thethingzs · 4 years
Define A Warrior
Do it, I’ll give you a few minutes. I just want you to use your brain, not googling. 
The imagine you are probably thinking of is a knight in shining armor, defending his country from the evil. 
You probably think of a solider fighting for his country and for all those are true, that’s not what a true warrior just is . 
A warrior is the girl who got up infront of the class this morning and did her presentation. She has social anxiety. 
It’s the boy who is gay and just told his family. He feared for his life. 
It’s the boy who just woke up this morning. He has serve depression. 
It’s the women who helped a older man pick up his dropped items when she was late to her job. She did it out of kindness.
It’s the boy who ate a small meal today. He has an ED. 
It’s the girl who does what she wants even to societies disliking. She isn’t afraid of who she is. 
You see, when you think of a warrior. You go to the people who fight in battles. You are right, they are, but if you look a little more closely you can see there are everywhere, fighting a battle you know nothing about.
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