Falling Leaves
Falling Leaves
With her Autumnal heart her
wild weeping winds are bawling
Nature grieves in red, orange
pirouetting leaves falling.
Metamorphosing all life.
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Five By Five
I am five by five
squares, construct snippets
of words and pictures.
If you’re looking know
you will never see me.
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Faster Than The Speed Of Light
Life was passing me by
faster than the speed of
light. My soul was perplexed
and somewhat vexed by your
assumption that you would
be the centre of my
universe for all of
eternity whilst you
turned everything dark on
me. There was no light to
grow or air of my own
to breathe and love felt like
a dank obsidian hole
until I lit my star
and found my life truth,
I don’t think you’re cosmic.
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Sky Dancer
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The Art Of Losing Sleep
My feelings never
mattered and you were able
to sleep well but I
mastered the art of losing
sleep over those who don’t care.
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A Poem In Zero Gravity
The everlasting
celestial beauty of
the star studded skies
is a poem in zero
gravity nature composed.
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Grey Hair
I love my grey hair
It’s wild and free with no care
Untamed with my age
though it is a wisened sage
and God knows I have earned it.
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Expand And Exhaust
Never give up hope you
can always expand your
options and your mind. If
you exhaust your soul with
pointless anxiety
you won’t get anywhere.
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The Same Song On Repeat
I became stuck in your groove
and you were not one of those
favourable tunes that I
wanted to sing along to.
You were like the same song on
repeat so your words and your
music became meaningless.
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We Are So Far Away From Our Dreams
Sometimes it seems like we
are so far away from
our dreams and that they will
never come true, but the
truth is to realise
them we need to wake up.
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Quiet Now
I can hear myself
think with renewed clarity
now that the violent
cocophony that was
your aura is out of my
head. My mind is quiet now.
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Quiet Now
I can hear myself
think with renewed clarity
now that the violent
cocophony that was
your aura is out of my
head. My mind is quiet now.
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Autism Clique
The whole mummy clique thing is not just a school gate thing.
Sadly it also exists within the special needs community in so called support groups and play sessions.
It is sad as being a parent of a special needs child is a hard and lonely journey as it is but the clique exists. It puts people off from going to things that would be beneficial to their child and is supposed to also be beneficial to…
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Pin Prick
Wouldnt it be good if all
of the turmoil we ever
feel throughout our whole lives
could be condescended into one
tiny pin prick. Life would be
less painful and all of our
heartaches would be less haunting.
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White Elephant
We never talk about
the white elephant in
the room although I have
tried but it’s hard when you’re
blind to the fact that the
white elephant is you.
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Shadow Soul
I think that you are just a
shadow soul, unsubstantial
no thoughts or opinions
of your own. A ghoul with no
emotions expecting me
to somehow make you whole but
that is not what true love is.
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Books are the drugs of my
choice. They don’t give me a
hangover or nasty
comedown and I never
have to cringe or recall
any mad and random
behaviour. I get high
just sniffing the pages.
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