blonde-and-cat-suc · 9 months
Catra being anxious and having panic attacks over the bad things she did is actually counter productive to any hypothetical scenario where she is self reflecting and/or receiving constructive criticism.
Her potentially having crippling anxiety over being an asshole in the past PREVENTS and/or DELAYS any changes she might potentially make.
Making this character spiral over moral dilemmas does not inherently mean she’s actively working to change her ways. Her being afraid of facing her badness does not make her good; it simply means she has anxieties toward constructive criticism/dialogue.
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milkflavouredchair · 6 months
I was going to draw Julian like I drew Randy but I COULDN'T because all the reference photos I found had their hands in their pockets and THAT'S NOT WHAT I NEED RIGHT NOW.
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So here's him just... Like this.
Also I don't know if to make him classic red or have him purple (it's probably going to be red but akjdisisjsjdisk IM NOT SURE YET)
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lilybug-02 · 1 year
When I see confident women 💕
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insidecroydon · 3 months
Council's multi-million consultant deals to make more cuts
CROYDON IN CRISIS: Staff in Fisher’s Folly have already dubbed the plan ‘No Future Croydon’. After cuts of £100m from council budgets in four years, now the chief exec is forking out public money to find more ways of axing services for children, older people and SEND. By our Town Hall reporter KEN LEE Pointless: Croydon residents should be demanding to know what their Council Tax is spent on – as…
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theuiversee · 2 years
Let go and Be creative
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pythoness94 · 16 days
Double standard
I see a lot of people going, "I need El to use Mike's words against him in season 5." And while I agree to some degree, I see people treating Mike like he's the devil and deserves to be alone or dead and like El was just the PERFECT Girlfriend. That makes me side eye some people because, no hate to El I love her, but her treatment of Mike in season 3 was egregious. While we love season 3 for the Byler angst, some things get a little brushed under the rug. Like, oh I don't know, El's, "i make my own rules. " That was insane, it's played off has some "OWN " on Mike but people forget that El was literally spying on him and never apologized. It's played off as a joke when Mike goes. "What if I was taking a shit?" and Max says, "but you weren't!" but the fact of the matter is. What if he was? What if he was using the bathroom, or taking a shower, or just having a private or vulnerable moment of any sort. Like, take a second and just imagine. Imagine if Mike was having a private moment and El and Max saw that, imagine what the fall out would be. El is PISSED about Mike saying that but imagine how mad Mike would be if they saw him in a private moment. El is all about friends don't lie so it would come out eventually. Also, not only Mike but Lucas and Will too. What if Lucas was having a vulnerable moment talking to his closest friends. Lucas knew El for like two years MAX at this point and Max for less then. Sure, he's dating her but what if he wants to talk to people, he's known since second grade and know him better than anyone else? What if Will was talking about his time in the upside down? Will doesn't know El or Max very well at this point, of course he wants to talk to his best friends and not some people he knows by association. What if Will was having a flashback and wanted to confide in his closest people.
There is a lot of variables that just get lost because this was the season where El was coming into her own. Yes, El needed to learn how to "make her own rules," and not just mindlessly follow what anyone says. However, she doesn't learn that her "rules" don't override anyone else's. Mike's boundaries aren't something to be tossed aside like trash because El needed to have her impowering moment. Mike was forced to lie by Hopper, (Who is a grown ass adult and pisses me off so much I can write 50 paragraphs over how much he made me mad in season 3, that season single handedly made me hate him for so long.) and while his actions afterward were iffy, he didn't deserve to be treated like that. Also! What he said wasn't meant for El to hear. He was saying something to get off his chest so he could talk to El with a clearer mind, which he tried to in Sauna test and El brushed him off with that "I make my own rules," line. The only reason El didn't listen to Mike in that moment was because of a private moment neither Max or El was meant to hear. Also, if anyone says "Just because they didn't mean to hear it doesn't make it okay." look me in my eyes through your screen and tell me you never said something because you were frustrated with how someone was acting in the heat of the moment and regreted it later. Tell me you never said anything to your best friends that was a bit mean about someone. Tell me that, and I'll call you a liar because I KNOW you're lying and you know you're lying.
