thessyeda519me-blog · 6 years
We all have it in some form. One way or another, we treasure each other. We want to keep those memories intact and want to stay in that one moment forever. Unfortunately, life and time moves on. The only thing that we have going for us are those memories that we hold close to our heart. Sometimes we forget those memories in the moment that we angry. Let’s not our anger get in the way about how we feel about each other. Let’s always remain close to each other for as long as we can before we lose both time and each other. 
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thessyeda519me-blog · 6 years
Just Random Ranting
Today, I just want to vent. I just want to spill my guts and just write about everything and anything that has been bothering me since day one. However if anyone knows me properly then, they would know that would take more than one post on Tumblr. It would take a couple of novels. I really need to push out all of these negative energies away from me and bring in positive energy. How do you recommend me doing that? I received my Bachelor’s Degree while being pregnant with my second child in my womb, my first child is proud of me. my first baby is entering First Grade, and my husband is supporting me in building my career. I should be happy but internally, my mind and heart can not stop crying. What should I do?
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thessyeda519me-blog · 6 years
Growing Up
When I was a child, I tried in every way possible to make my parents happy. I got the perfect grades and even was the ‘angel’ of their group. Still, nothing seemed to impress my mother. My father appreciated my efforts into everything that I put my heart towards. My mom loved my sister more and held more love for her. Even till this date, my mom loves my younger siblings more than me. I have come to accept this fact but it still hurts. I received the perfect grades and had the perfect manners yet, it was unseen. In a way, I retaliated by marrying my husband. He is a bystander in all of this but, still he is not the perfect guy. i wish that my mother showed some type of love and/or appreciation towards me. Only then, I would have stayed with her and remained at home. Now things are different and I am a mother of two beautiful children. My husband and I both experienced favoritism. As a result, I hope that he doesn’t have a favorite because I don’t have a favorite. I love both of my children equally and more than anyone else in the world. I am happy with my brats. They are my soul and happiness. 
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thessyeda519me-blog · 6 years
Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.
John lo
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thessyeda519me-blog · 6 years
I am a mother of two beautiful children. I love my babies. If it wasn’t for them then, I would have never risked so much in my life. I would have never returned to my first passion, learning. My older daughter, at the time, was the reason for going back. It also helped pave a solution to depression. Depression crept up into my life like no other. Through education and sitting in a classroom helped me understand how important education is. Without education, there is no hope and no way out of life. I hope that education might bring you a new life and hope as well. I want the best for everyone including those who hate me. 
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