thewitchskitten · 3 years
The key when bonding with deities ( a rambling )
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Hey pals! So today we are talking about bonding with deities, constructing that relationship with this superior powerful entity and surprisingly is not that hard. I think most, or at least me, at first were super scared of our deities or just were controlled by this fear of “you’re going to fuck up and the deity will kill you so be extremely careful ok”.
And yes, when working with deities or entities you can’t just say whatever, but even if you mess up, they won’t kill you… Like maybe a little punish but not till the point of making you go plop.
Anyways, in my personal opinion and experience, bonding is just doing things for them and trying to interact with the deity. I don’t think that for being close to a deity you have to talk daily, you just have to think about them and do things for them!
Example? I can’t talk with Apollo daily, i cant weekly either. I live in a home in which witchcraft and hellenism is seen like the worst thing to do, they are all really closed and i just don’t have the space or the alone time to get in meditation mode or to do divination. At first i thought this would affect my relationship with lord Apollo, I thought we were never going to be close, i would stay just as a follower and thats it. 
But deity worship/work doesn’t work like that. 
I started doing small things like having a notebook in which i wrote letters to him, playing the violin in honor to him, bought this cheap small sun necklace that remind me of him, made a pinterest board as an altar, every time i went out just said a little “Hi lord Apollo” and i can assure you that we are close. 
Not having the time to actually talk with a deity doesn’t mean that you’re bond with a deity will be weak, you just have to find other ways to make them know that you love them and im sure they will find a way of telling you the same thing <3
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thewitchskitten · 3 years
Y’all the witchcraft you could do with this!!!! The deity work!! The protection spells!! 🤩
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thewitchskitten · 3 years
50  witchy things to do in quarantine:
cleanse your house thoroughly
banish any unwanted energies
put some time into making solid wards
rearrange/cleanse your altar space and tools
take inventory of your supplies
make new batches of sun and moon waters (and any salts, tinctures, etc. you like to keep on hand)
start a dream journal now that you have the time
find a witchy article or book on somewhere like JSTOR and learn something new (and tell other witches about it)
try kitchen witchcraft if you haven’t already
create a new sigil or charm to display in your house
bless or add a glamor to an item in your home (ex. adding a glamour to a centerpiece so the food always looks good or to the welcome mat so people don’t notice the messes so much)
send a blessing to those who are helping (and donations, if you can)
or perhaps jinx, hex, curse, or bind those doing harm
set aside time each day to meditate– it’s the perfect time to start such a habit!
leave an offering to or commune with a spirit or deity you have not in a while due to time constraints
try a type of magic you are interested in, but struggle with
practice with your divination tools to get better at them
update your grimoire with things you’ve been meaning to write down
make a crystal grid of your own
make your own pendulum and board
make your own oracle deck
using the items you already have, make a new powder, oil, or tincture for an intent you have often
make a sigil and set it as your phone background
paint your phone case with a sigil, a symbol, or a color coordinated with your intention (use acrylic and then coat it in mod podge!)
create a new talisman
write a hymn or incantation
create a playlist to listen to during witchy things
buy a service from a local witch if you can afford to– many are in need of money right now, especially
draw, paint, or sculpt a deity you worship and add it to your altar
use notecards to write down and categorize things you have for each basic intention (ex. write down all of the herbs, crystals, etc. you have for love, for money, etc. so you never have to sit and think hard on what you can use– it’s a quick-reference for yourself)
write down your favorite spells or ones that you want to try
in your school or work space, add a sigil or charm for productivity, focus, or stress-relief
make a new sachet for sleep
contact a witch friend and facetime them to meditate together or do readings for each other. it’s important to stay in touch!
make shoebox, on-the-go, or pocket altars so when quarantine is over you’ll keep your practice up in daily life
write yourself affirmation cards or letters to open in a month/year/whenever you like
make your own runes
enchant a piece of clothing or jewelry for stress-relief or motivation
learn more about your own natal chart
transfer the info you look for in your grimoire most often to make a quick-reference book of the most important pages for yourself
learn about the plants and trees around your house and their properties
sit in your yard for a little while and enjoy nature and it’s sounds
open your curtains and blinds and windows to let in a little fresh air and sun into the house
start journaling– being in-tune with yourself will improve you as a witch
write letters or send care packages to witchy friends with things like bay leaves, sigils, and kind notes
on your next grocery run, grab some seeds or plants and plant whatever is in season where you are. try something that can grow in your windowsill, if you’re new! this is a way to have sustainable ingredients for your witchcraft that has no pesticides and is cultivated with your energy.
alternatively, get flower seeds and plant them around your home. this will also give you a reason to step outside to tend to them from time to time.
learn a new song or hymn and perform it as an offering to your deity of choice
make a list of this year’s dates of full and new moons, transits, and holidays and mark them in your calendar or put them in the notes of your phone
take the time to monitor your own energy and take care of yourself <3
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thewitchskitten · 3 years
I cannot figure out how to use tumblr lol.
