thevyladsafespace · 2 months
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another one
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thevyladsafespace · 2 months
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Stuff I posted on my twitter
These weren’t supposed to be Genshin jokes but I decided to lean into the “gacha splash art” thing
Leif next!!
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thevyladsafespace · 2 months
Welcome back to the trenches
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Oh god I’m getting dragged back into this phase SOMEONE HELP
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thevyladsafespace · 2 months
Why not lol
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thevyladsafespace · 3 months
which one of u exposed me /j
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thevyladsafespace · 3 months
because i have no new art to post and i've been dying in terms of motivation, here. have a song (i think) that's about two people drifting apart.
do with that what you will, i've had this on repeat for a good week and a half now, send the poleece or jesuus
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thevyladsafespace · 4 months
So.. uh.. yeah.
I'm opening these up after floundering on getting examples down.
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here's my tweeter. and some examples that I am offering.
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thevyladsafespace · 5 months
my idea was slap a bunch of characters together and label 'em under some random group name.. and just assign them a specific group they perform songs of.
Like, an old idea i made with a friend was..
Aaron, Laurance, Dante, Travis, Vylad and Ein under the group name of Kaleidoscope - performing (G)I-DLE songs.
Jessie (my Aphmau), Makoto (my Nana), Katelyn and Lucinda Si-rene (Irene/ Siren, hawhaw) - performing Mamamoo songs.
That kinda nonsense. Not a whole lot of story, just.. fun stuff.
but make it
an idol au
coz i'm totally not a Nevie, don't @ me-
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thevyladsafespace · 5 months
but make it
an idol au
coz i'm totally not a Nevie, don't @ me-
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thevyladsafespace · 5 months
but make it
an idol au
coz i'm totally not a Nevie, don't @ me-
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thevyladsafespace · 5 months
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doing all of that harmed my soul but it is done- I'll probably refine Pierce, Asch and Rhys at some other point. But I just wanted to get them done.
I think you can tell my motivation for ARMOR died at Pierce. Hence why there's so little on Asch and Rhys.
ALRIGHT- urrgehrgeh I'll make more posts about them sooner or later.
Asch tore off the sleeve of his jacket, that's why it looks like that, don't @ me.
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thevyladsafespace · 5 months
My MID backstory headcanons
YOOO! I’ve been posting so much rn lol. Anyways, I remember making these a long time ago and I wanna share them so ye!
Asch: He was raised by his father and Lady Grandma and for a very short time, his mother. His mom ran off very early, when he was around 2. His life was very lavish and he was a very happy kid, though he didn’t interact with his father much early on. When he was around 9 years old, he was exposed to the fact that his mother was recently killed for running away and he found her body in the woods inside a wrecked cottage. That marked the day that his father came into his life in a more…influencing way. He was, to put it simply, abused in order to become a “prince worthy of the throne”. His brother was also not that great to him, but he wasn’t horrible until it was between the both of them who would be sacrificed. Asch still fears about becoming his father.
Leif: So we all know his canon backstory to a degree, but I remember changing it a lot. So, he was an abandoned baby left by his parents to die in the woods. He was found by a small group of assassins who practically raised him in a cave they called “home base”. Unfortunately, he was considered weak because he (at the time) was very gentle and kind. This is why he learned healing magic. At the ripe old age of 13-14, they sent him out on a random and almost impossible quest, to which he actually succeeded. However, when he returned to home base, everyone had left and he was abandoned. This made something in Leif snap, giving him the ideology that loyalty isn’t real and pushed him to become one of the greatest assassins on Daemos. When he grew older, he found his old group and killed all of them and took the weapon of the one he trusted the most in his past, the one he called his “brother”. The guards of Daemos found him in the center of this massacre and arrested him in the royal dungeon. He was likely going to be sentenced to death, but Asch spared him by making him his knight.
Rhys: He had a LOT of siblings growing up, all with their own feats and success’s in things like the war and other violent stuff. Rhys was one of the youngest of his siblings and was constantly compared to them by his own family. He was also horribly neglected by his parents due to how he was. He wasn’t one to use brute force, but he was one to learn how to read, which wasn’t considered something to be proud of with his brutish family. When he was around 8, his vision started getting a bit bad, so he was brought to Lady Grandma, who exposed him to the wonders of magic. He begged to become her apprentice, and eventually she agreed. Rhys also met Asch during his apprenticeship, becoming a bit closer to him. He had known Asch back when he was happier and watched him become who he is today. He eventually learned how to fight and do magic and became Asch’s royal advisor. He takes his position very seriously and with pride.
