Reblog if you're a part of the lgbt witch community 🔮👫👬👭 🔮
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Like this to recieve a message and a friend!
If you’re in the witchy community, lgbt, or into music or astrology! I also really like the 1975 and paramore! But like this or reblog to signal me that you wanna talk! I’m very open.
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Emoji spell to find lost items
✨ 💼 🔍🌟🔎💼✨
Likes charge, reblog casts
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May I offer you some strange moon comments in these trying times?
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hm so psa bc i didn’t know this, it’s not common knowledge, and flu season is around:
apparently you aren’t supposed to take dextromethorphan (a common cough suppressant. it’s in stuff like cough syrup, mucinex dm, tylenol severe cold) with sertraline (aka zoloft, the antidepressant) bc it has the risk of causing Serotonin Syndrome, which is not as fun as the name suggests. i’m not a doctor but like, avoid drug interactions bc they can be serious.
remember to read labels guys aaa
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Are asexuals and aromatics LGBTQ+??
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do you ever just:
an go on with your day?
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So apparently I'm not receiving ODSP this month which means I'll only have $1.79 in my account for this whole month :( if any of y'all have spare money so u can buy pads and my meds I'd really appreciate it
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if all u rich white men on tumblr would take some of the $$$ u spend on snapchat porn and donate it instead, u would be solving a lot of people’s problems rn 
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Remember when pedophiles (”MAPS”) on Twitter were using the pear emoji to identify themselves (x)? Well since that knowledge is so public, they have now switched to banana emojis as identification.
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I’m sure many people who have been fighting this fight for as long as I have reckonise Francis…
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…as well as Lecter.
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Stay vigilant, and spread the word.
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How shall I get the Serotonin™️ and Dopamine®️ today??
A. Masturbate
B. Buy myself something I don’t need
C. Eat processed food
D. Complete one (1) household task
E. All except D
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Finished handmade patch commission!
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These are my finished gothic witch boots! I’d love to know what y’all think!
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When you die, you appear in a cinema with a number of other people who look like you. You find out that they are your previous reincarnations, and soon you all begin watching your next life on the big screen.
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take care of yourself, and treat your body with respect. be healthy and happy. <3
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These are my finished gothic witch boots! I’d love to know what y’all think!
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