I just wanted to say sorry for replying so late, but thank you so much to everyone who replied to this. I honestly wasn’t expecting anyone to reply to this and I was kinda just rambling into a void. I really appreciate everyone who reached out.  Not long after posting this, I had this sudden idea of a goddess, who is sort of a pop culture entity, but she’s a seperate entity to the character she’s based off. I’m still unsure if she is the patron I’m looking for (or if she is real to me?) but it felt kinda right? I still feel a need for a prestablishing pantheon, but I felt kinda happy, like I had found some part of what I was looking for. 
Anyway I will try to reply to everyone as soon as I can figure out how to tumblr, thanks again for your comments everyone. 
How do you know where to find a patron deity?  I know I do not need one, that there are plenty of practises that don’t have that sort of thing, but I feel that I, personally, need one. 
I’ll spend forever just browsing lists of different pantheons, and occasionally I see something that seems interesting, but the more I look into said deity the more they just, don’t fit. It’s like a kinda uncomfortable feeling. So rinse and repeat this a few times, I feel disheartened and give up, but come a few weeks and I’ll start the whole process again. If I don’t need a patron, why do I keep coming back to it? 
I really want to connect to someone, but I often feel that the old pantheons are, how shall I say, outdated? Like, these pantheons were “created” many, many years ago, and values were very different then to what they are today. I feel that they just don’t line up with my values. I know I’m probably being far too particular, but I struggle to feel any sort of real connection. I’ve seen people describe find their deity as “coming home” or like “a lightning bolt struck them” but I just don’t feel this at all.  I’ve heard about people who have their own pantheons that they “made up”, and this appeals to me, but I have no idea how to even approach this in a way that feels real and not me just making stuff up. And then, theres something more alluring about the pre established pantheons; maybe because they are preestablished, or because there are other people who conenct to the same deities to you? I don’t know.  I feel very confused, frustrated, and lost over the whole issue. 
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thewitchskitten · 3 years
Resources for Magic Wands and Wand Making
Updated: March 30th, 2016
Please note: not all of the resources provided have been read thoroughly by the poster; take any information within these articles with a grain of salt, and use what you find at your own discretion.
[Crystal Wands: The Making & Using] *
[How to Make a Magick Wand] *
[How to Make a Wand] *
[It’s All in the Wrist – Some Wand Basics] *
[Magical Properties of Trees and Specific Woods] *
[Magical Properties of Wood and Tree Magic] *
[Magical Properties of Wood for Wands] *
[Magik Wand] *
[Major Uses of the Wand] *
[Making a Wand]
[Making Your Own Wand] *
[Pros and Cons of Handmade Wands] (an ask)
[Tips for Wands] (an ask)
[Tutorial - Wands]
[W is for Wand] *
[Wand Rundown: How to Use, Care for, and Pick a Wand]
[Wandlore: Magical Properties of Trees]
[Wands: Properties]
[Wands: The Basics]
[Witchcraft Terms and Tools - Wand] *
* = external links / resources
[View Post on Blog] | [Spell and Resource Lists // rebloggable]
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thewitchskitten · 3 years
How do you know where to find a patron deity?  I know I do not need one, that there are plenty of practises that don’t have that sort of thing, but I feel that I, personally, need one. 
I’ll spend forever just browsing lists of different pantheons, and occasionally I see something that seems interesting, but the more I look into said deity the more they just, don’t fit. It’s like a kinda uncomfortable feeling. So rinse and repeat this a few times, I feel disheartened and give up, but come a few weeks and I’ll start the whole process again. If I don’t need a patron, why do I keep coming back to it? 
