theslinkylizard · 7 years
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One last Lizard kiss for all the people on Tumblr who have followed Odin’s blog over the years! Thank you to everyone who have sent us kind hearted messages and have made us laugh in the comments you really brought a smile to my face time and time again over the years!!! :)
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
Dead Blog Sorry Everyone!
Asks have been turned off for this blog if you have something you would like to ask me msg me on instagram! :) This blog is no longer active since people like to make new blogs to harass me since I turned anon off! :) If you are a friend and want to chat send me a message on my personal tumblr or msg me on instagram! :)
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
I just wanted to remind everyone since I have a few people sending me questions about the lack of Odin pictures that this blog inactive now! So if you have a question or just want to keep updated on Odin’s adventures I’m still very active on Instagram! Unfortunately Tumblr has become to hard and time consuming for me to post on and I have found that Instagram is a lot easier for me to use!
I just wanted to let everyone know Odin’s Hatchday was on June 7! Odin is now 6 years old!
Also everyone! I’ve been more active on Instagram lately so if you want to see more of Odin’s hatchday pictures and see frequent updates on Odin please give his Instagram a follow!
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
I just wanted to let everyone know Odin’s Hatchday was on June 7! Odin is now 6 years old!
Also everyone! I’ve been more active on Instagram lately so if you want to see more of Odin’s hatchday pictures and see frequent updates on Odin please give his Instagram a follow!
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
Does Odin like to go swimming?
I would say yes! Sometimes when the weather is warm enough outside I will allow him to go swimming if he wants to! Odin doesn’t always choose to go swimming but some days he likes to dive under the water and actually swim! Other days he will spend a lot of his time just walking around in the shallows exploring and sometimes he just likes to find a nice place in the shallow water and bask in the sunshine!
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
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Here's Odin's Instagram just in case anyone wants to follow. I've been more active on Instagram lately so there's a lot more pictures and updates of Odin there!
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
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After a day of fun in the sun it's time to take a nap in the swing!🐊💤
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
Worms! Worms! Worms!
@lokthaire said: where did you find/get reptile safe worms from? That's something I have wanted to get before but all the ones I've ran across are not a really safe source.
Truthfully I buy this brand from Walmart! 
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I know that people have had problems with there reptiles getting parasites from this brand in the past. But I have been feeding Odin this brand for about 2 years now without any problems. That being said I wouldn’t recommend people go out and buy this brand unless they have the time and a way to check their reptiles stool samples every few months for parasites! Which I do with Odin every 3-4 months myself and once a year at the exotic vet during his yearly check up just to be on the safe side! I have had training on how to do this by one of my professors who was the leading parasitologist in Mississippi. Fun Fact!: He was also the parasitologist that worked on the red wolf reintroduction program in North Carolina in the late 1980′s!
Unfortunately I don’t personally know safe brands that can be bought offline. Many nightcrawler brands have to be bought in bulk and be kept at a cool temp like in the fridge which I unfortunately don’t have the space for. 
PS: Like I said before I don’t recommend this brand unless you can check your reptiles stool samples frequently, but I can’t stop people from buying this brand either so I say this to anyone who does decide to buy this brand anyways! This brand also has another type of nightcrawler that they sell that is injected with something that makes the worms green! I can’t remember what exactly it is but it does say in very small print on the side of that container *not pet safe*! So please read the whole container carefully before buying to make sure you are not buying the injected kind and check all of the worms before feeding them to make sure that none of them are green!
PSS: Also open the container and check the worms to make sure they are fat and healthy and that there is not any type of mold/fungus growing in the containers! The employees will put the oldest worms in the front when they get a new shipment in and sometimes not check to make sure the worms are still good!
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
It’s so much fun watching him figure out how to get the food out!
I’ve fed Odin out of this food bowl a few times now and I have noticed a few drawbacks to feeding him out of it. It slides rather easily on the floor and leads to him making a huge mess to the point I have have to mop the floor after every time he eats out of it, if you get one also invest in some rubber grippers to stick to the bottom of the bowl. Also Odin seems to have gotten frustrated a few times now and walked away from eating because he can stick his snout/mouth into the bowl and has just enough room to open his mouth and smell the food but not enough to actually grab the food! So if you get one I would recommend a bigger size (Odin’s is the small size) if you want Juju to be able open her mouth in the groves and actually grab food instead of just clawing it out.
I just bought him a different style slow eat dog bowl in a large size that would allow him to hunt and grab the food in between the grooves instead of just clawing the food out of the bowl! I’ll be sure to post video of Odin eating out of that food bowl as well when it gets here!
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I got Odin one of those slow feed dog bowls! I figured it would be a neat way to provide him some enrichment during feeding time. Also he figured out rather quickly how to get the worms out!
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
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I got Odin one of those slow feed dog bowls! I figured it would be a neat way to provide him some enrichment during feeding time. Also he figured out rather quickly how to get the worms out!
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
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There's a thunderstorm rolling in which means Mr.Scaredy Lizard is hiding from it in his blanket fort.
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
Why did you name Odin Odin
That’s a really good question! I talked about this years ago but I can’t seem to find the original post of the story so I’ll retell it the best I can! :)
When I first bought Odin at a reptile show in New Orleans he was in a bin with a bunch of other savannah monitor hatchlings unfortunately Odin was the runt and he got picked on a lot! When I bought him he had several injuries on him where he had gotten bitten by the other savannah hatchlings mainly his eye, one of his toes, and the end of his tail! The injury around his eye was really bad and the vet and I both though he was going to lose it or be blind in! So I named him Odin! Eventually the injury healed and we discovered that it wasn’t the eye that was injured it was his eyelid but by then the name had stuck! Odin still has a couple of kinks on the end of his tail from before I bought him and we even had to get the toe that was injured amputated about a year and a half ago from the old break getting infected from the inside! It just goes to show no matter how old the an injury is it can still become a problem again later on in life!
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
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Oh you're finally home! Hello human!
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
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Odin loves to look out the window on car rides especially when we drive through really populated areas!
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
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theslinkylizard · 7 years
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Hello Chickens! It’s me the Easter Bunny! I’m here to collect eggs.....yes eggs...to hide for the kids to find on Easter day! You can trust me I promise I’m not going to eat the eggs!
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