So, what I'm saying is, role reversal, i want Mike to ALSO use El's words against her. Like if El says, "I care about you," at some point, showing she's grown from her season 4 counterpart. I want Mike to say "I make my own rules," showing he's grown from his season 4 counterpart. Also think about how neat it would be. Mike thinks he's Lois lane while El is superman. Imagine, what helped El grow into her own helps Mike grow into his. Like, El thinks she needs to protect him and has Mike goes to charge into danger, El tries to hold him back, telling him he can't. And while a previous season Mike would listen, Mike tugs away and says. "I make my own rules. " Before running into the fire. It would how neither Mike nor El need each other. El doesn't need to protect Mike and Mike doesn't need to be protected. It shows that El doesn't have to be a weapon, that her super powers aren't all is, and that Mike isn't just "El's boyfriend." that he doesn't live to love her, but to also love himself. So, basically, i'm saying let's have BOTH.
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MC: Dia, I admire your efforts to bring forth peace between the three realms, but I'm gonna have to agree with Belphie. Humanity sucks.
Diavolo, shocked: Can you elaborate?
MC: Well.... We ruined the planet. we dispossessed, imprisioned, and slaughtered First Nations people. We inforced gender roles. We've systemized rape, racism, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, classism, and unsustainable food industries. We've allowed fossil fuel companies to operate our elected officials like ventriloquist dummies from hell, raping our planet for economic gain. We turned our prisons and military into big business. We sold our land, our resources, our water table, and the port of Darwin to the chinese, who we are now in a trade war with. We impowered the church to such a degree that it is now just a tax haven for pedophiles, with the ability to manipulate government policy and mandate legislation on womens bodies without their consent. And we bred dogs to a superficial asthetic level so they can no longer breathe. But pugs are cute the way they suffocate when they walk. Their eyes are pointed in different directions because they're asking both owners to kill them.
Belphie in the distance: Ha!
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ravensegg13 · 11 months
Mother Hel, thank you for your support. Thank you for accepting me no matter what because death accepts everyone and everything. Thank you for not judging me and for giving me guidance through ignorance. Thank you for being the mother that I've always needed, especially now, and thank you for your understanding.
Thank you for standing by me no matter what. It's truly a comfort knowing that lady death has her skeletal hand on my shoulder whenever I need her. Thank you for constantly telling me what I have to live for and that it's not nearly my time, not for years and years. Thank you for allowing my strangeness to be welcome in your arms, for allowing me to fully let loose with my interests. Thank you for humbling me, for impowering me, and for inspiring me.
Thank you, lady Hel, for being there when no one else was. For showing me that it's okay to be sad, or angry, or depressed, or frustrated.
Thank you, my mother, my lady of death, for showing me that being alive and being human is worth more than anything in this god-awful world. Thank you, Hel, thank you.
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About me!!!
Name: toritsuka (your future boyfriend🙏🏻🥹)
Sex: yes please🤤
Hobbies: defending woman’s rights, reading feminist literature, appreciating the female form.✊🏻
Best friend ever: saiki (5’5 LMAOOOO)
Hmu if you are a wonderful beautiful impowered female 😉
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scotianostra · 2 months
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This post is a carbon copy of the one I just posted on my Facebbook timeline, so is not directed to any of my followers here, who have a better attention span than the normal Facebook user.
“What force or guile could not subdue Thro’ many warlike ages Is wrought now by a coward few For hireling traitor’s wages.”
A line from Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation by Rabbie Burns.
They say 'You have to know the past to understand the present.' That is so true when it comes to the "Act of Union" which from the beginning was an uneven union, through the years it became moreso, only since devolution have we, as a country have began to gain SOME powers back, in my opinion the start of the Devolution process has only one end, Independence, I have argued many times thtat it is inevitable.
Anyway, I know the majority of my friends on Facebook have now ducked out of this post, merely because I am into the second paragraph and their attention span can't handle that, for those still with me I shall use, for the second time today the words "Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin"
On August 5th 1704, the Act of Security was passed by the Scottish Parliament.