I really want to connect to someone, but I often feel that the old pantheons are, how shall I say, outdated? Like, these pantheons were “created” many, many years ago, and values were very different then to what they are today. I feel that they just don’t line up with my values. I know I’m probably being far too particular, but I struggle to feel any sort of real connection. I’ve seen people describe find their deity as “coming home” or like “a lightning bolt struck them” but I just don’t feel this at all.  I’ve heard about people who have their own pantheons that they “made up”, and this appeals to me, but I have no idea how to even approach this in a way that feels real and not me just making stuff up. And then, theres something more alluring about the pre established pantheons; maybe because they are preestablished, or because there are other people who conenct to the same deities to you? I don’t know.  I feel very confused, frustrated, and lost over the whole issue. 
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thewitchskitten · 3 years
Some of the names of the main Major Spirits in European Historical Witchcraft
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- Abundia/Abonde/Satia - Pharaildis - Hellequin/Herlechinus
- Queen of Elphame/Titania/Mab/Nicnevin - King of Elphame/Oberon/Oberycon - Puck/Púcel/Pouque - Bucca/Pwca/Púca/Pooka/Phouka/Phooka/Phooca/Puca/Púka - Robin Goodfellow - Sorthie, Sorthia and Sorthios/Milia, Achilia and Sibylia - Gyre-Carling - Gwydion ab Don - Gwenhidw - Shony/Shoney - Manannan - Gwynn ap Nudd
- Aine - Fennel/Finnen - Finvara/Fin Bheara - Meave/Nuala
- Holda/Frigaholda/Helt/Unholde/die selige Frawn - Perchta - Berchtholde/Berchtolt - Hera - Frau Harke - Woden/Wotan/Wode/Odin/Oden as leader of the Wild Hunt - Hackelbärend/Hackelbernd/Hackelberg/Hackelblock - Herodes/Herodis-Röds
- Bensoria/Bensozia/Bezezia
- Nocticula/Noctiluca (source: John of Salisbury’s Policraticus)
- Guroysse/Reisarova
- Alberich - Elegast
- Diana - Lucifer - Herodias/Aradia/Arada/Araja/Sa Rejusta - Domina Cursus/Lady of the course/Sapiente Sibilla (Wise Sybil) - Mistress/Lady of the Good Game - The Abbess (”la Badessa”) - Richella - Madonna Horiente (Lady East) - Sicilian Queen of Fairies/Doña Inguanta/Lady Grace/Greek Lady/Doña Zabella - Sicilian King of Fairies/King Cozzo/King Cucco - Donne di Fora - Appenninic Sybil - Queen of the Land of the Angels/Queen of the Angels/Queen of the Elves - Befania/Befana - Salvanel - Wild Man
- Mittwinterfrau - Pehtra Baba - Zlata Baba - Quaternica/Quatembermann/Kwaternik/Frau Faste/Posterli/Quatemberca/Fronfastenweiber
- Sträggele - Tsaôthe Vidhe - Eiserna Perchta - Gvozdenzuba - Garanutzl - Frau Gauden - Prechtölterli - Frau Saelde/Fraw Selten/Fraw Zälti/Fraw Selga - Frau Venus - die sälige Lütt/das Guttisheer/lieben seelen/Pöffel daß Guttjns heer
- Baba Yaga - Jedzbaba - Nóčna Báa/Nóčna Gospá/Bóžja Déklia - Mokoška/Lama Baba - Rusalii
- Vile - Tetka Vila - Fairy Jelena - Fairy of Velebit
- Poludnica - Pjatnica/N’ed’el’a/Marți Seară/Vineri Noapte/Luca/Woman of the Tuesday - Marzanna/Марена/Morė/Morana/Morena/Maslenitsa/Mara
- Doamna Zînelor/Irodeasa/Arada/Irodia/Irodita  - Dragaica - Brezaia - Baba Dochia - Avizoia/Aveziha/Avezuha - Jerodiecele/Iroditele - Zîna Magdalina - Ileana Cosânzeana - Făt-Frumos - Ana-Foca/Foca
- Ana - Bugiana - Dumernica - Foiofia - Lacargia - Magdalina - Ruxanda - Tiranda - Trandafira - Rudeana - Ruja - Păscuţa - Orgisceana - Lemnica - Roşia - Todosia - Sandalina - Margalina - Savatina - Rujalina
- Neráïdes/Exotiká/oi Kalokirádes o Kallikurádes/oi Kyrádes/ta Korítsia Mas/oi Kalés Arkhóndisses/oi Kalókardes/oi Khairámenais/Gialoúdes/Kalés Kyrádes/Kalótykhes - the Great Lady/the Beautiful Lady/the Most Beautiful Woman/the Queen of the Mountains/The Queen of the Shore
- Moira/Narechnits/Sudienitsi/Urechnici/Rechenitsi/Orisnici/Sudienitsi/Soenici/Roenici/Ursitoare/Ursitele/Ursoiare/Mirë/Ora/Fatia/Fatmirat/Zonja të Jashtëmë/I Të Tri Grat 
- The Fates (source: Burchard of Worms)
- Estadea - Trip Reial - Akerbeltz/Aker/Janicot - Lady of Amboto - Marigüena - Basajarau - Silbán - Caçador Negre/Mal Caçador/Gran Caçador - Count Arnau - Eiztari-Belta/Mateo-Txistu/Salamon Apaiza - Mari Urraka
These are the main ones, however, every Nation and every region in Europe had a different one. You can discover the ones of your region by following this procedure: - How to adapt the basic practices to your Country and Region in order to reconstruct your Regional Tradition
Please, read also: - The Pantheon of Recon TradCraft and its relationship with pre-Christian Pantheons - What is a Major Spirit?
