theviewfromquarks · 2 years
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theviewfromquarks · 3 years
Since Ziyal grew up in a cave wearing a burlap sack, what’s her process discovering fashion been like since she got to DS9? Canon Ziyal always looked to me like she was wearing typical Cardassian clothes.
canon Ziyal is dressed like a Disney princess and I was never really feeling it, so I’m talking about my AU Ziyal here (aw my phone finally learned her name, thank goodness):
When Dukat took her with him on that brief, ill-fated move back to Cardassia, he got her professionally made over and fitted for some proper Cardassian dresses. They were much nicer but much more restrictive than her burlap sack, and she was never very comfortable in them.
Her fashion journey on DS9 has been about finding a balance between what she thinks looks pretty and what she’s comfortable running around in. She likes going over to Garak’s shop when new fabric samples come in and looking through them with him, and Kira takes her shopping on Bajor when they visit the planet together. Kira and Garak try to be supportive of her on her journey, but they have very different opinions on what makes for good fashion sense...
Until one day Ziyal describes an asymmetrical bus seat fabric tunic that she saw Jake wearing and says she’d like something like that, and Garak and Kira realize that anything, anything is better than.... Earth fashion.
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theviewfromquarks · 3 years
fun game I call “how to tell how deep into star trek someone is based on who they post about”:
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theviewfromquarks · 3 years
cardassians be like o}:)
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theviewfromquarks · 3 years
reblog if star trek
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theviewfromquarks · 8 years
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theviewfromquarks · 8 years
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theviewfromquarks · 8 years
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Main Star Trek Characters in Civvies and/or Out of Their Regular Uniform (in no particular order)
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theviewfromquarks · 8 years
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Main Star Trek Characters in Civvies and/or Out of Their Regular Uniform (in no particular Order)
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theviewfromquarks · 8 years
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Main Star Trek Characters in Civvies and/or Out of Their Regular Uniform (in no particular order)
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theviewfromquarks · 8 years
How Captains Share Meals with First Officers of the Opposite Gender
Archer: Quite often. Always in the well lit captain’s private dining room and almost always accompanied by the chief engineer.
Sisko: Occasionally. Always either at the Replimat, Quark’s, or some other public place. Only in his quarters when joined by the rest of the senior staff.
Janeway: Often. In her quarters with the lights down low. Never in the mess hall. Never accompanied by any other officers. Soft jazz plays in the background.
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theviewfromquarks · 8 years
One of my favorite things about DS9 is how much they make you care about Bajor.
Someone threatens Earth: Meh. That’s fine. Happens all the time in science fiction.
Someone threatens Bajor: Oh, no. Oh, no you don’t. I will come through this screen and I will kill you myself. Leave the Bajorans alone!
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theviewfromquarks · 8 years
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Star Trek Ladies! - Part V
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theviewfromquarks · 8 years
I’m so disappointed that we never got to see Jadzia meet her in-laws. The Rozhenkos would’ve LOVED her.
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theviewfromquarks · 8 years
The TNG crew are really last crew that should be playing poker. I mean, you’ve got an empath who can tell when you’re bluffing, an Android that can count the cards and deal them however he wants, and a man who can see through the cards.
And yet…
Riker. Almost. Always. Wins.
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theviewfromquarks · 8 years
I wish Sisko would’ve replaced the baseball on his desk with the one signed by everyone in “Take Me Out to the Holosuite”.
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theviewfromquarks · 8 years
Favorite Nyota Uhura Moments
In no particular order.
Listening to half a dozen Asian and European languages in “Assignment Earth” and understanding every word.
Responding to Kirk being surprised at her jumping at the opportunity to take shore leave in “The Trouble With Tribbles” with “And how often do I get shore leave?”. Did you get that ever-so-subtle hint, Kirk?
Being adorable in “The Trouble With Tribbles” and being responsible for the great Tribble outbreak. (I’m guessing that she didn’t get terribly much shore leave for a while after that.)
The “you’re going to sit in the closet” scene in “The Search for Spock”. Yeah, you better be glad she’s on your side, McCoy!
Flirting with Spock in “The Man Trap” and “Charlie X”. You go, girl! Get you some of that hot half-Vulcan!
Every time she proves that she is one of the most versatile members of the entire crew by taking over at the science station, navigation, etc.
“So naturally when I’m lonely I think of you.”
Being brave enough to look her captain in the eye and admit she’s afraid in “Plato’s Stepchildren” and “Mirror, Mirror”.
The whole episode “Mirror, Mirror”. Need I say more?
Successfully rewiring the entire communications array in “Who Mourns for Adonais?”
Being the only non-Vulcan seen playing the Vulcan lyre and singing “Beyond Antares” beautifully.
Recovering from having her memory wiped in just a matter of weeks.
Coming up with the idea of how to locate the Bird-of-Prey in “The Undiscovered Country”. “The thing’s gotta have a tailpipe.”
The death glare she gave Galt during the entire episode “The Gamesters of Triskelion”, just like the one she gave the augment in “Space Seed”.
Faking out the android in “I, Mudd”, as well as that incredibly graceful slap she gives Chekov.
Every single time she ever appeared on screen.
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