thetrueoccultist · 3 years
My crystal charging bowl✨
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I combined pink himalayan salt, rose petals, hibiscus, clove, rose buds and a cinnamon stick to charge my crystals with self-love, confidence, friendship, protection and quick manifestation. I'm currently charging an amethyst and tigers eye
✨ this can be done with any herbs of choice for any intention you wish to charge your crystals with 💖 •enjoy!
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thetrueoccultist · 3 years
Why Didn't My Spell Work?
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Nobody has a 100% success rate because magic isn't an exact science. Here are some reasons things may not go according to plan.
You didn't pinpoint the focus enough. Let's say you do a spell for success. Okay... in what area of your life? Success by what definition? What's the time frame? Know what you want and be specific about your desired outcome.
There are open loopholes. The Universe often gives us exactly what we ask for and assumes nothing. If we ask for money before rent is due, finding just a penny on the ground would technically fulfill that wish. Leave nothing to be assumed.
The method didn't make sense. If you want to banish someone from your life, you wouldn't put their name in a jar and keep it in your house, because you'd literally be keeping them close to you. Your method should reflect your focus.
The energy wasn't in it. Magic work demands our full attention. If we're doing it half-heartedly, multitasking, or mentally distancing ourselves from our work we're not bringing our best game. It's okay to be worried or skeptical. But shelf it until you're done with your work.
The ingredients are conflicting. Just like our spell methods, our tools/materials should also line up. Ingredients can also conflict with each other, like if you have things to represent calm/relaxation and energy/aggression in the same pile. It could muddy the direction. Make sure everything syncs with everything else.
It just wasn't in the cards. Sometimes there are just bigger forces than us at work. Maybe we nailed the job interview but someone else was just more qualified. Magic work is our bid with the Universe to tilt things in our favor, and sometimes we just don't offer enough.
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thetrueoccultist · 3 years
Quick healing recipe
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I found myself getting sick this past weekend and I made this tea that worked like a charm. This is a common recipe -actually what I thought was a family recipe but turns out is very common- but i put my own little spin to it and I can’t believe how quick it made me feel better. Even if you aren’t sick, I reccomend you try this if you can.
The ingredients are:
-a teaspoon of cinnamon powder (it’s important for the consistency that it’s powder and not sticks)
-a teaspoon of honey 
-about a teaspoon and a half of fresh grated ginger
-a tablespoon of lemon
-half a cup of hot water
(measurements don’t have to be exact, as long as you don’t go overboard with any ingredient it’ll be okay)
I started by combining the cinnamon and the honey and mixing until it formed a thick paste. Then I added the ginger and lemon and mixed well again. I poured the water on top and let it sit for around ten minutes under the sun. It’s important to drink this warm, and it’s also beneficial to do it during the day,  outside or in an area that’s open and has natural light. (Solar witches out there might know specifically why, I see you and I love you). You can take your time with it, it stings a little if you have a sore throat like I did. Take the time to thank your bofy for all its hard work, for everything it does for you. You may not be feeling well right now, but it’ll pass, your body will heal. You can also take a minute to forgive, wether that be forgive someone who did you wrong, letting go of old grudges or forgive yourself.
This is in no way a fix-all, I am sharing this because it worked on me when I needed it the most and it may help someone else, but I also know that I am generally a healthy person - I rarely get sick other than allergies - and I am vaccinated. So please, if you suspect it might be serious or have symptoms of covid go to a medical professional. I am not one, nor do I claim to know a lot about serious physical illnesses.
I have been drinking ginger water too since I felt the first symptoms, which I also reccomend and might have been one of the factors in getting better fast. (I made this tea the second day, and I felt almost perfect by night)
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thetrueoccultist · 3 years
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thetrueoccultist · 3 years
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thetrueoccultist · 3 years
Friendly reminder that spells and wishes, when they come from selfishness and are meant to harm someone can (easily) backfire and hurt you instead :)
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thetrueoccultist · 3 years
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credit: @taurusqueer on instagram
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thetrueoccultist · 3 years
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thetrueoccultist · 3 years
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