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thewitchskitten · 3 years
Ya tenéis para entreteneros, a mi se me da bien, o sale por la ventana, según días.
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thewitchskitten · 4 years
i swear to fucking god i had this innate primordial urge today to learn how to make a cloak for myself and i was nearly sweating and shaking with the effort to not immediately bust out of my work and go learn so i could have just a
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thewitchskitten · 4 years
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Hi beautiful witches! I share with you this recipe that I love having around the New Moon, it helps me staying calm. I hope you find this useful!🍵🌙✨
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thewitchskitten · 4 years
Witch Crafts:  Witch Ball
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Witch balls have been a part of pagan tradition for many years. Their purpose is to protect the home and its inhabitants from evil and harm.   Traditionally, you made a witch ball every year to seal fortune and protection for the next twelve months.  You can hang this ornament in a window, over a doorway, in a bedroom or even outdoors; wherever you feel it would serve its purpose the best. It would look lovely as a Christmas or Yule decoration as well!
You can purchase empty ornaments and bottles from craft stores, or re-use old light bulbs for this!  Fill it with the following:  
Sprigs of Lavender to encourage a calm, peaceful environment
Chamomile Flowers to aid in relieving anxiety
Yarrow, Roses and Rose Quartz crystals to encourage self-love and love in relationships
Jasmine Flowers to attract wealth  and sweet dreams
Cinnamon to draw happiness and  comfort
You could also include:
A seashell and a shark tooth to incorporate the magic of the sea
Curly pods (because they are so cute!)
Cloves to attract good luck and prosperity
Anise wards off the evil eye
Other tiny crystals for added energy
A bay leaf for protection
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thewitchskitten · 4 years
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Back to School Crystals!
Many of you have either started school back up already or are about to. Here’s a short list of crystals to help you out with the basic pains of formal education.
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6; The Crystal Healer by Philip Permutt, Crystal Energy by Mary Lambert
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thewitchskitten · 4 years
no, listen, when I say I want to integrate more specific solarpunk stuff in my life, i don’t mean to ask for yet again new “aesthetic” clothes that now you have to buy or make to show your support of the movement (screw that i’m consuming enough as it is), or more posts about impossible house goals, or whatever, I’m asking you what my options to build a portable and eco friendly phone charger are, im asking you viable tiny-appartment edible plants growing tricks on a budget,  im asking tips to slow down when my mind and society tell me im not fast enough, i don’t need more rich art nouveau amateurs aesthetics or pristine but cold venus project, okay, i know i should joins associations where I am tho i’m constantly on the move, thanks for that, just, you know, can we get a bit more practical ??? how do I hack my temporary flat into going off the grid for the time i’m here
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thewitchskitten · 4 years
Strengthening Godforms
I have been at a loss as to how to strengthen Unknown. He has since gotten stronger in the past few months, going from quiet to a little more loud, but he still gets tired easily.
I figured I should look into the various other beliefs I’m a part of to look for help into strengthening Unknown as a godform. 
I hope to answer some of these questions myself about Unknown, but I also hope these questions pose as a decent outline for strengthening your potential godforms. I assume some of these could also benefit pop culture, forgotten, an unrecorded gods as well. 
