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Ok here's the link to that shrimp truck I was talking about... I guess they have become even more famous since I was there. I remember it being like an underground discovery.
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Okay, so we started with a rather terrible story, moved on to a pretty good story, and we have finally worked our way up to the BEST travel vacation story I have. Seriously, buckle up - but like, buckle your plane seat because remember? We don’t do #cars around here. We are jetting off to my favourite vacation spot of all time… the créme de la créme. Hawaii. Hawaii is simply the best place you can go. I have been to two of the Hawaiian Islands, Oahu, and Maui. Today is your lucky day because I am even willing to offer a comparison of the two at the end of this storytime. Spoiler alert, I liked Oahu a lot better - that’s just my opinion though. So you guessed it, today we will be talking about the time I went to Oahu with Daddy and Mommy. When we were there we stayed at the rainbow hotel on Waikiki beach (the hotel has a huge rainbow going up the side of it, so pretty!) The part that I loved about the area we were in is how not only was there an ocean right in front of our hotel, but there was also a lagoon AND a beautiful hotel pool too. Talk about choices! About a five-minute walk from the hotel was a small village called Waikiki village (I mean we were on Waikiki Island). This was THE CUTEST village ever, the architecture and the people and the little shops - everything about it was just serene. It just had the most positive energy while you walked around and explored, not just the small village but the entire Island. There were lots of other fun things to do there too, we went snorkeling and hiking as well - we really love adventure. I haven’t even mentioned the food yet!! The food in Hawaii is absolutely phenomenal! Unless maybe you have an allergy to shellfish, which in that case, why are you even on my page? (Just kidding…) There were seriously no downsides to my trip at all. Now for the comparison with Maui, well I guess I should tell you a bit about Maui first. Maui is great too - very beautiful and there are even more opportunities for exploring nature and going hiking, etc. It is a LOT more chill though, Oahu just had that lively energy that I preferred. There are more elderly retired people in Maui. Nothing wrong with that, just not what I’m looking for in a vacation at this point in my life. So long story short, next time your Daddy gives you vacation allowance - CHOOSE HAWAII! Oh, and I almost forgot! If I were to give Hawaii a rating, I would have to give it a 19/20. To be more specific, I would give Oahu a 10/10 and Maui a 9/10. Although, maybe the ratings will switch once I get old. Who knows.
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I'm giving you another hint to my next #storytimewithtwinkie ... can you guess where our destination will be this time?
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Ok so that toy/candy store I was talking about before...it's SO GOOD that it has its own Pinterest board. Anyway you can see why I liked it so much, it literally looks like Willy Wonka threw up all over the place. #ew
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Okay, so I would like to thank all of my readers for following my stories here. You guys are the best! I thought after that traumatic ending we left off on, I could tell you a really nice story this time! Ok well, it’s like, mostly nice. So fast forward and I am no longer a naïve little 5-year-old anymore. In this story, I am SEVEN! Old enough to definitely understand what’s going on. My parents decided that we could go for a vacation in London, England - that is like, a really far plane ride away from where I live! Did you know that a vacation is not actually a vacation unless you ride a plane? Road trips don’t count. I didn’t really know too much about England before going there, except Mommy told me that’s where her Mom’s Mom was born. I think that’s my Great GREAT Grandma, she must be really old. When we got there, it didn’t look toooooo different from Canada, but everyone there had these really funny accents and sometimes they would use the wrong words by accident. Maybe their schools aren’t as good in England. I really don’t know what was going on with that. That’s beside the point! So we did lots of fun things, we went to tea houses, we went to plays, we went to lots of stores, and even REAL CASTLES! So the play we went to was the Lion King, and absolute classic and it was great in the theatre. I even cried at one point. The other thing that was great about England was the shopping scene. One store in particular, was this HUGE candy store - ok well the ENTIRE bottom floor was a candy store, and the ENTIRE top floor was a toy store. When I walked in I literally thought I had died and been sent to heaven early. OK, we also need to talk about the castles. We went to castles that had REAL princesses and princes lived in. I got to see the QUEEN’s bed - how COOL IS THAT?! This was not like Disney Land - nope, no frauds to be seen around here. We got a tour of the entire castle inside and out. We even got to see a real princess. At this point, England seemed perfect. The weather wasn’t that different than my hometown, they had so many cool things to see…authentic cool things to see. I really didn’t think anything could go wrong! Until…. We visited our first cathedral. Have you ever been to a cathedral before? Don’t get me wrong, they’re pretty. But like, have you ever been to more than one cathedral before? It’s like the Pope said “COPY PASTE” and my parents really said they wanted to see every paste. Trust me, after 12 cathedrals - IT GETS OLD. Overall, England gets an 8/10.
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Can anyone guess what my next #storytimewithtwinkie is gonna be?  𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 °
P.S. I'm excited!
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London, UK (by Peter Sil)
See more of London | England | Europe.
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I am a vacation connoisseur. I'm using that word right, right? Daddy said it meant you were really good at something. Or like, you do it a lot.
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like... even the castle at Disney world is better? It's like DOUBLE the size!
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The first trip Daddy and Mommy ever took me on was to Disney Land. I was in kindergarten, so five years old. I know what you’re thinking, ‘ugh Disney Land?’ I know, right?! There are so many things wrong with that place I don’t even know where to start. Anyway, when they first told me I was like, really excited. I thought that Disney Land was real - that all the princesses were actually straight from the movies, the fairies would float around the park grounds and sparkle real magic dust over you, that I would actually get to see in Minnie Mouse’s real house. Picture this - five-year-old Twinkie arrives at the front doors of Disney Land on a hot July afternoon in LA. Also, side note - does anyone else think LA is like… sticky? All of a sudden I’m standing on Hollywood boulevard with sweaty hair slicked to the back of my next while I walk over cigarette butts and cling to Daddy’s hand for dear life. Back to the point - we walk into Disney… and the structures are made of plastic?! Why does nobody talk about that? The princesses are really good lookalikes AT BEST, not to mention I’m pretty sure I saw Cinderella taking her smoke break. I guess there were some good points about the trip. I do remember enjoying it somewhat even if thinking about how I was fooled boils my blood a bit now - maybe I’m just a cynical big kid now. If I remember correctly, they had some really good food there and their fireworks show was pretty decent. I don’t think I would go as far as calling it ‘world renowned’ but like, I guess it was nice. I couldn’t really hear the music that well though. That’s supposed to be the best part! My suggestion to them is they could probably afford better props and actors if they charged more for tickets. What, like anyone should be able to go? Anyway, when I got back from my trip and returned to school that year, Tina from my class said that her mom took her to Disney World. WORLD? I’m sorry but why is my family settling for the second-best option. Tina said Disney World had FOUR different kingdoms, I actually didn’t believe her until I got home that day and looked it up on Daddy’s work computer. When I found out I cried for like four hours, I was so sad. It’s okay though because Mommy said she would buy me a new iPad if I stopped crying. I guess that was an alright way to make up for it, the bare minimum really. Anyway, my advice to all of you out there is - GO TO DISNEY WORLD! Or not, Universal Studios might be better.
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(this is like... what the GOOD parts of LA looks like)
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This is beautiful
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