watsontheartwizard · 4 years
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Bat villagers? Bat villagers. You’re welcome. :3
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watsontheartwizard · 5 years
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Gardevoir used Max Kissu~ <3
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watsontheartwizard · 5 years
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Same energy. :)
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watsontheartwizard · 5 years
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I told myself this was going to be a warmup, but that didn't really pan out. So! I picked up the hot new Pokemon-clone/MMO Temtem on launch day. It looks really cool and and I love what I've seen so far. Only problem is that it's early access and the servers are so bad it's barely playable. I definitely recommend waiting a bit for things to calm down. Anyway, houchic is my favorite.  Psychic type was always my aesthetic in Pokemon, and I really like this little guy's knife-cat level of bastard vibes.
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watsontheartwizard · 6 years
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Under the Mask by stoneman123
Cute Fintress fluff! Trying to upload again, since tumblr’s tag system is such hot garbage. Hope it work this time.
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watsontheartwizard · 6 years
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Ain’t She Grand? by stoneman123
Welcome to “Still Not Over Adventure Time,” part 12! Now time for some fan art of Canyon! Everyone’s favorite 20’ tall water elemental babe. From right to left, we have Canyon and Marceline having a jam session. Water-themed characters gotta play the harp, obviously. In the center, we have Canyon carrying an incapacitated Finn to safety. He’s got heat stroke or something, idk. On the right we have Canyon dressed as she might have appeared in the finale, wearing hoplite-inspired armor and wielding the sacred spring of her people as a whip. Canyon’s cool. She’s super cute, and I like how her name is a sex joke (cause she’s a giant lady, get it? Ha ha!). I really wish she’d gotten some more attention in the show, outside of the two episodes she appears in. I’ve been thinking about writing a fan fiction backstory for her, too, like I did with Huntress Wizard, but there’s even less to go on. Oh well.
EDIT: Okay, so since the purge, Tumblr has been pretty funny about external links, so I’m reposting without the link to dA. Hopefully now it will show up in the tags.
EDIT 2: And it showed up immediately! So I guess ANY sort of link to my dA is not kosher. Great. Great website, guys.
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watsontheartwizard · 6 years
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Huntress Wizard - Collab with mikocosme
ORIGINAL TEXT:  So this is pretty neat! I was browsing Tumblr a week ago when I saw that @mikocosme had posted a cool sketch of Huntress Wizard. I reached out to him and asked if I could finish it, with lines and colors, etc., to practice some new techniques. He said yes! And here is the result. I think it came out pretty well. It only took me about 4 hours, too, so I guess I'm getting pretty good at this. Huntress Wizard belongs to Cartoon Network Line art and colors by me. Sketch by @mikocosme
EDIT: And it showed up in the tags immediately! So reposting directly from deviantART must prevent it from showing up. I mean, I understand the rationale behind that, but that’s HEKKING inconvenient. Would have been great to receive some notice. Thanks, tumblr. I will now mourn your inevitable demise a little less intensely.
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watsontheartwizard · 6 years
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Adorable Finntress fluff, for the discerning gentleman or lady. (deviantART) So I have this really neat headcanon that Huntress Wizard wasn't always a mutant plant hybrid, but that was part of her transformation into a wizard. And that led me to this! I imagine that part of the reason Huntress Wizard loves Finn's hair so much is, not only is it objectively fabulous, it's something that she herself has lost. She hasn't had pretty hair to brush in ages.
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watsontheartwizard · 6 years
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Ivanello's Spellbook - Page 1 by stoneman123
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you with a New Year's resolution. Yes, I'm trying to step up my art game, and for that, I resolved that I would make a 10 page comic this year. It's sort of a dark fantasy story heavily inspired by the writings of Jack Vance, Dark Souls, and just a little bit of D&D. Stick around, it's got cool wizard fights in it! Once the second page is up I'll come back and put in some navigation links. Let me know what you guys think. Made with Krita on a Huion KAMVAS GT-191.
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watsontheartwizard · 7 years
“The Stalk”
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I got into Saga recently, a million years late as usual. It's awesome! So I decided to draw my new fave spider girl, and uh, things got a little out of hand. This is The Stalk, a mercenary/bounty hunter and a fairly minor character. And I can see why she's minor, because she's damn difficult to draw. Spider anatomy is hard.
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watsontheartwizard · 7 years
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What's this? Another piece I actually like? Astonishing. This is just a picture of myself as a Pokemon trainer. Also a gardevoir, because let's be honest, fellas, we all have at least one. A little something for both fun and educational purposes. I tried a lot of interesting new techniques, and I'm quite pleased with the result. The background, though, is just the trainer background from X & Y, which I pulled off Google image search. In fact, I'm starting to get capable enough with this digital art stuff that I'm considering opening up commissions sometime in the near future. I could really use some extra play money.
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watsontheartwizard · 7 years
“Mars Needs Therapy”
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This one has kind of an interesting backstory. I have been seeing a therapist about various issues, one of which is lack of motivation. Namely, motivation for art. He suggested doing a sort of mock "commission," to see if that helped. So he "commissioned" me (just an exercise; no pay) to produce a promotional image for a hypothetical depression support group/sci-fi book club. Pride is an adequate motivation, it would seem. I actually really like how this came out. It seems I'm finally getting the hang of my tablet and Krita.
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watsontheartwizard · 8 years
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Oh man. Man, oh man. Here we have my half of an art trade with @lachievart, also literally my first art trade ever: a reference to a classic Family Guy joke with Dr. Roberts and Miriam Beaks from the cartoon Harvey Beaks.
I really went all-out on this and probably spent too much time on it, but oh well. It’s all about the journey, not the destination. Here you go, @lachievart! I hope you like it!
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watsontheartwizard · 8 years
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You guys. This is, bar none, the dumbest thing I've ever drawn. Seriously. In case you couldn't tell, this is Piri Piri from Harvey Beaks dressed up like Micolash from Bloodborne. They're both weird, right?
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watsontheartwizard · 8 years
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This one also has more a story behind it. Fee has a cold, and Dr. Roberts jumped at the chance to use his crystal healing on someone “more in-tune with nature” like Fee. Fee only agreed to it because Harvey practically begged her to, so as to spare Dr. Roberts’s feelings.
I am a skeptic myself, and anyone with half a brain can tell that all that new-age alternative medicine stuff is bs. I like to think that Fee, little rebel that she is, has a natural skepticism for the things adults say.
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watsontheartwizard · 8 years
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Okay, this one requires more context. In the episode “Nightclub Night,” Fee is greatly impressed with the bouncer and the authority she commands. She tells Harvey that she wants to talk to her, but is too nervous. The whole scene plays out like someone trying to convince a friend to go talk to their crush.
Now, I don’t necessarily think that’s what was going on, but hey, homoerotic subtext is nothing new in this show. That’s actually kind of how I found out about it, but that’s another story. I just thought this would be cute to draw.
Here we have Fee, unable to sleep, wondering why she can’t stop thinking about that rad bat lady and her beefy arms. Also a Foo! Because it’s just adorable how they sleep together, and it better communicates that she’s lying awake, in this background-free picture.
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watsontheartwizard · 8 years
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Just Fee, hanging upside down. This is the second one I drew, if I recall correctly. Please ignore that god-awful tree. I really just wanted to draw this pose, along with the whole, “Fee putting her hands up through her hair” thing.
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