I'm using a drawing tablet and streaming on a private stream on YouTube to teach, also using i-ready for resources and quizzes.
Hello all,
It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted anything, as real life has a funny way of getting in the way of things we want to do. I just wanted to let this post be a place where we can talk with resources for long distance teaching or discussing how different places are handling the education as of right now.
I’ll start - I’m in Las Vegas, NV and we have cancelled in-class school until the 17th (iirc from my meeting) and it may be longer. We’re utilizing iReady, Google Classroom, and Zoom.
What about you all? I look forward to seeing/hearing resources and what’s going on with you all.
— Mod Liz
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This is the exact reason I became a teacher, I started going to school to become a child psychologist but decided I would be able to help more kids as a teacher than as a psychologist because of the cost.
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This angers me so much. I've never ever worked in a school that's done anything like this, not even the things that other people are saying their school did, like giving them a different lunch. We just fed them because it's not their fault, kids have no control over whether or not their parents pay the debts, why punish the kids for something they can't help? And I consider the different lunches a punishment too, kids aren't stupid, they know what those lunches mean. It's embarrassing and brings possible financial troubles into the light for other students to judge from. This is so stupid, just feed the kids, kids are there to learn and no child can learn when they're hungry or feeling embarrassed or worrying about their family's finances. It's just sick and wrong. Hell, I've even had the school cafeteria let teachers who don't have money at the moment get food because everyone's human, mistakes are made, things are forgotten, but food is important to function. Just feed your students and stop making it so complicated, it's not like they can't get into contact with the parents, so don't punish the child.
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They are only sorry cause they got caught 😕
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Oh boy, do I get that! It's not against the rules because they're still getting their physical exercise, are they allowed to talk during their laps? Or is it silent laps?
I teach 5th grade math (we're departmentalized) and there is one group that is really really chatty and obnoxious. They're rude to each other, they don't follow the most basic rules,I used to have to shout over them constantly and stop all the time to have come to Jesus moments with them. I let them know that my other classes get to do a lot of fun stuff, but they can't because I can't trust them to freely walk around the room or work in spots that they choose with partners because they won't be on topic and work won't get done and I'll just be running around the room putting out little fires.
I started something new and I've seen a difference, before they come into class, I tell them exactly what I expect, that they are to eat their snack (they have a late lunch they need to work while they eat), do the work I have up on the board, and that there's to be no talking because it's focus time. If they talk during that time, they will have a reflection right away, those that are working diligently will get tickets (each class has a ticket store where they can turn in tickets for prizes (my store has a treasure box with cheap little things that are honestly fun things the kids turned in for the beginning of the year, they can sit with a friend as long as they're focusing, they can work in the book nook which is my pride and joy and they love it, they can sit on a stability ball for a period or they can sit in the teacher's chair, they can earn a drawing of them from me, or the big prize is, they can get a 3D printed object that my husband prints out for them.) They have to be responsible for their tickets, if they lose them I don't want to hear about it. I've seen them change with that first few minutes being stamped out and we frequently have talks about how nice it is when there's control and consistency, I've even started to joke with them again and smile which I couldn't do before. They're slowly earning their privileges back and sometimes we can do the fun stuff again. Unfortunately I have to keep my thumb on them the whole period but that's what they need so that's what I gotta do.
Another thing I've done for especially difficult classes is when there's a big event coming up like a break (which we all know is when shit really hits the fan cause everyone's just waiting for that break) I will give them a huge goal like a party or a movie day or an electronic day, but they have to earn RESPECT they earn this when they're following the rules and being respectful. I'll keep it up for like a period of 2 weeks where they have to earn RESPECT for like 7 or 8 of the 10 days. This allows for some off days but more good days and they take it SO seriously. They have to earn the whole word, even if they're one letter off, we start over the next day. I also tell them that they can bank letters. Like let's say they have a terrific day, everything goes smoothly, they earn RESPECT before the day ends and there's a couple hours or opportunities to earn more letters, they can earn those letters and we can save them for the next day. I'll also try to help out specials teachers by letting the kids know that if I get an excellent report, that they were the best class they had all day, they can earn double letters, if they get anything less than perfect, they don't get any. Truth is I want that day too,I want a movie day, I want a pizza party, something relaxing so we can just have fun so I really really push them, but I also keep a stack of busy work just in case, cause we all know no learning is going to happen that day before break. I let them know that if they don't earn it they're not going to have a good time on that last day when they really REALLY want it. The kids like the challenge and the control that comes from it that even when there's not a break they'll beg to earn RESPECT again because they notice the difference and they crave that structure.
I hope this helps for future challenging groups ^^
Teaching with a migraine is terrible 😅
Especially if the migraine has lasted 4 days 😅😅😅
I gave up on trying to repeatedly tell them to be quiet so I just started keeping tallies on the board every time I had to wait for them to stop talking. Each tally meant they had to walk a thinking lap at recess. They got 6 by the time the afternoon came along. “Six laps?! That’s ridiculous!” Yeah, and so is the fact that you can’t stop talking for more than 3 seconds. Start walking 👋🏻 (Some of them attempted to run all 6 so they could get to recess faster. That’s fine with me because then they were way too tired to keep talking after recess was over.) Am I mean? Oh well. Today was about survival. And I survived.
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Jesus Christ, I have to share this with my students. Not to diagnose them with anxiety, but for them to recognize the issue that's holding them back from completing the task. I wish I had known about this as a kid!
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Hand to God,I would do the same thing, even if it weren't my student, it would haunt me too much to not do anything.
