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their first kiss … idiots, both of them
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When Byleth makes all the test answers “C”
Inspired by some fanart of Byleth making a multiple-choice test where all the answers are C (because he’s a troll and we all know it).
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The ship I didn't know I needed.
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The Dragon Prince - 3x08
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Any chance of getting cuddling headcanons for the other two houses?
Absolutely!! I've already got a draft for GD and am about halfway through the BE route so keep your eyes peeled 🧐
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FE3H Cuddling HCs: Blue Lions Edition
With the weather getting colder, I am all about being cozy af. Blankets. Fires. Sweaters. And my personal favorite: cuddles. In that spirit, here’s how I imagine my OG babies would cuddle.
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most respectful boi
would probably ask before touching the first few times because he is a true gentleman
not one for PDAs
if he needs to feel your closeness in public, he’ll signal with a hand on the small of your back
will cover your hand with his under the table at dinner or while studying and rub small circles on your knuckles with his thumb
if you lean against him, he will instinctively go stiff
it’s not that he doesn’t like it - he just struggles a bit with personal space
once he settles into it, he’ll lean his head on your yours and just breathe you in
he thinks it’s cute when you fall asleep on him
it makes him feel strong and fiercely protective
he will not wake you up for anything, even if he has to go to the bathroom or gets hungry - he wants to hold onto these moments as long as possible because he knows how quickly they can be torn away
like Dimitri but even more respectful, if that’s even possible
doesn’t like to be touched in public
won’t make the first move
the first time you reach for him, he will be shocked and maybe even recoil
this poor man struggles to fathom that another person would want to be that close to him
it takes him a long time to stop being surprised when you curl up on him or lay your head on his shoulder
but once he does, it’s hard for him to let you go
he could stay wrapped up in your arms for literally ever
he is surprisingly warm and soft considering how big and muscly he is
honestly, he could be your own private space heater
doesn’t move a lot when cuddling but loves it when you rub the back of his neck or his forearms
please snuggle this man so, so often - he needs it
c u d d l e m o n s t e r
you know that move where a guy will pretend to yawn and stretch to put his arm around you?
Sylvan has mastered this and is not afraid to use it
he will also attempt to cuddle Felix and Dimitri because it makes them very mad/uncomfortable respectively and he thinks it’s hilarious
Felix once socked him so hard in the upper arm over undesired cuddled that it bruised up for a week
will casually wrap his arm around your shoulders or your waist in virtually any setting
cuddles are often accompanied by forehead or temple kisses
he likes it when you run your fingers through his hair
will run his up and down your back or your side in return
beware if you are ticklish - he will absolutely exploit this for personal gains
enjoys falling asleep with you laying on his chest
will idly play with your hair
need to be reminded often that you like him for who he is and aren’t going anywhere
remind him while cuddling to get extra squeezes and loving
suuuuuper awkward about cuddling at first
needs you to make the first move and will definitely get flustered about it
“O..Oh...*blush*...I...no, don’t go away *grabs for hand*...I just...ugh...”
doesn’t mind public cuddles but doesn’t fully settle unless alone
the blushing doesn’t cease
cuddle when around Sylvain for a good time - he will pick on her and she will lose her cool and get angory
also a little weird being cuddled around Dimitri and Felix - she wants to look strong and independent around them
likes it when you hug her around her waist
prefers taller cuddlers so she can tuck her head under your chin
will flick or pinch you if you tease her while cuddling
also enjoys friendship cuddles from Mercedes
a n g o r y s p i k e y b o i
do not approach
will 100% push you away if you try to PDA
he’s not trying to hurt your feelings but he also isn’t really thinking about whether or not he is
he will, however, notice the disappointment on your face and feel bad about it
the first time he attempts private cuddles, it will be quick and dirty and incredibly awkward
think like...a stiff hug and pat on the head
he will probs get mad immediately after and run away
it’s because he doesn’t want you to see him blushing
will never be a pro cuddler but will, eventually, give into his cuddling urges in small doses 
no matter what he says, he likes the feel of your fingertips on his bare skin
he tries to hide how it makes him shiver
most likely to cuddle (read: kiss your forehead and rub your back) when you are visibly distraught
natural-born sweet cuddler
v e r y nervous at first but once you reciprocate, he will laugh and smile like you’ve given him the best gift
loves holding hands with you in public or private, especially while snuggling
prefers interlocked hand-holding to cupped
will occasionally kiss the back of your hand when he’s feeling extra pleased
lay your head on his shoulder - it makes him feel warm and loved
he will lean his chin into your head and you can feel him smile against your temple
likes to share blanket nests and snacks
lay on his lap while he’s reading, please - he might even read to you if you ask him to
willing to accept and dole out head pets
starts out like Ingrid but warms up a lot faster
before too long, small PDA cuddles become like second-nature
small touches, holding hands at lunch, sitting next to you with her hip pressed against yours, laying her head near yours
also a bit fan of blanket nests
please hold her when she’s freaking out or in a self-esteem spiral - it will help her calm down
will 100% choose to cuddle her BFF Mercedes over you (no offense)
kiss her forehead if you want her to blush
will switch easily between big and small spoon
maybe don’t play with her hair - she puts a lot of effort into her cute hairstyles and will be grumpy if you ruin it
mom-friend cuddles ftw
as long as they’re cool with it, she will gladly hug anyone who she thinks needs a boost
she honestly doesn’t think much of it the first time she reaches for your hand or offers you a hug because it’s so normal for her
you will have to clearly tell her that your desire for cuddles is more than platonic
she will be surprised, but pleasantly so
if you’re going to hold hands in public, make it subtle
she doesn’t like the attention on her but enjoys your general closeness
run your hands over her middle back (not too obviously if in public) - she takes on A LOT of others’ emotional weight and needs to know that someone is there to support her, too
likes it when you play with the ends of her hair
enjoys laying close after a long day, foreheads pressed together or spooning, and recapping
especially likes to hear about your day and will prompt you to keep talking by squeezing your hand
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I never thought this is how I'd discover my dream threesome...
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Pictures taken seconds before disaster
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Do what your Leader says, Ryuji.
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it was worth a shot
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The last thing an adult hears before perishing
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Fucking hell I cannot.
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Persona 5 [22/??]
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Annnnddd I can't spell.
Lindhart in Gifs
Time to get up:
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At breakfast:
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First lecture:
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Talking with classmates at lunch:
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Afternoon lecture:
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Afternoon nap:
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When Edelgard comes at him for missing the afternoon lecture:
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When Ferdie tries to talk to him about being a good noble:
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When someone asks him about his crest research:
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When it’s finally time for bed:
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Lord, help me if this is true.
Akira is just 707 in disguise
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Reblog if you think the boy on the left is just as beautiful as the boy on the right.
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Hello. I am a deeply thirsty otaku with a VERY active imagination. I attribute this to growing up poor when the original Sailor Moon English dub was still airing serially.
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My ovaries never had a chance.
Anyway, I’ve been lurking on imagine tumblrs for basically my whole adult life and figured it’s time to give it a shot. Featuring headcannons, short stories, maybe some match-ups if anyone is interested, and random foolery that I come up with while daydreaming. Let’s do this!
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