What sorts of things to gods have?
Well, they have followers, of course, in some way or another. 
They have identities, names, kennings, epithets, cultus, offerings, and various associations. They are typically gods Of things, or rulers Of things in some form or another. 
Odin is called the Wanderer at times, Beelzebub is called the Lord of Flies. Freyr rules over rain, sunshine, and agriculture, and Lilith murders children. 
What is the name of your godform? What other names do they go by?
What do they rule over? What do they represent?
What other things do gods have?
Symbols, typically. Signs, runes, labels. 
Satanism, theistic or not, is characterized by the sigil of Baphomet, the goat head in a pentagram. Satan as Samael has a seal, and Lucifer’s sigil is represented by the symbol for Sulfur. Loki in modern days uses the Urnes Snakes. 
What sorts of symbols does your deity have? Any seals or sigils?
What do these symbols represent?
If you have trouble figuring out how to create one, think about what aspects your deity rules over. The triple goddess in Wicca uses the full moon with two, opposite crescent moons on either side [ )o( ] as a symbol due to her associations with the moon, and her three forms. 
Are you more associated with Heathenry? Try creating a knotwork of your deity, be it their face, person, or an animal. Look at pictographs of Norse deities and how they are depicted. Loki is depicted as an impish man with fiery hair at times. Catholicism usually depicts angels and saints in an ethereal and idealized manner. Look into religions you’re familiar with and emulate what you can until you find something that fits. 
What is the manner in which one should pray?
In most modern paganism, there is little Set In Stone way to pray, but there are different ways regardless. Even in monotheism.
Think about how you may pray, in a more concise manner. While many aspects of paganism tend to be more loose, I would recommend finding a tighter, more scheduled and fleshed out manner in which you would pray, closer to most monotheistic religions, in order to help give power to your deity, unless the aspects of that deity can be represented by a more chaotic or even lack of offerings and prayers. 
Do you kneel on both knees? Do you kneel and places your hands forward, face to the ground? Do you stand and put your hands together? Do you make an offering, or do you simply pray words? What kinds of words do you pray?
What kinds of offerings could you give them? How would you pray to them? 
Think about what benefits you get from one another
Think about the responsibilities given to your deity, and what responsibilities you have as a worshiper. Do you need to pray or give offerings?  Why would you pray to them? What benefits do they give you? What benefits might they give a society? What benefits do you give them?
Think about their domains and what influence they may ave over them. Apollo was a guardian of boys and young men, for example. Hel gives the dead lodging, but also does not let them return to life easily. 
What is your god tasked with in their domain? What are you tasked with by them? What would a group of worshipers be tasked with if your god was to ever have any?
Think about each of these things to help strengthen your godforms. I will try to do the same for mine. I hope this will be beneficial and helpful to anyone creating or recording otherwise unknown gods. 
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thewitchskitten · 4 years
This is kinda a weird ask, but does anyone have any resources or advice for making one's own deities for worship/magic/whatever? Most the stuff I find is about world building for stories/dnd which is cool but doesn't answer my questions.
I mostly wanna know how someone goes about making a deity. Not in the sense of "what characterisctics do they need" but how one knows the answers. Do your deities approach you and introduce themselves? Do you meditate or use divination? Or do you just sit down and design them like you were worldbuilding for a story?
Tbh I like the idea of having a patron/matron who looks after me, but I'm really not connecting with the established pantheons. A lot represent ideas that clash with my own personal beliefs and views. Thats why "creating" my own deity(s) just feels right.
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thewitchskitten · 4 years
Hello~. I am in the process of creating my own deities (kinda sorta part of pop culture paganism) and I was wondering if you could tell me a sort list of requirements for a proper deity (s). Many blessings!
I can’t answer this for you. There is no list. There is absolutely no such thing as a proper deity because any deity is a proper deity. This is a personal thing. You’re going to have to make up your rules or what is and isn’t a deity yourself.
I could tell you each deity needs attributes or associations, but that’s not strictly true. What each deity has is a sphere of influence. 
