theuntitled-directory · 11 years
New Affiliate
We are now affiliated with imperial roleplay. 
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
Joint Halloween Event TC times!
We have times for the Tinychats for the event! Wednesday the 30th we’re going to have two Tinychats for maximum party pleasure:
One will take place at around 11:30 AM EST.  Another will take place around 7:00 PM EST.
Both Tinychats are open to Gensou and Untitled members taking part in the event. 
The Thursday Tinychat(s) will be played by ear, depending on who’s around that day.
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
Toshiya is free to be roleplayed. 
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
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Please welcome and follow Kaoru, guitarist of Dir en Grey. [x] 
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
ARRR MATEY! [Joint Halloween Event]
What Halloween wouldn’t be complete without a ghost hunt! Gensou rp and the Untitled Directory are getting together to host an overnight on a pirate ship (sort of)! Through some rather… stormy means, an abandoned Wokou pirate ship has made it’s presence known off the shore of Hisaka Island to those of more supernatural lineage. Instead of taking the exploration all to ourselves, however, we’ve opened it up to those on the more mundane side of things!
An overnight getaway is in order! On the 30th of October, everyone will be ferried off to Hisaka Island to set up camp. You’re quite allowed to explore the island (which has a town and mundane inhabitants, be nice to them please), but we gather again at the island’s shore as the ghost ship Kyofu wanders ashore during the moonlit hours. In pairs (or trios/groups/whatever), you’ll split up and search the ship, littered with ghosts and pirate trinkets (some magical and others just shiny).
After a regroup and return, it’s off to party the rest of the night away! You’ll be returned on the 31rst of October to your safe little homes, or at least back ashore in Tokyo.
You may sign up between now and the 30th of October if you have a pair in mind, or if you just want to sign up and know you’ll be there. If you don’t know whether you’ll be there or not and are interested, don’t fret! We’ll have a tinychat set up for those who want to mingle and find partners (who can happily be from either directory) to hunt about the pirate ship. We’ll also have one toward the end, a sort of Halloween Party tc. Nothing is mandatory except finding a partner or two and rping! This is a low-key event, we merely want people to socialize and have fun!
This event is also a Gensou/Untitled joint event. You may NOT bring others from other directories/independent rpers to this event. They must be part of either Gensou or Untitled. 
REMEMBER: You can sign up alone, in pairs, or groups of three. You may also opt to not sign up if you’re uncertain whether you’re going to be there or not.
Exact times will be announced on either Saturday the 26th or Sunday the 27th, after we get some sign ups going! We want to be able to accommodate to as many time zones as we possibly can!
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
I wondered and wanted to ask. Is this directory still active and accepting new members? I mean without waiting like weeks till someone looks up here? ^^
Still active, still accepting. 
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
Just a reminder to check the directory for updates on events and such~ 
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
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Please welcome and follow Kiseop of U-kiss. [x]
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
The due date for the Untitled Event has been extended! It is no longer on the 20th, instead you have until Halloween, the 31st of October, to submit your logs etc for judging. 
Look out for details for a Halloween event we will be putting together. Please do participate. It's a great opportunity to get to know the members as well as befriend others outside of the directory. 
Guess that's really all. Thank you for being part of the directory, you all deserve a pat on the head. 
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
Plots ●´_ゝ`●
These are the given plots and pairs for those of you who signed up. You have two weeks to complete and submit them. The closing date is on the 20th of October. 
No stress, just have fun with it. Happy roleplaying! 
Apprentice Assassins
Reita & Aruto  
It was a good night to kill. The cool autumn air was caressing their almost fully hidden faces as they made their way towards their target, knowing it would be an easy first mission. That’s what every apprentice went through before being decided if they were going to be full-fledged assassins or not.
Both stayed silent, concentration was key, though the moment their headpieces went off, a voice was heard but suddenly, static overcame, interfering with the signal. ‘Abort mission’...‘hide’.  They were just about to try to contact their superiors when they heard shots coming from afar. 
  Escape the Woods
Manabu & Rei
They ran through the woods, trying to escape. The deeper they went, the distant sound of sirens and voices came to a halt, which made them stop dead in their tracks. The woods seemed brighter, despite the fact that it was close to midnight.
They decided to proceed through the forest anyway, thinking it was a safer bet. But when one of them glanced back, pairs of red, piercing eyes were locked onto them. 
