thewickedwheat · 6 years
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The Homecoming Marine - Norman Rockwell
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
I’ve been stalling painfully on this and I know sorry RIP
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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I’m someone else’s now… and he’s mine in a way that shocks you, but why don’t you stop being shocked, and attend to your own happiness.
Maurice (1987) dir. James Ivory
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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a 1910s outfit on this gloomy saturday. thankful to almost be done with this quarter🙌
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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“Pinard: a French soldier, if he likes you, will share his meagre rations and his more meagre bed; you are his friend, his comrade. But should he offer to share his Pinard, then indeed are you admitted to the inner shrine, a true brother—“un copain.”
1918, France, American ambulance driver Guy Bowerman – Record of the S. S. U. 585 – Photo: 1918, France, American ambulance drivers and French soldiers sharing some pinard.
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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A vintage gay black G.I. couple, c. 1940s
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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                                        Sharing a sandwich with a flock of French turkeys
“In France the turkey is called “dindon” (“poulet d'Inde”), because it came to us from the “West Indies” — It wanders about the fields all day, and perches in the trees at night.”
1918 – Facts about France: Brief Answers to Recurring Questions 
Photo: 1918, Meuse sector, France, American soldier sharing his sandwich with French turkeys or “dindons”.                                                 
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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11 November 1918 | Armistice Day celebrations.
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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“Our boys are still advancing having met slight resistance. Apremont is so far behind the lines now that even the big guns sound far off. Many prisoners are passing down the road. About 3000 were assembled in the field near the Chateau. Very young! Some look worn and very exhausted. All seem to be very thankful and satisfied with their present lot.”
American ambulance driver in the Meuse Argonne sector, France – Grant R. Willard, American Volunteer – Photo: November 1918, smiling German prisoners, some of them very young, in Meuse Argonne sector, France. Ministere de la Culture, France.
Note: November 6 1918: On the Western Front, Germany is now retreating as French and American troops cross the Meuse and move to take Sedan – That same day, Arthur B Eddy, another American ambulance driver wrote in his diary “The huns are retreating all along the lines so we’ll soon clear French territory. Our General predicts the German capitulation in 8 days”
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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Troops outside dugouts along the Rampart, near the Menin Gate, Ypres, 1915. IWM (Q 28949)
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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What to do, what to do? 1940s.
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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Manor House Hotel, Castle Combe, England | @whatstacydid  
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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Please donate soap & water to your local dirt boys today
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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“You look and smell like shit, London.”
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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                                                                  Extremely happy!
“The war is going our way in every direction – the hopes of being at home soon makes me extremely happy!”
October 1918, American soldiers in France – They Called Them Soldier Boys – Photo: 1918, American soldiers having a little fun – University of Massachusetts Amherst
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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“Bargaining” 1934
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thewickedwheat · 6 years
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Homecoming G.I. 1945
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