Breaking Free
I'm hearing more and more these days "wow, you really did it. You broke free and you're living the life". I didn't feel that about myself because I'm in the day to day trenches and it's tough to see the forest for the trees sometimes from down here. When the first person said it to me, I paused and took a step back to try and see what they saw and it finally hit me as true. When the second person said it to me, it got me thinking about how I can share this so that others can feel that they too have broken free and are living their best life fulfilled and able to dance to their own beat.
So here it is, I'm doing my best to give you all the tools that helped me. In addition to actually giving this energy to you in our fitness classes and events, I'm writing it for you so you can learn a little of what my journey has been like, and you can take whatever resonates with you for your own journey.
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For me, and I guess for all of us, it all starts with a passion. I mean, how can you march to the beat of your own drum if you don't know what that beat is, right? For me, dance was something I'd always loved and had been wanting to bring back into my life for a long time. There was every reason why I couldn't - scoliosis, money, age, lack of formal education - but only one reason why I should - it made me feel better, more free, more me. So before you go any further, have you divined your rhythm? Have you figured out what that authentic beat is for you? If yes, then awesome! Finding your passion is actually a huge part of the battle. If you haven't found it yet, don't let that stop you! Stay open and keep treating yourself to new experiences, that's the only way you're going to find it.
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Once I had it in my heart that following this passion is something I want to do, it took seeing someone in real time that broke through their can'ts and was living their passion to show me what life could be like for me. Their passion wasn't the same as mine, I loved dance they loved design - but seeing them live the daily grind in that passion space with a mindset of abundance blew my mind. I saw that they were not rich, but I also saw them give generously when they had it. I saw them always have what they need because they tapped into all their avenues and resources to make it happen. I saw what moving in faith looked like when applied to living passionately. I needed that example because my past generations' moving in faith was powerful enough to get me here - stable enough in my basic needs to be able to dream and confident enough in my identity and ability to know I have what it takes to get a job done. This new example showed me how to step up on that foundation to reach for living in energetic authenticity. It's true what they say about the people you surround yourself with and the things you consume. Do the things you consume help you visualize your success? Do the people that surround you support you in finding your own path?
From there, for me it took initiative. I was determined to infuse that passion into my life however I could. I knew I didn't have all the logistics figured out yet but I was ready to take the first step. So I started small with a google search: "volunteer dance opportunities". I picked the first one on the list and went to a meeting. As with a child learning to walk whose first steps are usually small and oftentimes made without even having a proper shoe on, these steps are less about how prepared you are or how far forward you get in one bound and more about building the confidence to make moves and trusting the urge to do so. What's a baby step that you can take now to get you started? Is there a group you can join? A place you can volunteer? A convention, class, or workshop you can check out?
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After finding that first foothold, it took dedication to consistently immerse myself in that passion space regularly. Learning what it feels like to tap into that source of energy while experiencing different phases of thought, emotion, & bodily sensation helped build a full relationship with (and understanding of) my passion. It became multiple things for me when I approached it from different internal spaces. An understanding hug at the end of a rough day, a celebration on joyful days, soft self-care on depleted days, accountability on days when unhelpful old routines came calling. Feeling fulfilled and recharged by it were amazing rewards for that commitment. When you choose to commit regularly to your goal as you navigate life cycles, what does it become for you in each phase? How does your relationship with it evolve? What are you learning about how your goal serves you?
Taking time for self-awareness to see how this new addition to my life was affecting me and honestly evaluating the changes I saw and felt in myself were critical in building internal support for moving forward. Even on my roughest day, I loved volunteering to lead those movement workshops, it gave me back the energy I put in. It was now much bigger than just feeling uninhibited, it made me feel like an unlimited source - able to share this energy with others. It showed me what it feels like to do work that energetically reciprocates. Taking that moment to gratefully acknowledge the positive effects of incorporating this new habit helped solidify conviction not just in body and spirit, but in the mind as well.
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That's critical because it then fed the courage needed to start shifting things I already had in place to make space for more of this passion in my life. I started thinking about how my life would look if I followed where this calling was taking me. I started to mentally prepare myself for leaving my day job so I could devote my life to living this dream. I decided to take a non-degree course to fulfill pre-requirements for the master's program leading to a degree that would open doors for me. Shaking up the foundation to make room for a new brick is scary, but this dream will never become a reality if there's no room for it in the support structure. How can your dream become part of the support structure of your reality? Maybe getting to this step has made it part enough for you, in which case cheers to creating the life you wanted! But if you find you're still not as free to live life on your terms as you want to be, let these bold visualizations and big courageous steps brace you for the leap to come.
It took BIG faith to act on the belief that not only this was best for me, but also when I choose what's best for me I get what's best for me. I know it sounds simple, but go ahead and try it and see what I mean! I left my day job with some things now newly inserted into my foundation to help support the new life I was building, like teaching Zumba classes. Now, the challenges were not just ye olde life changes, they included internal battles of self-doubt, mental fights with conditioning that no longer aligned with my chosen path, emotional and psychological storms of feeling overwhelmed by navigating uncharted waters while building the paddles as I went along. Believing that this was still the best move for me was the biggest weapon in my arsenal, enforced by the new neurological pathways formed in my system that understood this deeper level of joy, fulfillment, and peace this choice has already brought me. I had to recognize that those internal struggles were just that - a battle inside my psyche between old me and new me. What helped me most was faith in the valid foundation that new me stood on knowing that this was best for me and committing to consistently do what's best for me. A big leap indeed, no less scary than those first baby steps taken so long ago - the significance is the same though. This leap is about building the confidence to walk in your new life.