A sphere of influence is the things the deity influences around them. Let’s take Hermes. Hermes is the god of boundaries and thresholds; doorways. This means he crosses between worlds. In fact, except for a few rare occasions, he’s the only deity that can cross between the realm of the dead (as he’s conductor of the dead and an emissary), the mortal realm, and the realm of the gods. This means he has influence in all three locations. Let’s go further. He’s a god of traveling, of journeys (since he’s a god of doorways). He’s also a god of transition, movement: again, traveling, change, etc. This means he’s key and ideal for anyone who’s livelihood relies on traveling. He’s a messenger, right? An emissary. He passes knowledge and information onto others, especially the masses. This means he’s key for any knowledge, wisdom, speechcrafting, or works of art or literature. He’s passing that information on, giving up that culture to others. He’s even a bit of a trickster in some myths, which plays well with his cleverness and previously discussed influences. These are the things he is: we know this because of the source material, the literature we have on him. 
So, Hermes is a god of herdsman (travelers), heraldry (messenger), omens (messenger), trade (travelers, messengers and bringing things to the home), travel, luck (because you’d bloody well need it with traveling and hoping someone doesn’t kill the messenger), the dead (again, emissary of the dead), thievery (literally within his mythos), language, education, the arts, literature (again, communication via messenger), athletics (you do that much traveling and you’d be in shape too), and finally the home.
Now the home is interesting here isn’t it? He’s a god of travel but he’s also a god of doorways. Your doorways. To your home. Why the hell wouldn’t you ask such a god to guard your doorways from trespassers? Why wouldn’t you ask for luck and grace as you pass under his doorway each and everyday? You return the same way as well. 
That’s all in his sphere of influence. And it goes further. Hermes is associated with rams, due to mythology. So rams are in his sphere of influence. So are certain types of trees, symbols (winged hat, shoes, and staff anyone?). Hermai are a specific symbol that appear over doorways, crossroads, and regular roads as a mini shrine to Hermes himself. And that’s just off the top of my head. I’m sure someone out there has a whole huge list of what he’s associated with, all information gathered through mythology and historical, cultural research. 
That’s his sphere of influence. Now, how the hell does this relate?
Each deity there is, each entity can be broken into spheres of influence. Anything from the smallest fae to the greatest deity. All can be broken down into their associations, into their spheres of influence. As a creator of your own deities, you have to create your own mythology and spheres of influence for each of your deities. How detailed they are is up to you. You’ll find it’ll grow through associations humans make with objects.
I’ll take an example from one of my fictional novels-in-progress. 
Deandr is a god of death, luck, intoxicants, war, and madness. He shares madness with two other gods, the goddess of love and passion and the goddess of music, tricksters, and inspiration. Because Deandr’s a god of death and war, he’s worshiped by warriors. He’s a god of fighting (see: death)  and intoxicants so he’d be popular among brawlers and drunkards. He’s a god of luck so gamblers and thieves would find him irresistible. He’s also a god of madness - madness from drinking, from the throes of winning and losing, of adrenaline, blood lust, grief, despair, death, etc. He’s a god of a lot of things. Carrion birds, flesh-eating animals, animals used in combat (like horses), animals considered lucky (rare animals, like albinos, or two headed snakes) would all be part of his sphere of influence. Any plan used to make alcohol or intoxicants would be in his sphere of influence. Lesser attached but still considered would be children born of illicit drunken affairs, prizes from war, money and commerce, crafting, brewing, games. These are things that are attached to him simply by association, even if they strictly aren’t in his sphere of influence. Now, obviously, spheres of influence can overlap with deities - this is true of all mythology, again, using Hermes as an example, he shares his status as a god of messengers with Iris and he shares his status as a god of the home with Hera and Hestia, depending on the home.
So the answer is there is no list. You have to decide what each god is in control of and from there let the associations grow. What does that god influence?
I’ll use a pop culture example. Let’s go with… hm, Cecil from Welcome to Night Vale. He’s the Voice of Night Vale - so speaking is his thing. But he’s also a messenger of news and plays music residents might not otherwise hear. So he’s the the bringing of new things, changes. He’s ruler of words, carefully crafted. But it goes deeper than that. He’s charismatic. He has influence and can dominate over people. He can sway public opinion, for good or bad. It goes, again, further. He’d also be great at self-deception, love at first sight, and living or creating his own world. He’s a big part of his community and clearly loves it so he’d be great for worship within a community.
