that was when she was a child, she didn't know she would be an ogre for the rest of her life, and besides once she met the right prince she would stop being an ogre. She was supposed to stop being an ogre.)
But okay they're both ogres. We can still ask about when they'll have children because even if they're ogres they can still have kids, right? That's what married princes and princesses do so naturally that's what everyone does. Even if ogres might not be great parents (I've heard that ogres eat their young, is that something you people do?) it's still something that should be discussed.
And okay you can stay in Fiona's childhood bedroom filled with all the reminders that hey, everyone thought she was just a princess and princesses marry princes. Her toys left out from the last time she played with them. The prince slays the ogre. The princess offers a token of gratitude for slaying the ogre. Fiona wrote Mrs. Fiona Charming a million times in her diary because what else was she supposed to grow up to be?
And Harold you have to fix this, your country can't be ruled by ogres. You were unfit to rule when you were a frog but I changed you, I made you better, I made you a prince. You know how this works. Think of your daughter's safety.
Shrek goes to the Fairy Godmother and oh honey, ogres don't live happily ever after. It's just not done. It hasn't happened in all of fairy tale history. You have to change the both of you to be happy. You have to present as a prince and a princess. It will be better. You'll fit in better that way. You'll be accepted that way.
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theskedaddling · 6 hours
Turn based sex. Take as long as you need to think of a strategy.
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theskedaddling · 6 hours
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theskedaddling · 7 hours
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Cedar waxwing!💛
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theskedaddling · 7 hours
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september's bird for BirdWhisperer is a Dunnock! what a handsome little lad
reference photo by Aneta Rog
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theskedaddling · 7 hours
briefly forgot that porn was a thing and googled "doctor sex" looking for the tf2 meme. big mistake
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theskedaddling · 9 hours
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theskedaddling · 9 hours
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theskedaddling · 10 hours
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theskedaddling · 10 hours
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my favorite cat
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theskedaddling · 10 hours
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theskedaddling · 10 hours
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