I've thought this exact thing. Sarah said long ago that there was a wedding scene she had to write in the spinoff series, and we know it wasn't Nessian's. Stands to reason that it will be Elriel's.
Also, if we're thinking Lidia and Ruhn's wedding was a warm up, it's very interesting that Sarah had Lidia think this about marrying Ruhn
“She wanted to marry him. Loved him enough to make it permanent beyond even their mating bond. To . . . become a family.”
Permanent beyond their mating bond. Almost like Sarah's getting readers ready for love and choice to be bigger than the mating bond.
would i be wrong to say that ruhn and lidias bonus chapter wedding was sarah’s warm up writing practice for an on page elriel wedding?
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thinkinthoughtsalot · 11 days
Can you imagine if Lucien broke Vassa's curse, only for her to immediately take a spear to the heart (or die in some other way)? Miryam and Drakon are there and tell him there is a way, but he has to wield some Made object and it's incredibly dangerous?
The drama! The angst!
I don’t know if anyone has brought this up, but it has been a thought I have had since I first read the books, so here we go.
Oftentimes, I see the argument that Vassa and Lucien can't end up together due to the fact that he is fae and immortal, and she is human and mortal.
Ignoring the fact that SJM has previously given us couples who are also mortal/immortal pairings (Dorian/Manon, Elide/Lorcan), in the ACOTAR world, we have had mates between humans and fae: the Archeron sisters and their respective mates, Drakon and Miryam.
Now, let's talk about Miryam, who is a big piece of my theory. She is connected to the band of exiles by Jurian, and I do believe SJM is not done with the whole Jurian/Miryam/Drakon plot. I believe she will end their plot in Vassa and Lucien's book (if they get one), thus introducing the whole "Miryam was mortal until Made" concept.
If you forgot (which a lot of people did, but it somehow stuck with me), Miryam wasn't immortal until she died and was later resurrected and made immortal by an object created by the Cauldron.
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I believe if Vassa and Lucien do end up being endgame, SJM has two options: either keep Vassa as a human woman and thus mortal, creating a situation like Lorcan/Elide where he chose to give up his immortality for her, or make Vassa a fae/immortal being with the same object Drakon used to save Miryam.
So the whole argument of "they can't end up together because Lucien is immortal and Vassa is not" is completely invalid in my opinion.
Also, the fact that Eluciens always say that Elain is going to rule the Day Court with Lucien because she is described as the sun, but completely erase the fact that Vassa is a literal queen. She has been taught how to rule since she was little, something that Lucien has never been taught to do due to him having so many brothers. (I also believe that in breaking Vassa's curse, which would require Helion's powers, she will somehow absorb some curse-breaking powers, although that is a talk for another day.)
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thinkinthoughtsalot · 16 days
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Oh my god. I have said it once but I will say it again, it’s highly likely the reason why so many of us think Elain’s book is next and so many others think Azriel’s book is next is because we are both right.
The ship wars have overcomplicated matters beyond belief.
Regardless of what people say, Elain’s small presence in ACOSF is still relevant and important. Nesta was also barely present during ACOFAS, the novella intended to set up the next novel(s), but she still got a book directly after. ACOFAS showed us a change in Nesta, the same way ACOSF showed a change in Elain (standing up for herself, showing claws, volunteering to work, hints that there’s a whole side to her we haven’t seen, hints that she has more to offer us).
But yes, at the same time Azriel’s presence in ACOSF and HOFAS would indicate that he’s likely going to have a POV in the next book.
Now we have two characters that the divided fandom believes are ready to have their stories told.
Two characters who have feelings for each other.
In a romance series.
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The fact that I wish I could scream this from the roof tops on Reddit but the ops would get me. I think it’s Elain and Azriel’s book take me in officer.
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thinkinthoughtsalot · 22 days
Every time a new article comes out speculating that Elriel is next, that they are the place the narrative is logically taking us, that SJM has been setting up to subvert her own favorite trope - and the antis stick their fingers in their ears and stomp their feet and shriek "It's not real! That's not a reliable source! It's gossip!" - I just sit back, content in the knowledge that no amount of bitching and moaning will change the inevitable.
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