For our purposes, this means he’s skilled with all chants and word spells, he’s mesmerizing so he’d be great with influencing and dominating others. As a radio host he’d had a radio personality - meaning he’s partially an illusion. He’d definitely be the deity you’d want to call upon if you had to make a public speech or need to convince someone to do something for you - or you want to lie effectively (depending on your Cecil headcanon). Associations would be music, words, voice recordings, any type of broadcasting equipment, broadcasting towers, cats, Carlos, tunic and furry pants. 
All that from a character who’s physical appearance and off-radio personality we don’t even know. 
So when you create your deities, sit and really think about them. If they’re a god of water then what does water effect? Well, there’s animals living within it, there’s atmospheres of the sea, there’s darkness and light. There’s stillness and movement. It creates life and can kill. It’s literally a whole world. It can partially suspend gravity (as shit can float on water). And that’s just the beginning. That doesn’t even get into the composition of the water itself or how humans use it. It doesn’t get into that we’re made up of water. Water comes from the sky as well, can be both solid, semi-solid, and liquid (transforming much?). And it goes a ton further than that. 
Sorry I can’t help more but it’s going to be a long-term, deeply personal project of yours. Best of luck!
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thewitchskitten · 4 years
☾ Masterpost of Witchy Resources
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As a witch that has done a lot of research before actually finding my path, I know how hard it is sometimes to find good sources of information or feel a little overwhelmed at times.
SO! I made this masterpost with links to youtube channels, apps, books, websites for research and the best etsy stores (in my opinion, of course!). I hope that this list will help out my fellow witches because you all deserve it.
Books ( Free PDFs! )
Wicca, A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham
Encyclopedia of Spells by Michael Jonhston
A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magic Spells by Cassandra Eason
Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland
The Witch’s Master Grimoire by Lady Sabrina
Witchcraft Today by Gerald B. Gardner
Old World Witchcraft: Ancient Ways For Modern Days by Raven Grimassi
The Gardneria Book of Shadows
Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen by Scott Cunningham 
The Magical Household by Scott Cunningham
Herbal Magick, A Witch’s Guide to Herbal Enchantments, Folklore and Enchantments by Gerina Dunwick
The White Witch Parlour
Harmony Nice
Witchery TV
Akasha Wolf
Lippy Witch
The Thorn Rose Witch Kindra Ravenmoon
AwwesomeVal’s Spiritual Playlist
My Queen of Wands
Hawthorne & the Rose
Heart of the Witch’s Path
Heathen Fairy (not active but still has interesting videos)
Best Stores on Etsy
https://www.etsy.com/shop/ShopStardust (Jewelry & crystals)
https://www.etsy.com/shop/Onceuponawitchpotion (All sorts of herbs, candles, oils, etc)
https://www.etsy.com/shop/GypsySpiritWitch (Jewelry, herbs, potions, oils and cards)
https://www.etsy.com/shop/ValkyriesSong (Jewelry for all types of witches)
https://www.etsy.com/shop/MagickCircle (Jewelry & crystals)
https://www.etsy.com/shop/MearasPotions (Kits, salts, oils and incense)
https://www.etsy.com/shop/McCallCompany (Grimoires)
Smartphone Apps ( All free! )
Stone: Metaphysical crystals | iOS (this app is not available for android but I found a similar one also about crystals so here is the link!)
Dream Dictionary ( iOS | android )
Spellcaster ( iOS | android )
Mighty Timer ( only for iOS )
Skyview Free ( iOS | android )
Star Chart ( iOS | android )
MOON - Current Moon Phase ( iOS | android )
Golden Thread Tarot (  iOS | android )
PlantNet Indentification ( iOS | android )
Wicca Spells and Tools ( iOS | android )
Time Passages ( unfortunately only for iOS )
Astromatrix Horoscopes ( iOS | android )
Celeste ( only for iOS )
Runes - Pocket Advisor ( iOS | android )
Herbs Guide ( iOS | android )
Dreamboard ( iOS | android )
Runic Divination ( iOS | android )
Websites for Research
www.roguewoodsupply.com (crystals)
www.nikkibrocco.com (mostly moon magic)
Of course there is a lot more out there and if you have any suggestion, feel free to let me know by dropping a comment on sending me a message and I’ll update this post! (as you can imagine, it will be constantly updates as I find more information)
If you wish to know more, the tumblr witch community (witchblr) is amazing to be honest, and there are a lot of posts and tags out there to help you with research and finding more about the craft. My blog is available for questions, of course! Also, if you want to tell me about your journey, hit me up!
Hope I helped some of you lovelies~
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