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Source: [x]
Click HERE for more facts!
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Who's ready for a new school year?
This semester is going to be the best one yet. You are going to be absolutely incredible. You'll study hard and do so well in your classes. You'll be intentional in building new friendships and keeping in touch with old friends. Everyone around you is going to be motivated by your very presence, because of just how dedicated you are. Your teachers will compliment you on your work. Your family and friends will compliment you on your growth. You are going to do more than you ever knew that you could do. LET'S ROCK THIS SCHOOL YEAR.
If you have tips for preparing for a fantastic new semester, please let me know! I'd love to hear them!
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First and second day back
I'm really excited. Despite some hiccups with technology, the kids seem really sweet and departmentalizing is amazing. One said that I was the best teacher ever. I told them to wait until November then see if they still feel that way. We're all in the honeymoon phase right now so I'm just waiting for behaviors to start bubbling up.
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One of my favorite memories from last year
Keep in mind this was one of the most difficult students to deal with, he never took responsibility for his actions, he would escalate his own behaviors after being corrected, he was a trip, but I loved him so much.
The day after spring break ended and the kids were coming back, going to walk around the field before the bell rang I saw him sitting on the bench. This spot was reserved for kids that couldn't be trusted to walk the field and had his name all over it. He's got this look on his face which I've seen many times before, so I pop next to him and wrap my arm around him, pulling him into a little hug. I told him I missed him and was glad to see him again. He looks at me with a sad smile and said "I really needed that hug, thanks." Turned out the got in some trouble over the break and had his things taken away.
Letting kids know they're loved, even when they drive you nuts is so important.
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I want to get this blog back up again
Last year wasn't necessarily bad, but it was stressful. I learned that my class the year before was my favorite by far.
Next year I'm teaching math to all of fifth grade which I'm super excited about. I'm sure there will be lots of fun stuff to share ^^
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I used to hate math as a kid, it wasn't until I was around 16 that I was diagnosed with a math deficiency. They told my math skills were at a 4th grade level despite me never really failing a math class (I got around a c average) regardless of the struggle. Before I graduated, I even managed to pass the general knowledge exam that all teachers have to take, and that most fail, the first time around. Now that I teach, I love teaching math and passing on all the different tricks I've learned as a kid to my students who struggle with math as well. I've started telling them my story when they use the excuse "I'm bad at math" to not try. Next year I start teaching math exclusively to three classes, we're gonna cry over math side by side.
If u haven’t cried in a math class you’re not allowed to follow me. Mathematical illiterates on this blog ONLY
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Even worse when it's administration...
Like, oh, I'm sorry, you have to stay a couple hours late because a student threatened to injure themselves and their parents aren't available to contact and pick them up? Let me get you a box of tissues while I make the call too dcf. I know this is mostly about academics, and I get that, but it's frustrating when the teacher cares about the mental and physical well being of a student while admin cares about their own free time. It's part of the job description, get over it and quit your bitching.
When some teachers aren’t willing to put in the effort to help a struggling student
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Teacher tip: controlling parents
Do not let yourself be held hostage by over controlling, over protective parents. There's at least one in every group. Parents who don't see any fault in their child. Their child can do no wrong and everyone else is at fault. It's easy to fall into the trap of not wanting to give that child a consequence for fear of how their parents are going to react. You might get angry phone calls, assert your professionalism, tell them that the conversation is no longer professional and if they want to talk they can schedule a meeting (make sure administration sits in on the meeting with you) if they go to the principal, let them, if that principal has any sense they'll defend you.
These parents are doing their children such an injustice. These kids grow up thinking they're above it all. That they can goof around, be disruptive, break rules, not do work, cause someone at home is going to complain enough to make the consequence disappear. That's not how the world works, though and that's going to be a harsh reality for both the child and their parents to come to terms with. Teaching isn't only about teaching the curriculum but also teaching respect, responsibility, self worth, good work ethic, and accountability. So don't be afraid to send a note home, give an infraction, give a referral, give a consequence because that child and those parents do not run your classroom, no matter how much of a tantrum they throw.
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One more week until March break starts for us, then the kids come back on April fools day to start their standardized tests. How's that for a joke?
When March Break is over
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This is absolutely disgusting. Who in their right minds thought this was a good idea? For many MANY children, school is the only place they get fed. Not to mention the fact that taking food away, especially from those children, will cause long term damage with hindering their development. You need food in you to think, hungry kids can't think of anything except for how hungry they are.
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Ah yes let’s deprive children of one of the main resources. That’ll teach them to read!
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I'm definitely going to use this argument next time a student asks me something along these lines. Last year a student asked me why they had to learn long division. (My kiddos are 5th graders) because his brother who was in high school used calculators all the time and also pointed out how cell phones have calculators as well. I told him it's important to understand how something works before just trusting a device to tell you. I also pointed out if you're asked a really basic math problem as an adult and you have to whip out your phone calculator, you might look a little silly. I like teaching upper elementary because these skills they'll be using through their lives so I feel it's justified, but I really like the weight lifting idea .
It’s sad how much of what is taught in school is useless to over 99% of the population.
There are literally math concepts taught in high school and middle school that are only used in extremely specialized fields or that are even so outdated they aren’t used anymore!
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Benchmark testing blues
This morning I mumbled under my breath something along the lines of "I can't believe it's only Wednesday..." one of my students came up to me and said "I thought Monday was Thursday" and honestly I feel like we gained a connection you only hear about from two war ragged soldiers just trying to make it out of the fox hole alive.
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