  Zombie Apocalypse 
Mayu & Hazuki
A disease has started spreading from nation to nation, bodies of innocent citizens started decaying one by one, each dying due to the cause of the outbreak. Though the only problem was, the dead didn't stay dead. Surviving is the key element, rescuing as many in sight or perhaps, killing them off to be rid of dead weight.
It is up to you to either risk your lives to save humanity or not at all. 
  The Godfather
Key & Masashi
The Godfather of one of Japan's oldest mob gangs is hunting you and your partner down after 'deceiving' the mob, shooting one of your own to save a loved one. With a change of identity, working a normal everyday job, you would think you've gotten away. 
After years of running, settling down, having a normal life, one of you is being called upon to take over the godfather's place, as requested by the godfather himself,  by an anonymous letter. How they've managed to locate you, you have no idea. Why would the godfather want you to take over is another question, though that's for you to find out. 
Angels and Demons
Asagi & Natsume 
When Hell broke and Hades was left powerless against his own creations, they freed themselves from the depths of the underworld; roaming Earth to take over the land oh-so foreign to them. Each cry for help strengthens the demons' power. 
Sent from the high heavens, angels and such fought bravely against the dark forces. Their duty is to save Earth, save the world from destruction.
Which side are you on? 
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
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Please welcome and follow Miyavi. [x] 
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
An Untitled Event ●´_ゝ`●
Aaand we thought that it’s about time we held our next event since the directory has been a little too quiet for the past month or so!  
It’s going to require every ounce of your roleplaying skills and yes, it’s going to be a contest, winner(s) get a place in our hall of fame. Each member who participates would be paired up with another. We’ll be giving each of the pairs a plot to RP out. It is up to you and your assigned RP partner how you want to RP it out, whether you want it to be in action or para form and if you would prefer for it to be on tumblr or on AIM etc. Just as long as you could link us or provide chat logs to it for it to be judged. 
So question is, how would we be judging? We’ll be judging based off the storyline. From the exposition up till’ the denouement. Be as detailed as possible, it’d be easier for us to imagine the whole scenario. And of course, be as creative as possible. Most of the plots given after would be AU, you might want to take note of that. 
You are all given two weeks to build up and finish the plot, then submit it to the directory. The directory will set up a countdown clock on the page so you can refer to that and organize your time wisely. 
There’s only one rule and one rule only. No god modding. 
This is also a directory event so it’s for untitled members only. For those of you who are interested, please drop the directory an ask, or reblog/reply to this post saying that you’re interested, you may also contact one of the admins to notify them. Closing date to sign up for the event would be on the  28th of September (Saturday). 
We’ll be posting up a list of the pairs as well as your assigned plots a day after or so, so please check the directory for updates on that. 
You may start signing up right now~ Please do participate and happy roleplaying! 
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
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Please welcome and follow Natsume, drummer of Lezard. [x] 
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
Casual reminder to sign up for the upcoming event if you're interested~
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
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Please welcome and follow Ruki, vocalist of the GazettE. [x] 
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theuntitled-directory · 11 years
An Untitled Event ●´_ゝ`●
Aaand we thought that it's about time we held our next event since the directory has been a little too quiet for the past month or so!  
It's going to require every ounce of your roleplaying skills and yes, it's going to be a contest, winner(s) get a place in our hall of fame. Each member who participates would be paired up with another. We'll be giving each of the pairs a plot to RP out. It is up to you and your assigned RP partner how you want to RP it out, whether you want it to be in action or para form and if you would prefer for it to be on tumblr or on AIM etc. Just as long as you could link us or provide chat logs to it for it to be judged. 
So question is, how would we be judging? We'll be judging based off the storyline. From the exposition up till' the denouement. Be as detailed as possible, it'd be easier for us to imagine the whole scenario. And of course, be as creative as possible. Most of the plots given after would be AU, you might want to take note of that. 
You are all given two weeks to build up and finish the plot, then submit it to the directory. The directory will set up a countdown clock on the page so you can refer to that and organize your time wisely. 
There's only one rule and one rule only. No god modding. 
This is also a directory event so it's for untitled members only. For those of you who are interested, please drop the directory an ask, or reblog/reply to this post saying that you're interested, you may also contact one of the admins to notify them. Closing date to sign up for the event would be on the  28th of September (Saturday). 
We'll be posting up a list of the pairs as well as your assigned plots a day after or so, so please check the directory for updates on that. 
You may start signing up right now~ Please do participate and happy roleplaying! 
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