thinaiir · 3 months
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Gratitude - Tidying Up With Marie Kondo (2019)
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thinaiir · 6 months
"I was besieged at once by males who, one after another, asked nearly the same question: "It's good to talk about feminism, but can you talk about the other 'issues'? If you run for President, you'll have to talk about economics, and foreign policy, and issues other than women's rights. Are you aware of that?"
Each time I somehow recovered from these slaps in the face, and answered mildly that of course I knew that Presidential candidates have to talk about those issues. I wanted to talk about them. Fortunately, feminism includes economics, foreign policy, and all the others. Of course, this didn't reassure them at all. And all the while I was carefully noting their condescension. 
The women had their chance to reveal their priorities and level of consciousness, too. Several of them descended upon me to bemoan the fact that I had made their men very uncomfortable, and surely the best way to set things right would be by working together. "But the men aren't working," I pointed out, "and they won't work on this problem until they're made distinctly uncomfortable. Discomfort always precedes change, and accompanies it. That's why change is so hard. It won't hurt the men to be uncomfortable, just as it doesn't hurt whites to be made uncomfortable about racism. Don't be so protective of them. They can take care of their own feelings, and should start doing so, the sooner the better." 
One woman approached me with tears in her eyes, her lips trembling. Taking hold of my arm, she looked beseechingly at me and pied, "Please, Sonia. Don't polarize men and women!" Though I could hardly bear to begin at the very beginning again, I explained as patiently and briefly as I could that feminists are not polarizing men and women; we are making patriarchy's intentional polarization of the sexes visible, and shining light upon the reasons for it. Some people always assume that if you mention a problem, you caused it.
Sexism prevailed, and as the day wore grimly and predictably on, I went from angry to murderous. No one would have thought to ask a man the questions I had been asked, in the manner in which I had been asked them - as if I were a somewhat dense child. Nor did the women seem to understand their oppression, either in the world or in the party.
I was scheduled to be in Albany for a press conference a few days later, my second in that city. The assistant coordinator told me that since I had done my "woman's stuff'' in Albany the last time I was there, this time I had to be serious. One press conference on inconsequential matters was enough. There are men's issues - the important, serious, military matters such as Central America. Then there is the softer, less "universal," less urgent "women's stuff," such as gang rape totally unconnected to events in Central America, of course with which you don't want to bore and embarrass "sophisticated" press people.
The reporters' first question to me was, "How can you base a national Presidential campaign on a single issue?" It is discouraging enough that the public views as a "single issue" the concern of half the human race about every aspect of our lives, public and private. They squirmed and looked around for a way out. I could almost hear them turning me off with, "I hate it when women get like this. You can't even talk to them!"
The situation was very difficult for all of us, but it rapidly became unbearable for the male assistant coordinator. "There's no role for men in this campaign," he'd storm, though men were working in the campaign all over the country. What he meant was that since there has been only one generally acceptable role for men in relation to women for many millennia - the leader - when he couldn't be leader, there was no other role visible to him as a possibility. Though he was actually playing a very important role in the campaign, since it wasn't that role, he didn't perceive it as a role at all."
- Going Out of Our Minds by Sonia Johnson
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thinaiir · 8 months
having kinks isnt valid 🥺💕💖💞💗💘💖💝
porn rewired your brain and maybe you should stop consuming it 💓❤️❣️💟💕💖💗💝
bdsm is inherently abusive ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💌
it isn't natural for minors to be in kink and this only happens due to excessive grooming 💝💗❤️💖❣️💓💕
instead of trying to blindly defend your daddy kink read the statistics 🥰💘💟💕💌💓💖
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thinaiir · 8 months
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thinaiir · 8 months
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From Natural Womanhood on Facebook:
Doctors often prescribe hormonal birth control, like the Pill, to manage endometriosis symptoms in teenage girls instead of performing definitive laparoscopic surgery. This delay in diagnosis is fueled by the misconception that menstrual irregularities and pain are normal for women. However, relying solely on the Pill can worsen the condition, impacting a woman's fertility when she eventually stops taking it.
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thinaiir · 8 months
I'm so sick and tired of people having a double standard when it comes to empathy, and this counts for people on both sides of the political aisle.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg died and conservatives posted videos with them singing 'ding dong the witch is dead'. It's okay because she had policies that were 'pro-murder'
Hamas rapes, murders and kidnaps children and teenagers and people try to make it sound okay because 'they were provoked'
5 people die in a submarine and people make jokes because they were rich and they 'should have known better'
The Supreme Court judges' kids get doxxed and it's okay cause their parents were 'stealing our rights'
Listen. I don't care what you believe. I don't care what your political affiliation is. If you can look at suffering and try to make it sound less bad simply because you disagree with the suffering person you are losing your humanity. Murder is wrong, whether you like the victim or not. Stop making this about your opinions. It's not about you; it's about other people's agony.
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thinaiir · 8 months
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thinaiir · 8 months
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thinaiir · 8 months
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thinaiir · 8 months
Wild things I have learnt in therapy:
When a child cries, parents are supposed to comfort them, not punish them
Parents are, in fact, supposed to want to spend time with their children
Children too have a right to privacy, meaning parents are not allowed to read their diaries etc and then punish them for the thoughts they found about
Children are allowed to be upset and cry
Children don't have to earn the love and attention from their parents by performing various things
Children are not supposed to be scared of going home and/or their parents
Children are not supposed to be physically abused and even a little bit of hitting is actually physical abuse
Parents are not supposed to expect that children are mentally as mature as other adults
Children are not supposed to be told that they're an accident, a burden, or something the parents regret
Children are not supposed to be scared and ashamed of themselves or feel like failures because of their parents
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thinaiir · 8 months
wE nEeD abOrTioN sO baBiEs woNt bE abAndOned
Except even in states where abortion is legal until birth for any reason, neglect of newborns still exists.
Abortion isn’t a solution.
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thinaiir · 8 months
TRAs destroying mural for infant victims of child abuse
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Also, them saying a movement that focuses on the rights of female bodied people (if they identify as women or not) is "transphobic" is exactly the same as if one would say people that fight for animal rights are automatically misanthropes and hate all humans. It's just ridiculous and shows their true colors. Male supremacists all around. Sad.
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thinaiir · 8 months
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“Listening to the signs”
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thinaiir · 8 months
Apply to that program. Apply for that scholarship/ grant. Update your resume, apply to that high salary job, change your career, get that degree, get that diploma, get those credentials. Apply for that internship, make calls, book meetings and appointments. Anything is attainable with effort and hard work. Not trying because you’re afraid to fail is embarrassing than failing. If you fail you can try again,if you fail you’ll learn something, if you fail you can use that as inspiration, if you fail maybe something better will come along. Don’t give up. Your dreams and goals are waiting ✨💕
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thinaiir · 8 months
Controversial opinion (somehow) but it should be illegal for schools to assign homework on the high holidays.
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thinaiir · 8 months
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Orlova Maria
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thinaiir · 8 months
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