thetwitchqueen · 9 years
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
today I learned that if you want to slash someone’s tires, don’t slash all four; only slash three because if you slash all four their insurance will pay for it but if you only slash three they have to pay for it all out of pocket 
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
Also, from a completely romantic point of view, Bam-Bam was a rescue. His original owners gave him coffee instead of water, poked at him, and kept him under a blanket for his entire young life. My best friend from childhood took him but he was mean and savage, so her mom made her give him away. She gave him to me when I was 9 or 10. 
I spent years training him, speaking softly, and teaching him kindness. He learned to be comfortable with me. I trained him to be sociable and calm. Still, he went through long and dark ages of depression where he would pluck out his feathers and fly into mindless rages. 
When I was a teenager, my boyfriend (now husband) got a young Cockatiel from a pet store because he so liked my relationship with Bam-Bam. He named it Mercutio because we had just finished reading Romeo and Juliet, and that was the only tolerable character. 
When we married, our birds were put together. They hated each other. Mercutio was young and wanted to play, but Bam-Bam was cantankerous with Mercutio and did not appreciate his space being invaded. They stayed in separate cages nearby until downsizing into an Army apartment demanded they share a cage. In just a couple days, they learned each other’s boundaries and found peace. 
Mercutio taught Bam-Bam how to play with the toys in the cage. Bam-Bam taught Mercutio to sing. They found a friendship and were very happy, especially Bam-Bam. 
He let the feathers on his back grow in. He quit biting everyone who came to see him. He whistled more, sunbathed in the window, and discovered that he liked cuddling with me very, very much -he even snuggles with my kids. The psycho monster I had kept in my room at age 10 was now a sweet, gentle birdie. 
Now, several years later, Bam-Bam is healthy in mind and body and surrounded by his little family. If any lonely old bird deserves a wife and kid, it’s Bam-Bam. And that makes this little accidental family beautiful. I do not dare try to separate them. Not when they have come this far. :)
So I’ve told you guys about my two birds….. this may surprise you… it certainly did me. :P
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
By the way, I will NOT turn down advice from experienced bird peeps but I WILL ask that you turn down the hate-o-meter, because I am doing my best under a LOT of conflicting advice about whether or not to provide an egg box at all. 
When they first started laying, she was roosting on them in all kinds of stupid places and the overall consensus was that for her safety, she needed an egg box (I already confined them to the cage). Since Bam-Bam is a very elderly bird, I was told by breeders that it was doubtful the eggs were fertile anyway. WELL HERE WE ARE. 
The next wave of research has me thinking I needed to remove the egg box  and hopefully temptation when the baby is weaned, but they started laying early, long before 2 months, and that threw me off.
Likely, these eggs won’t hatch like the rest, but I definitely know better than to remove the eggs early, lest I provoke her to lay more. Right now I am just giving them plenty of cuttle bone and waiting it out. Best case scenario, I remove the box when they abandon the eggs and they quit laying them. That wasn’t the case before, but maybe they will this time???? 
Like I said, I am open to advice but not hate. I did not intentionally become a breeder (and am not even taking the term ‘breeder’ because I am trying to halt the mating process, not continue it); my bird, which by markings, vocal presence, and pet store label seemed to be a male, turned out to be a female and fell in love. You can’t stop love! lol. I will not separate them because I am well versed to know that when Cockatiels bond, they bond closely (and these two definitely are super close), and to separate them could cause mental aggravation, depression, and even suicide. 
In the meantime, I am loving on my three very happy, healthy, sing-songy bird family! :)
So I’ve told you guys about my two birds….. this may surprise you… it certainly did me. :P
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
So I’ve told you guys about my two birds..... this may surprise you... it certainly did me. :P
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
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Notice how all of this could have been avoided if the man had just answered the danged question instead of being a self-absorbed DBag all night?
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
Reblog from the past. She’s upgraded to frisbees.
My four year old watched Xena Warrior Princess this morning. Now she is throwing paper plates at me.
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
Exactly. I cannot tell you how inwardly pleased I am to see this joke has become a thing. I came up with it in fifth grade and thought myself magically hilarious for it. Then I posted it several years ago in a TS support group on FB. I was sort of burned at the stake for it. lol. AND NOW LOOK! It’s resurrected. We humorous Tourettics (I like that) shall not be shamed!
How many Tourette’s patients does it take to change a light bulb?
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
Fish is an incredible cartoonist! Check him out here: 
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
18 year old Regulus Black willingly drinks a torture potion and dies alone in a cave so that some day, someone will be able to defeat Voldemort.
Horace Slughorn (albeit reluctantly) shows Harry a part of his past he’s kept hidden for years, even from himself, which is a key part of defeating Voldemort.
Narcissa Malfoy looks Voldemort, a man who is not only notoriously evil but also has the ability to READ MINDS, right in the eye and lies to him for the chance to save her son.
Andromeda Tonks’ entire family is killed at the hand of her own sister and some other death eaters and she still finds the strength to go on and be a guardian to her orphaned grandchild.
But Severus Friendzone Snape, that’s the “brave Slytherin” Harry chooses to name his kid after. Ok, sure.
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
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Am I the only one that, should DC make a Wonder Woman Movie, would demand Nina Lisandrello? 
-Intensity on screen: Check
-Scene Stealing Femenism Boom pill: Check
-Sassy, optimistic reaslist who can be sweet one minute then kick butt and take names the next: Check.
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
Bless this post
You're a med student? You can barely type English 😕
my internet persona, vernacular, and typing style that I use on here for fun has no direct correlation to my academics nor my ability to rehabilitate patients u bitch 
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
It’s not how many patients you go through, it’s the- *TIC* *CRASH!* ... the number of lightbulbs. -_- 
How many Tourette’s patients does it take to change a light bulb?
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
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For many of you whom may not know, Tourette’s Syndrome is a common Neurological disorder however it isn’t commonly known.
So for my Gold award project I created a children’s book describing it titled : What is a Tic? I finally finished the book and would like to share it with you guys and maybe learn something you didn’t know.
So please reblog and share to raise awareness. 
(due to Tumblr’s image limit) You can also read the rest of the book here: http://whatisatic.weebly.com/
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thetwitchqueen · 9 years
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I was once suggested to find a steady job where I would be behind the scenes so my tics wouldn’t be seen and make *me* “uncomfortable.”
So I started a business and became a very public, very outspoken, very real, very ticcy mermaid... and I am freaking LOVED.
Don’t ever let someone tell you that you won’t be.
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