Pierce: He didn’t exactly have a bad home life growing up, he actually was on okay terms with his aunt and uncle (he wasn’t raised by his parents after they died due to rebel kingdoms in the war). He was a lot more vocal and dare I say, softer when he was younger. Despite that, he quickly climbed the ranks when he joined the army, eventually becoming Rhal’s right-hand man and a leading general. However, he wasn’t too educated about the war itself, and realized that he was practically just attacking innocent people in other kingdoms for power. He tried to vocalize his feelings to Rhal and many others in power, being shut down each time. Once he was completely exposed to the horrors of war, he considered his voice “useless” if no one bothered to listened. He was also heavily traumatized from this experience. Eventually, he grew tired of Rhal and became a knight for Asch, since he had lost all his respect for Rhal after working under him.
Noi: This one is a wild ride, so good luck reading it. Noi had grew up in a cottage in the woods with his mother and father. His father was a human and he took after him, lacking a set of horns growing up. He didn’t have much interaction with others growing up unless he went into the village that wasn’t too close to his home. And for the most part, he had a good life with his loving parents, growing up kind and such. Until the humans started vanishing in the kingdom. Noi knew it was happening but didn’t think too much of it, having faith that it would just blow over and everyone who disappeared would turn back up. Boy, was he wrong. One day, Noi was returning home after going into town and he was witness to seeing his dead father outside of his home, having been attacked. He rushed inside to find his mom bleeding out. His mom gave her the lightning bolt necklace and told him to run. He didn’t want to go but felt someone was coming to finish her off, so he ran deeper into the forest until he came to a cliff side he hung around growing up. He end up being pushed into it by a Daemos and fell to his “death”. One thing though, he didn’t die. Well, a part of him at least. His soul was basically made of human and Daemos souls combined, only his Daemos side was dormant until his mom gave him the necklace. That resulted in his Daemos side coming to light, ultimately saving his life, however he did get amnesia and basically forgot everything from his life before the fall (his name was actually something like Noah before but he could only remember the first part so it became Noi). So he’s a half-soul being, make sense? Anyways, he later gets captured cus weak Daemos are also being hunted down and I imagine that he was going to be executed by hanging but Asch spared him.
EXTRA STUFF(???): So, sometimes for the backstory, I imagine Rhys was Noi’s childhood friend that he met in the village. They both bonded over being bullied by the other town kids and eventually were each others closest companions. Noi even supported Rhys becoming a royal advisor. But things got complicated when Rhys was in a meeting with Asch when it came to light that humans were now being hunted down. Rhys didn’t wanna hurt Noi, but learned that his family was possibly being hunted down, so he immediately went to go find him. He did end up finding the cottage, but the damage was already done on Noi’s parents (possibly by Leif). Rhys continued searching until he found Noi, which he did by the cliff side they looked over as kids. Noi was heavily crying and Rhys was torn. It was between his position and his best friend. In a second, Rhys pushed Noi off the edge and immediately was filled with regret. You know that one spell Rhys used on Ava in the final episode that turned her into a Daemos? He tried using that by throwing the spell downwards. He then saw a small spirit fly up from below, implying that Noi had died and that he killed his best friend. Noi’s appearance did change between human and Daemos, his hair and eyes became different shades and he now had horns, so he wasn’t recognized as Noi by Rhys but was familiar enough to make him uncomfortable. So that’s an addition I also kinda like with the backstories.
Anyways, that’s all I got for y’all today, have a good day/night!!!
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thevyladsafespace · 5 months
Did she forget pdh s2 and s4 all together? Then 6??? Bruh- the red herring reason was just- bruh
ive been trying to not be so negative lately on aphmau since i realize if i constantly do that it will be bad for my health
its weeerrriidddd and icky and like i need her to stop, littary make any other man on the cast that isnt aaron already, be your main side peice girly im BEGGING ON MY KNEEEESSS
its worse that hes referenced shit from season 4 of mystreet like COME ON YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOINNGGG
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thevyladsafespace · 5 months
regarding the mid redesigns
gonna say- fair warning
i hate armor- so you're gonna be seeing them in a somewhat.. "casual" outfit. Still the same stuff they wear in combat, just no armor--
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thevyladsafespace · 5 months
My "My Inner Demons" overhaul
alright, since I'm bored- here's what I got so far.