This is a political hot potato even 216 years after the act was passed.
After the “Glorious Revolution” in 1689 placed William and Mary on the throne a problem started to manifest itself, they did not produce heirs so the crown passed to Anne, sister of Mary and daughter of the deposed King James VII and II, Queen Anne was the last Stuart monarch.
In 1701, after the last of Anne’s surviving children died, the English Parliament passed the Act of Settlement to ensure a protestant monarch, it stated that even if converted to Catholicism, they would forfeit the crown. There was also a clause that stopped Catholics being MP’s which was amended in 1829, BUT! A law is still in place that a Catholic cannot be Prime Minister. Now people can argue the fact that the clown in number ten was baptised a Catholic, but he was confirmed and brought up in the Anglican faith.
Back to the years in question…..
So at this time the strongest claimants to the throne by blood were Roman Catholic but they were not allowed to inherit because of their religion. Under the English Act, it was decided that on Anne’s death the throne should pass to Princess Sophia of Hanover who was descended from James VI and I. In the end Sophie croaked before she could be crowned, so in 1715 the crown was gifted to the German George Louis, That’s George I to you and i, he couldn’t peak a word of English, but anything was better than letting a Catholic retake the crown eh!
Rewind back a few years and us Scots were angry at not being consulted, the Scottish Parliament passed two acts asserting their right to decide Scotland’s future, bear in mind this was three years before the Act of Union.
In 1703 as a reaction to being brought into England’s war with France over the succession to the Spanish throne, the Scottish Parliament passed the “Act anent Peace and War” which declared Scotland’s intention to pursue our own foreign policy and not be dragged into further European wars by England.
The 1704 act stated that unless Scotland was granted freedom of trade, Parliament would settle the British succession on a different monarch from England. From the English point of view, these acts opened up the possible return of a Stuart king to the throne and a stronger alliance between France and Scotland against England.
This is an extract from the Act of Security, the exact wording on the document, not my spelling in case anyone is wondering…..
… upon the said Death of Her Majesty, without Heirs of her Body… the foresaid Estates of Parliament… are hereby Authorized and Impowered, to Nominate and Declare the Successor to the Imperial Crown of this Realm, and to Settle the succession therof… being always of the Royal Line of Scotland and of the true Protestant Religion.
Providing always that the same be not successors to the Crown of England, unless… there be such conditions of Government settled as may secure the Honour and Sovereignty of this Crown and Kingdom; the Freedom, Frequency and Power of Parliament; Religion; and Liberty and Trade of the Nation from English or any Forreign Influence…
The next year the English hit back with The Alien Act, which threatened the Scottish Parliament - it demanded that the Scottish Parliament accept the Hanoverian succession and begin negotiations for full Union by Christmas 1705. If this did not happen, Scots who owned land in England or who were regular traders, would lose their right to do so. Scots would therefore be treated as foreigners in England.
This all led to the traitors in the Scottish Parliament being “bought and sold for English gold” and the Union of the Parliaments in 1707.
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starrclown · 8 months
Ya know what would have made Losers, Baby better in my opinion? Instead if Husk downplaying Angel's abuse and SA he was telling Angel it's okay that's he's slept around and tries someone (he) would still love him.
Like do you know how much slut shaming there is in the world and most likely hell??
Like Angel makes sex his WHOLE personality.
Instead of the song about impowering you abuse and getting over it, have Husk tell him that no, just because he likes sex doenst mean that's all his is. He's more than sex, he can have a loving relationship.
Husk: "We're loser baby, that's okay with me."
Angel: "Even a coked up dick sucking ho?"
Husk: "Baby that's fine by me."
Like that feels better in a diffrent context.
(Sorry that I'm talking about this so much, it just annoys me.)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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Any chance you'll reverse things a bit and make models of Jaune as a BNHA or DC hero to go with his waifus from those settings?
I've actually thought of that before, several times, in time I def will, but side note, Jaune in My Hero can kinda break the game if you think about it. Like imagine him using Aura in their world and being the sole person capable of determining who unlocks it.