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Like a marriage, once you act on faith now it takes consistently choosing to commit to this new life everyday. Consistently employing new tools to manage the lows, new resources to tap into what you still need to learn, renewed connection to support networks that help move you forward into growth and success, continuously opening your perspective to embrace the fullness of your new life - the highs of living your passion and the lows of the daily struggle.
Knowing the daily struggle is just part of life no matter what route you take helps ground me in the decision to commit and do the work to live happy and fulfilled. Now, when I'm faced with the unexpected external twists and turns of living or the internal battles of constantly evolving, I can manage them from a place of having my cup full instead of depleted. I'll gladly give my life for that.
If you made it to the end of this article, I hope you found some useful energetic insights to assist you on your journey toward dancing to the beat of your own drum. I hope one day someone sees you living your life authentically and is inspired to do the same!
As always,
Live free and be well.
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When they say persistence is key, they mean it. I been fighting for my business, trying different ways to sustainably evolve so we don't become another victim of the pandemic. The method that's been most successful calls me out of my comfort zone and has been most challenging to embrace.
As one who likes to just live life, enjoying the energy of the world I've created for and by myself without the encumbrance of stopping to invite people along, this new shift where I open and welcome the public in to see and join me on my journey is uncomfortable. The point was to show the world who I am and what I'm about so that you understand the powerful energy you're tapping into when you choose to employ Talitha Dance to assist you on your wellness journey.
Since last July, I've been struggling to find that balance between sharing and recharging so that I still have the peace of living freely & unobserved in my sphere while you have the insight you need to understand how this energy can help you reach your goals. Finally, I feel a slow shift in the public response manifesting in my business.
I'm so incredibly proud of the 4 women that came through to class last month. I've gotten to know each of them personally and their goals and even though none of them knew each other, their attendance made class feel like an intimate party amongst friends. Our class has effectively evolved to become more personal, which was the goal.
So I'm extending the invitation to you. If you've been wanting a shift in energy, looking for a change in a positive direction, or just needing a boost of good vibes to encourage you along your way, we have a Zumba dance party coming up on March 10 at 3pm to welcome Spring. It's $15 and you will walk away feeling lifted, empowered, and ready for whatever comes next. Register at talithadance.com to attend, just know whether you do or don't, I'm as proud of you as I am of myself because we are out here still pushing for the life we want. Keep going, keep growing fam. We got this.
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There it is. Unfiltered, uncropped, unscripted. Before I can chicken out, blame something else for distracting me or taking precedence, overwhelm myself with overthinking, or any of the rigmarole I usually put myself through that keeps me from posting the videos I capture. And there it will be, unedited, until this role comes more easily to me. I said I want to connect... well, there. I'm doing it. Whatever it is you wanted, I hope you start doing it too without worrying about what it looks like.
Cheers to us doing the thing this year. Happy New Year.
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What greater honor as a creator, than to see your handmade gift tossed down on the floor next to their other dear treasures? Picking up the fuzz that adorns their hair and clothes, proof positive that this linty place is their happy place and your handmade creation is at home in the midst. I, for one, am speechless. 🥹🥲
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I wonder what my person is doing right now somewhere out there, as I build my empire...
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So would you say you often chase your dreams?
Chase my dreams? No, I don't chase my dreams. I make my dreams come true.
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I am no longer in a day job mentality. I am in an integrated life work mentality.
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Date and let it smoulder.
Let the other sensual touches feed you instead. Just sit in the park, kiss, hold, touch, tease, talk, gaze, touch heart to heart, cheek to cheek.
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I love when endings feel full of potential, hope, excitement, and gratitude.
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TBH it's easier just having sex. Opening up and sharing the places, experiences, and things I love, treasure, and deeply enjoy with someone who can just put it all down and walk away hurts more.
If a fun physical rendezvous decides to move on, I won't miss a beat without you. With gratitude for the good time, bye! For me, this actual going out and enjoying experiences together is the true S(acred)-E(nergy)-X(hange). It's FAR more intimate and vulnerable for me, which is why I rarely go out with people who aren't already securely in my sphere. When we spend time sharing new experiences together or going together to the places that recharge me, you're touching my spirit. If you choose to walk away from me after that, it cuts way deeper than if we just had a great time in bed and moved on.
If we spent actual time connecting and you choose to walk away, I will release you with gratitude for the warm uplifting energy we exchanged and with heavy melancholy for the sudden loss of a beautiful soul hugging connection. It might be a few days, weeks, even months before I'm through grieving that connection even though all we did was date.
Is that every introvert? Or is that just me?
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Only if you REALLY have to tho.
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Regular trims, washing twice/week, doing away with oils, butters, and waxes in my hair.
Gonna keep it going, let's see what another year does.
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Mood: belly kisses and inner thigh nibbles please
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I felt like peace to him. He felt like home to me.
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It felt so good to just be appreciated in words and accolades, in touch with hands and lips, to have someone take their time with me. Unwrap me. Enjoy me fully, every taste and smell and sound. Feeling treasured. It's so surreal. I just want to stay there.
9/19/2021 9:54pm
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