I renamed Asch's kingdom to Phobos, in reference to the original term of Daemos (probably an aphmau 'sound it out' name like Ein and whatnot.) With Mars' moons. Phobos and Deimos. While the general species of Asch's kingdom are referred to as Daemos.
Appropriately, I gave the kingdom a family name. Dacite, a type of Volcanic rock. Asch Dacite, Rhal Dacite. ectect.
Backstory time:
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Noi Barter. I gave him the backstory of "sole survivor" from a long dead and fallen land, the story of a late bloomer/ someone whose actually more powerful than the rest. He just has amnesia. The key item being the locket around his neck, changed from a lightning bolt. To a sun shape. Spending most of his days fighting for his food, he found strength in stealth and being quiet. Due to having little muscle mass compared to his future companions made it easy for him to sneak into Phobos. Being caught and eventually set up for Execution, Asch recruited him. Being the last addition and stuff. (Similar to the original story, but I put a bigger spin on it since we know very little of a majority of them.))
Leif and Pierce now come from very different kingdoms. Since.. an entire universe dedicated to one kingdom is weird.
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Feng Leif, or just Leif appropriately is from a Chinese-inspired kingdom, exiled for assassination crimes, later hired by Asch the same way in canon. And leaning into another horned creature from the same culture, the Dragon. While his name was chosen by himself after seeing it somewhere. While knowing it correlates to wind, which I HC him being rather proficient in using it with magic. And instead of.. entirely insane maniac, he's definitely smarter than he appears. Not book smart, but very street smart and survival wise. The insanity is a choice for him. Instead of being soothed/ calmed by an E-girl over time. (/lh j)
(The rest of the designs are being worked on. I'll make full body posts later. )) Pierce Stone, making him originate from a Japanese-inspired kingdom. Y'know, with his kimono and whatnot, I'm leaning into my other culture fixation! Youkai. I made Pierce an Oni. A wanderer that eventually got hired like the rest, by Asch himself. How? I'm toying with the idea Pierce signed up for a tournament/ exhibition kind of event in Phobos. Recognized by Asch and eventually hired.
Rhys Wynn, (It's pronounced Reese, Aphmau.) is a scholar from Phobos. Someone finally from the same Kingdom as Asch. Designated by Lady Grandma to be an assistant to Asch. It's.. pretty straight forward with him, I'd say.
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thevyladsafespace · 5 months
Actually, I think Leif’s clothing is very reminiscent of a mix of Chinese and Japanese when I look at it.
The collar is very much in the shape of a Changshan/ Changpao, regarded as the male equivalent of the Cheongsam, and to another similar style of traditional Chinese dress: the Qipao.
While his waist has what appears to be an Obi, with a golden rope/ tie around it. Or maybe I’m getting that wrong.
And yeeees some questioning of that black layer of clothing. It’s.. just so weird. Literally remove it on their normal designs and- need I explain more with Asch and Leif? At least Asch has the weird and dumb buttcapes.
I also got this from two people I asked, but they said Leif looks like he watched one episode of Ninja-go and ran with it.
*Kicks Down Door*
it's me, ya boi, Load.
And I have some things to say.
But i want to mention @-thevyladsafespace for their post;
^^^ this one ^^^
Where they asked what the inspiration(s) was for the boys' outfits. Having a few guesses of their outfits being inspired by chinese/japanese fashion or dnd/generic fantasy style of fashion.
And, in my opinion, yes!
But... also no.
Lemme explain, But first;
I want to talk about their Daemos outfits. And my thoughts/opinions on the...
Starting with their Daemos Outfits;
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And starting with
who i actually i think his outfit fits Japanese Inspiration the most!