Like that's broken, because he would only give it to people he trusted not to be bad guys, so ALL Might With Aura, would prolong his hero career and with Jaune's healing my even be able to heal him completely (There's no way they can't make artificial organs)
Also Deku! Like Imagine Jaune seeing so much of himself in Midoriya and unlocking his aura, and then Deku unlocking a combat semblance. Hell he could make armor and fight.
I could see Mei wanting to learn about aura since she could use it as a energy source.
And of course everyone assumes it's a quirk, but in reality it's not, like One For All comes and tries to steal it only for it to just... not work.
Shigaraki's quirk needs to eat through Jaune's aura before it can disintegrate him. At which point which is faster, shigaraki's quirk's ability to breakdown his target or Jaune's amplified aura's recovery rate.
Shit, can you imagine how much more of a absolute tank Kirishima would be with aura on top of 'Unbreakable'. The fact that aura heals the body would make the physical damage one's quirk does to a user be mitigated for at least a time.
And all Jaune has to do is not tell people how to unlock their own auras. He can just unlock them and pretend it's a part of his quirk that only he gets to decide who he impowers.
With DC... Just, batman with aura, Utterly broken.
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davekat-sucks · 1 month
Omg so your fucking right about the theif of life thing and her cuttlefish coddling!
I was thinking it more so how like, even in beforus Feferi still doesnt allow lime blood to be alive, theyre STILL illegal or however the proper term is, like even when her whole culture is based on white savoir complex, the more privileged and impowered looking after their, ahem, "lessers"... there is still a whole ass caste of trolls she has culled on the spot.
I wasnt thinking how deep it actually went beyond it just...stuck with me, even after being in this fandom for a DECADE it so still always bugged me Feferi was in the end, in some ways just as bad as Meeneh, allowing a whole caste of trolls just... die, and i dont even remember if a valid reason was ever given as to why.
Her cruelity had a gentle mask of kindness to it, when you sit down and realize oh yeah, like lime genocide happens in BOTH versions...yeah.
If not killed, then Beforus Feferi may have limebloods all sealed up in some camp/prison to try and treat them. Just like how she had put cuttlefishes in cages and she keeps them until they 'get better'. Feferi is more like a toxic positivity. Thinking that if everyone is treated equally, there won't be any problems. Not counting in the factor about trolls' violent nature still seeded within (as it shown that Meenah had the urge on wanting to kill Feferi upon seeing her), the different lifespans based on the blood color, how some trolls could gain special abilities (psychic or psiionic powers, super strength if you take in factor for someone like Equius) and if they will use it for good or nefarious purposes, etc. Eridan may have some footing to stand on since he does not agree with Feferi's ideals. Karkat could even have been one to call out Feferi's ruling and that's why the previous session got fucked over so that they had to make a Scratch. Girl may have made the Dream Bubbles and was nicer to her lusus, but doesn't change the fact a version of herself made their dancestors all messed up in some ways that lead to their own existence to clean up their mess.
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iny-jays · 1 year
Now that I finished the campaign yesterday, I have to say I really enjoyed it. Spoiler: I wish I could have said something to Lilith at the end, it felt so wrong to be silent. Ohh and I also liked her transformation as she looked more like her father, I think it really looked so cool! (I wish we had a cutscene with her like that).
I felt sorry for both Inarius and Lilith. I see a lot of hatred for Inarius, and yes, he kind of deserved it, even though he was tortured for millennia (in the realm of hatred where normal people go nearly insane within minutes to hours) and just wanted to go home. It's so twisted that his greatest desire is to return to the people who abandoned him. I wish Tyreal was here.
In my opinion, the part of the prophecy that says "a spear of light will pierce the heart of hate" could also be interpreted as Lilith piercing Inarius with his own spear. He had become so hateful towards Lilith and Sanctuary in general.
