Having a crush on someone that you don't know if they like you or not sucks.... A lot
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Not on Topic
I wish I had a boyfriend. Sad.
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Sunday 10/30
Update because I've been gone so long: I hate my life. Everything sucks. I have to apologize to someone that should be apologizing to me, I have to pretend to not be extremely pissed off at someone who is supposed to be one of my best friends, and the guy that I like is dating a really nice girl and all I can do is watch and talk to him and hope that he sees me.
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Sunday 10/16
Refer back to Friday 10/14
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Saturday 10/15
I hate how all I do is procrastinate
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Friday 10/14
I hate being disappointed or getting my hopes up and then having then be crushed
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Thoughts for Thursday 10/13
I hate brushing my hair after running/ playing in the rain
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Wednesday 10/12
Did I mention I hate being fat. Lol. Cause I do and I want to go work out all the time but then I'm like but I love Netflix and chocolate...
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Tuesday 10/11
I hate not being motivated
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Monday 10/10
I hate feeling like an outcast and I hate being fat and knowing I'm fat and hating it and not doing anything about it.
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Thoughts for Sunday 10/09
I hate feeling bad about my self. It sucks a lot
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Saturday 10/08
I hate feeling alone
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Side note
One of my best friends is going for a guy she knows I hate and we really don't have a big friend group or school so she knows that if we are really ever going to hang out it will be so fucking difficult to be with him because she knows I will leave because I hate him so much a can barely stand to look at him so it sucks cause she knows I hate the "relationship" and that I hate him.
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Friday 10/07
I hate the feeling I get when my guy friends don't want to hang out because it is the feeling that they think I'm a goodie goodie and they want to do "bad" stuff.
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Thursday 10/06
I hate when the teacher calls on you to read out loud and one: you are super bad at reading (especially out loud) and two: you think you may have a concussion and you see the words and know what they are but you physically cannot read them.
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Wednesday 10/05
I hate not being able to fall asleep
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