(Before i explain, i want to say i am not from japan or have visited, nor am i an expert, but i have watched MANY videos about japanese culture from LetsaskShogo on youtube! I highly recommend checking him out. He goes into everything about japan, its history, its culture, its fashion, Noh thearte, tea ceremonies, everything!) (Japanese culture is a special interest of mine, ahah)
His left side of his shirt is over his right side, which japanese traditional kimono style of clothing MUST have! (Wearing the left over right is a MUST in their culture, for only the dead or non-living wear the RIGHT side over the LEFT. It therefore symbolizes death.)
The closest reference for his shirt i can find rn is this one; (which if i remember right are called dogi!)
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Useing this image as reference;
His pants are very similar to a style/type of Hakama pants (unfortunately, i have forgotten the name of them. I think a name for them was Karusan, but i may be wrong!!)
Image reference of the pants im talking about;
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(They were worn by 'samurai' or otherwise japanese soldiers as a better alternative to hakama due to the pants better ease of movement and more suitability armor.)
Other than that though, he doesn't wear anything else that is SIMILAR to traditional japanese fashion.
Onto my opinions and thoughts about his design;
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I love Noi's design the most. He is the most well designed out of the boys'. If i were to change his design, i would keep most of it.
He's an 8/10 for me.
Deducted points because WHY? WHY WITH HIS ARM. Omg. no... No. No!! his design literally would've been perfectly okay IF HIS ARM. WASNT-
give him his sleeve back pls... why was it taken away? What crimes did it commit?? Was color contrast against the armor wanted so badly ThEy TOOK AWAY HIS SLEEVE?? That's worse!! That's worse than just leaving his sleeve alone 😭😭😭
In fact, it would look BETTER if the sleeve was kept unyoinked!!
I apologize for how harsh i may sound. But i can't. I just can't.
Moving onto
My second favorite character~
I believe he is the second closest to having most Japanese inspiration.
With his utterly blue coat, that is the main point of interest in his design... that does look a lot like a kimono.
But i sure hope it isn't because the way he's wearing it makes me want to go
- (mulan/mushu reference)
And that what he SHOULD be wearing would be similar to a Haori-jacket
Which what it looks like;
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(The Haori is a traditional japanese hip or thigh length jacket that is typically worn over a kimono.)
His coat is, however, a Kimono's length. (Maybe even a little longer, actually, kimonos typically only reach the ankles. But the way he wears whatever he wears, could make it look longer than it should be or is.)
Additionally his sleeves and;
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The absolute abomination his outfits back is. What the genuine *🐬 noise* happened.
The way his the back of the outfit is, it means that if he wears the unworn sleeve, the back will be SO DROOPED!! It would not be funny or sexy 😔
Here is a reference for how a kimono (though with longer/larger sleeves) with one sleeve not being worn would look;
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(i am so sorry, but idk who the artist is and can not find them. Googling bee-com led to (i think) a bitcoin website, and katahada nugi was just for information for samurai armor.) (If anyone knows it would be very appreciated!)
Moving onto my thoughts and opinions on Pierce's design;
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Pierce's deisgn is... rather simple. Other than the pattern on his pants.
... tbh i dont really know what else to say. It's simple, basic, the coat, arm-brace, and patten on his pants are the only points of interest in his design. (Other than his tattoo but we'll talk about it later.)
I'd rate him 3/10.
There's... Something. Theres a something... But it's not executed well (or at all) in his design. His (disaster of a coat that deducted points) coat and that something, is his saving grace of a few points.
And i WANT TO CONTINUE THIS in the same post and I PROMISE YOU, i am going somewhere i do i do i just,
In order to continue i NEED the photo space, what do i mean? i mean THERES A PHOTO LIMIT OF 10 ON POSTS!!! TUMBLR WHY 10??? 10??? 10 PHOTOS ONLY???
***insert image of a depressed man bent over in a blue school chair meme***
But i hope you stay tuned and to see you in part 2!! (And most likely part 3... oh boy. Im so sorry)
Again, i promise im going somewhere with this i just need time to cook and get the foundations down first. AND THE PHOTO SPAc-
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thevyladsafespace · 5 months
I have a question-
what is the style reference for My Inner Demon's clothing designs? I can't exactly put my finger on one thing.
It's like.. a mix of Chinese/ Japanese influences (Pierce's literal kimono and Leif's collar. ) Mixed with DND/ generic Fantasy (Rhys' jacket and Noi's.. everything. Then Asch. ) /lh/no offense
I'd like to pinpoint somethin' here-
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