I really think Lilith loved her children, specifically the firstborn generation. Maybe that does not count so much for the humans today. She says, "I have not come to save, but to impower, in my shadow the strong shall oppose the power of hell itself, the weak shall defend themselves." (Or something like that) If her "motherly love" is only for those strong enough to be by her side when she sets out to conquer hell, and the rest can fuck off and "fend for themselves," then I think her values and motivations are pretty clear. If she evaluates her children only on the basis of "How useful is this child in conquering hell?" then that has very little to do with motherly love and everything to do with the desire to win the conflict and become the most powerful entity.
I love Dogphisto Mephisto played us like a fiddle. Tho we didn't really have a choice, did we? The Devil you know and all that.
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mas-o-kissed · 4 months
Buddy Jett supposed it should be grateful for how its final audit had gone. The old Buddy had never had much ambition when it came to things like promotions. He never would've climbed the corporate ladder on his own. Instead, he'd been shoved into an elevator that only seemed to go up. The heights were dizzying.
The old Buddy also wouldn't have applied for this kind of position in the first place. He would've hated the idea of being a corporate stooge. Not that government stooge had been much better, but at least he'd been comforted knowing that those companies had to cough up a few more pennies towards the public good because of him.
The new Buddy wondered sometimes why it had been allowed to recall its past so freely. There was no shortage of imployees and impterns that seemed to have no memory of who they were before they joined the company. Was it simply because its old work experience was still useful here? It did feel good to be useful. Its eyelids fluttered dreamily at that thought.
Still, remembering its old attitudes and beliefs felt... Risky somehow. Like it was getting away with something it shouldn't. It didn't want those unapproved ideas to gain a foothold again. If they did, there was every chance it would have all of its thoughts washed out of its brain, not just the troublesome ones. If that happened, it wouldn't be as useful to the company.
But that was only part of it, if it was being honest. As thorough as Buddy's imployee onboarding had been, it was learning even more on the job. Creating a believable paper trail to satisfy its former supervisor had been an interesting process. Despite the frankly abysmal state of the company's actual bookkeeping, the list of social contacts was much better kept. It didn't take long to find people who were tangentially involved in the company's various projects and then bend their ear (and their will) until they'd vouch that, yes, the inordinate amounts of money spent on genetic engineering equipment was definitely a business expense. They couldn't say what it was for, of course. Legally and mentally binding NDAs and all that. As helpless as Buddy had felt in the Boss's office chair, there was something satisfying about bringing someone else's mind to heel. Power corrupts, but Buddy was learning that corruption also empowers. Impowers?
It knew that authority was only borrowed, that it didn't even control its own mind anymore. But that didn't mean that it was keen on losing more of itself than it strictly had to. It just needed to keep those pesky old morals in check somehow.
But first, to business. It knocked on the door to the Boss's office. "Report's ready for you, Boss. Do you have a minute to go over it?"
(Big Boss Imp is laying across his desk, his head facing the door from an upside-down perspective. It looks as though he had been doing absolutely nothing, just staring into blank space with a placid expression on his face. Still, when he hears the knock on the door, he gives a start, blinks, and grins.)
My Little Buddy!
(He rolls over, now facing his new employee right-side-up, so he can rest his head on his hands. He kicks his feet in the air playfully.)
I’m so glad you came to visit me. I was just coming up with some new augmentations that I think you’d really enjoy. Tell me, have you ever had clockwork insides? Oh, I suppose that wouldn’t have been an option in your former life… well, it’s a lot of fun. You wouldn’t need to eat, or sleep, so you could work, work, work, work, work! You’d need some help winding the clockwork mechanism to keep you moving. (One time an unfortunate Imptern unwound completely in an unused section of the office and we didn’t find him for months! By the time we realized he was there he was alllll covered in dust. He’s fine. He works in operations now.) And anyway, you would look so so so so so so SO cute with a key in your back! Like a little wind-up toy. Wouldn’t that be delightful? Did you get taller? What are those papers? Is it fanmail? For me?
(He snatches one of the records from your hands.)
Oh. This has numbers on it. Is this what you came here to talk about?
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frannyzooey · 2 years
when your writing white whale is age gap relationships that do not have a toxic power imbalance, but rather impowered growth and healing on both sides, as well as extremely filthy sex with a heavy splash of innocence/praise kink 
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