TAG FOR OOC POSTS! - #whos this
(I’ll also make it clear in the posts themselves ofc)
Also, I made some consistency changes in the introductory post - Hero’s ‘first’ entry is actually their last, and Hero is only around a month old in Entry 2. Hero’s introductory entry is like a little note they’ve left at the start. Hope this clears up any potential consistency errors for people who read the original introductory post.
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Entry 2
Hello Journal!!
It’s me, Hero. I have been busy lately - I currently reside in a small settlement nestled in a valley, surrounded by what I like to call a crown of snowy mountains. I have been taken in by villagers.
For my human brethren reading this - the Overworld’s best blessings to you, my sibling! However you must be confused. What is a villager? If you are only of one, two or three risings of the moon old since your awakening, you may not be familiar - perhaps you have spotted strange structures Yonder. Do not fear! I will explain.
Villagers are the most delightful folk. They are much like me and you, but their noses are large and flat, like a cat or rabbit. You may have hair on your head (I do - Curly, around twice shades darker than my own skin) however these folk do not! Upon a certain age, they lose all of their hair! Their children have a downy type, however it thins, and finally falls out upon their twelfth lunar year. This is marked as their coming of age, and means they may start wearing an adult’s robe. Soon enough, it’s time for a job.
Speaking of robes - Adult Villagers wear a flowing robe which conceals the legs, arms and hands. It is indecent to show one’s hand to another when in the village - I oft’ keep mine in my pockets as to not cause a scene! Ha ha! But by myself, I use my hands freely and conspicuously. Why, do you ask, are hands indecent to the townsfolk? Well, hands, to the villagers, often mean violence or intimacy. To show one’s hand not in use to, say, a passing merchant would be quite rude. I learnt this from my friend, Grover, The Farmer. I admittedly am yet to introduce myself properly to him. I cannot speak their tongue - Their language is very nasal, and when I try to replicate it, my body does not co-operate - and regardless of the language that comes out, speaking is most difficult for me, as I find myself stuck!
Blessings to the Overworld for giving me a way to speak with hands and quill! And blessings that I can at least understand what the villagers are telling me!
I may communicate with wild gestures and expressions, which may be difficult for another to discern. So, The Farmer oft’ accompanies me to the markets when I stay over.
Another Villager I have befriended is Gerrow The Librarian. He is a friendly type, though as the farmer tells me often, he is too busy buried in a book that he could not fill a bucket with water! (I have been told that is what a joke is. A joke is a phrase in which invites a whimsical reaction. I have made a few “Jokes” in my journal so far!! Grover told me about them!)
Gerrow The Librarian taught me the written word. He has also taught me how to read. He said I caught on quickly - As if I had known before. I must know it from my dreams! I often dream of writing that comes from hands like my own!
He is a lonesome fellow, many in the village seem not to Trust him, for he reads and writes, which they tell me is of acts of ill-folk! (The villagers seem to get Nervous and Worried when they bring that name up - I do not understand. I have never met an Ill-Folk before, and all Grover will tell me is that they are grey and have bad intentions.)
Gerrow is so very nice, and I could not imagine him becoming “Grey” any time soon!!!
I will depart now, and I will see you again soon!
Yours Sincerely,
OOC: A note from me - if you’re wondering why Hero has a weird way of phrasing things, i wanted to add a bit of character, make them a bit child-like because they’re basically a new-born who’s finding out what the world is, and also it’s a Player Thing(tm). They tend to be a bit eccentric sometimes. My vibe was ‘this guy gets excited over the most mundane stuff because they found out what life was very recently’. Also, when Hero described their hair, i based that off of how I imagine Steve. They are meant to be based off of Steve, but I called them Hero to keep them ambiguous.
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Entry 1 - Introduction
It has been six lunar years since I emerged from the earth, fully formed - I am apparently a ‘human being’ (some call me a ‘player’), my kind died long ago and I wander these lands in relative solitude, remembering my people with only shattered, incomprehensible memories. I am yet to meet another of my kind. I awoke only knowing my name - Hero.
From my Spawn, I have kept a journal with me and documented my life. I have now stowed it away somewhere safe - Somewhere I know a friend will find it.
This world, and those connected to it, bring beauties, wonders and mysteries by the dozens, and I have made it my purpose to document the creatures and plants that inhabit the lands that I explore.
If you are reading this, villager, illager, piglin or perhaps even human, I welcome you warmly. Here you will learn about the wonderful beings living in worlds like and unlike our own.
This entry is over, but I promise you we will meet again soon.
Yours sincerely …
OOC NOTE ~ Just letting you know this blog won’t just focus on vanilla stuff! Mods such as farmers delight, bygone nether, blue skies, goblin traders, alex’s mobs and various others are canon to my version of the minecraft universe! Also, if I’m writing in OOC, I’ll use this font. Hero’s tag will be ‘Hero’s entries’ so you can see all their journal pages that will be posted.
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